Private Tales To Have and to Hold..

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Lynus Anireth

The Prince of Vel Anir
Character Biography
It had only been a year since his world had fallen apart, though it'd felt like no time at all. He felt no less angry at the world today than he had that day, if anything his bitterness had grown, and there hadn't been a single moment where it hadn't clawed at his chest like an animal intent on ripping out his heart. The day Lynus' wife and child had died, Lynus had too. He knew it, his father and siblings and anyone who'd known him could see it too. He found no worth in life, no pleasure in anything and sought the aid of anything to numb his aching body and mind rather than face his reality sober.

'It will get easier.' they'd said. He'd heard this this numerous times before he threatened to murder the next person to utter the words in his vicinity. It wasn't comforting, it was infuriating, and he needed no reminder that his life would never be the same again.

He'd heard polite knocks at his door several times already this morning, but the guards and servants were more than used to being ignored by now. Still, they'd been particularly insistent until Lynus had promised that if they didn't fuck off, he'd have them put to death for treason. The next knock at the door was not so much a knock as a meaty fist pounding into the solid oak.

"Get up, Lynus!" His father's voice caused his eyes to open enough to squint at the door and realise how badly his head pounded. He groaned and ran a hand over his face, only to wince at another, more insistent pounding of fists on the door. "Must I have this door beaten down?!" the King bellowed, and Lynus growled irritably in response.

"Alright! Enough!.. Fuck me." the Prince huffed and pulled himself out of bed and into a pair of loose breeches. He didn't bother to make haste toward the door, but he could hear his father's muttering to guards on servants on the other side of it. The second he'd unlocked the door, it was pushed open and royal employees poured into the room, leaving Lynus looking more than a little pissed off.

"What's going--" he'd started, but his father slammed a hand down on the crook of his neck and shook him.

"Gods. Look at the state of you. Get yourself cleaned up - we've guests arriving within the hour and I need you looking your best. It's not a choice, Lynus." he added quickly when his son had looked intent on protest. "Now, shape up. I'll see you downstairs." he slapped twice at his cheek and turned away before he could say anything else.

He was all but dragged into the room by nervous looking men and women who insisted that they were acting on his father's command. They wrestled him into a chair and proceeded to groom him, trimming and tidying his overgrown hair and beard whilst others looked out formal clothes and drew him a bath. He was well scrubbed up by the time they left his room, and aghast to notice that his cabinet of whiskies had been emptied.

"The fuck?!"

His door knocked once again, and he was summoned to one of the more opulent drawing rooms, the one his father favoured when greeting guests of particular importance. "What is this about." Lynus growled rhetorically as he finally left his room.
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To say that Amelia Pirian was pissed off was the understatement of the century. Her parents had screwed her and her sister, Kristen, over once again. A week prior, her parents and her had struck a deal. Amelia would get married to the man of their choice if they brought Kristen back from the Academy. They had agreed. She had agreed. They had reneged on their end but before Amelia could also back out, they informed her that she was to marry Prince Lynus Anireth and she had no choice but to follow through.

So now the elder Pirian daughter was at the palace to meet her future husband as well as the King and Queen of Vel Anir. Her parents had insisted on accompanying her and she had just glared at them the entire way before telling them to fuck off and they were not invited to come in. As the future wife of the Prince, she won the fight with them. They stayed in the carriage or she left Vel Anir forever. Amelia went to Elbion to get away from the nobles and their games. Now...she was in the middle of it.

Amelia hated to admit that she looked stunning as they followed a servant into the immaculate drawing room. She had decided to wear her brown hair down and curled so it flowed over her shoulders and down her back. She had appropriately decided to wear a long black dress that made her look like a beautiful mourner.

As she waited for the royal family, she fiddled with her curls, touched the expensive vases, and sat then stood at least six times. She did not want to be here but she was still nervous to meet the man she was going to be stuck with for the rest of her life.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
The King and Queen were soon announced to their guest before arriving side by side, their warm and welcoming smiles pausing for a brief moment as their eyes fell to her choice of attire.

"Ah, eheh welcome, welcome my dear!" the King stammered, clearly a little caught off guard by the sight of her. Not that she wasn't beautiful, but it was obvious that Amelia had reservations about the agreement. The King was the first to open his arms and settle them on the young woman's shoulders, smiling brightly at her pretty face. "It is such a pleasure to meet you, Lady Pirian. You may call me Randall, might I introduce my wife, Queen Elenora--"

"Elenora, please. You are about to become family after all."
the woman beamed and stepped in after her husband to press a kiss to Amelia's cheeks. "Ohh you are absolutely stunning my child. Though, I must say your choice of dress is unexpected!" she chirped.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Lynus Ani--" the man announcing him was cut off by nothing more than a glare as Lynus stopped in the threshold. He had no idea who his parents were trying to impress today, but he was quite simply not in the mood for it. He let out a deep sigh and turned to continue, his gaze skimming over his parents before settling on the woman he had not met before. His stormy gaze broke for a moment to admire what he saw, but as he reached the trio his throat cleared and he offered her a formal bow.

"My Lady." he said in a low rumble and forced as pleasant a smile as he could muster before turning to his mother and father. "Now - Are you going to explain the purpose of this morning's ambush?" he asked, a brow quirking.

His mother was already at him, ensuring that his buttons were positively shining and there was not a hair out of place. Both he and his father turned to the Queen with a look of indignation, and she quietly apologised and moved instead to usher Amelia closer. "Lynus, this is Lady Amelia Pirian." she informed, and Lynus offered the woman a small smile in acknowledgement as of course, he recognised the family name.

"A pleasure to meet you." his chin dipped, and in the silence that fell he found his parents staring at each other, silently waiting for each other to speak. Eventually, his father relented and cleared his throat as he looked back to his son.

"This lovely young lady is to be your wife."
As soon as the King and Queen were announced, Amelia stood and smoothed out her dress. She curtsied low and then stood as they approached her. She smiled at the King as he welcomed her and then she stiffened when the Queen kissed her cheek.

Amelia was about to make a smartass quip to the Queen when the door opened again and Prince Lynus strolled in with a glare on his face. Her mouth fell open slightly as she watched him. He was gorgeous even with the sour expression on his face. He clearly was not onboard with this arrangement either.

He bowed. She curtsied. All proper and shit.

Amelia was still studying her betrothed when the King cleared his throat and looked at Lynus.

"This lovely young lady is to be your wife."

Amelia looked from the King and Queen to the Prince. It was not that he was not onboard with the arrangement…he did not even know about it. A very small smile crossed her lips as the words settled in the silence.

“Prince Lynus, my family is beyond honored by this engagement,” her family was. Amelia was not. Hence the black dress, the dour expression, and the words that dripped with sarcasm. “I cannot wait to be your wife…” The last sentence was said with the same amount of sarcasm as the first.
  • Haha
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Amelia spoke first, breaking the deafening silence and suffocating atmosphere that settled in the room. Lynus could only stare, utterly dumfounded and half expecting someone to start laughing, but apparently this was no joke. He turned to the woman, his expression still blank despite her obvious sarcasm. Still, it was good to know that he wasn't the only one who thought the idea ludicrous.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?!" Lynus finally barked, causing his mother to flinch and his father's expression to redden with shock and affront.

"I'll remind you who you are talking to boy." the king bristled and reached for Lynus' arm with the intent on guiding him away for a more private conversation, one that clearly should have been had prior to this little get together. The prince pulled his arm away and pointed toward Amelia.

"I have nothing to offer this woman - you'd condemn her to this life?"

"CONDEMN?! You have a name, son. She will be royalty, she will bear you ch--"

"Don't you dare fucking say it." Lynus cut him off with a snarl of warning and looked about to strike his father, hence the king's guard taking a step closer.

"My dear, why don't we leave the men to discuss matters and have some tea whilst we wait?" the Queen gently offered Amelia, looking aggrieved as she held a hand out toward her as the argument continued.

"Get a hold of yourself, lad. You have a duty to uphold, you are still young--" the King continued, trying to control his temper. Lynus was having no such luck.

"Fuck you." the Prince sneered and turned toward the door, though it was shut and guards stood in front of it avoiding his gaze. Lynus' brow rose and he turned to look back at his father.

"It isn't a choice, Lynus. You will apologise for your behaviour and you will marry Lady Pirian. Today."
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Amelia immediately liked the Prince. He was of the same mind as her and he was not afraid to speak up. She did flinch when he said he had nothing to offer her though. She had not expected much at all but he had used the word condemn. Was he so terrible? He did not seem to be but she had also been gone for so long and she knew nothing about the Prince. She had thought it was strange that he was still unwed at his age. It was none of her business though. Now, she was curious.

He was furious and Amelia wanted to hear the rest of the argument but the Queen held her hand out and suggested tea. The Pirian daughter nodded and followed the Queen in silence. She had nothing to add to the currently hostile situation between the Prince and his father.

As they exited the room, she heard the words that made her stop dead in her tracks.

"...You will marry Lady Pirian. Today."

"What?" The word slipped from her lips. Today? She was going to marry the Prince today. No, absolutely not. It was too soon. She had not had time to figure out a way out of this whole thing yet. She could not marry him today. "Your Highness, I cannot marry today. My sister is a Dreadlord Initiate and she would burn the city to the ground if she missed my wedding especially if it is a royal wedding."

Amelia probably should not have told the Queen of Vel Anir that her sister would burn the city but hopefully it convey her seriousness on the matter. She needed time to form a plan on how to get the fuck out of this damn city.
  • Bless
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
Lynus lapsed into an affronted silence once again, his expression frozen with a look of incredulity as he stared at his father. Today?!

He turned to Amelia as she protested and his brow rose as she spoke of her sister burning down the city. It was a statement that would've been far more likely to have been overlooked had it happened before the revolution, but since then these things were not so inconceivable. The Queen looked as though a light breeze might knock her over as she gaze, wide-eyed at the woman.

Lynus needed time to sort this out, to dissuade his father from making this decision or to leave this place and all its misery behind. Today was not an option.

The King looked to Amelia now, his hands clasped behind his back. "I can have your family brought here if this is your worry. But there is little point in delaying." he chuckled dryly. Of course, he knew that the longer he delayed, the more likely it was that Lynus would run from his duties, which was precisely why he hadn't been told until just now and why guards were stationed at the doors.

"You cannot trap this woman by tricking her into a damn ambush! You would make her a prisoner here?" he gestured toward her with a wave of his hand and began pacing like a caged animal. "No. Absolutely not. You may have taken my rights from me, but I know nothing more of this woman than that she does not deserve this. I implore you to reconsider the haste in which you act."

"Just as I have implored you to stop wallowing in self pity and get on with i--"

"Enough!" Lynus cut him off, his fists clenched by his sides. "I have never so much as had a private conversation with this woman and you intend for us to wed? You've lost your sense." he growled, and the King clapped his hands twice.

"Everyone, out!" he demanded, and he was obeyed. "If a private conversation is what you wish, then you will have it, but it changes nothing. The decision has been made, and you best be quick in coming to terms with that, my son." the King bowed his head to him, and then to Amelia before taking the Queen's arm and guiding her out of the room, the doors locking behind them and leaving the two betrothed in silence.
"That did not seem to go as you wanted it to," Amelia said as she walked back towards the Prince. They were alone now and she dropped all pretense of politeness and being a proper lady.

She did not want this. He did not want this. There was no acting like they were super excited about this.

Amelia crossed her arms as she came to stop in front of him. She studied his face for a few seconds before speaking again. "I am Amelia Pirian, you seem nice enough and all, but I do not want this. No offense." She added the last part as an after thought.

"I do not care about the nobles, the royals, or their petty games. I only returned to Vel Anir to try and get my sister away from the fucking Dreadlords. My parents tricked me."

Amelia let out a long sigh then and uncrossed her arms. "I have a feeling that neither of our parents care what we want though. I am afraid we are stuck in this but if we get married today, I cannot plan my escape." Her words were blunt. She had never been one to mince words.

"I am not even going to take offense to the fact that you are so vehemently against me as a wife, your highness." She was joking. She knew she was beautiful. She was not sure if he would get that it was a joke though. She thought she was hilarious but he did not know her sense of humor.
  • Haha
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
"No shit." he muttered quietly to himself as he stared at the closed doors for a moment longer before turning to face her.

He didn't bother to interrupt her with any remarks as she spoke, he simply watched her, rather impressed by how she'd handled this shambles. His hand dragged down his face, muffling a short laugh at her joke.

"I do not blame you for wanting to escape." he answered first. "And I take no offence at your obvious sarcasm earlier. Most would think me quite a catch." he returned some humor and huffed as he turned to begin a slow pacing, his fingers kneading at the tension in the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry you've been dragged into this. And its not that you're not clearly beautiful, I'm sure you'd make someone astoundingly happy, Lady Pirian. But I am not ready for marriage, nor am I likely ever to be. They know this and refuse to accept it. I suppose its come to force."

Lynus growled in frustration and moved past her to flop himself unceremoniously into a large armchair, taking note that the drinks table was also void of alcohol. His jaw tightened.

"Where would you escape to?" he asked curiously.
"I am sure that you are a catch, your highness, but I do not care about being with someone for their titles. There might have been a chance if you were just a handsome man without Prince or Anireth in your name." Amelia smiled at him. The first real, non sarcastic smile that she had given since she entered the palace.

Amelia went and sat on a large sofa with much more grace than the Prince had shown. "I may go back to Elbion or maybe I would travel some," she shrugged. She, honestly, had zero idea about what she would do beyond getting away from her parents and Vel Anir. She needed to take Kristen with her though. That was non-negotiable.

"Do you really think they will make us get married today? I like to pretend that it is not going to happen but we know it will. There is really no point in fighting it, I guess." She sighed and looked at her fiancé. He was gorgeous and she was sure that any girl - besides herself - would fall over themselves at this opportunity.

"We should probably try and get to know each other? I will start," and she did. "My name is Amelia Pirian, I am twenty-eight and I have managed to avoid marriage until now. My little sister, Kristen, was send to the Academy a year ago and I am determined to save her from it. My favorite color is black and I am very sarcastic," she smiled at him. That seemed to be a good start. Especially since she was nothing special.
Lynus' cheeks dimpled as he grinned incredulously at her, so unused to smiling that the muscles in his cheeks ached. "Normally its the name and titles and everything that comes with it that most women want. But its good to know that if I was a nobody, I'd be in with a chance." his head shook and pinched at the bridge of his nose.

"Sounds lovely." he responded dryly to the notion of travelling. Oh to be so free as to run away and do as one so pleased..

He glanced up at her as she posed the question he'd been pondering himself, and his gaze drew toward the hearth with a quiet growl of a sound. "When the King gets something into his mind, it is difficult to persuade him otherwise. The only way he'd change his mind on it would likely be if your family refused on your behalf or threatened to remind their offer." he noted, but somehow that didn't seem likely either from what he'd gathered.

The Prince turned to look at her as she started telling him about herself, his lips pressed into a thin line as he listened. "No shit." he commented on the latter obviousness. Again, he rubbed at his face, as though hoping at some point he'd wake up and find himself back in his bed with a hangover and a cabinet filled with whisky to cure it. But alas, his nightmare was real.

"Look, My Lady. Amelia." he said and cleared his throat. "I am sure that you are as wonderful in all things as you are beautiful.." breathtakingly.. "But other than my name and title which you do not want, there really is nothing that I can offer you. I am Lynus Anireth. Cold hearted and miserable bastard who spends most of his days asleep and his nights drunk. There is nothing for you here, and I will not hold you a prisoner to this fucking city."

"If it is that we have no choice.. Then marry me, and go. Go back to Elbion, see the world, take your sister with you. I will not stop you."
Amelia studied Lynus and slowly crossed her arms across her chest. His proposal was not terrible. She could marry him and then basically do her own thing. Their marriage would keep either of them from having to marry anyone else. The only issue that she could foresee would be the need to produce an heir. Princes do not have arranged marriages for love. They have arranged marriages for alliances and heirs.

"Honestly, that does not sound like the worst idea. If we did get married, it would stay my parents hand on any further attempts to marry me off. It would keep your parents from doing the same..."

She stood and started to pace as she absently tapped her chin with her pointer finger. "The issue with that arrangement is they would eventually want us to have a kid. Your parents may be okay with my going to Elbion for a few years but they would call me back. I do not think you could stop them there. If I just disappeared from society, they - or my parents - would send people to find me and drag me back."

At this point she was just thinking out loud as she walked around the room. "Also...thank you for the complement..." She did smile at the Prince then. She did not want him to think she was rude or anything.

"Thoughts? I know my parents will not go back on this arrangement because it is too good for our House." Amelia rolled her eyes.
Lynus' head shook, his pale blue eyes following her pacing from the armchair. "No, my parents wouldn't be alright with you going to Elbion at all. But what can anyone do if you just disappear? It's a big world. I can give you whatever you need to travel well for the rest of your life. Perhaps you'll settle down with a husband of your choosing in future." he suggested, a muscle flexing in his jaw as he settled back into the plush cushion.

"I will not be fathering any children." he said firmly. "I'd commit to celibacy before I'd even consider it." he snorted, resting his chin on his fist as he returned his gaze to the fire.

"We marry. My Princess. And then you may leave me, heartbroken of course. And all will be as it was."
Amelia knew there was more to the story about why he did not want kids but that was a subject she was not going to approach. Especially if he would rather be celibate because that sounded terrible. So did kids but no sex sounded worse.

She had stopped pacing and had resumed her seat when he called her my Princess. It was sarcastic, of course, but she could not help but notice the tingle that ran through her at his words. Amelia squashed any thoughts of it as she nodded at her future husband.

"We marry, my Prince." Her tone was matter of fact and no non-sense. A deal had been struck. They would marry and she would disappear into the night.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus' head bowed as he leaned forward, his elbows planted on his knees, and only his eyes lifted to look at her as he gave his slow nod in agreement. His lips twisted as his gaze fell over her dress again and he laughed under his breath. "My condolences." he commented quietly and rubbed at his face before standing from his seat and walking over to her.

Lynus knelt in front of the seat and reached to take her hand. Neither of them had wanted this, neither had choice in the matter, but that didn't mean that the woman didn't deserve some decency.

"My Lady Amelia, you do me the greatest honour in becoming my wife.." he rumbled as he brought her knuckles to his lips, blue eyes on hers as he pressed a gentle kiss to them. She really was beautiful, he could clearly see that whether he was still so sorely wounded or not. He would hate to see that beauty dwindle in misery.

He stood, letting go of her. "I suppose, we should tell my parents the wonderful news." he half smirked and turned to lead her to the large, locked doors which he battered a fist into. "Summon the King and Queen!" he demanded to whatever guards stood on the opposite side of it.

"We've a wedding to plan.."
Lynus kneeled in front of her and kissed her hand. She fought the heat that rose through her body and settled on her cheeks. Fuck fuck fuck. She smiled through her blush as he stood and led them to the doors. Amelia made a point to look in the other direction. She was not sure if he had seen the effect on her but she would certainly try to make it less obvious. She could not help that she was still a young woman and he was a gorgeous man.

"Do you think they will let us have some time or do you think they are set on today before we change our minds?" She, honestly, could not blame the King and Queen. If she were them, she would push for the marriage to happen immediately as well. That did not mean she wanted it to happen right away though. She could enjoy the perks of royalty for a bit before she took off. She still needed to figure out how to get Kristen out of the Academy before she left too.

"If it did happen today, I would be immensely happy if my parents missed it...just to spite them. I would apologize to Kristen later, of course, but my parents can rot in hell..."

Amelia trailed off as she realized how that sounded. She just really hated them right now. A lot.
He couldn't help but laugh under his breath at how pissed off she was with her parents. If they had nothing else in common, at least they had that. "If it's today, you can stay here for as long as you need to get your affairs in order." he assured, assuming that was her worry. "Perhaps, if he's convinced we're set on the idea, he might allow a few days." he shrugged.

Lynus made sure to be holding his betrothed's hand when his mother and father were announced and the doors were thrown wide. His mother's face had quickly shifted from apprehension to joy when she noticed, though his father's remained skeptical.

"Well now! Seems you two have got yourself acquainted." the King smiled, his gaze shifting between them expectantly.

"We have." Lynus smiled and looked to Amelia before returning his attention to his parents. "She's.. Quite wonderful. I may not be ready to have a wife just yet, but I think you're right, Father. I should start moving on with my life and returning to my duties as Prince of Vel Anir. I am certain that given time, Amelia and I will be very happy together. You have found a perfect match, thank you." he bowed his head.

The queen clasped her hands together in excitement and strode forward to gather her son into an embrace, and then to Amelia who's hands she took and squeezed. "How wonderful!"

"Today, or a week from now, we have agreed to wed. Though on behalf of my intended I'd ask time for her to have the perfect dress made. The new Princess should be spared no expense, of course."

"I will have only the best dressmakers in Vel Anir, My Lady. Rest assured you will look even more spectacular than you do right now." the King beamed. "Three days, then. I trust this is compromise enough. Until then My Lady, I am sure you'll find our guest wing to your liking." he smiled at her.
Three days. She had three days before she was the wife of Prince Lynus Anireth. They could put her in whatever ridiculous dress they wanted but she had one teeny tiny little request for the King and Queen. She had a sneaky suspicion that they would laugh at her but she did not want the big spectacle of a royal wedding. Especially when neither the bride nor the groom wanted this marriage at all.

"Three days is perfect, thank you. I do have a question for you both. I understand that you want us married before we can change our minds but may I request that we have a small wedding with just you both and us?"

Amelia paused for only a second before she continued. It was long enough for the words to sink in but not long enough for a reply.

"I feel that a small wedding for legal purposes is what should happen now and then once we..." She trailed off looking for the right words. "Once we are happy together, we can have the huge royal wedding. I know it is a lot to ask, Your Highnesses, but I do not love him and he does not love me. Declaring our love for all of Vel Anir seems...deceptive."

Amelia squeezed Lynus' hand and looked up at him for support.
Lynus looked down at the woman as she spoke, a semblance of a smile on his lips. He wasn't sure whether his parents would agree, but before they had a chance to answer, Lynus nodded. "I find that to be a perfectly reasonable request, my Lady. I am sure we would be planning a royal celebration in no time."

He looked to his parents then, her mother looking quite aghast, but his father appeared to be putting considerable thought into it. He let out a huff and scratched at his beard before stepping forward and slapping his hand onto Lynus' shoulder with a gruff laugh. "Ah, it is not a bad idea at all. You deserve happiness, son, too long I've watched you become a shell of yourself an--" the King stopped abruptly, cut off by his wife's swift elbow to the ribs. Lynus cleared his throat and offered a thankful smile to his mother.

The prince squeezed at the smaller hand housed in his, looking down with a lazy smirk. He wondered if she realised quite how much humiliation she'd saved him. The last thing he needed was the entire city there to witness a wedding only to learn days later that the Princess had left him.

"It's settled then. A small ceremony will be arranged, and given some time to get to know one another and to plan a far grander event, we will celebrate." he smiled and brought Amelia's hand to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles.
Amelia could not help but smile at the Prince as he kissed her hand. She really needed to get over this whole thing now and he needed to stop kissing her hand like a gods damned gentleman. She didn't have time for silly school girl embarassment with the man she was to marry.

Marry and leave. Marry and leave. Three days. Three days. The mantra she would repeat over and over.

"Excuse my ignorance of royal engagements but what happens now?" She supposed that her and Lynus would be forced to spend some more time together. She scolded herself for liking the idea of speaking with him. No!

So what did she do? Opened her big mouth. "Perhaps Lynus and I could spend more time together?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
"You needn't worry about anything my dear." the Queen assured warmly. "Everything will be arranged. Until then, I am sure Lynus will be happy to give you a tour of the keep and show you to the guest wing.." she smiled and her gaze shifted to her son expectantly.

"Of course, I'd love to." he agreed, lifting Amelia's hand and tucking it into his arm with an obligatory nod to his parents. He could feel their eyes burn into his back as he led his wife-to-be out into the grand foyer, and when they rounded the corner he let out a breath and offered a smile down at her.

"I am sorry, about them. They can be a touch overbearing." he murmured. The keep was as was to be expected as a royal residence. It reeked of generations of wealth, portraits of his ancestors lined the walls as well as tapestries of their battles and the weapons and armour they'd used and worn.

"Perhaps you'd like to see the grounds, first? I could use some air.."
Lynus visibly relaxed once they were away from his parents and she smiled up at him. Fuck, he was gorgeous. They walked together like an adorable courting couple that no one would suspect of just meeting today.

"They just love you, Lynus. They want what is best for you," Amelia said with a smile. It was a parents job to drive their children insane. At least his parents seemed to care about him, her parents were just assholes who cared about themselves. There was something there. Something that he did not want her to know, but it was none of her business.

"Yes, please, air!" She laughed out. It has been a day already and air sounds amazing. So does a drink, honestly. I could use a few actually," she laughed again. She felt like she was heading back to herself now that they had gotten through all the business talk.
"They do." he agreed with a nod. "But this is less about what they think is best for me and more about what they think is best for Vel Anir. I need an heir, My Lady. I was not in agreement to courting and so my father took matters into his own hands. If love was their main priority, they would not enter us into a marriage when we do not know one another. Duty matters more than anything else." he smiled down at her, but his gaze was dark and weary.

He laughed under his breath as she mentioned a drink. "That makes both of us.. Sadly, I fear the entire keep has been emptied of alcohol. Again, proof that my happiness means less to them than this joining." he smirked dryly, and waved over a passing servant as he paused to bow to the pair.

"Eric, My Lady here is thirsty, would you bring us a bottle of the best wine to the gardens, please." he asked politely, and the man bowed again and hurried off. Lynus lead Amelia outside onto a large terrace and down a grand staircase into the gardens. There was little greenery within Vel Anir, but this was a well kept secret.

"My grandmother hated the city, and for the first few months after marrying my grandfather she was miserable here. She longed for the countryside, and so my grandfather had gardeners work on this night and day for three whole months to build her these gardens. Its been some time since I've walked in them." he admitted quietly.

The gardens themselves seemed to have been built within an old ruin, tall pillars and large archways which looked to have been doors or windows stood having crumbled away long ago and were now covered in flowering ivy. Old stone fountains stood dry and instead were bursting with flowers of all sorts. Leading her through them, they came to a bridge over a pond teaming with koi carp, and a large weeping willow that hung over it.

"The flowers bloom all year round. By what magic, I'm not sure.." he huffed a laugh and gestured toward the swing seat that hung from a bough of the willow.
Amelia looked up at Lynus as he spoke of duty and heirs. Neither of which had ever been her responsibility until now. She should have just stayed at Elbion and none of this would be happening. She had returned for Kristen though. She had failed at getting her away from the Dreadlords Academy so she had accomplished absolutely nothing and it sucked.

She grew curious when he mentioned there the keep had been emptied of alcohol. Had he gotten himself in trouble? Oh what little she knew about this man. She was slightly worried as to who she was marrying. Sure, he was a gentleman now but what if he was a raging alcoholic who tried to hurt her? She kept silent as he asked the servant to bring wine to the gardens.

Amira let her mouth fall open slightly as she took in the gardens. They were absolutely stunning. "Your grandfather must have really loved your grandmother to do all of this for her. It is beautiful and the perfect hiding place from pesky parents," she smiled up at him with a smirk.

She was almost giddy when he gestured at the swing. She could not remember the last time she had sat in had been a long time for sure then.

Why was this handsome man being so good to her? He wanted this even less than she did and he had granted her freedom to leave him yet he was still showing her kindness. He could have just brought her to her room and let her fend for herself until the wedding.

"Tell me about yourself, Prince Lynus," it was not a question. She was genuinely curious about her soon to be husband.
"He did." he said with a brief smile. "Say what you will about Royal Anirian men, we worship our women." he laughed under his breath and rubbed at the back of his neck a little awkwardly.

Lynus sat down on the swing next to her, his eyes sweeping the pond and the various birds that had made it their home, including a pair of swans. He looked up at her as she spoke though, his brows lifting slightly as she asked about him. He hadn't considered such a question to arise given that she had no intention of staying..

"I.." he frowned, absently rocking the swing back and forth on his heels. More about himself. This last year he hadn't been himself, and so he had to remember who he was before then. "The life of a Prince can be incredibly boring, My Lady. I spent my youth being well educated in the art of politics, swordplay and attending every parade, festival and party that my parents and the nobility of Vel Anir threw. I spent many years in the Anirian military as my father did in his youth and I.. enjoy building things." he smirked and scratched at his stubbled cheek.

"I was married before. She passed just under a year ago. So I suppose that makes me a widower." he cleared his throat.

"And you, My Lady?.." he asked quickly.