
  1. Settra

    Private Tales Dawn's Ignition

    "Again." Master Ismael had struck him countless times already. Every slight error was met with the sharp sting and dull ache that came at the end of a wooden staff. Each mark was meant to serve as a reminder of what would've happened had the fight been real...there would be no warnings, no...
  2. Medja

    Open Chronicles The Tower of Tribulations

    ...A week ago... The number of fight pits and gladiatorial arenas within the great Imperial city of Annuakat was surprisingly many, but as Medja of Ragash had searched for an appropriate venue for her latest machinations she had found all of them to be lacking. So it was that she'd made her way...
  3. Medja

    Private Tales Elucidation

    In the days following the Divan's decision to seat Medja on the Empire's throne life had only become more and more complicated. From planning a display that would earn the people's loyalty with Kiia, to assuming the responsibility of managing Annuakat's many idiosyncrasies, to continuing to...
  4. Mirielle Merlon

    Open Chronicles For Those In Need of Home and Homestead

    By decree of Farid ibn Baha, Amir of Lazular I cast open the gates of the region surrounding Fort Shalik in the headwaters of the Cairou. I offer you fertile plains and gentle foothills in the shadow of the Eastern Seret, two hundred miles northwest of the Portal Stone of Elbion. My horsemen...
  5. Medja

    Private Tales Arrant Ambition

    Annuakat was not the Vizier of Stars preferred place of dwelling by a long shot, but it was the seat of the throne of the Empire. As future regent, Medja had relocated herself, many of her aides, and a significant portion of her resources to the Imperial Palace in Annuakat. There was much to do...
  6. Seteta

    Private Tales Of Sand & Dragonfire

    This was the farthest Seteta had ever been from home. Well, from Amol-Kalit, at least. It wasn't really home anymore, not since her tribe had disbanded and been absorbed into other tribes. She could have gone with any other number of her fellow Abtati, but none of the tribes willing to take her...
  7. Seteta

  8. White Swallow

    Fable - Ask The sand, it too ebbs and flows

    No creature has ever been as insidious and resilient as the sand wyrm that made the dunes it's home. With its scales glistening like gold and its many frills neatly arranged along its body, it was by no means a brutish looking beast. If only it were not such a pest. Al Mirabet had trouble...
  9. Medja

    Fable - Ask To Fill the Throne

    Stagnation. If there was one thing that Medja hated, it was to watch her world become stagnant and dull. Gerra had started another one of his 'divine pilgrimages' some weeks ago, leaving the throne empty and the Divan in charge. The Divan, in turn, had become complacent. The Empire was stagnant...
  10. White Swallow

    Completed Do the stars look back when we gaze at them?

    Within the walled gardens of Sey'Kube. One hour past midnight, 1st of Seagrass, spring. The sky would not yet show its brightest lights. Tame gazelles pranced in the night, their eyes glistening gold when hit by candle-light; while the many golden peacocks have long gone asleep in the low...
  11. White Swallow

    Private Tales On the first night when the partridge called

    The White Swallow slowly approached the castle in the dead of the night from the southeast. It was a small ridge castle, unaproachable by an army from most sides. Its keep stood on the highest end towards the north. It wasn't in the best of conditions and the foliage in the steep ridgeside...
  12. K

    Open Chronicles Scavenger

    "There you are." Kade Anvar had been traveling north of Ragash. He walked along the Baal-Asha's green edge looking for a specific plant: an Asha Razor. Master Jalil needed a few leaves of such, and that provided for Kade a task, something to do to earn some coin. Aisha, Kade's little sister...
  13. Teriteqas

    Quest Makan Al'amtar

    Abtatu was displeased with the Abtati of ages past. Their lush lands had been scorched until it was nothing but sand as punishment for their arrogance and ignorance. The chosen people inherited this harsh land for a harsh lesson. But Abtatu was not a malevolent god. Oasis existed to provide...
  14. Medja

    Fable - Ask No Fury

    Several months had passed since Nymeasha's induction into the Empire, an induction which had been based upon a promise: that Medja would aid the Princess of Salitra in tracking down her betrayer and getting her the justice she deserved. That was a promise that she intended to keep, yet she was...
  15. Gerra

    Quest A Tomb for My Brother

    After the events of the Dragon Risings, Gerra returned to Ragash, where he sat upon the Sherdal Throne in a fury upon learning that the body of Maho Sparhawk had been stolen. He summoned his viziers, the holy priests, the nobles, and the captains of his army to the Alabyad Palace, where he held...
  16. Medja

    Fable - Ask Deathless Discussions

    Managing the newly formed Cabal of Amenthes was no easy feat. Emperor Gerra had tasked his Vizier of Stars with both the formation and upkeep of the organization but had given little instruction on exactly what he wanted done with it. Medja had decided that the best means of accomplishing her...
  17. Medja

    Private Tales An Overdue Rendezvous

    The Viper's Den: a club in one of the more upscale regions in Ragash. Once upon a time it had been a meeting ground for the notorious gang, the Blood Asps. It had been a sordid place where women danced in exchange for coin, drugs were taken in dark corners, and shady deals were made beneath...
  18. White Swallow

    Fable - Ask Where demons smoke sinners

    Belnegand, the tallest peak in view from Sey'Kube's mountainous vista, it certainly was not the tallest in Seret with some meagre 5 kilometres in height. However, it certainly was the tallest of the active volcanos. Tipped in snow while the valley beneath blossomed in spring-blooms, it was an...
  19. Gahesznem

    Fable - Ask Imhotat: Bring us truth

    Ripe grains grew from the path west and east of the river of life. The wooden litter painted gold and covered in black-star-speckled cloth rose high above the seagrass. Carried by 8 maned males, embellished from head to toe. Behind it a retinue of soldiers of many packs. The royal litter carried...
  20. Méchanteau

    Open Chronicles A Corpse City for a Corpse King

    Méchanteau had believed since forever that necromancers were the most selfish and nihilistic of all creatures. Having heard of the Eternum, and the coven's attempt at an undead nation, he was proven wrong. Not all of his ilk were territorial eccentrics, some were just stupid and very successful...