

Biographical information
Ixchel Wilds 554 The Roving Goblin Market
Physical description
Puca Male Tall Boi STURDY Black, long, greasy Pale piss yellow Ashy
Political information
Out-of-character information
Velaeri Jan 19, 2025 AI Created

This slimy serpent of a fae is neither your friend nor your savior. His words burn worse than his venom and his looks truly can kill.


Unkempt. Haphazard. A greasy, roguish scoundrel in desperate need of a good scrub-a-dub-dub. Marred by ink and scar and married to his hipflask. He wears layers of black leather scaled armor adorned by pieces he most certainly stole from more fortunate others. Haughty, smug, unrepentant, and downright lewd - his wandering eyes are only half as bad as his wandering, grubby hands.

His tribe no longer exists so far as he is aware, so Grimn sits as a tribe of one where basilisk Puca are concerned. His beastly characteristics show up in the form of slit serpent pupils, a mouth full of fangs, and a dangerous venomous bite.


These monstrous serpents are found in the jungles of the Ixchel Wilds and grow to gargantuan sizes. Covered in a thick, scaled hide as tough as iron, Grimn's saurian form is presently just over 50ft long, weighing in at a staggering 750lbs. He is large enough to swallow an adult duannan whole, and can neither confirm nor deny that he does so on a regular basis. Though right now he would be considered small for a natural basilisk, as he grows older in age, his size in serpent form also continues to grow. Their scales grow thicker and form rows of spikes along their spine. Some very aged basilisk also grow horns and spikes around their skulls.

Fully mature basilisks are capable of petrifying creatures with their horrible stares and their venom serves two purposes: to stun/immobilize their target and to temporarily nullify magic. This venom continues to grow more lethal as the snake grows larger so that it can take down larger and larger prey. Juvenile basilisks can use their venom once every three hours, adult basilisks must act strategically and with care for they can only replenish theirs once every day.

Skills and Abilities

  • Pilfering
  • Plundering
  • Collecting things of dubious ownership
  • Selling things of dubious nature
  • Knowing things of dubious value
  • Dubi-dubi-doo
  • Swords
  • Drinking
  • Flirting
  • Gambling
  • Shapeshifting
  • "Lying"
Less noteworthy is that Grimn is of Lunar alignment and manifests the powers of Water and Air.


Amoral. Lives life by the seat of his pants. Knows too many things.

Biography & Lore

While his Puca tribe hailed from the Ixchel Wilds, Grimn has spent the better part of his life as a slave within the Night Court beneath the boot of Prince Tulok. A once skilled and dutiful pirate for the Prince, Grimn served as a collector of many things for whatever the Night Court Soverign so wished - including slaves and targets for his tortuous ire.

Grimn became deeply embedded within the Goblin Market where he was privy to a great deal many things that earned him clout among the dastardly types. Though he serves as something of an Enforcer among the black market per Prince Tulok's command, he spends most of his day completely blasted.


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