Private Tales Wherever We May Gnome

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Wilkas Thornbuck

The Treesinger
Character Biography
It never occurred to young Wilkas that adventure could be such trouble. Far from the warmth and comfort of the tree village of Gildden his feet had been chasing the earth without direction. Making the mistake of assuming a cave would make good shelter, the little gnome didn’t check for wild predators or residents. Instead he barged in and made trouble of a Kobold nest. Nasty little creatures, often mistaken for lizards or dragon folk, the Kobold were as tiny as goblins but were fond of making traps. Traveling in groups through cave systems and mines all throughout Arethil they were more than a common pest.

The young man had been naïve to assume the huts, beds, and fire pit lined with wild cooked game was there for travelers. He knew no better. Only the hunters and druids of the Leafspring Clan ever stepped past their village, so Wilkas had been left to his imagination with no inclination of threat. But when spear and sharp stones were drawn his way with shrill hisses and loud rattling screech the gnome learned quickly. Swift as the wind he’d darted from the cave and raced towards the trees while the nest of twenty some Kobolds chased quickly after.

Was it not mentioned they were fond of traps? Oh most certainly they were. They bothered Dwarves especially with their ingenuity and tendencies to place them all through their deep caverns. Wil had almost become a victim of a simple snare that would have dropped him into a pit of sharpened wooden prongs. It was a nasty contraption but thankfully, as quick as the snare triggered, he was quicker, and leapt towards a tree with whole body wrapped against the thick bark. Climbing up he stood upon a heavy branch watching the Kobold’s gather angrily.

“Can we not talk friends? I am a bit lost and trying to find my way…” The Gnome attempted diplomatically sway the savage folk, but when a spear plugged the wall of tree behind him from between his legs? He swallowed hard and guessed, “Not the talkative folk I suppose? Well I’ll be on my way!” Quickly he scattered out of sight following a strong breeze that flooded through the edge of the Falwood.

No sooner had he began his jump between branches of this thick forest did the Kobolds’ demonstrate their own nimbleness. Like a horde of angry insects they climbed and circled, and some even gliding on tiny wings. It would be a lie to say he was not scared but Gnomes as much creatures of curiosity also lived for the rush and thrill.

Taking a swift turn the Gnome tucked into a wooden crevice and retrieved a wooden pan flute. A few puffs and a huff Wilkas had chimed an erratic melody with Bardic charm, his green eyes ebbed faintly in the shade, and darkness began to encroach and sweep over. A shadow swelled in monstrous shape with two large fiery eyes. Formless as it was a gnashing maw shaped as the body of it clamored about the forest looking towards the Kobolds stunned in their pace. Some lost footing and tumbled from their branches. But it was all clear when the bestial form gave a cacophonous roar that the vicious reptiles wanted no part of it.

Scurrying away towards the forest edge Wil piped a maddening tune cloaking himself in the illusory shadow. The Kobolds ran until the rays of daylight from past the domains of the Falwood crept in. While not ill exposed to light, the creatures who made the Falwood their home had grown content in the dim and dark. Where the light crept was no place for them. For Wilkas it was a sign of hope as he ran with the shadow that took to all four poorly arranged appendages and ran through the middle of them. Shrill shrieks and hisses of terror emitted at the sight, as the young Gnome launched past the edge of the forest into the daylight.

But the shadow would not maintain and dissipated as quickly as it was formed leaving the Gnome revealed in a world of brightness. Flute to his lips formed with a smile he stood proudly in his leaf stitched leathers. Giving a whimsical flourish he hopped one foot and then bowed graciously saying, “Thank you! Thank you! You really are tremendous folk, how did you know I was looking for the forest edge?” The Kobold were confused and none too happy barking and hissing at him from the shaded treeline, but not wanting to cross the barrier of sunlight they turned at eachother in argument before sifting away into the dim forest.

Such strange folk, Wilkas thought to himself, he had never seen a Kobold in his whole life but found them entirely fascinating. It was then his time to turn and just as excited he had been, the gnome found a stone suddenly sink to his stomach at the sight. Without trees to bar the distance the world before him seemed so strange and vast. Never felt smaller Wil knew he could not turn back. Adjusting the sack of belongings strapped to his small back he pressed forth.


Assured he’d accidently fallen into a realm of torture the gnome had found a road that the human Bard in Fal’Addas had told him to travel. Having followed it for less than a mile it looked to never end. Overwhelmed and paralyzed by his decision Wilkas fell to his back and sprawled out with a witless expression glued to his face.

“So long… so far…” He murmured. Had he given up? Most certainly he didn’t know as he stared up at the clear sky and daylight. So many unfamiliar sights had given him an odd sense of claustrophobia… or what was it? The Gnome puzzled his brain to describe the sensation of feeling like being in a large place that made you feel trapped and small. Maybe he should have stayed in Gildden? Maybe he should have listened to the Elders? Those thoughts made him scrunch up his face with disgust. It was utter nonsense.

With a huff and a fluttering patter of his flapping lips as he continued to blow air, Wil figured he needed to just think. He would find a way. Assuredly or a way would find him. Until that time however he figured he would lay there in his thoughts watching the white puffs swirl against blue sky making shapes. “Too much room… Too much room…” Was all he could think and say as he laid in the middle of the road waiting for something as his golden locks of hair dusted in the breeze.
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Reactions: Nzhura
Marius Alva Demicus was whistling a tune and his apprentice Serbert was smiling and nodding his head along to the rhythm. They were on their way back to the College of Elbion after having spent a few weeks in a small town south of Vel Anir. The pair were in good spirits as they had be treated excellently by their hosts while they spent some time going through an old ruin not far away.

As the pair rode on their cart, Marius handed Serbert the reigns and looked at the relics in the back, making sure they were alright. The cart stopped suddenly and Marius jerked forward. "What the hell are you doing boy?" He said to Serbert. Serbert pointed at a small body in the road and Marius jumped from his cart and ran towards it. He fell to his knees beside the gnome and yelled at him. "Hey! You alive pal?" Marius hopped so, death truly saddened him and it'd be a pain to wrap the body up and bury it on the side of the road. Serbert wasn't far behind Marius and stood over his shoulder. The human teen's heart was pounding in his chest as he waited for a reply to Marius' question.
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Reactions: Wilkas Thornbuck
Bright blue eyes watched from behind the cover of foliage, burning with an intensity derived from his one goal this night. To speak with Marius. Their last encountered had ended abruptly, with Luc, a fugitive now more then ever, evading the mage hunters, who he believed Marius belonged to. Weeks had gone by but Luc had thought back to that night often, and the one thing he gleamed from that strange encounter at night, was that the scholar was in fact no mage hunter.

He just has an uncanny skill to come across the oddities of this world, Luc mused as he watched the encounter below.

He had stalked above head for sometime now, using the safety of the branches above to keep from view as he watched his prey. He had no intentions of hurting the scholar but honestly he wouldn't be surprised if it came down to it. The rumors about Luc did not work in his favor after all.

Having decided enough time was spent wandering off from the make shift home in the dark cave he shared with the Blight Witch he was moments from announcing himself when the scholar came upon the gnome. Luc cursed his lack of fortune, watching the scene unfold as he thought of his next move. He really wanted to speak with Marius but he also had to limit who saw him, or else risked being chased once more. Such was the life of a mage hunted by mage hunters after all.
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Reactions: Wilkas Thornbuck
He heard the sound of wagon wheels and clattering hoof, a strange sound now, completely renewed in context of this greater world. How was it possible? Wilkas asked himself. How was it even faintly possible that this whole time a world this vast had existed? Further he wondered why the Elder’s of the Leafspring Clan had forbayed journey past the Falwood. Surely they knew. If not could it have meant that he was the first of his kind? A gnome.

While he pondered he laid beneath the sun upon the dirt, arms sprawled out, eyes wide gazing to the sky, and a soft smile present in his stupor. Marius was barely noticed until the shade of the approaching half-elf encroached and his form blotted out the sun until all the small gnome could see was his face. Suddenly the unblinking stare slowly shifted towards the concerned man’s. As if struck by enchantment the gnome spoke in an inspire flutter, “How… how can I be alive?” Such a strange question, but with a throaty chuckle Wil sighed wistfully, “There is so much… a giant world, filled with giants. Who would have thought?”

Tumbling over upon his stomach he kicked his tiny boots to the dirt with a gleeful ness that launched him proudly to his feet. Even standing full height the gnome barely met Marius face to face, and would appear as a child if it wasn’t for the tone of his voice. Had they met a gnome before? Pointed ears would indicate Elvish origin but Wil’s people were so much more.

“Can you see friend?!” Wilkas cried out with wonderment. Hands struck out to each side and rose to the sky as he gracefully turned about. “So much sky! And… and a giant ball of light… what did the Elder’s say… a Sun! Yes the Sun!” He practically praised.

Before the pair present knew it (and another voyeuristically spied) the tiny man pulled forth a pan flute and began to pipe a crescendoing chirp. And then with prancing step and clapping heels Wilkas joyful piped away pleasant and musical tune dancing about Marius and his apprentice. “I must see it all!” He cried out. Continuing into his musical fit he practically tiptoed his way on and off the wagon carried away in youthful wanderlust making a childish yet spritely display.
It had not been long she had left Bhatharik, and the half orc adventurer now found herself on a road on the outskirts of the Falwood. She had no idea what she was going to do next, with no plans made, and simply going where fate took her. It was simply part of her free-spirited nature after all. As she began to walk on further up ahead, she began to notice a small commotion further up on the road. There was a wagon stopped alongside the road, with two or three figures conversing, two men, and the other, a young boy. As she began to approach the pair, the boy seemed to be very excited about something he was telling the taller man, the half orc noticed the pointed ears on one of the man as she got closer.

He didn't look exactly like an elf, so she simply assumed that he was a half breed just like she was. The boy then pulled out a pan flute and began playing some folk music that she admitted was rather pleasing to the ears. As she began to get even closer, what she had realised to be a human boy as first, turned out to be a gnome! It had to be!

She'd never met a gnome in the flesh but she'd heard plenty of stories about them before. She just didn't actually think they'd would be this small! The gnome at this point had taken to dancing on the wagon and around the two men and he continued to play his music. She could hear the words of the gnome now, and he was talking about seeing it all. Nzhura walked up to the trio and asked the gnome. "What do you want to see?"
Marius smiled with delight at the gnomes words. "Those are all excellent questions! I am happy you are filled with such wonder!" Marius rises to his feet and watched the gnome play his fiddle. Serbert smiled at Marius and Marius listened to the new person as they arrived. Marius smiled and gestured at his wagon before speaking to the gnome. "We are headed home to the College of Elbion, if you wish, you may ride with us and explore the world. We travel very often and it would be fun to have someone as full of energy as you."

Marius faced the orcish girl and bowed slightly. "You of course are also welcome to ride with us, more the merrier."

Marius pulled out a small canteen and took a sip from it. "My name is Marius and that is my apprentice Serbert." The young human teen smiled and waved, when he spoke it was very quiet. "Hello, a pleasure to meet you all." Marius smiled again but this time it was a little more forced, he had spotted someone in the bushes a few feet away and was watching them out of the corner of his eye carefully.
He cursed his fate. Luc the Unlucky had struck again and it seemed a Orc had joined the party meaning there was yet another person who would see him. Even worse, Marius had gone and invited the gnome to travel with him. All he wanted was to have a word with a the scholar and now it seemed that moment had passed him.

Turning upon the branch, Luc decided to move on. He had already strayed far enough from the Blight Witch and didn't want to run the risk of having her move on from their makeshift camp. Yet he hovered there upon them, not moving. He bit his lower lip, lost in thought as the group below spoke and he battled over leaving. He had happened upon the scholar and his apprentice quite by accident, and did not believe he would be so fortunate for there to be a third time.

With a heavy sigh, he turned once more and looked below and with practiced ease, simply stepped off the branch. Luc made his entrance, sudden and with no announcement safe for the soft thud of his feet upon the earth. He stood just behind Marius and his cart and in clear view.

Handsome in appearance, as most elves were, his black hair framed his face despite it's wildness, evidence of his time spent on the run. His clothing had not changed since his last encounter with Marius, and despite the fact he no longer attended the College, he still wore the clothing of a elemental mage, a green tunic with blue accents. His rich blue eyes flicked from the gnome to what he now saw was perhaps a half orc and he tried his best to appear friendly. However, it would be Marius to determine how this interaction carried on.

"You have a knack for attracting interesting people whilst you travel Master Scholar..." Luc spoke in a measured voice.
Marius turned and faced Luc, he opened his mouth to respond when Serbert jumped in front of Marius, dagger in hand. Marius grabbed the boy and pulled him back before he started something. "Calm down boy! He's just talking." Serbert fell behind Marius with a sigh and muttered something about rumours in the college. Marius turned back to Luc. "Yes, I do. I don't know what it is but my journeys are certainly never boring."

Marius eyed the boy, unsure of what this was. He knew Luc was accused of thievery but he really didn't seem like a bad person. Marius also knew from his experience with the college that politics affected a lot of things. Marius narrowed his eyes and spoke. "I'm going to give you one chance to give me an honest answer, did you commit the thefts that you are accused of? I don't care if you did or not, but I want honesty."

Marius turned his head to face the gnome and the orc. "It's a long story, but don't worry, we'll be on our way shortly."