Private Tales Wolves At the Door

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
This time the wolf seemed prepared. As her haunches bent and her legs came up a claw found it's way there first. Before she could land her kick the Wolf batted aside her legs, shifting it's body so that it's weight fell fully on her.

Claws struck over the Monster's chest, digging at fur and flesh. Blood dripped from her fingers, but the Wolf didn't stop.

It's jaw fell open, a growl rumbling from it's lower throat. With the speed of a vampire it tried to clamp down and pin Silver in place, hold her down and keep her within the rubble. It's free hand came up at the same time, slashing at her arm and grasping it hold her against broken and shattered wood.

All the while Jorg sat back in the Wolf's mind, a ball of rage and anger. He shouted, screamed, bashed his head against a cage within the monsters mind.

The deal had been broken, the bargain struck had been tossed aside. For what? Five years tossed aside so the beast could claim it's place above another? He tried desperately to break free, to grapple back for command of himself.

Yet all of it was to no avail. Primal need and bestial sense drove the Wolf, and it would have it's prize.
  • Scared
Reactions: Silver Romani
No no no... Was he going to kill her? She couldn’t let him reach her throat. Silver’s heart thundered in her chest, fear and the primal need for survival driving her and she yelped as her arm was pinned.

Silver was quickly losing this battle and both human and wolf were panicking. She writhed and struggled under his crushing weight, and her free arm aimed a brutal strike at Jorg’s face, claws splayed as she tried desperately to knock him off of her and find an opportunity to get to her feet.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Jorg
Blood sprayed as Silver's claws slashed through the Wolf's face. Fur and flesh were carved away and the beast winced with it's entire body as the blow struck.

Yet the instant Silvers claws finished raking through it's flesh, the wolf turned and let out a roar.

The gash over it's muzzle and down it's cheek was deep, deep enough that it would scar both the monster and the man. Rage floated over the Beast, and without a second of hesitation it's jaw snapped opened and bit for Silver's throat once again.
  • Scared
Reactions: Silver Romani
Blood dripped onto her face and Silver's lips pulled back over her teeth with a snarl in response to his roar. She tried to sink back into the floor as he went for her throat again, her free hand lifting to grab for his neck and keep his jaws from reaching her, her muscles shuddering in protest.

Jorg.. Please..

The wolf no longer wanted dominance, she wanted to survive, and she wanted to kill him.
  • Devil
Reactions: Jorg
Blood dripped from his face onto hers, the fresh wound hovering over Silver's face as her hand connected with the Beasts throat. Jaw snapped open and close, razor like teeth grasping and biting at the air as the Wolf began to Rage.

Inside of its head Jorg was screaming, pushing, pulling, yelling as he desperately tried to gain some semblance of control. His voice was drowned out by pain, by primal urge. It was like trying to walk into a a tidal wave.

He was trapped in his own mind, pushed away like he was a visitor in a strange place.

The Wolf's claw came up, wrapping around Silver's arm. It's nails punctured through her flesh, ripping the arm away as the Wolf once again lunged forward in an attempt to bite Silver's throat and end this once and for all.
  • Cry
Reactions: Silver Romani
Silver screamed and the wolf roared as her other arm was pinned under his claws, and all she could do was throw her head and snap her jaws with yelps in fear and fury.

The moment she felt his jaw around her throat Silver's eyes widened and her pupils dilated. She stopped fighting and submitted, knowing fine well that if she didn't he'd rip her throat out in a single bite. Pained whines escaped her as she panted for air. Other than her heaving chest, Silver's body went limp under his weight as the wolf accepted her place without any further fight.

Her mind was a contradiction however, chaos ensued as wolf and human collided and the instinct seemed to take over, binding her in some way and leaving an imprint on her mind that he was in charge..
  • Wonder
Reactions: Jorg
The wolf seemed to hesitate, stop.

It's jaws clamped down on her throat and Silver went limp. As soon as she did the Beast suddenly caught itself. Teeth stopped just short of sinking into her flesh, it's maw just pressing against her throat as it seemed to ponder the moment

Jorg felt it.


The wolf was unsure of what to do, unsure to bite down and kill. The monster itself had not expected this, hadn't thought it would happen. The urge to kill had been there, to prove itself the stronger of the two. It had never expected Silver to just submit. The wolf didn't know what to do with itself.

That was when the man seized his moment. Jorg fought ferociously within the depths of his mind. He grasped, screamed, and then wrenched away control from the Wolf.

Silver would feel the beasts jaw break away from her neck, three quick steps taken back as a loud howl began to escape it's throat. The sound would reverberate, resonate, call out to everything within miles. It tore through the air until the Beast standing in front of her slowly shifted back into the man.

Blood covered his face and chest, the marks of her claws still there. His clothes had been once more turned to shreds, there was a tired weariness to his eyes, and the moment he seemed human once more Jorg collapsed to his knees. "FUCK!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs, fist slamming into the floor

"FUCK!" Hand bashed into the old rotten would, splintering it and bloodying his knuckles. Until after his rage seemed to subside did he look up at Silver, barely meeting he eyes. "I'm sorry."

Shame filled his voice.
A sense of ignominy filled her mind as he released her. Still for a moment she didn't move, in fact she cowered at the sound of his howling. She rolled and tried to get herself up, stumbling once and twice before clattering through a table and whining as her form started to shrink. The process was always smoother, faster, but not without it's pain and usual feeling of nausea.

Fur sank back into her clammy olive skin, her bruising and wounds now more visible and she remained covered In his blood. She could feel his skin under her fingertips and her stomach convulsed, the venison she'd ate threatening to make a reappearance. But as he fell to his knees she brushed her fiery hair from her face and looked up at him from the debris of the table, the brightness of her eyes dimming as she returned fully to her human form.

She stared at him in shock, her breathing shuddering and her body shaking feverishly. She ached from head to toe, but nothing compared to the tumult commotion in her mind as she watched him beat his fists into the floor. Something was different now as she looked at him, fear being the overriding emotion but despite wanting to run she couldn't, and her eyes filled with tears as he looked at her and apologised.

"What did you do?.." her voice shook. Why the fuck had she thought this would be a good idea?
  • Cry
Reactions: Jorg
Jorg slammed his fist against the board another time, his hand now covered totally in blood. "I lost control."

Five years.

Five goddamn years they'd had a deal. Everything had worked fine. Three days for the Wolf, two weeks for him. It had worked perfectly for five years. Neither of them had broken their pact, neither of them had ever needed to change it.

He hadn't meant for this. He hadn't...his eyes cast onto the ground.

"I thought it was...I thought I could..." He took a long breath, it hitched half in his throat a he continued. "I didn't think it would..."

Jorg couldn't finish a sentence. Guilt wracked him. He'd lost control, nearly killed her. All because he'd been arrogant enough to think that he somehow had a leash on the monster that lived inside of him. He'd been an arrogant piece of shit and Silver had paid for it. "I'm sorry, Silver. I thought I could help you."

His teeth sunk into his tongue.

"But it turns out I'm just a monster after all." Not a man.
  • Cry
Reactions: Silver Romani
The wolf had been sent to curl up and cower, licking her wounds at the back of Silver's mind. She grimaced as she tried to pull herself out of the splintery debris and the fact that her clothes were no more hadn't even registered on her mind. She held her hand against her throat and choked a quiet gasp, her gaze falling to the floor as panic consumed her.

She felt drawn to him and she pulled away but it felt, strained, as though there was now some invisible tie that prevented her from wanting to hurt him or leave him, some primal contract that said she couldn't. His words were barely registering, and she repeated her question quietly to herself as she held on to her throat before she fell back to her knees and cried.
  • Cry
Reactions: Jorg
The room grew quiet save for the sound of Silver's sobs.

Jorg didn't have anything to say. Didn't have any comforts. He had failed her. He'd failed himself. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Everything that he'd lived for the last five years had been a lie. Everything that he'd told himself had just been something to make himself feel better.

His jaw ached, his bones hurt. Fingers tightened as he listened to her cry. A pain spiked through his heart, and he slowly turned his head to look at her.

Jorg felt utterly monstrous as he saw her. Curled into herself and reeking of fear and confusion. It was a his fault, his doing. In his chest Jorg felt his heart hammer. He'd never been a good person, not a day in his life, but he'd always thought himself decent.

He had tried to help, and instead he'd only hurt her more.

Slowly he pushed Jorg himself up. The wood splintered beneath him, boards broken from their fight and his fists. Slowly he carried himself down over to Silver, sitting himself down on the ground besides.

"I'm sorry." He said pitifully, holding back for a second before reaching out and gently brushing his hand against her skin.

He didn't know what else to do.
  • Cry
Reactions: Silver Romani
She felt her muscles tense as she heard him get up, and she couldn't help but flinch as she felt his hand brush against her, images of his wolf's snapping jaws still too fresh in her mind.. Her eyes closed for a moment and she breathed out, trying to remind herself that he hadn't been in control, and how well she knew that feeling of guilt.

"It wasn't you." she answered with a deep frown and opened her eyes to look at him with some semblance of understanding and regret, her face half covered in his blood. She stared over the wounds she'd caused and resisted the urge to reach out and touch his face as guilt rolled over her once more. "I should never have stayed, this was never going to be a good idea.." her head shook and she looked down to rub at her face with a tremulous and bloody hand.

"Why we thought we could have any sort of control is ridiculous..." she growled weakly.
  • Cry
Reactions: Jorg
Wasn't it him? He was the one that had stoke the fire, hell, he'd poured oil all over the damned thing and gleefully watched it burn. It was as much his fault as it was the Wolf's.

His lips thinned as she spoke.

Jorg couldn't disagree. Five years of lying to himself, five years of believing that he had any sort of control. All of it had been a waste, all of it had been an illision. The wolf had broken their deal like it'd been nothing, dragged itself out and does as it wanted and then...

He stopped.

Then what? "Why did it stop..

Jorg asked out loud suddenly. Frowning for a few moments.

"It won stopped." He hadn't been the one to stop it, no he hadn't the strength for that. The wolf had stopped on its own when it hesitated. "It chose not to kill you..."

But why?
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Silver Romani
Silver dragged her eyes from him and stared at the fractured floor, chewing gently on her lip for a moment of consternation over his question.. "Because mine stopped fighting.. She was no longer a threat. He wanted dominance. He got it." she frowned, debased. "I knew if I .. She.. didn't stop he'd kill her."

"You weren't to know how the wolf would react.. And nor was I.." she murmured and slowly removed her hand from her throat and looked down to assess the damage to her arm. A few puncture wounds and slashes, a few more scars, but nothing in comparison to the tears she'd made in his face..She couldn't look at him for shame.
  • Sip
Reactions: Jorg
Dominance. The word sent a chill down his spine. "I'm not sure it knew what it wanted."

Maybe she was right. Maybe that was it, but if that was the case then the Wolf certainly hadn't known it. At least not until the moment struck. That was the only reason Jorg had managed to wrest control away from the damned thing.

His head shook.

"I thought I knew." Jorg said softly. "But turns out I'm just a fool."

Slowly he stood up, his hand reaching to touch the slashes on his face. "Serves me right I suppose."

He wondered how bad he looked.
  • Cry
Reactions: Silver Romani
Silver’s gaze followed him as he rose to his feet, and she pulled herself up with a dizzy stagger. She was suddenly aware that she had no clothes, but the bashfulness has gone, now she felt them more familiar with one another, too familiar.

“You told me not to blame myself..” She commented, watching him as he pressed at the wounds on his face and she grimaced slightly. She picked up the towel that lay amongst the pile of wood and stepped in front of him, a hand reaching to gently remove his and press the towel against it instead.

“You deserved it as much as I did..“ she frowned, trying hard to avoid his gaze.
  • Sip
Reactions: Jorg
He chuckled. "Probably a little more."

Jorg said a she reached up and gently cupped her chin. He made sure to move slowly, should she decide to pull away he would not stop her.

If she allowed him, his touch would softly guide her chin up so that he could gaze at the bruises now formed on her neck. He had seen through the Wolf's eyes what he had done, but there was a need to look with his own.

He needed to understand.

"What happens now?" He asked slowly, not entirely sure of...anything anymore. He had been so confident about things before, so sure that he knew, but now it all seemed to be all over the place.
Silver dabbed at the blood with a wince at the torn flesh across his face, she'd only very narrowly missed his eye and she held the towel against him to try and staunch the bleeding a little.

She allowed the touch, but as he lifted her chin to expose her neck her breathing piqued a little with subconscious anxiety, as though he might shift at any moment and bite down again. She felt the familiar prickling at the back of her neck, but it went away by itself, as though the wolf had risen up but surrendered to him and retreated back into that corner of her mind to settle again.

"I don't know..." she answered honestly.. "I thought, you were the one with all of the answers.." she frowned gently..

"I've never shifted that quickly before..." she added quietly, a thought she hadn't meant to speak aloud.
  • Sip
Reactions: Jorg
"I'm starting to doubt I ever knew anything at all." He told her softly, glancing at the bruises on her neck with a deep frown.

What the hell was all of this?

She had said it was dominance. That the wolf had simply wanted to take control. Perhaps that was it, but...what did that mean for the future. Were they a pack? Wolves traveled in packs, but he'd never heard the like for Werewolves. His lips thinned, and gently he released her chin.

"It was the dangers" It had happened to him before, though only under duress. "Or maybe you were responding to me."

He winced slightly as she touched the wound. " do you feel right now?"

Jorg asked looking down at her.
She let out a quiet, rumbled groan at his words "You seemed to be doing alright before I showed up..." her lips twisted and she finally found the courage to meet his eyes with hers again.. "I'm sorry.. You were trying to help and I've made things worse for you.." she frowned apologetically.

"I've..been in danger before since I was attacked. I've never been able to shift unless.. the moon..And that is usually a very long process." her gaze narrowed.

His question gave her pause.. "I don't know. Afraid?..Ashamed.." she chewed on her lip.. "But not alone."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Jorg
He had no answer.

Was it his wolf? Had it somehow wormed it's way into her and made her respond? Lips thinned for a brief moment, and then slowly he glanced down at her body. For the first time he noticed that she was naked, though for some very strange reason that didn't interest him in the moment.

He was looking for...he wasnt at all sure what he was looking for. Signs of the change? Anything that might be different from the little peek he had taken before the baths? His lips thinned.

There was nothing.

His teeth grit together for a second as he looked back up to her. The word she said, the pain she struck right at his chest. A sigh escaped him and he took a breath. "No matter what..."

Oh what was he doing.

"I can promise you won't be alone." Jorg said quietly. A year ago he would have abhorred those words, saying them to anyone at all, but after today?

It seemed the least he could do.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Silver Romani
She watched him as he looked down at her and she shifted a little.. "I uh.." she cleared her throat. "I'll be needing new clothes." she laughed awkwardly under her breath. "You too apparently." her brow arched and she took the towel away from his face. The bleeding seemed to be slowing at least, but the wounds were raw and enflamed and she pressed her teeth together..

Silver's brow furrowed at his promise and she swallowed a pain in her throat with a light shake of her head.. "You don't need to promise me that..You hardly know me.." she huffed, realising how guilty he'd been made to feel, but she understood it. For some reason, whatever had happened, she felt pain at the thought of leaving his side despite really not knowing him at all. Whatever the bite had done to the wolf's mind, she felt the bond, and she realised that she felt the primal instinct to stay close.

What the fuck had they done?
  • Sip
Reactions: Jorg
Jorg didn't know, and a part of him didn't even want to know. He could feel the same thing she did, though he was not entirely sure what it was.

A compulsion perhaps, one that sat over him just as much as it did her. "It's done."

Jorg told her softly, turning fully towards Silver.

"Can't break my word now, can I?" No. No he couldn't. Unbeknownst to him the Wolf wouldn't have allowed it even if he'd tried. She was...his now, in a way, and to abandon her was simply not a choice that could be made.

A breath filled Jorg's lungs.

"Right, clothes." He glanced over at her, then down, then up again. "There's probably a village nearby...we may be able to steal something."
  • Sip
Reactions: Silver Romani
She laughed weakly under her breath as she looked at him. A man she'd met just yesterday who she was now bound to in some way. It wasn't like they had anywhere else to be, she certainly didn't, but still she couldn't help but feel terrible for putting him in this situation and she looked down at the bloody towel in her hands.

Perhaps, things will be easier now.. She caught herself selfishly thinking, and a frown creased at her brow as she mutely scolded herself. It wasn't just her life she had to think about now, it was his. She wondered if he felt it, or if it had just been her, but she didn't ask, she'd be unable to put it into words.

She watched him as he looked her up and down again and she cleared her throat, now managing a faint blush as she nodded and turned away to step over the debris of wood and duck under the broken doorframe to retrieve a towel from the rooms. With her own tied around her she returned and threw one to him too, and ran her fingers into her hair to knot it. She'd need another bath to get rid of the blood, the smell was irritating. "Alright.. let's go then.."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Jorg
Jorg nodded his head.

He wasn't exactly one to care about modesty and the like, but he wasn't looking forward to traveling across the open countryside with everything...flopping about.

For one thing bugs could be extremely annoying, and for another he didn't want to catch an arrow in the wrong place anytime soon. Following Silver out the smashed up doorway, he tilted his head up and caught the scent of morning in his nose. A frown touched his lips. "Find a river and follow it?"

He phrased it as a question, though he knew that it would be the best bet at finding something.

This was a mining down, broken and old now, but he had no doubt there would be a village nearby that actually held some people. It was just a matter of finding them.

As soon as Silver agreed the two set off.