Private Tales The Kindest Devils

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
King rolled his eyes. She was the antithesis to Vittoria: boring.
"Oh, live a little, Wylls," he said, annoyed, as he turned away from the shelves of vials.

Arm in arm with his greatest friend, King laughed alongside her.
"Best spend your worry elsewhere, Madam. We'll cross him sooner rather than later. Ciao!"

With a wave behind him, the trio of initiates were once again back in the streets. He cocked a brow at Vittoria's proposal before giving a nod.
"By all means. We've been dragging her around thus far...let's see if she's at least capable of getting us to our next destination."
  • Devil
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Their destination was easy to find, and Eliza was the first to step through. Vittoria shared a icked glance with King and followed behind her.

The types found in this establishment were ones she was unfamiliar with. Criminals, peddlers, lowborn filth. Unused to keeping such company, pretty faces such as the three Initiates garnered some attention. Vittoria gave them each her perfected cold stare, which many averted their gaze, but a good number called out to the younger ones in a jeer.

"Awful sort." She commented, uncaring if she was heard by them. Eliza, bless her heart, kept herself before Vittoria and glared at the men.

"Let's make this quick then."

Vittoria snorted, but agreed. Reaching to squeeze the hand of her friend, it was the only warning she gave before approaching the barkeep. Older patrons stared at her, appreciating the figure they could see while dressed in Initiate leathers. "I am looking for someone by the name Erwyn."

"People come to the Poisoned Pour for many reasons, little girl. I can show you one of them." Said a handsome face beside her, alcohol clinging to his breath.
Well there was something to be said about Eliza's sense of direction, at least. Before long the trio was in the thick of the skeeziest slime-hole King had ever had the displeasure of wandering into.

"That's putting it lightly," King hummed back. He was perhaps surprised to notice that the girls were not the only members of the group being leered at, and the attention made his skin crawl. Vittoria snapped him out of it quickly, King returning the reassuring hand squeeze before the group dove deeper into the proverbial pit.

A drunkard at the bar was quick to cross a line King didn't care for. He clapped an arm around the man's shoulder and partially slid the blade of his sword-breaker from its sheath. King gave the man a broad smile and squeezed down tightly on his shoulder, amplification magic subtly making his grip much more uncomfortable than it had any right to be.
"What was your reason, friend? Not to die, I should think."
  • Smug
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria turned her head to see the hand on the stranger's shoulder. She knew just how much force was in that small touch, but her eyes nor face gave away anything other than witness.

"Erwyn. Is he here?" She asked her question once more, the barkeep shrugging at her but a figure from the other end of the bar stood and slowly wandered over to the Initiates.

"You know, all three of you are much too young to be in this bar." He was handsome, not at all someone expected to frequent a place like this. "And you should lower your voice when using my name." Erwyn grinned, and it seemed as if his light brown eyes shimmered in the low light.

"Are you... him?" Asked Eliza.

"No, darling. I just came here--- Kress, no need to frown like that. Well?" He sighed, looking to Vittoria then to King who still held a threat against the drunken stranger. "You coming with me or what?"

The taller male beckoned the three to follow, his golden hair bright and easy to spot as he made his way to a back room, the door labelled with a sign that simply stated Keep Out!

"We were told you could help us find someone that is hiding in the Grease Streets." Vittoria stated once the door was closed behind them all. Her gaze was void of anything, her tone pointed and clear of intention. "And I suspect you do not want many to know your name and make connection to your likeness because you possess an ability to find those that lose themselves."

Erwyn, who rounded behind a table and took a seat, only laughed at Vittoria's words. "Kress, at least they are keeping Initiates sharp still in this revolutionised Aniria..." He glanced at the three of them, studying them all carefully before settling on Vittoria, who still did not blink after watching him. "Yeah, I can find people... more like, they come to me."

Vittoria now changed her expression to a smirk. "A siren."