Dreadlords Once Dark and Ancient Times

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Historic Square

A delighted skip was in a young woman's step as she happily wandered through the square excitedly looking at all the beautiful costumes around her. She herself wore an intricate black and purple dress that made to have light bounce off the vestments giving her an otherworldly feel. A fine feathered black mask, imitating a raven sat on the upper half of her face.

In one hand was a delicious warm pastry that a kind passerby had given to her which she had eagerly accepted. This entire festival was incredible. She had imagined these wonderful things when she asked her father to come live with her cousin. While it had been difficult to convince him to let her go out, she had been given more and more freedom, and now was her chance to experience it all

A lovely voice escaped her lips as she joined in with a song that some children nearby were singing as she continued to walk through the crowd.
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  • Wonder
  • Bless
Reactions: Hayes and Zinnia
Vittoria wandered to the vendor that was selling the honey cakes surrounded by spiced apples, exchanging treats for coin and holding out one dessert bowl to King. She was smiling, as she found so easily to do in his presence. "I was not trying to guilt you earlier, you know that? I am perfectly capable of being on my own if you wish to see someone else and spend the eve with them." Her eyes were like the sea on those green mornings, knowing and slowly shifting, but in this light, she gazed at her friend and left him time and space to tell her of this mystery person he so clearly had a moment with. But King never gave her enough detail to figure out who it was.

She was not the type to pester him with questions, but that did not stop her friend from asking her questions about what was going on between herself and the Basmarc boy.

If he indeed had attended this night of celebration, she wondered what he would say about her dress.

"Besides, if I truly get bored and I cannot find you, then I can at least find and have my fun watching Black get Augur drunk." A rite of passage that Vittoria would not dare to let touch her lips. Any form of altering her ability to have total control of herself was one she did not want to dance with. The magnitude of power she had would prove devastating, and Vittoria need not have that blemish her record.
Rhidian felt something akin to focusing solely on his friend rather than dwell in his own dark thoughts. He could not fathom if happiness could return to his life, but he knew he had every power to ensure that Zinnia had a fantastic night.

If she wanted a dashing stranger to dance with, he was going to make that happen as best as he could.

"I was hoping some of the Guard and Knights were going to be present but maybe I am awful at recognising people under a mask." But he had known it was Zinnia seconds before approaching her. There were certain people he felt as if he would know, the friends he had made in the time he needed them, but navigating anything new now was proving difficult.

He needed to get his life in order.

Guiding his well dressed friend through the crowds, Rhidian lowered his voice. "I miss Vel Anir sometimes but I know if I had stayed, I would have turned into something... I would not be proud of." But being in Vel Castere still had not changed much for him, and for that, disappointment weighed on his shoulders.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
  • Peek
Reactions: Skyler and Zinnia
"Femi, that's grand!"

"Are you blushing?"

"What, no," Sky looked away from her brother's piercing gaze. The one that could see right through her.

"Who is he?"

Sky rolled her eyes and finally looked back up at him. "I met him on my last post, just outside of Vel Castere."

"And?" Femi waggled his dark brows.

Sky looked around. "I was hoping he'd be here tonight, actually." But it was hard to see who was here with all these masks and crowds. They probably should've planned things better.

"Okay so what? He's in the guard with you?"

"Uh, kinda."

"Sky...come on."

And in that moment, Sky was thankful to accidently nudge into Constance Krixus. Because she knew how Femi felt about Dreadlords. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Sky immediately apologized as Femi broke off in search of their other brother.

"You okay?" Taking a step back, Sky noticed the young woman's dress. "That dress is super cool."
"I was not trying to guilt you earlier, you know that? I am perfectly capable of being on my own if you wish to see someone else and spend the eve with them."

"Of course not. Guilting someone is more my speed, I think."
King smiled, winked, and bumped into Vittoria as they walked before happily taking a bite of his dessert.

"In any case, I doubt I will bump into anyone I'd rather spend time with than you. So desperately few are worth my time. Perhaps Eva, if she finds the time to make it out, but she'll be just as inclined to talk your ear off as mine," he told Vittoria, though she'd know him well enough to know that he was beating around the bush. "She seems to think you're a bad influence, but she knows that I treasure you, too. I imagine she'd be inclined to put you in one of Proctor Urahil's classes."

The talk of watching Cormund and Oryyn pulled the conversation in a different direction still.
"I think that shall have to be both our backup plans. Perhaps we can find a way to have both wind up in a canal by night's end."

He snickered at the thought.
  • Smug
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Rhidian having shipped himself off to Vel Castere to join the Anirian Knights had never been something Zinnia imagined she'd find on her Bingo card, but she was happy that her friend had seemed to have found some sense of purpose. The Dreadlords had their pride and their power, but the Guard and the Knights had something that she was admittedly rather envious of: camaraderie.

"You are missed around here, you know. If by n-no one else, then by me," she assured Rhidian, letting him pull her along. "But if you really needed to get out, then I'd never be one to stop you. I feel the same way sometimes, y-you know."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Rhidian
She seems to think you're a bad influence

An elegant smile pulled at her lips, but soon returned to a small smirk of amusement. As if a smile could not last long on Vittoria's expression. "Oh, I know. She told me as much in multiple meetings." But Vittoria always gave the Proctor an innocent expression.

After all, it had been King that had sparked the start of this friendship. Equals, they had been equals as children, and it was King that bested her at the sword. He taught her, made her his strongest competition.

"And as for etiquette lessons, I am doing very well..." Of course, she would not be on the level as Perrine Urahil, but that woman had been brought up in such a way where Vittoria had not. "Your sister surely is aware you keep me in line, no?" For King was proper and articulate. Well mannered and sophisticated. There was so much he had imparted onto Vittoria, helped her be more sensible when surrounded by others.
And in that moment, Sky was thankful to accidently nudge into @Constance Krixus. Because she knew how Femi felt about Dreadlords. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Sky immediately apologized as Femi broke off in search of their other brother.

"You okay?" Taking a step back, Sky noticed the young woman's dress. "That dress is super cool."

Lost in her own little world, Constance wasn't prepared when a body bumped into her. Her small frame was knocked harder than one might expect. She was already mentally scolding herself for not paying attention to her surroundings.

A small piece of the pastry she had been eating stuck in her throat for the slightest of moments having momentarily forgotten about it. Her body forcefully choked it down before sending her into a coughing fit. After several seconds of Constance just awkwardly standing there and coughing, she finally got herself under control.

"Excuse me, I should have been paying attention more, as well...And thank you!"

She smiled at the last compliment as she looked proudly down at the dress that she was wearing. She had worried if it would be too much, but she had been told to dress up. Connie took a moment to look over Skyler and her smile only grew.

"I love your outfit as well. Oh, the sandals!"

  • Aww
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Skyler and Hayes
If by n-no one else, then by me

He threw his friend an utterly grateful look. It had been so long since he allowed such a vulnerability be seen by him, when so often he his behind his smile. It had been broken too, and only until he had changed scenery to Vel Castere that it had begun to mend, no more of his suffering memories clouding him.

"You are truly a great friend to have, Zin." And if Silas had not played with so many hearts, Rhidian wondered if he would have gone for someone so sweet, so supportive... "And if no one else will dance with you tonight, then I volunteer myself to help showcase the beauty of that dress on the dance floor... only I am no great dancer. You should guard your toes." He grinned.
  • Aww
Reactions: Zinnia
"Your sister surely is aware you keep me in line, no?"

King smirked. That information didn't much surprise King.
"She is a worrier."

Evangeline needn't have been, but she always was. Given what had happened to her when she was in the Academy King could hardly blame her. She wanted better for King, better for the initiates that came after her. What King and Vittoria had come to define as "better" was often just very different from what his elder sister had in mind.

He was about to open his mouth to speak again when a dark figure cut them off. An overly elaborate, elegant gown that seemed almost...alive somehow that clung to a body that seemed to personify the word "feminine." Even King found himself blushing a moment as his eyes were drawn upwards, only to have his blood run cold as inhuman, yellow-green eyes fell upon him, and then Vittoria at his side.

King halted in his tracks and instinctively put an arm in front of Vittoria to stop her as well. He'd heard tales around the Academy, but never thought he'd personally encounter her...
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Violet lips curled upwards in a playful smile to reveal a row of sharpened teeth behind them, the pale visage of Sepia Galleus in all her grandeur standing before Fabien and Vittoria.

"Good evening, children...I do hope you're enjoying the festivities," she lilted with amusement. Even from behind her mask it was remarkably easy to identify the unmistakable presence of the Archon, the Mother of Chaos herself. She eyed them like a wolf sizing up its next meal.

"Oh, and what a cute little pair you are. Dreadlord initiates, no less. How curious..."
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Zinnia smiled warmly back at Rhidian.

"As are you! I wish I had met you s-sooner than we did. I think my Ac-cademy days would have been a lot easier," she returned. "And d-don't worry about that. I haven't had much experience with dancing, myself. We can step on each other's toes."
Rhidian laughed, shaking his head.

"Kress, I would hate to crush your feet, nor lead you astray if I am leading your feet in this dance. How about we explore this place? There's an ampitheatre or the garden ruins? Take your pick, Zin."

And with pride, and perhaps smugness for he was in truly a good mood this evening, Rhidian chuckled as he counted not one, not three, but six different male gazes do a double take as they saw his friend at his side. "I think I should be jealous, all this attention isn't for me... but I cannot blame them when the players of the game are as well dressed as you."

Perhaps graduation had made them all grown that last part. There was a future to look to now, and that path ahead was no longer being forged by the Academy.

"Can't convince you to make the change to Vel Castere so I have a friendly face from home?" For Rhidian indeed have two homes. Vel Hetren, where his family remained, and Vel Anir, for the friends he had made.

  • Aww
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Skyler and Zinnia
Vittoria felt the woman's presence before she saw or heard her approach. King had moved before her, and the act had been so foreign and strange that it reflected on her expression.

But Archon Galleus seemed to elicit such reactions.

Vittoria greeted, a cat's curiosity now residing on her countenance. "Well met. Initiates D'Amour and Larrainth."

She was the right amount of aloof and respectful, but Vittoria never feared anyone. She was sharpened into a weapon, and was smart enough to become dangerous when used. A smile, fake and struggling at the muscles, rose along her lips. "Fortunate that our mission was nearby and concluded a few days earlier so that we may attend."

  • Smug
Reactions: Sepia
Cormund just took the one beer, holding it in his hands. He was used to the more watered down stuff but this was clearly meant to be more potent. He wasn't looking to get too drunk, he still wanted to enjoy the play after all.

"I think a few of these will be enough for me. How much does it take for you if these are just a good start?"

Cormund sipped on the beer, it wasn't really his thing but he could get it down. Idly looking around his visions revealed nothing that surprising, just the usual death and destruction. He did see part of the play, though, and quickly flicked his eyes downward to avoid any spoilers.

"It might do to stop by the square with the others, there's still loads of time before the show and I'm sure that's where most of the drinks are. Might even get a quick dance in beforehand."

Cormund chuckled at the idea of him dancing, it wasn't something he was accustomed to but he might be able to foresee where not to step at least.

Oryyn Black
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Oryyn's face showed annoyance at the question, not at Cormund, but at the answer itself. "Way too much Cormund, way too much."

He down the first drink before grabbing the others and just nodding along. He wasn't going to turn down more drinks, besides he wasn't exactly and avid fan of the theater.

"Let's get moving then. Maybe the others found something exciting, King's probably pissed someone off enough at this point to start a fight."

He could only hope. The two of them hurried over, all the whole Oryyn continued downing drinks, praying for the tiniest sign that he was getting even the faintest bit tipsy.

Cormund Augur
"Hm, I think we'll be going to the right place then if you need 'way too much'."

Oh! He had almost forgot! Cormund gestured for Oryyn to wait just a second while he ran to a nearby costume shop. He quickly exited again with a robe that looked big enough to house Oryyn's larger frame. Seeing that his Broken companion's hands were full of drinks, Cormund took the liberty of hooking the hood of the cloak over Oryyn's head, careful not to blind him with it.

"There! Almost forgot half the reason we came here. It'll be more appropriate than your uniform I think, eh? When you get a chance to put it on properly that is."

Cormund sipped his beer as they walked, hopping on one of the blue flagged gondolas to the Historic Square where the gala was happening.

Historic Square

When they arrived, Cormund couldn't see anyone they knew in the throng. He could, however, see a small pop-up bar on the outskirts of the square. They were sure to have stronger liquor there.

"They'll have something up to your standards there, I think. Hopefully it'll be cheap with the festivities."

Oryyn Black
Finally, it was time to shrug off the cape of a volunteer and enjoy the evening quietly.

Hayes had thought about joining her family, the founders of Redynne, but every year she looked forward to the part she got to be amongst the festivities on her own. Seated at a bench, she peered around at the visitors exploring the historical city. Although many wore full masks, she could hear their laughter, could tell they wore a smile beneath their facade.

Perhaps she should get into the crowd and get a dance or two in...
Oh, right, good looking out Cormund. Oryyn swiftly downed another mug before tossing the cup to the ground and proceeding to try and put a robe on with one hand which turned out to be fairly difficult.

By the time they made it to Historic Square, Oryyn had finished with the other mug and had managed to get his robe on correctly. Why someone would ever want to wear a robe was beyond him. They were just so flowy and pretentious. He should give on the Vittoria or King.

As Cormund pointed out the liquor, Oryyn only smiled and patted the fellow initiates on the back, already moving in that direction.

"I don't care what they say about you Cormund, you're ok in my books."

Completely leaving that subject behind, the next few seconds was Oryyn negotiating with the bartender to decide how many drinks he could carry or convince him to fill up his waterskin. Ultimately, he had to settle for two cups once again, but these two drinks smelled much stronger than the previous ale.

Cormund Augur
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Gods above, it really was her. An Archon, and a genuinely terrifying presence. It took Vittoria's casual greeting towards the woman to shake King from his stupor.

"Madame Archon...charmed to make your acquaintance. You'll have to forgive me, your beauty stunned me from remembering my manners," he lied as easily as breathing, taking a bow as one would before a noble. Galleus was, if history served, not a member of any noble House, but a self made aristocrat. Even so, she could likely annihilate anyone in a ten mile radius with a sneeze, so respect was due.

"To what does this humble gathering owe your esteemed presence?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Mmm. The boy knew fear. Brave face or no, the body's instincts were impossible to ignore. That, and Sepia could smell it. Fear was a remarkably easy emotion to suss out.

The girl, on the other hand...Sepia's gaze narrowed as the initiate greeted her...and she smiled.
"Fortunate indeed," she agreed.

Sepia kept her eyes locked on Vittoria even as she next answered the D'Amour boy's question, paying no heed to his flatteries.
"Who knows? It felt right, I believe. Perhaps boredom, perhaps an inkling that something interesting might find its way in my path. And perhaps it has."
  • Bless
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
A slight curve to her lips showed that Vittoria was amused. The Archon's words resonated with her, for Vel Redynne had all the charm for it's history and preservation, Vittoria herself had not been as eager to attend an event such as this... perhaps the fact many of her classmates had attended a mission and were also in attendance here... Vittoria felt as if she were missing an opportunity.

In these thoughts and feelings, she was glad to have King by her side. Her dearest friend would not let her miss out on experiencing a night like this, nor the chance to dress up. In fact, Vittoria felt every bit of the noble Lady she was.

"There is a certain charm to this city, is there not? A rare occasion for us to be here, but it is lovely to delight in the celebrations this city has withstood in the past."
Sky’s eyes sharpened as the girl began to cough. A hand hovered near her shoulder ready to render aid. Luckily, she didn’t have to. She beamed and pointed her toes.

“You like them? They’re a style from back home. I’m Sky. Are you here on your own? And this is my brother, Fumi.”

He gave a salute. His eyes scanning the crowd and looking for their third.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"Pleasure to meet you Sky and Fumi., and yes I adore them. Please call me Connie."

Constance offered a polite bow, possibly marking her as coming from a higher class, but that could also likely be seen from her dress.

"I am here on my own, although I believe my cousin to be somewhere in the city. I practically had to beg to be allowed here without someone hovering over me."

She beamed at her own freedom, taking an instinctual look behind her to make sure her cousin or some other guard was standing in the crowd watching her. For all the aloofness that Alistair Krixus liked to portray, the man seemed to call on an endless supply of bodyguards for her and his family.

  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"The garden could be nice, I th-think," she thought aloud. She hadn't done much wandering yet, and she doubted she would want to spend her whole night in the square.

The eyes upon her were noticed but not felt. The ever lingering traces of her self-esteem struggles were not so easily abandoned. It was still hard for Zinnia to admit that some might consider her worth looking at.
"I...don't think that's true. It's the dress at best, I'm s-sure. It's made to draw eyes..." she chuckled nervously.

Thankfully Rhidian pulled the conversation right along.

"The Academy kept me in one place for too long, Rhid. Of c-course I'll visit you, but I don't think I could see myself as an Anirian Knight. I don't wanna get stuck again. B-besides, I think Salak might track me down and poison me if he found out I s-squandered his Stalker training on knighthood."
  • Bless
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth