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The Fringelands
Northwest of the Spine
OOC - Please read the notes below for a quick reference on the Goblin Market and #ifyourcharacterwouldknowaboutit
There were many layers to the world through which a creature might find their path of survival. For most, there was the surface world. Known to some as the Overbright and to others as simply nothing more than the only thing they would ever experience. There they might live through the seasons and feel the warmth of the sun on their face or the bite of wind in their hair, completely oblivious to the lives taking place far beneath their feet.
Folklore told of a place deep, deep down beneath the crust of the planet where it was so dark that the creatures living there had evolved skin and eyes that glowed and could see into the blackest reaches. This they called the underrealm or the Underdark. There landscapes existed in open caverns that span the world over, as traversed and populated as its surface counterpart, but arguably far, far more dangerous.
And then there was the Inbetween. The crust of Arethil made of dirt and stone and elements yet to be discovered by mortal creatures for the depth far exceeded their ability to uncover. The tunnels here were treacherous and full of horrible beasts, though pocket caverns existed where a culture might bloom for a time. Many of those pockets had long since gone still, though the ruins and rubble and bones of the ones that came before still slept there.
That is where the Goblin Market made its home.
Every few years the market moved to keep the flow of contraband and clientele fresh. Stagnation wasn't good for business, after all, and the market was long since overdue for a change of scenery.
"Well," Grimn remarked as he stepped out into the rays of a setting sun over a landscape of craggy green terrain roughly torn in half by a wandering river, "at least it's not fucking snowing."
He'd had quite enough of snotcicles, frostbitten ears, and frozen gonads.
"Roight, you lot, get this place open. I wanna see fresh grimey patrons walkin' in by nightfall."
The Goblin Market bowed to no master and paid homage to no Kingdom, but when the Black Prince's Enforcer cracked the whip on the slaves that made this entire move possible, you didn't complain.
Making a hidden entrance to one of the world's best kept secret black markets was no small task or feat. Grimn didn't have that sort of magic, but others did and it was the others he let get on with their task. Within the broken landscape a pathway hidden by fae magic slowly emerged from the wild and untamed landscape. It wound through a narrow valley that rested between the rise of stone that formed a massive plateau. The pathway eventually became too narrow for mounted creatures, forcing patrons to walk the rest of the way on foot.
Eventually it lead to a flat stone wall that looked like nothing at all. But with the right magic and the right word of entry, it became a hidden passage that took one deep into the heart of the Fringelands plateau. Eventually the rock tunnel opened up to the ruins of a once-fallen civilization where dilapidated building of stone had long since crumbled to pieces. There one could find the entrance and the horrible things that stood guard.
Known only as the Keepers, these creatures that loomed in the doorway were so twisted and disfigured as to be indistinguishable as fae, but the aura of power and magick they gave off was enough to make a mountain wilt. The one standing closest to the open doorway would beckon the patron forward and withdraw from his cloak a dagger made of gleaming red crystal. Every patron paid the blood toll to enter the Goblin Market. Even the Dark Prince's Enforcer. No exceptions.
Grimn sighed of boredom as he took the blade in his hand and pierced the opposite palm with the tip. The first thousand times he'd watched as the blade drank in his blood with silent wonder. He didn't wonder about it anymore. When the deed was done he stalked languidly by, yellow eyes scanning the faces of the entry hall for his partner in business and grinning broadly as he found the fae hunched over a rousing game of Bohnes.
"Harleth," Grimn gripped the other on the shoulder, "you owe me a round or ten."
It didn't take much to convince Harleth to drink, so onwards they went, walking the tunnel as it sloped down into the pits of the Inbetween and the new pocket cavern the market had settled into.
What is the Goblin Market?
It is a secret, underground fae black market run by a Conclave of Dark Fae - thirteen leaders from various fae or fae-adjacent races known as The Keepers. It has no allegiances or allies and recognizes no higher power or local laws, regardless of what fae lands it may be located within at any given time.
What can you find at the Goblin Market?
Pretty much anything and everything. Normal things you might expect at a fae-centric market, and all the things that are illegal in many, if not most of the fae Courts. It is a large center for slave trade as well as illegal smuggling and fighting rings.
What sort of magic protects this place?
Ancient dark magic that not even the leaders of the fae courts have the power to undo. The Goblin Market has existed for countless millennia without falling. Yes, raids have happened, but seldom are they successful to the point of being worth the effort. A combination of high-fae and eldar magic is what hides it from mortals and fae alike.
Do I need magic to find/access the market?
Yes, magic is required. If you don't have it, you need someone who does to take you there.
How can my character know about it / find it?
Is your character a fae or fae-adjacent (goblins, elves, druids, etc) creature? Is your character involved in dark and dastardly dealings? Was your character a slave or perhaps smuggled through? In the general sense, if your character isn't one of these things, then it is highly unlikely they would know about it, let alone be able to find and enter it. Knowing the right people who know where it is and how to find it is one thing (having a guide), being able to access it without magic or help is quite another.
Keep in mind this is a WELL HIDDEN, HIGHLY PROTECTED, and VERY SECRET market. If you don't feel like you should know about it or should be able to access it, come up with a cool story as to why you do/can.
Any questions send me a DM or hit me up on Discord (I'm Velaeri). Have fun!
Northwest of the Spine
OOC - Please read the notes below for a quick reference on the Goblin Market and #ifyourcharacterwouldknowaboutit
There were many layers to the world through which a creature might find their path of survival. For most, there was the surface world. Known to some as the Overbright and to others as simply nothing more than the only thing they would ever experience. There they might live through the seasons and feel the warmth of the sun on their face or the bite of wind in their hair, completely oblivious to the lives taking place far beneath their feet.
Folklore told of a place deep, deep down beneath the crust of the planet where it was so dark that the creatures living there had evolved skin and eyes that glowed and could see into the blackest reaches. This they called the underrealm or the Underdark. There landscapes existed in open caverns that span the world over, as traversed and populated as its surface counterpart, but arguably far, far more dangerous.
And then there was the Inbetween. The crust of Arethil made of dirt and stone and elements yet to be discovered by mortal creatures for the depth far exceeded their ability to uncover. The tunnels here were treacherous and full of horrible beasts, though pocket caverns existed where a culture might bloom for a time. Many of those pockets had long since gone still, though the ruins and rubble and bones of the ones that came before still slept there.
That is where the Goblin Market made its home.
Every few years the market moved to keep the flow of contraband and clientele fresh. Stagnation wasn't good for business, after all, and the market was long since overdue for a change of scenery.

"Well," Grimn remarked as he stepped out into the rays of a setting sun over a landscape of craggy green terrain roughly torn in half by a wandering river, "at least it's not fucking snowing."
He'd had quite enough of snotcicles, frostbitten ears, and frozen gonads.
"Roight, you lot, get this place open. I wanna see fresh grimey patrons walkin' in by nightfall."
The Goblin Market bowed to no master and paid homage to no Kingdom, but when the Black Prince's Enforcer cracked the whip on the slaves that made this entire move possible, you didn't complain.
Making a hidden entrance to one of the world's best kept secret black markets was no small task or feat. Grimn didn't have that sort of magic, but others did and it was the others he let get on with their task. Within the broken landscape a pathway hidden by fae magic slowly emerged from the wild and untamed landscape. It wound through a narrow valley that rested between the rise of stone that formed a massive plateau. The pathway eventually became too narrow for mounted creatures, forcing patrons to walk the rest of the way on foot.
Eventually it lead to a flat stone wall that looked like nothing at all. But with the right magic and the right word of entry, it became a hidden passage that took one deep into the heart of the Fringelands plateau. Eventually the rock tunnel opened up to the ruins of a once-fallen civilization where dilapidated building of stone had long since crumbled to pieces. There one could find the entrance and the horrible things that stood guard.

Known only as the Keepers, these creatures that loomed in the doorway were so twisted and disfigured as to be indistinguishable as fae, but the aura of power and magick they gave off was enough to make a mountain wilt. The one standing closest to the open doorway would beckon the patron forward and withdraw from his cloak a dagger made of gleaming red crystal. Every patron paid the blood toll to enter the Goblin Market. Even the Dark Prince's Enforcer. No exceptions.
Grimn sighed of boredom as he took the blade in his hand and pierced the opposite palm with the tip. The first thousand times he'd watched as the blade drank in his blood with silent wonder. He didn't wonder about it anymore. When the deed was done he stalked languidly by, yellow eyes scanning the faces of the entry hall for his partner in business and grinning broadly as he found the fae hunched over a rousing game of Bohnes.
"Harleth," Grimn gripped the other on the shoulder, "you owe me a round or ten."
It didn't take much to convince Harleth to drink, so onwards they went, walking the tunnel as it sloped down into the pits of the Inbetween and the new pocket cavern the market had settled into.

What is the Goblin Market?
It is a secret, underground fae black market run by a Conclave of Dark Fae - thirteen leaders from various fae or fae-adjacent races known as The Keepers. It has no allegiances or allies and recognizes no higher power or local laws, regardless of what fae lands it may be located within at any given time.
What can you find at the Goblin Market?
Pretty much anything and everything. Normal things you might expect at a fae-centric market, and all the things that are illegal in many, if not most of the fae Courts. It is a large center for slave trade as well as illegal smuggling and fighting rings.
What sort of magic protects this place?
Ancient dark magic that not even the leaders of the fae courts have the power to undo. The Goblin Market has existed for countless millennia without falling. Yes, raids have happened, but seldom are they successful to the point of being worth the effort. A combination of high-fae and eldar magic is what hides it from mortals and fae alike.
Do I need magic to find/access the market?
Yes, magic is required. If you don't have it, you need someone who does to take you there.
How can my character know about it / find it?
Is your character a fae or fae-adjacent (goblins, elves, druids, etc) creature? Is your character involved in dark and dastardly dealings? Was your character a slave or perhaps smuggled through? In the general sense, if your character isn't one of these things, then it is highly unlikely they would know about it, let alone be able to find and enter it. Knowing the right people who know where it is and how to find it is one thing (having a guide), being able to access it without magic or help is quite another.
Keep in mind this is a WELL HIDDEN, HIGHLY PROTECTED, and VERY SECRET market. If you don't feel like you should know about it or should be able to access it, come up with a cool story as to why you do/can.
Any questions send me a DM or hit me up on Discord (I'm Velaeri). Have fun!
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