Jorg shot her a smirk as she swept out back into the living room. He could almost feel her presence before she even stepped into the room. Half of him thought it was her scent, but there was something else to it. Something he couldn't quite place.
Lips thinned for a brief second, but it was quickly replaced with a smile as she threw out her joke. "Maybe you'll see some of the other unprincely things I get up To."
He teased as he hammered the final nail into place.
The inn didn't look any better, hell with all the patches it probably looked worse, but he'd stopped any wind from coming through. At the very least the place wouldn't be falling down while they stayed here, and that mattered more than anything else.
"I've stayed in worse places." Jorg commented as he let himself plop down besides her.
He probably should have bathed as well, but a wave of tiredness had struck him and he found himself strangely compelled to sit besides her.
Lips thinned for a brief second, but it was quickly replaced with a smile as she threw out her joke. "Maybe you'll see some of the other unprincely things I get up To."
He teased as he hammered the final nail into place.
The inn didn't look any better, hell with all the patches it probably looked worse, but he'd stopped any wind from coming through. At the very least the place wouldn't be falling down while they stayed here, and that mattered more than anything else.
"I've stayed in worse places." Jorg commented as he let himself plop down besides her.
He probably should have bathed as well, but a wave of tiredness had struck him and he found himself strangely compelled to sit besides her.