Wilkas Nivyn Orlen Swiftstep Farryn Dewstone Tanver Thornbuck
A spritely young man with eternally boyish features, short honey blonde hair, and golden tanned skin. Wilkas Thornbuck has an enchanting emerald green gaze, tiny pointed ears, and rosy cheeks with a tiny bulb nose. Constantly wearing a smile the merry Gnome often dresses in dark brown and green leathers, and is covered in a flowing green traveling cloak with a crossbow, lute, flute, and all other traveling gear. Being a nomad most of his home and possessions are carried on him.
Skills and Abilities
Wilkas magic is expressed and channeled through harmonies and sounds. Depending on his musical arrangement and choice of expression it can affect the nuance of the spells he casts; however, he is left defenseless if silenced. Bardic magic is an emotional art relying on the imagination and personal energies to catalyze spellcrafting. Because of this they are relatively versatile and often seen sharing many skills and spells with other focused mystical practitioners.
- -- Gift of Inspiration: Unlike many other schools of mystical aptitude those who become Bards can naturally conjure the Gift of Inspiration. Through their music and words they can affect emotional states, thoughts, and ambition of another. This is often utilized to uplift and another and revitalizes them with a renewed energy or strength.
-- The Songbook: A Bard also possess very specific spells to them regarding the manipulation, distortion, and physical embodiment of sound. As well as a means of psychological attack allow them to use their words to affect the minds of others or create illusions. They also have a variety of empathic spells that allow them to charm and ensnare people and animals.
-- Mystical Mimic: Bards are considered mimics in the magical community. They may not share the same focus or dedication, but their capabilities are just as immense as their more reputable counterparts. Because of this the longer they spend with other spellcasters the more they are able to learn and put into effect.
-- Chorus of the Vine: Raised by Druids Wilkas has developed various spells that attune to nature. Summoning wildlife to his aid, moving earth and root, and healing charms are examples of spellwork he has learned.
One of the more unique diminutive species native to the Falwood the Gnomish race claims ancestry with the Fey. Very short and spritely figures with pointed ears they are known for their impulsive curiosities, tricks, games, and energetic personalities.
- -- The Smallfolk: Being so small the Gnomish people are known for being incredibly quick and hard to physically hit or grab. They have a reputation among the few larger species that have had contact with them as being very slippery. But because of their size and nature they are able to slip into areas and crowds with little notice.
-- Nimble Tricksters: Natural born fools the Gnomish people are commonly known among their diverse sub-cultures for their tricks. They may have a riddle, sometimes a puzzle, or so be it a prank of humiliation. They celebrate mockery as a sign of merit and politeness. Gnomish nimbleness is quite legendary with tales being told that they could balance themselves atop a pin, while exaggerated there is more truth to that tale than myth.
-- Art of the Quickening: More than most others Gnomes are incredibly fleet of foot. Capable of scaling many obstacles with pace of a sprinter, and this mastery of motion is what they call the Quickening. It is naturally inherited speed and climbing ability.
Some may say he is a dreamer, but he is not the only one. Wilkas Thornbuck is likely one of the most hopeful and positive individuals you have ever met. Never one to linger on sadness he lives perpetually in the moment seeing life alone as a reason to be grateful. Content wherever he goes what matters is that he is going, as Wilkas does not like to linger or stay in one place for long. His curiosity for the world is an unending thirst that leaves him often impatient to experience it. This means he is easily led and excited by tall tales and local legends.
A good-hearted man his kindness is often equal to his hyperbolic eccentrics. This Gnome is a giant among men constantly demanding full attention with his antics. As a Bard this tends to favor well as for your attention he repays you with entertainment, but it is also common for individuals to be worn thin by his persistent glow. Most of his conflicts are from his failure to understand certain social and cultural contexts and accidently offending others sensibilities.
Currently he is driven to understand more about his magic and to enter one of Elbion’s Bardic Colleges. Fascinated with the wondrous things other Bards can do he desperately wishes to become a legend in his own right. Just like his grandfather. Just like a hero.
Biography & Lore
Born to the mysterious small folk of the Falwood’s, Wilkas was the middle child of twenty seven children. His parents were notable members of the Leafspring Clan and were druids tasked with safeguarding their society from travelers. Inheriting the talent for magic from his parents he learned to channel wild spells through his flute. Naturally taking on the Bardic trade much like his great-grandfather Godwin Thornbuck he was often left to entertain the village of Gildden.
Being a Gnome and perpetually curious Wilkas disobeyed his parents and clan leaders and often traveled the edges of the Falwood. Here he encountered strange giant folk who he met as a trickster, guide, and whimsical distraction. Returning to the village he would chastised about the danger he posed, and reminded him of his role to serve the clan as a Chronicler and Merrymaker. Feeling himself pulled towards the greater world their words or punishments never stayed long.
At the young age of Thirty-Seven, barely at the gnomish adult-hood, the Bardic Gnome of the Leafspring Clan visited Fal’Addas. The city of Elves it had been forbidden that any of Wilkas clan ever visit that place. Though their shared verbal history spoke of a time when the Gnomish and the Elvish were one people, it was the clan’s belief that their tall cousins were untrustworthy deceivers. This was the basis of their penchant for trickery and misdirection blaming the Elves supposed betrayal on their isolation. But it had been thousands of years, far past what even the Thornbuck family could remember. So within the City of the Elves, Wilkas Thornbuck, found himself taken with wonder at the extravagant architecture, strange dialects, and even stranger people.
Meeting a human Flutist and Minstrel was how he came to learn of the greater world. He also learned that there was a city of magic named Elbion where Bardic Colleges of Arethil taught those with the talent to inspire and invigorate. Hearing legends of famous Bards and Folk Heroes captivated the young Gnome who felt his heart swell with the dreams of adventure. Leaving Fal’Addas Wilkas would return to the village of Gildden with a greater thirst. But it wouldn’t be until his Forty-Fifth name day that the young Gnome would follow his heart. Seen as an adult in the eyes of the Leafspring Clan he was permitted to leave village, but with the understanding that he would not return to them. Wilkas’ dreams of the world would not leave him if he stayed so he gave up a family and community he knew to see what no other Gnome had seen.
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