Jorg Telin
Though he does not share the story often, Jorg is open about the fact that he was born to nobility in the deep jungles of the Ixchel Wilds in a town named Mallian.
One of the few places considered to be civilized, Mallian was a Fortress turned trade city that survived through contact with Minaris and the various cities of the Nordenfiir. Through hundreds of years the town thrived and grew, eventually growing into one of the few safe places in the Wilds.
Of course, being a thriving city didn't make Mallian any less isolated. This was a fact that which aggravated the young privileged Jorg for most of his life.
Being the son of a Duke Jorg never worked for a day in his life, spending most of his days deep in drink and wasting away in whatever capacity he could. Eventually he grew stir crazy within the city walls, and in an attempt to break the monotony of his life Jorg left Mallian and ventured out with a mercenary company.
Having absolutely no training or skill to speak of, Jorg was nearly killed in half a dozen battles before the company eventually abandoned him somewhere in the spine.
It was here that his life was changed forever.
While wandering aimlessly in his attempt to survive, Jorg was happened upon by a monstrous wolf. Bitten and left for dead, the young man was only allowed to survive by the grace of whatever god watched over him.
Wounded, he was able to drag himself to the nearest village.
There he rested, the townspeople taking care of him until the next full moon where he himself turned into a creature of utter violence and hatred.
Waking up the next moment, Jorg was horrified to find that he had slaughtered most of the village that had saved his life.
For the next few years Jorg attempted to find a cure for his ailment, seeking out witches, sorcerers, and wizards. When none had a solution, the young man began to accept his place in the world. He was a monster forevermore, but the very least he would do was enjoy his life as one.
Since then Jorg has honed his craft, hiring himself out as a mercenary and fighter to those who would have him among their ranks.