The Sharyrdian Order
The Sharyrdian Order is the political and spiritual authority of the Aerai people, based in the city of Sharyrdaes. It once served as the principle authority in the nation before the war that decimated Aeraesar.
The Order is deeply religious, benevolent and peace loving, but subscribes to a belief in peace through superior firepower. War and conflict are well within their province.
In the past, Aeraesar has been a great and powerful nation. The course of the past century, however, has been a time of great strife and great loss. The Order's grand army of Aerai - though not yet beaten - is greatly diminished from what it once was.
Despite the hardships of what has become their darkest age, the Order persists and endures, and remains strong still.
- Name: The Order, or The Sharyrdian Order
- Group Type: Religious Aristocracy
- Size: Large
- Alignment: Neutral Good/Benevolent
Political Purposes
The Council
The Conclave
Spiritual Purposes
The Sharyrdian Order, in its earliest days, was little more than a religious organization made of up of several dozen, maybe a hundred or more. Throughout its long history, it grew into the most influential political and spiritual authority of Aeraesar and its various peoples. In this way, the Order serves multiple purposes.
Its first and primary purpose is given unto them: the teachings of the Patriarch and belief in the Celestial Pantheon, and to remember the Exodus and the Dark Ones. For this, they were to be a warrior priesthood, benevolent and powerful lovers of peace, and enforcers of righteousness. In these things the Order is rather dogmatic about.
Although the Sharyrdian Order is a denomination of Celestialism, many of its beliefs are independent of other denominations, and as such upholds several important doctrines as well as more universal ones:
First and foremost, one's relationship with the god of their calling is a personal one. How one chooses to honour their god and the pantheon as a whole is for them to decide. This, however, is not without limitation.
The Order:
- teaches benevolence, with peace being a preferred resolution to conflict.
- teaches that peace is not often possible, and that one must always be ready to fight.
- teaches diligent mastery in all things. It does not expect one to master all things, but to be the master of a thing, or perhaps several.
- teaches to uphold rituals of personal and group prayer, and rejoicing; its Temples' doors are always open and festivals usually held with relative frequency in accordance with the stars, and signs in the sky.
- teaches each of the Spheres to uphold their own rituals, and even their own creeds.
- teaches to not only the be strong in body, but to be also strong in mind, and for as much time as they devote to their martial skills, to devote just as much to thoughtful meditation and the pursuit of knowledge, and understanding.
- teaches honour in combat, nobility with company and selflessness when the need calls for it.
- encourages co-operation with like minded individuals and entities.
- encourages romantic relationships within the Order.
- encourages pilgrimage to other Celestial temples throughout Arethil.
- encourages, predominately to its elven initiates, pilgrimage to Fal'Addas if given the chance, to see the ancestral city of all elf-kind.
- forbids and is in direct opposition to dark magic. Only the highest of their priests or most learned of their Order are permitted to explore any acquired knowledge.
- forbids and opposes malevolence, and violence inflicted upon innocence.
- forbids and opposes slavery of any thinking life.
- forbids the meddling in conflicts of others unless it aligns with their creed.
- forbids romantic relationships outside of the Order.
- forbids interaction with criminals or villains, unless necessary.
- forbids(for those with such gifts) telepathic interaction with outsiders - exception is given to higher members.
The Order is broken into several different categories they refer to as Spheres of Appointment. Individual standing within these spheres is based on merit alone, however, in the case of the Aerai, heredity can be an influence of some degree regarding the appointment of one's sphere.
There are first, Greater Spheres: Astra, Aionus, Nykios, Tychan, Metisa and even Drakon. Beneath each of these Greater Spheres are the Lesser Spheres. There are many Spheres of Appointment within the Order, all of which falling under the greater spheres.
In a similar fashion, many of the Order's members are affiliated with two - or perhaps more - spheres. Their first and primary is their appointed sphere, but others may be represented as well.
There are first, Greater Spheres: Astra, Aionus, Nykios, Tychan, Metisa and even Drakon. Beneath each of these Greater Spheres are the Lesser Spheres. There are many Spheres of Appointment within the Order, all of which falling under the greater spheres.
In a similar fashion, many of the Order's members are affiliated with two - or perhaps more - spheres. Their first and primary is their appointed sphere, but others may be represented as well.
The Sphere of Astra
Of all of the Order's Spheres of Appointment, those under the Sphere of Astra are the least numerous. Many of them are considered to be not only the spiritual and political leadership of the Order, but also many of the most powerful of their sorcerers.
Once appointed to the Sphere of Astra, one spends a great deal of time at the city temple, where a lesser sphere is decided upon. Usually, regardless of this, individuals from this sphere are looked upon with a heighted level of merit among their peers.
The Sphere of Nykios
The Sharyrdian Order follows the teachings of Astra, and all of the Celestial Pantheon, but none of them have been as influential over the Order's creeds as Nykios. The Sphere of Nykios is by far the most vast of the Order's Spheres, and those who fall into the lesser spheres beneath him are referred to as "The Sons or Daughters of Nykios."
The Sphere of Swords
Put simply, they are considered the Order's specialists.
The Swords are comprised of a tiered, numbered system. At the head is the First Sword, and only one may hold this position at any time. Beneath the First, are six further tiers. Within each other tier there are many, ranging from a dozen to well into the hundreds.
The Sphere of Shields
The Shields have a far less ambiguous hierarchy, and operate far more like typical military systems.
The Sphere of Tychan
The Sphere of Aionus
The Sphere of Metisa
The Sphere of Drakon
Light in the Looming Shadow - The Sharyrdian Order calls for aid in liberating their nation, Aeraesar, from a lord of dark magic.
In the Moonless Night - While an army musters near the Aeraesarian border, Vailë leads a group of the Order's Swords and their allies to the ruins of Qárele, a once formidable Aerai Fortress.
What the Sword's For - Phyrra and Vailë, gifted Daughters of Nykios, dare the ruins of Aera Eäron, the Order's once great port city.
When the Faith Fails Us - the High Council gathers in session for the first time since the return of the Shoraes.
Children of the Veiled Sanctum - read a little about the Istoneth, Nolmo, and her role in the Order.
In the Listless Night - The Aerai people experience the return of their collective conscious, and come together in song and prayer at the temple in Sharyrdaes.
In the Moonless Night - While an army musters near the Aeraesarian border, Vailë leads a group of the Order's Swords and their allies to the ruins of Qárele, a once formidable Aerai Fortress.
What the Sword's For - Phyrra and Vailë, gifted Daughters of Nykios, dare the ruins of Aera Eäron, the Order's once great port city.
When the Faith Fails Us - the High Council gathers in session for the first time since the return of the Shoraes.
Children of the Veiled Sanctum - read a little about the Istoneth, Nolmo, and her role in the Order.
In the Listless Night - The Aerai people experience the return of their collective conscious, and come together in song and prayer at the temple in Sharyrdaes.
The Amalgamation - read a little about Erën leading a troop of his fellow Swords of the Order in the battle.
The Ancient Dweller - read a little about how Sharyrdian Swords operate with one another.
Friends of Old - The Sharyrdian Order send Erën, Aidathin, and Te'leis to greet and escort an envoy from one of the Order's long standing and most kindred allies to Sharyrdaes - The Knights of Anathaeum.
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- Rhugarol
- The Shorai
- Nak'Ehim Akanamar
- Ánië Táralóm