Private Tales You must be as swift as the coursing river

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography

Early morning sunlight filtered in through the wide hole at the top of the cavernous training arena. Various practice weapons hung along the walls. A course lay in the middle. Those from the Rising stood alongside the students from noble families, gathered for the session. New against those already somewhat seasoned. Vhagor was there and Polina made a point not to look his dragon in the eye. There was also another woman at his side, a slim female dressed all in black, with just as black hair tied back. There was something unnerving about the woman's gaze, the scar on her face only adding to her whole vibe. And even though the woman didn't have a mighty warrior's build, she still screamed danger like a finely sharpened blade.

Polina's very bones ached from her ordeal during the Rising. Bruises and scrapes still splashed across her pale skin. She imagined this was how Grandma Meemaw had felt on her good days, when her spine began to curve in on itself. When things hurt just from sleeping in a poor position the night before. And the looks her peers kept casting her way, made her want to shrivel further inward. She didn't know if she was more baffled at her own luck to be alive and standing here than they were. Most thought her a fool for even entering the Rising.

But she'd had no choice.

Her father had needed something that could only be found deep within those guarded and treacherous lands.

She just hadn't expected to also come out with a dragon.

The White dragon's warm breath puffed across Polina's blonde-haired head, rustling her wayward strands with an odor of the fish hit had for breakfast. Her small hands balled into fists at her sides. She needed to be brave, she needed to...

There was a snap of teeth and scream that echoed throughout the air as a juvenile red dragon bit into the shoulder of the unfortunate student standing next to it around the training arena. A cocky laugh and sneer from a scarlet-haired boy, who was probably just a few years older than Polina.

Anluan let out a low growl as its white tail circled around Polina protectively, even as the girl who wanted all the courage in the world swallowed and took a step back.

Raimond Thesius
"That's enough!"

A man's voice barked out at the red-headed aggressor from the other side of the cavern, where Vhagor and the woman had been observing quietly. A third person, noticeably younger than the other two, stepped out from behind the elder instructor and quickly made his way over to Polina and Anluan, a medical kit tucked under his arm and an unimpressed frown settled on his lips.

"I saw that, rookie! And I damned well better not see it again. You think it's funny now..." The young man knelt down next to the wounded student, lucky in that the dragon had only nipped him and unlucky in that he still had a sizable gash in his shoulder. Raimond swore under his breath, pulling out wound cleaner and bandages from the kit as he shot the poor sap a sympathetic look. "But if you don't learn to reign your Dragon in, next time it'll be your mom n' pop he's gobbling up. You won't be able to do anything about it."

Wrapping up the boy's bleeding shoulder, Rai gives him a comforting pat.

"You'll be alright, kid. He missed the worst spot. You're done for the day though, go see the doc over by the temple and have him patch that up better, alright?"

Through red-faced tears, the boy nodded, grabbing Raimond's hand and letting himself be pulled back up onto his feet before turning to head towards the temple, while making a conscious effort to steer clear of the red-headed boy and his cantankerous dragon.

Raimond watched after him for a while, shaking his head before turning towards the next student in line, a young woman with a beautiful white dragon that didn't look too dissimilar to his own Ha'than. Flashing her a smile, he points a finger at her companion's defensive position around her.

"Our bondmates aren't for attacking each other with. Ideally, they aren't for attacking at all; They're not weapons, but companions. We support one another, we coexist and keep the other in line."

Snapping his head back to the red-haired kid, he narrowed his eyes. "So instead of letting your partner take bites out of your classmates, maybe focus on getting them to stop others from taking a bite out of you, yeah? Could learn a lesson from..."

Snapping his fingers, he looks back to the girl.

"Sorry, what's your name?"

  • Bless
Reactions: Polina
The servant tried to swallow but her mouth was dry even with the firm scales of white at her back, surrounding her. Pale eyes widened as the tall, dark nobleman actually addressed her. And not just to go clean the dishes or some other chore.

Like someone of note.

And she knew who he was. She knew who most of the nobles were. It had been a requirement to memorize their likeness when she got recruited to work at the palace for the royal family. Before the Rising had changed her life.

He was Errune's younger brother, Raimond Thesius.

Her juvenile white huffed a blast of hot air, looking down at Raimond. Polina cast a nervous glance at all the eyes on her as Raimond brought the spotlight to where she never wanted it to be. Directly shining in her face.

"Polina," she said quietly, not meeting the nobleman's eyes, staring decidedly at his boots. The scarlet haired-boy rolled his eyes and made a comment loud enough for those around him to hear.

"She's a fuking peasant. Might as well do her a favor and end her now. Give that dragon a chance to actually pick someone who is worthy." The red-dragon swiveled its head in Po and Anluan's direction. Reptilian eyes narrowing on them both.

Anluan tapped a sharp claw against the cavern floor.

"Please, Sir Thesius, can you just.."

The redheaded boy, wearing the colors from House Murizi smiled, showing no fear of Raimond and took a step forward, his red dragon slinking with him. "Look at her. She won't even make it past training. Doubt even you could help her, Raimond."
  • Huh
Reactions: Raimond Thesius
"Polina." Raimond smiled. That's right, he had seen her take part in The Rising not too long ago. She'd done quite well, despite her physical frailty and meek demeanor. Malakath's sake, the poor girl looked like she was going to faint just being spoken to; It almost made him feel like his older brother.


The imposing gust of air from her Bondmate's snout wasn't lost on him, the warning huff blowing his long feathered hair up and over his brow. It only made Thesius chuckle a bit."Your partner is already lookin' out for you. That's good! Bonding is just as important as actually flying around with him, not everybody has chemistry with their Dragons right away." Rai still shuddered remembering that last disaster of a training session with the class before hers. "What's their na--"

"She's a fuking peasant. Might as well do her a favor and end her now. Give that dragon a chance to actually pick someone who is worthy."

The smile on Rai's face quickly flattened out into absolute bemusement as he turned around to look at the cocksure rookie he'd only just finished dressing down. Not only was he blatantly not listening to the free advice he'd been offered, but now he had the gall to step out of line and saunter over to him like he was some hotshot whose opinion mattered.

Why did he have to be a redhead? Just reminded him of Leovold, which made not punching him in the face for his lip much harder.

Keeping an eye on the snarky kid's dragon, Rai reached out and dusted some of the cave dust off of the young man's Murizi garb. "Tell you what..." He deadpanned, staring daggers down at the student. "When you're the trainer? Then you can decide who does and doesn't get training. Until then..."

He gripped the boy's shoulder and spun him around to face the empty spot in line he'd just left.

"I suggest you get back in formation, or I'll put you in the 'doesn't' category. Understand?"

  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Polina
The dragon looked like it was about to take a chunk out of Raimond had it not been for Nyx's attention suddenly on them from across the cavern. The red-headed boy shrugged off Raimon'd grip and sneered as he looked over his shoulder at Polina. Predatory gaze full of mocking hatred.

"You'll pay for this later, peasant."

Then a glare at Raimond as if the boy thought him much lesser. As if he thought Raimond not even a noble, himself. But he was smart enough not to say anything else. For now.

Anluan watched until the boy turned his attention away from them. Polina watched a little longer until her wide-blue eyes shifted back to Sir Thesius.

"I want everyone breaking up into pairs. Since we've got odd numbers, Raimond take Polina," Virdan spoke from Vhagor's side. Her voice unnervingly commanding for its lack of volume. "I want you all used to flight by the time you get back."

Polina swallowed, wishing she could crawl back to the dormitory Anluan huffed at her side and nudged the girl forward with a gentle swish of its white tail. "Sir Thesius," Po began, still finding it hard to look him in the eye. "If it pleases you...I'm sure you could be paired with another. Someone of more note?"

Someone more worthy.
Raimond would have been angry at the boy's audacity, would have chastised him even further as he took another verbal shot at Polina before finally backing off, but at that point, the young man's behavior bordered on comical. Who in Malakath had raised a child to act so pigheaded he may as well have been a storybook character come to life?

Whoever it was, he wished to steer clear of them,

Virdan's commanding voice rang through the air, not loud, but sharp. Rai briefly turned to look her way as he sought to finally get this training session on track, thankful that he wasn't expected to correct overconfident rookies all day. Polina was put into his care, no doubt in part because the display he'd just put on defending her might make some of her classmates leery of partnering with her, at least for now.

Oh well.

"Sheesh, I've met Wyverns with better attitudes than that kid." Raimond chuckled as he turned back to Polina and the intimidating Anluan with a decisive clap of his hands. "Please, Raimond is fine. And we'll have none of that belittling yourself, alright? Everybody here is new. You have a Dragon, made it through the rising. That means you've just as much right to be here as anybody." That was going to be the end of that, unless of course she continued to downsize her own ego, which she seemed to be pretty good at.

"Now come on, Polina. We've got a flight to catch, and peasant or otherwise, you're in the front seat."
