Striking an imposing figure despite her otherwise smaller build compared to most males of her species, and a majority of pure blooded orcs, Nzhura has a good mix of both human and orcish traits from her orc father and human mother. Her hair, long and dark, the shade of soot is worn with several sections braided and bound together with linen strands. The main sections are tied into a big ponytail secured with a large leather band along with two large bone pieces being used to secure the hairstyle together, acting as improvised hairpins.Her ears are pointed, as with all orcs, and her ears are an anomaly, an unusual shade of crimson red.The two tusks that are represented in all orcs are also visibly smaller than her pure blooded kin but still as prominent. Her lips are a healthy shade of plum, and her skin tone grayish like most half orcs.
Although appearing as beastial to humans, they were considered human-like amongst orcs. Her built is strong, with a healthy share of muscles from an active lifestyle combined with a good dose of combat training. However, she also inherits the more desirable humane and feminine traits from her human mother, giving her a slender build with curves that would not otherwise be present in majority of female pure blooded orcs.
Skills and Abilities
Born Fighter: Raised in orcish society, Nzhura was brought up in a warrior culture. Raised by an Orc warrior father, she was taught from a young age to fight, and combat has always been something she finds herself exceptionally gifted at. She is highly proficient with her weapons of choice, favouring either a set of twin swords or axes.
Archery: She is competent in archery, and more than capable of hitting the bullseye if she needs to. This is not only attributed to natural talent but also long hours of practice with the bow. A frequent hunter, this skill has proven to be essential in taking down her targets.
Cooking: Her mother was a great cook, and over the years, while she learnt the arts of combat from her father, she learnt the gentler art of cooking from her mother. Her specialities are no doubt any kind of savoury meat dishes, and she does make a great roast meal accompanied with an equally great stew.
An emotional individual, she is also known to be incredibly passionate about what she believes in. Armed with a fighting spirit, she’s not one to turn down a challenge and usually takes them up willingly and excitedly. Possessing an assertive behaviour, she was brought up to believe that you had to stand up for your beliefs and ideals, she does not take too kindly when others try to change or interfere in her lifestyle choices for no good reason.She is naturally bold and tenacious, and can be brash when she needs to be, and equally fierce when the occasion calls for it to stand up for herself or others she care about. Quick witted and intelligent, she’s rarely afraid of anything, be it letting loose a string of insults and obscenities or terms and actions of affection, she is equally unfazed. She’s not one that is easy to anger, but she gets angry, she does stay angry and bear grudges for a rather long while. Highly adaptable, it does not take her long to get used to new environments. Incredibly free-spirited, she loves pursuing common orcish activities such as fighting, eating and drinking.
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