Open Chronicles The Great Elbion Giftmas Shopping Bazaar

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Character Biography
The Great Merchant City of Elbion

The Holiday Giftmas Bazaar

Mid-Winter: One Week Prior to Giftmas

Known the world over for a great deal many things, numbering high among them was the Holiday Giftmas Bazaar of Elbion. It had been three years since the city had celebrated such a wonderous occaision, strapped as it was by the devastation of the Fall of Drakomir. The destruction of the city had brought death, mayhem, and the complete disruption of commerce and life.

The Merchant District Reopens

This year marked the completion of Elbion's reconstruction and a grand festival set within the Holiday Giftmas Bazaar to celebrate. Foreign merchants and craftspeople the world over had been invited to spend the two weeks leading up to Giftmas. Stalls, stands, and even freshly minted merchant stores and shops in the Merchant Districts were opened at a premium to rent, allowing for the possibility of a discounted permanent buy-in to the Merchant District should sales go well.


The Port Bazaar

The bazaar at the docks was expansive, and festival huts lined the streets. Every surface of the city lay freshly coated in snow, with holiday decor lining every windowsill and spiraling every lamplight. The College Mages provided magical lights that floated along the main thoroughfares, sparkling and shimmering in a myriad colors.

All manner of foreign goods, crafts, wares, and resources were there, ready for the purchasing. Sellers called out to passerby to spend their coin. The smell of sweets and street foods filled the spaces in between. Life music and entertainment rested in various street squares all the way through the bazaar and into the Merchant District.


Meet The Dawnbringer

At the heart of the port bazaar, Dawnbringer sat atop a stage built especially for her with her oversized basket, ready to receive gifts for delivery on Giftmas morn. Peoples of all ages, cultures, and races knew of this tradition - many having directly received her gifts for untold generations. To meet her, face to beak, was considered a rare honor.


Skiiing the Slopes

Visiting delegates from Nordengaard have offered their services in teaching the art of skiing on the beautiful slopes of the moutains within which Elbion is nestled. A caravan of Nordenfiir bearkin in their svalen forms offer rides up the slopes.


Open Enrollment to Elbion College

With the lifeblood of the city finally pumping again, the College of Elbion's Foard of Maesters have elected to open the gates of the great college. Open enrollment allowed magic users from all corners of Arethil to join their esteemed leagues.

Maesters of every Order had been recalled from their field studies to greet new potential students.

Admissions now provided generous backers from the Merchant Council and the Foard for those who otherwise would not be able to afford the enrollment fees.


Where will you go?

What wonderous gifts will you purchase for giftmas?

Are you a shopper, delighting in the holiday festivities?

Or a merchant or craftsman, looking to make a new start?

There is something for everyone in Elbion!
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Well, that was rather less eloquent than Magda had planned. At least several nights dedicated to practicing her introduction, including all manner of broad lexicon, went poof at suddenly finding herself before the gleaming beak of the great golden gryphon.

Nothing, but nothing, prepared one for the sheer gargantuan size and majesty of the God-Creature and she was certain that, as she stood before her, those blue eyes were looking right through her.

"I uh..." Magda blinked at the talons that could have torn steel plate armor from a Knight like the peel from a banana and turned her gaze up, up, up ... still up to the feathered skull above that could have opened wide enough to swallow her whole. A nervous laugh stuttered from her throat before she could swallow it.

"Speak well, child," said a gold-haired elf who stood before the giant basket, "the Dawnbringer is pleased to meet all who greet her. Be not afeared."

"Of course," Magda smiled meekly, reminded herself that her father held audiences with the Dawnbringer on some regularity, and took a deep breath, "it's an honor to finally meet you, great gilded one. Please accept this present to deliver to my friend."

She wasn't sure if she was supposed to kneel or bow, so she offered an awkward half-bow while holding out the wrapped present. The elf stepped forward with a gentle smile and took it gently from her hands.

"Your gift is in good hands. A cherished holiday to you, young one."
Saelia was not afraid.

Definitely not.

What was to be afraid of, anyway? The beak that looked like it could bite a fully-grown adult person -- like, for instance, to pull a completely random example from nowhere: a five-and-a-half-foot-tall mage -- in twain like a twig? That wasn't scary, not to Saelia, no sirree. The talons that looked like they could cleave through stone, let alone a five-and-a-half-foot-tall mage (again, to pull a random example from the ether), like it was hot butter? Definitely not scary.

So it was a matter of respect -- for the beast, for her beloved sister -- that she stayed a few steps behind Magdalena Elbion as she approached the gryphon. Saelia had brought her own small wrapped parcel to offer to the critter. She waited and watched as her sister performed her obeisance to the beast.

"Hi?" Saelia echoed incredulously under her breath, just loud enough for her sister to hear. "Ma'am, are you serious?"

Saelia watched the gryphon's reaction furtively, then the gold-haired elf came to collect the package. Then it was Saelia's chance to offer her package, and once she found herself in that piercing blue gaze, she (perhaps predictably) faceplanted in spectacular fashion.


Awkward beat. She cut her eyes towards Magdalena. Shut up, she thought. "It is a privilege to be in your presence, great gilded one." Saelia dropped into a graceful curtsy, holding the present out in front of her. When the elf came to collect it, the weight of her gift was gone, but it was replaced with the weight of her embarrassment instead.

She stood and glanced at her sister sheepishly.
Velaeri merely watched the proceedings with a gaze similar to how she watched young gryphon kits play-fight: with tethered amusement. Bungling though they were, the Elbion sisters were at the very least respectable. So much as she had expected from the progeny of Demias Elbion and his late wife. She spared each girl a modicum of compassion for their loss in the form of a gentle touch of her beak to their foreheads.

The elf smiled warmly as she carefully placed Saelia Elbion's gift in with the others of the collection basket next to her sister's before turning to the pair.

"The Dawnbringer shares her deepest of condolences for those who have lost loved ones in the great sundering of the city. She wishes you both good fortune in the year to come, sisters Elbion."
What a snot-lark.

Magda shot a souring stare at her sister, silently mocking her greeting with a roll of her eyes. Sae was meant to be the graceful Elbion. Yeesh. Her petulant thoughts dashed at the sudden touch of the beak to her forehead and she blinked at the unexpected gesture.

It was warm and spread a sensation over her that felt like mother's arms wrapping her into a hug. An uncomfortable coal of grief she thought she'd finally cast aside reignited within her chest and Magda bit back the sudden stinging urge to cry. She bit her lip, sniffed, and offered the gryphon another bow, "Thank you so much," stammered hurriedly.

Magda quickly grabbed her sister's arm and yanked her down the exit steps to make room for the next people in line, "C'mon, we have to go find dad and Gabey's presents."

"Lookin for a necklace."

"Got plenty of necklaces here, sir."

Zael smiled faintly. "Not just any kind of necklace."

But as it turned out, this merchant didn't have what Zael was looking for either. What luck. Felt like there was a pair of bad luck spectres following him, one lurking over his shoulder keeping tabs on him, one darting ahead to filch what Zael was looking for from the merchants and jewelers all lining the Port Bazaar. What was it now? Seven in row?

Did no one have a simple sapphire necklace?

Well, Zael wasn't in any rush. Plenty of time. And, hell, delivering the gift was gonna be far more difficult than finding it, no matter how dastardly those imaginary two spectres were. But this was important to him nonetheless.

Because Zael had to get that sapphire necklace as a little token of remorse, a final farewell. He had to get it for the girl he killed, Sieglilly. Bury it at the spot where she had taken her last breath. And hope that she had it within her heart, wherever she was now, to forgive him.
Elbion's Open Enrollment

Well, if you would look at all these fresh new faces," Hieron's Hat, Herold, flapped the folds that made up its mouth to say. "Raggamuffins, destitutes, nobodies!" the cantankerous old garment spat out.

Hieron himself, sat upon a cushioned stool, puffing at his pipe. "Not so different from when I first joined, hmm?" he smiled to the hat, and watched as the new crop of young minds spoke to some of the more senior and enthusiastic students of the illustrious college. A proud twinkle in his eye.

"Bah, when you first joined," Herold, the Red Hat, flopped upon themself. "You were nothing but a nitwit, a wither sprout!"

A slow series of nods from the old grey beard. "And now look at me,"

Creases like brows pointed down upon the facsimile of a face. The fold that was its mouth spread with wicked glee. "Behind a table, on a little chair, saying how do you do to a bunch of-" a thwump. Mumbles and murmurs.

Hieron smooshed down the old hat with a bit of his own warm malice. "That's enough out of you, Herold,"


Wainwright Karr wandered through the busy streets, looking for something to give to the Dawnbringer. There was a particularly competent new aide to the Repair Department that he wanted to acknowledge as well as get on the good side of. He was the girl's superior, of course, but those who ruled with a benevolent hand often inspired more camaraderie than a person squeezing with an iron fist, as well as more work. Focusing back on the task at hand, he'd find a stall selling charms with a small note attached to each one.

"Perfect. That's it." Wayne would grin. Such an item seemed like a gift that could be sentimental without going over the top. Moving to the stall, he'd pull out his wallet. "Shopkeep. is this enough?" He'd show about three copper and the man, who's name was Kei (information displayed by a card on his desk) grunted in return, putting two fingers out. Wayne muttered a curse in return but ultimately paid up, holding out five copper.
Kei nodded, took the money, and gave him a pen as well.

"Write something with it." Wayne's eyes visibly widened at the merchant's snark, and he bit his tongue to quell a sarcastic response, something like Oh, thank you, I was going to gouge my eye out with it if you hadn't told me. Upon the paper, he wrote nothing special, just a few kind words: You show potential, Lacie. Keep up the good work and I see things going well in the future. He smiled lightly, finishing off the letter with a formal Sincerely, Wainwright K. Now, all that was left was to deliver it.

Making his way to the middle of the Bazaar, he would watch two of the Elbion sisters step off of the podium and make his way into line, maybe six people back. They all delivered their things, and he nervously stepped up in turn, falling to one knee in front of the Gryphon. "Dawnbringer, might I ask a favour? There's something I'd like to deliver." He'd hold out his hand, a little shaky. He had never seen anything so majestic as the great eagle-lion mix, and that sentiment was further solidified as he looked upon them once again this Giftmas. "This is for Miss Lacie Grey, my coworker. Something like encouragement."

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With the sun high over the bazaar the great gryphon's form glimmered under its light. The Dawnbringer sat in composed and regal silence, and with each dip of her head she offered in grace to each visitor the polished gleam of white and russet feathers caught a shimmer of gold. Some weathered faces were soft with warmth and familiarity, while those of youth held trepidation or awe. The Dawnbringer's elfen assistant smoothed the worries of those new to her presence with a gentle word.

When Wayne stepped forth with his bow and request, the gryphon peered down at him - her gaze keen with knowing. From the young man she sensed the aura of magic and surmised by his attire that he was yet another pupil of the college that towered above the whole of Elbion. To him she offered a kindly nod of her skull.

The elf moved forward to accept his gift tenderly and bowed her own head to him in return, "The Dawnbringer thanks you for your generosity and thoughtfulness to Miss Gray. Your gift is in good hands."

His present was added to the countless others in the giant basket with all the care of a fragile egg.
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Saelia was, apparently, worthy of the large gryphon's warming beak-peck maneuver, but her sister nearly snatched her away before she got the chance, and certainly before Saelia could indulge in the bizarre warmth and feeling of well-being that resulted from it. And snatch her Magi did, in such a rush that she nearly caused Saelia to shoulder a mother with a small child held to her hip down the stone stairs. "Sorry," she gasped over her shoulder.

"Do be careful," Sae said, straightening and gathering her cloak around her with a sidelong glance at Magi. "The sweets and books will still be in the bazaar when we get there, after all." She frowned a moment, eyes squinting at the roofline as they descended further down from the gryphon's perch. Her face was pensive and thoughtful as they entered the bazaar. "Magi..."

She hesitated, her fingers knitting together under her cloak. Better not to let her sister see her anxiety playing itself out. "What are you thinking of getting Father? I'm wondering if I'm falling into a rut. Every year it's oh but Father you've always loved books but he's -- you know, him -- so surely he must have plenty by now?"

"At least Gabey should be easy. Who's going to complain about getting his weight in confections?"

After having his gift taken, Wayne would come to a stand and walk off the stage, feeling dramatically better than he had just a few minutes ago. Perhaps that was the power of the Dawnbringer, or maybe the minute joy of doing a decent deed. However, he had to get back to the college in order to greet some of the newer students along with the rest of the faculty. Everyone, from the professors to the lesser known department workers were there.

Certain people like the danger, and so they join us. I just wanted to be left to my own devices as soon as possible. All I need from any sector of the Acquisitions Department are competent mages, and I have no doubt there are some in the crowd. He'd spot the faculty entrance and marvel at how many different people and races were clamoring for a chance to meet the staff of the college. Pushing his way gently through the crowd, he would come to stand by another well known figure, Maester Hieronymus Pangloss.

"Maester Pangloss, where do I-?" He'd try to say, barely getting a word out before he heard a shout from behind. "Wait, is that you, Mr. Phoenix?" Wayne would turn, a bit jarred by the nickname. In front of him was a younger student, one who seemed to be almost bursting with questions. "You're from the Department of Finding Dangerous Stuff, right?" Acquisitions, but I wont lie, that name sums everything up pretty well. "You know my nickname?" He'd state, a little impressed. "Of course. You created a new spell by mixing healing and flame magic. That's pretty notable. What's it like working there?"

Wainwright would shoot a glance at Hieronymus, a bit nervous. Oh, and equal parts guilty for taking the time of a student who could be meeting with someone far more impressive. His face was calm and natural, but his eyes trained on the Maester relayed a different message: whatdoidohelp!

Hieronymus Pangloss

"What?" she said distractedly back after her sister while drowning in a deluge of memories about her mother. She gulped down the swollen need to sob, blinked back the fire of tears in her eyes and forced her mind to pay attention to something, anything else then the never-ending marquee it was presently watching.

This just wasn't the place for that. Not in public.

"A scarf," Magi replied off-handedly, "he's been wearing the same one for years. It's ratty."

Not that she really cared that it was ratty, but having a solid idea - even one she'd presently pulled out of the nether - was better than having none, which was better than anything her sister had in mind. Intermittent sibling spite was a great mental palette cleanser.

"As for Gabe..." she stepped into the main foot traffic of the bazaar, which slowly meandered its way through the countless stalls and stands at the port. Her eyes skated over various trinkets and baubles, goods and textiles. There was a great deal more variety this year than any year she recalled before and it nearly made her head spin. Gabe wasn't difficult to gift for, he usually liked everything especially if it was food. But sweets felt like the easy way out for him, and Magi liked to give him weird stuff.

Stuff he wasn't expecting.

Like a man with an - "Eyepatch," the word blurted from her mouth and she did not even try to stop it, "hold the boat." Now there was a familiar face she'd not expected to ever see again, "Hey!" Magi yelled at him through the crowd, a call that likely got lost in the resounding din of it. She pushed back against the flow of people and popped up once to wave a pointing finger at him, "HEY!" People were looking as they walked by.

Popped up again, brown hair wildly flying about, "EYEPATCH - Never Have I Ever!"

Zael Castomir Saelia Elbion
Make that eight in a row.

What? Did the spells Elbion mages use to help reshape and rebuild the city all require sapphires as their reagents? Or did some sapphire gremlin break into the city and snatch all the sapphires the day before the big bazaar opened up for the festivities? Or maybe this was a simple case of, when you're actually looking for a specific something, you can't find it; Zael had seen enough ruby necklaces in the past hour to turn his eye red, but he wasn't looking for one of those, so, you know, they naturally didn't all suddenly blink out of existence because of his want like the sapphire ones, apparently, had.

But, things were lookin up. Because attempt number nine was next. And nine was three times three. And three was his favorite number. There's no way three backed up three times could fail. See that? Number nine was gonna help him bodyslam a good end out of this rotten luck streak.


That palpable sense, centered right on the back of the neck, of being addressed came tingling to life. Zael stopped. Being called out in Elbion was a hell of an unknown quantity for him as of late. But, as he turned and his eye searched and eventually landed on a familiar face (bobbing up intermittently from the sea of the bazaar-going crowd), turned out it wasn't risky proposition this time. Hey, would you look at that? Things were looking up. A friendly face was always welcome.

"Magi," he said when she finally got close, "you take any more long walks on the beach?"

She had somebody with her.

"Who's this? You two kinda look like you could be..."

Magdalena Elbion Saelia Elbion
"Department of Acquisitions." A somewhat rueful voice did indeed correct the student, coming from another man who appeared behind Hieron, with greying black hair and well-groomed facial hair. Another tenured member of the College, no doubt, but far younger than Pangloss, whom the man glanced down at from where he stood beside the seated Maester, before turning an eye to the Wayne boy. "Which means we'll be working together."

Erren Serris was more than just an Acquisitions specialist; He was the unlucky soul tasked with retrieving only the most unpredictable and unstable of items, and the one sent to investigate the disasters such things could leave behind in their wake. While this was presented as a powerful role, in actuality it was a punishment: Erren had made an enemy of the College leadership, and his job allowed them to send him away on nearly suicidal missions on a whim.

Perhaps eventually, he wouldn't return. They hadn't been so lucky thus far.

"My name is Erren Serris." The man seemed to correct his temperament, bowing politely to the students and straightening the wrinkled navy tie that pressed tight against his chest. "I'm in charge of Artifact Retrieval and Disaster Investigation, specifically. It's been some time since they've hired some help, maybe now I won't have to carry this entire department on my back." He spoke this time in jest, a light smirk upon his lips as he turned to Pangloss with a friendly wave.

"Forgive my lateness, Hieron. Our blue serpentine friend got loose again somehow, had to chase him around the lab for about twenty minutes. All handled now."

Hieronymus Pangloss Wayne
Wainwright‘s mood soured a bit upon Erren’s interruption, and he resolved to ignore him and respond to any comments or information later. ”Honestly, it kind of depends on who you get stuck with. Out in the world, you’re putting your life at least partly in the hands of others, so fun and ease tend to scale with competency. Not that I’d ever call anything we do easy, but it certainly can be easier or harder.” The student nodded in turn, enraptured by his words.

Wayne failed to see how his entirely objective analysis was so interesting, but he managed a smile. The sparkle in the new students eye faded as Erren continued speaking, perhaps a bit scared of the man’s tone.
“Well, uh. I guess I should move on now.” Wayne nodded and gave a slightly sympathetic look, sighing. When the student left, he turned to Erren and tried to remember what the man had been saying.

Wainwright struggled to understand the jarring speech pattern, a greeting immediately followed up by a work description and no connecting pleasantries.
“I know of you, not to worry. Tales are not a scarce resource around my group of friends within the college.“ Taking a pause for the sake of not being wordy, he’d continue talking. “My name is Wainwright, but you can call me Wayne if that’s faster. I specialize in Artifact Repair and Artifact Retrieval, and am a subleader of the former.”

“By the way, Do not invalidate others by deigning to take credit for everything. It’s unhelpful. I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but I don’t say that to anyone.“
He’d grin lightheartedly, his tone mild but serious. “My opinion will come when you either prove yourself competent working with me or fail to meet even the smallest of standards.” Data and Numbers. A completely objective way of determining someone’s worth in a field that could not be put down as unfair. That was how Wainwright worked, and it wouldn’t change. Wasting time is Wasting life, and I have neither to waste.
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The Port Bazaar

Azlat was elated to receive an invitation on behalf of the kingdom of Routè — an allied state where she had established a post and made a second home for herself. She had been making exorbitant amounts of money by securing formerly unknown imports her peers would pay top coin for. Now, the opportunity to make even more had fallen into her lap.

...There was, however, one small problem she'd discovered when she’d made her preparations for this trip. Lessons learned on her very mistaken visit to Bhathairk had taught the travelling priestess to do her research before visiting unfamiliar cities, no matter how accepting and friendly they were purported to be. Whatever religious tolerance that city claimed was clearly not extended to the Draconic Order! Elbion, as she'd learned, carried similar risk. It was this very city that had been visited by the Holy Elder Dragon. They too, had suffered a similar catastrophe. Azlat wasn't about to make the same mistake she’d made in Bhathairk by debating the locals about it.

Despite the danger, Azlat decided to take the risk and visit anyhow, motivated out of both avarice and curiosity. There was coin to be made, and information to be gleamed.

Few locals even knew of Thagretis, much less what a Thagretan looked like. Still, she didn’t care to press her luck. Azlat had eschewed her Thagretan vestments for Routian garb to avoid drawing undesired attention. She’d donned a long green dress of fine silk, with a necklace of strung sapphires over it, over layers of over thick undergarments to keep her warm in the chilly winter air.

Rows upon rows of tables were before her, with merchants behind each hawking their wares to whomever would listen. Spices, clothes, jewelry and more were all on display. While each caught her attention, none stood out enough to convince Azlat to part with her coin.

That honour went to a toy-maker.

“Madam! Are you shopping for gifts for your children?” He asked. Azlat hadn’t been, but she was now.

“Two sons, yes. Of nine and fif͞teen years of age.”

“Nine! Truly a magical time for a child, isn’t it? And fifteen is exciting, nearly a man yet still a child at heart. Well! If you’d like to see a smile on their faces, perhaps you might find my dolls would make for a suitable gift?” The merchant carried on his practiced spiel with energy, whisking a finely painted doll carved of wood off the table. It took the form of an armed warrior, attached to a long stick with four holes in the back of it, from which four drawstrings hung. Azlat pulled on one, and the doll’s sword arm flung forward in a mock strike. Other drawstrings caused the legs to kick forward, and the shield arm to make an aggressive swing.

The boys would love this!

“How m͡uch?” Azlat asked.

“Well, my asking price is ten pieces of silver-” Began the merchant, expecting to haggle. To his surprise and delight, Azlat immediately threw twenty silver pieces on the table.

“I’ll take t͠wo!”
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Saelia watched her sister curiously, but with a growing sense of concern. "Magdalena, are you having some kind of episode? Do you smell toasted bread? What in all of Liadain are you rabbiting on about?"

She watched, mortified, as her sister started yelling and gesticulating at a man with an eyepatch. She caught the eye of a passerby who was glaring and Saelia offered a flustered smile. "Sorry, she -- she doesn't get out much," Saelia said, seizing her sister's upper arm firmly. "We're still teaching her how to behave with people -- " The stink-eyed woman wandered off and Saelia lowered her voice to a hiss in her sister's ear without stopping for a breath. " -- just what in the nineteen hells do you think you're doing? You can't just go around calling out people wearing eyepatches. It could be something they're sensitive ab -- "

But this person mentioned her by name, and his eye roamed over to her.

She had a bad feeling about this.

"Did -- did she do that to you?" Saelia asked, glancing sidelong at her sister. She always had a sense that her sister would be the death of her.

Oh good, he recognized her! What was his name again? Feth, she was bad with names.

But apparently he was not. Magi blinked at him and his question, set a beat with a curious furrow of her brow, then realized shortly after to what he was referring. Her brows danced back upward again and she fidgeted roughly at her sister's hold on her arm.

"Bit cold for the season I'm afraid," she offered wryly back to him then shot a scandalized look back at her sister for the accusation.

"Hardly - he came out of the box that way," just like Saelia's collectible porcelain duck with its broken bill. She definitely did not drop that box down the steps on her way into the house.

"Sister, yes, on her good days. On her bad days she's a fretful nag that's allergic to fun," she made a furrowed face at her that shifted to something of mixed contentment as she collected her sister's arm in her own. Saelia was, after all, her fretful nag of a sister, "Sae this is Eyepatch Man whose name I've--regrettably--forgotten because I was rather unregrettably drunk the night we met."

Was unregrettably a word? It was now.

Magda waited a beat to give him a moment to jog her memory by introducing himself should he choose, not that she was fussed with calling him Eyepatch Man, and affixed Zael with a bright look of expectant curiosity, "Is this your first time at the Giftmas Bazaar? We can take you around to the best shops."

Saelia Elbion Zael Castomir
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Did — did she do that to you?

Magi had that one answered before Zael could toss out his knee-jerk tease of, You're damn right she did. That would've been great to get these two all twisted up in a hilarious misconception, and then try to untangle it at the end.

Because they were sisters—his guess was right. And, as Magi then went on to demonstrate, they had their little loving back-and-forths, their banter, that playful glue that held siblings together. Zael didn't know it personally, couldn't know it being an only child (though he did apparently have some half-siblings he had never met before), but he'd seen it often enough in others. He had the next best thing though in Gaage Eberwhit, a fellow Dreadlord Initiate whom he had come to regard as a brother. And he loved that.

...allergic to fun.

To Saelia he said, "Hope you brought a handkerchief cause you're gonna be sneezin a lot."

Magi then set the proverbial apple on the target stand, and Zael took aim at an introduction. To Sae for the first time, to Magi for the second time. Heh, past a certain point, Zael didn't remember that particular game night either. He never was the best at drinking, but damn if that didn't save him some coin though, the underrated ability to get drunk quick.

"Zael Castomir. Known round these parts alternatively as Eyepatch Man."

The question followed.

"Yeah, first time," said Zael. "And I'd like that. You two gotta know your way around better'n I do."

Magi did say something about magic during the game night. What was the word she used? Ah, he couldn't recall. Well, point being, she put a finger down when the Champ hit his three mage opponents with the "Never have I ever used magic" card for a cheap score. Probably a student at the College then. So Magi, and maybe Sae too, was sure to have spent at least a few years in Elbion.

Little did Zael know of their last name.

Magdalena Elbion Saelia Elbion
Hieron looked to Wayne and gave him a little shooing motion, along with a playful curl of the lips . The acclaimed Phoenix could manage, the old Maester was sure of it.

Come Erren, and a curious twinkle shined in the old wizard's eye.

The daring adventurer vs the reluctant agent of fate. Two sides to the coin that was their illustrious College.

When the senior of the two younger men apologized and explained the reason for his late arrival, Hieron but puffed on his pipe.

"Troublesome little creature, that blue friend of ours," he said between puffs, pipe cradled about his mouth and a conspiratorial glint in his eye behind a veil of blue smoke. "But I'm glad it was in your capable hands, all the same, friend,"

Come the snap of the Phoenix, and Hieron crooked a brow, took another few drags from his pipe, and blew a fresh plume of hot air. "What a curios manner to conduct oneself," Hieron said. With a chuckle. Sardonic and like a jasper. "Bristling at humor, and measuring your fellows upon first word," the world wizard stood. Dusted himself off and picked up his red hat. Tut his tongue as he shook his head. "What a perfect exemplar of our institution," put it on his head before he grabbed up his Birchwood staff, it's twin feathers rose to orbit the tool's head.

"Well, we'll leave it to you then, young Wayne," Hieron stashed his pipe somewhere in his sleeve, and made away from the greeting parade. "bout time I took a break, Anyhow," a few final adjustments of his attire, and he stepped onward. "Erren," he called back as he began to away. "Maybe you can help me find something for young Zak, hmm?" the sourness left his wrinkles, a warm smile there as he nod. "Boy deserves something special I'd think,"

Erren Serris Wayne
Saelia felt her jaw tighten as her sister so lovingly described her, each word another gutpunch. Fretful? Well - she would give her sister that one, she did fret an awful lot. But nag? Like a dagger in her heart. Allergic to fun! Nonsense! Allergic to certain cat dander, certainly, to the occasional floral pollen, well who wasn't, but fun? She regarded her sister solemnly for a few moments before turning her attention to Eyepatch Man.

"Saelia," said the other Elbion sister, extending a hand that Zael would find to be a reasonably firm shake if he chose to accept her the handshake. "I daresay you'll find my dearest sister has exaggerated. Somewhat," she added coolly before folding her hands back together in front of her.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Master Castomir," said Saelia primly. "How do you know Magi? She always moves in such... interesting circles."

Judgmental? Well, perhaps. Jealous? Certainly not! Just as she had chosen to believe the polite fiction that her duckie had been broken when they received it and not in some stairs-related mishap -- one of dozens that she could remember her sister enduring -- Saelia chose to believe that she could be just as personable and pleasant and fun as Magi.

It was just a matter of finding time in the day for it around all the studying.

"What sort of thing are you in the market for, Master Castomir? If we had some idea we might be able to guide you," Saelia said. She might not be a fretful nagging funsucker, but she was at least efficient.

"No, no," Zael said, waving a hand to banish the particular address Sae had bestowed upon him. "I ain't nobody's master. Just Zael will do fine, Sae."

He was smiling about it, the idea of him being some sort of master, or likewise in some prestigious position. Yeah, he would've been a Lieutenant if he had joined with the Anirian Guard. Yeah, if he actually achieved that fanciful longshot dream he told Ollie about and got landed and established the House of Castomir he'd have been a Lord. But those were both roads he didn't take.

How do you know Magi?

"We got pants-shittin drunk together one night," he said with a completely straight face.

He gave it a second or two.

Then Saelia's other question rolled around.

"Good, cause I could use some help—I've had rotten luck. Been lookin for a sapphire necklace and I can't for the life of me find one."

Saelia Elbion Magdalena Elbion
“Thank you kindly for your business!” Spoke the toy maker as he handed Azlat her parcels. He’d intended to sell both for ten silver together – twenty was unexpectedly good fortune. Others took note of the transaction, and of the wealthy foreign woman who appeared quite easily parted from her coin. Merchants saw her as a shark senses blood, and all were eager to do business with someone who appeared not only willing, but eager to overpay.

“Fine jewellery crafted by the finest goldsmiths in Elbion!” Shouted another woman, who lifted a handful of golden necklaces as a mass of gleaming gold. Azlat wandered over, her draconic eyes peering over the goldsmith’s wares. While such luxuries were common to Thagretis, the style in which this jewellery was crafted was unique, with rounded corners and flowing designs that was far and distinct from Thatretis’ more geometric style.

“How much for this? Ha̸ve you any more like it?” Asked Azlat.

“A fine choice, I see you have a taste for elegance. That one is by far the most expensive I have. I've none other like it here, but we have more in stock at the shop. For this, say... A hundred Ducattos?”

“A shame. I'll just take this o̵ne then.” Azlat produced a heavy pouch filled with coin, tossing it on the table. It held a hundred ducattos exactly, a very tidy sum to make.

“Well, our shop is just a short walk away within the merchant district.” She politely replied, hoping to make a further fortune from the wealthy priestess. But Azlat didn't care to make the trip.

“I'm not he̶ading into the city.”
She bluntly commented. Aside from the inconvenience, she held concern was concern over potential trouble. Azlat didn't dare tread further into the city than she needed to. Elbion was not a friendly city to the Thagretans, whether they knew it or not. Azlat didn't know why, but she didn't need to. That they held the Holy Elder Dragon as hostile was enough.

“Well, we welcome you to drop by if you ever do! Thank you for your purchase! And Merry Giftsmas!” Julia concluded, a touch dissapointed that she could not get another sale out of the affluent woman.

“Mhmm. To you as well.” Azlat affirmed, taking her necklace and her leave from the stall.
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Erren felt himself bristle at Wayne's behavior. That some fresh face to his Department felt they could speak to him in such a manner, as though he weren't a former Maester who'd been serving within these walls for nearly half of his life, was more than concerning. Serris' mustachioed lips creased as he fought the urge to step forward and raise his voice, instead opting to merely remind the 'Phoenix' of his place.

"And you, Ser Wayne, should take care in talking down to those more tenured and experienced than you when you've done veritably little to earn such a right." He chided. Erren prided himself on his composure, but the way this boy reminded him of some of the worst members of the Foard with his attitude did push the wrong buttons, so to speak. "I take credit for only that which I have done. Subleader or otherwise, you'd be wise to choose carefully who you take that tone with."

The small glimmer of hope he'd felt that perhaps this new face would be helpful in his work was well extinguished now, and Hieron's suggestion that they find a present for Erren's son Zak was an excellent excuse to disengage from the overly cocksure boy. "That's a stellar idea, my friend. It's been so long since I've been home to attend this event. I do believe he's in the Bazaar with his sitter as we speak." Serris aimed to surprise Zak with his appearance, and a gift would be the cherry on top. The Luck-Mage turns on his heel and takes a step to follow Pangloss, stopping to deliver a final word of warning towards the 'Phoenix'. This time, spoken not with anger, but with caution.

"Nobody in this world has anything to prove to you. There are those stronger than both of us who will strike you down if you allow yourself to soar too high. Remember Icarus, young Ser Wayne."

As unpleasant as Wayne had been, Erren did not wish for those who work from the shadows to tear his life apart as they had his own.

Hieronymus Pangloss Wayne
Magi made no effort to correct Zael's answer as to the origin story of their familiarity. Though she'd quite forgotten the last hour or so of the night, she was more than certain there'd been no pants-shitting on her part.

"I wonder where the minotaur fellow got to..." she muttered aloud during the silence between questions. It was rather odd that, following the grog of the morning after, she'd not had any success in tracking him down. Losing track of a minotaur, in Elbion, of those proportions? Huh! Magda made a mental note to ask Zeek if he'd any clue later on.

"There's a shop in the merchant district. The Multi-Facet. They've got every gemstone you can imagine," Their father liked to gift shop at Facet for their mother before ... well, before, but he'd also shopped there for alchemical supplies. Her eyes shifted to her sister who had inherited their mother's jewelry for the simple fact that Magi didn't wear jewelry because she tended to lose or break it. "We can take you, it's not terribly far. This way -" she flicked her head to cross the river of bazaar shoppers before leading her way through it.

"You might have to take over when we get there," Magi dipped to speak low to Saelia once her sister caught up, shoving her hands in the pockets of her jacket, "I uh... don't think they'll let me back in after what happened last time."

It wasn't her fault someone left a highly volatile ferrahorn on the counter like some forgotten banana peel. Everyone knew one simply did not leave ferrahorn laying about to be muddled with.

Saelia Elbion Zael Castomir