Private Tales The Elves of the Falwood

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

When there's no more room in hell
The Empire
Character Biography

The Falwood

The Elves. God, did Sparhawk not have a good history with the Elves. Years ago, when he was but 14, he'd travelled to the Falwood with Jerik, his old master. On his first day of training, he set an ancient tree on fire, that had stood their since the dawn of the Elves. Not a good start.

He wasn't particularly well liked either. The big difference between mages in Falwood and mages in Elbion was their approach to learning. The Elves tended to learn what there was to learn; focusing on the roads that were well trodden. Learning the concepts that had been worked on before by previous great mages and Warlocks. The human race however, had a funny approach. They learnt the basics yes, as every good Mage should. But they liked to experiment, to test ground that hadn't been travelled yet. Focusing on concepts only dreamt about by other mages.

In the Elves' eyes, this made the Human race volatile and dangerous. Their affinity to magic alongside their curiosity led to humans being among some of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. For good, and for evil...

A distrust between the two races began; one side believing the humans should master all concepts of magic before experimenting, the other believing new magic needed to be sought out to make progress. It was a back and forth relationship that ultimately led to a bitter distrust for one-another. Luckily though, Sparhawk's master was a Kavosh, considered sacred and revered among the Elvish people, so they took Sparhawk in and trained him in complex magical concepts, the detailed complexities on the five rules of magic, and on the legendary palantir.

Now, he was travelling to the very same place with his apprentice, MylesWidogast, making their way into the fortress of trees that was the Falwood hold.

"We're almost there. Won't be long now." He stated, only an hours walk away from the main entrance.

"Hopefully they'll be welcoming. I used to have a few friends in the Falwood."

Myles read about Falwood Elves on many occasions but he had never met one. The journey for Myles had been tiring but very rejuvenating for the mind as he had learned so much already. This next phase would begin more in depth training for the Allirian scholar.

Hiking through steep rocky terrain and even grassy rolling hills, Myles made sure to appreciate the natural wonders that surrounded them on their travels. When Myles saw something notable he was sure to sketch it in his journal when they stopped to camp. Not today however, as they had been trekking the last stretch to their destination.

"Well that's good, at least we are making decent time I suppose" he offered. Green trees became bigger as the duo came closer to the forest.

Maho's prompt concern made him look at his master with a questioning certainty.
"Hopefully? Are they bad people?"

Hearing the bit about Maho having friends amongst these Elves reassured him only slightly.
No matter who they angered, Myles was in it for the long haul.
Maho Spahawk
He gave a short laugh. "Bad people". In all his time he'd never heard the Elves referred to as "Bad" people. He'd heard many other words, most more... vulgar. But never "bad".

"No, no. Elves aren't 'Bad'. I've met some bad Elves, don't get me wrong, but on the whole they're a nice people. Just very refined. They prefer to keep themselves to, well- themselves!" He laughed even more. He loved the Elves in one way, but completely detested them in another.

"They're the kinda people who you might meet once, and have an unbreakable bond with. Then again, you might meet someone on many differing occasions and detest them to their core..."

Got a little personal on that one...

"Oh, i forgot to ask Myles. Can you speak any Elvish? I need to let them know to speak the common tongue with us if that's not the case." It'd been awkward when he couldn't speak Elvish. Just safe-guarding.

They were closing in on the door way now. Only a five minute walk.

"No, no. Elves aren't 'Bad'. I've met some bad Elves, don't get me wrong, but on the whole they're a nice people. Just very refined. They prefer to keep themselves to, well- themselves!"
Myles nodded with a smile. He would respect their sentiment because he could be the same way---keeping to himself.

"I see.....well I hope that I do not make a bad impression. I do not wish to complicate or hinder our travels in the slightest."
Myles meant that. Manners was one thing his parents taught him early on in his youth.

Thinking of what this city would look like he was drawn back to reality by his master who asked a question about his linguistics.
"Hmmm??Oh yes! Part of my studies was to learn Elvish so I could read manuscripts in the Archives along with other students. We should be fine but that is the only language I can speak semi-fluently however."

Myles broke off before adding.
"Elvish Runes are another thing I can decipher know....just in case of course!"

Maho Spahawk
"Wow! Learning to read Elvish runes isn't an easy task. Took me many years to get good at that. Now i think of it, i'm probably a little out of practice..." He scratched his head. He was Very impressed. It was a skill that most people can't get their head around. Especially since he can decipher, meaning he must be at least mostly fluent in the language.

"Impressive. Took me three years with the Elves before i could confidently speak it, let alone read it-" His head hurt just thinking about it...

They began to approach the doorway. It's size was immense. There was no better word for it. It was a door of pure silver, laced with gold lining around the sides. Surrounding it were trees of an ancient age. They must've been standing there for thousands of years. It was 7 inches thick, with cold-rolled steel intertwined between the doors timbers.

"Well... here we, uh. Are..." He cracked his knuckles and raised his staff, clearing his throat as he did...

"Quenya Sa Damma Fennas meldë!"
(Open the damn door friend!)​

The door made an almighty shaking sound; branches falling from the top of the gate. It began to shift open, slowly making it's way to either side of the entry way.

Eventually, the doorway revealed the City of Falwood.


A great city, massive and beautiful, the trees whirling round the houses, littering the roads that winded up the streets.

"sóma-cca caraitie! (State your business!)"

''Óneni Este Edain cheb estelanim. (I wish to speak with the Elders)"

"Elen (Come forward)"

"Well, let's go" They began to walk up towards the large Hold that peaked on top of all the buildings.

Hearing that his master reads Elvish Runes in addition made him light up like a holiday festival.
"I have been out of practice for a few months but I brought an old codex I put together....keep the mind fresh". He added. Myles may not be as efficient in combat for the moment but the knowledge he had come to understand; served a purpose. However, the scholar was more than delighted at his master's approval in knowledge of Elvish Runes.

Approaching the gates of the Elvish settlement, a few words of praise came out of Myles' mouth but in Elvish tongue.
"Serov gemri!"
(So beautiful)

Seeing Maho knock on the gates and demand entry made him chuckle a bit as the duo made it further into the settlement. Myles was sure to follow Maho's lead as he overheard the exchange between him and a guard. Seeing the Elders....

"Will these Elders help us Sparhawk?"

He knew the answer could be on the fence but he still insisted on the question as he turned his head to view the various Elven homes dotting the area. Residents could be seen looking at the two men in curiosity, but Myles was taken aback by the Elves' beauty as many of them were pleasing to the eye.

Elves truly are a beautiful species and such a graceful culture; at least that is what he read in various books. Keeping his focus on the here and now, Myles followed in Maho's footsteps to seek out the Elders.
Maho Spahawk
"The Elders will decide whether you're fit or not to become a 'Prentice here. They don't take just anyone the Elves; you've either got to be very smart, or very determined. Preferably both..." They walked on, many onlookers staring at them. All equally perfect. Not beautiful, that wasn't quite the word for it. Perfect. That was the only way he could phrase their ethereal appearance. He noticed Myles was looking at some of the... uh.... voluptuous Elf women. He had to say, they were quite...


"Oi!" He nudged him with his elbow.

"Stop looking at them. I know they're tempting, but i've been tempted before... nice for a while." good memories.


"Right, we're almost there." They began to approach a far smaller door, leading into what looked like a large council chamber. There were two old Elven men standing at the door way, each wielding silver staves, beautifully crafted in the heart of the forest.

"nyë mer-cenya Esselda. (I wish to speak with the Elders.)"

"caraitie? (Business?)"

"Mer nogin Dar. (I want the boy to be trained.)"

"Minna. (Enter.)"

They opened the doors, letting them both in.

Myles swallowed at the thought of being potentially tested by the Elders. This was no ordinary exam back at the Academy, no this was his future as a sorcerer. “I understand, don’t worry Master Sparhawk I won’t disappoint you.”

Gazing upon multiple Elven women he got lost in his thoughts as their looks held his attention. The only thing that brought him back to reality was Maho’s gentle nudge.

The Scholar smiled in innocent wickedness.

“Sorry….I haven’t seen such beautiful women. My apologies.” He said to his mentor.

As the two approached what seemed to be the council chamber, two Elven men stood guard, no doubt trained to kill in various ways to protect not only the Elders but their people as a whole.

Translating the exchange between the guard and Maho, he deduced that this is where the Elders communed with one another. Walking inside, he was greeted by more Elven architecture which was pleasing for him to see. Myles drew a mental note of the interior so he could record it in his journal later.
Maho Spahawk
There was no denying the inherent beauty in the architecture. The structure had stood there for thousands of years, and looked as if it was going to be standing there for many years more. It was built of the sturdy wood that surrounded the Forest, carved by hand by what looked like hundreds of Elves working in Unison. The Engineering that went into it looked immense, with complex structures holding it up, metal protruding from beams to add structure, and carvings all along the Sleepers, warding off Dark magic and other such dangers.

"Come." He motioned towards the stairs. They intertwined with the structure's interior; making their way around them, twisting and turning into a grand staircase.

"Listen, all they'll do is ask you questions. Don't feel nervous, they're very wise. And, as unlikely as it may be, that they refuse you, don't worry. I'll take you to Elbion with me if that's the case."
They reached the top, meeting with another door, grander than the last.


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Taking in the sight of their surroundings, Myles noticed carvings that would ward off Dark Magic and other forms of harmful sorcery. This place made him feel….at peace and he felt enlightened at the same time. The scholar could not pinpoint if it derived from this place in the Falwood or if it was self-motivation.

“Right behind you sir” he whispered to his mentor. Myles did not dare to lock eyes with anyone in here as it could be passed off as a sign of hostility from his behalf.

“Thanks for the reassurance. Gods know that I need it.”

His body was calm but his mind was racing with questions and even racing with potential answers to the Elders’ questions. Reaching the top of the grand staircase they approached a door which was intricate in its design and it was adorned with carvings that likely told some story or held some reverence to the Elven people.

“As ready as I will ever be sir” he replied.

The thick wooden door creaked open and revealed a main council room.

This is it.
Maho Spahawk
He is ready...

The doors opened. It revealed a large room, with large statues on either side of it. The statues seemed to be of Sorcerers long gone, being chiseled out of fine stones, encrusted with what looked like Sapphires or another blue precious gem. The shone beautifully in the natural light, beaming through the window at the Helm of the room, stain glass, Technicolor radiant in the room. Magnificent.

In the centre of the room lay a large circle drawn on the Floor, with many Elven Logographs engraved into the wood. Around this circle were four seats. On these four seats laid the four most knowledgable Elven Sorcerers in Arethil.

Meldonick, liberator of the Orcs at the Spine.

Vanya, bringer of Justice to the Elven lands of the East.

Curu, raiser of the Glaciers in Belgrath.

istarë, the wisest of all Wizards, and speaker for the Elders.

They sat facing each other, with a pedestal in the middle. All day they would discuss the happenings in Arethil. What needed to be done, what Elbion needed to do, and that meant that when the realm of men truly needed the Elves, they would be ready. On this pedestal lay a perfectly Black Orb. It seemed to absorb all the light coming through the window, not reflecting anything off of it. Oddest of all, it left no shadow...

Istarë stood up, heaving his old and weak body from his chair, then faced the two by the doorway.

"Haro, alatúlië. Alatulya Caraitie? (Hawk, you have returned. On what business do you return?)" He asked in a very formal tone.

"Wa Lerta-lmë falathren? (Can we speak the common tongue?)" Sparhawk asked politely. He didn't want to seem rude to the great Elders. But on the other-hand, he wanted to express his feelings properly, rather than stuttering over his rusty Elvish.

"Very well. We know what you're here to collect, but what of your companion hmm?" He pressed curiously. Elves were wary of things they didn't understand, or people they weren't prepared for.

"Myles, introduce yourself." He whispered quietly to his side.

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  • Yay
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The room they entered was more glorious than anything he had seen in a while. The Archives in Alliria were a sight to behold, but this was something way above the league. Myles noticed the statues of figures lining the room, no doubt they were people of old, perhaps great mages or heroes that were revered and partially immortalized in this stonework.

Widogast stood there in wonder and knew that he could spend weeks in this room just admiring the craftsmanship that went into the construction of such a fine domain. Before the duo, were four older figures.

The Elders. He thought.

He did not recognize them from books but he didn’t need them to know that they were important figures and no less, they could help shape his future in whatever they decided. A black orb lay mystically on a pedestal in the middle of the room. The characteristics of the artifact reminded him of The Black Mirror that Sparhawk mentioned to him only recently.

Is this another Cenedril? He wondered. It did not matter, as he had something else to focus on in the meantime.

Observing the exchange between an Elder and Maho, he picked up that maybe this Elder had more sway. Perhaps this was the wisest or perhaps the oldest of the Elders? He dare not ask but he would treat each of them with a bit of tact and respect.

“Hmm?? Oh yes!” Myles replied nervously as his mentor instructed him to pose his information to the Elders.

“Merye, tiithe shoyun”
(Hello, wise ones)

“I am Myles Widogast, scholar of Alliria and learner of the Arcane. My mentor; Maho was kind enough to bring me to you and seek your audience. I wish to learn more about the Arcane and use it not for profit nor power but to gain a higher enlightenment with my vessel existing in this vast world.”

Sure Myles would learn magic for the sake of retaining knowledge but he would seek to protect all that is good in this world and prevent bad from happening if he could help it. Higher enlightenment was a strange answer indeed but understanding magic would make him feel at peace more and more.
Maho Spahawk
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Maho thought to himself. A clever choice of words, not sounding full of himself, but humble and reserved, and full of respect and willingness to learn. As much as he had heard similar statements before, it was a good starting point. Many stories have been told of over-eager students barging in, claiming that their power was ultimate and needed cultivating, only to be shot at with a powerful blast from the Elders in test of their abilities, failing miserably of course.

Sparhawk decided to stay quiet. He knew this was going to be an important stepping stone in Myles's life. To be taught by the Elves was a great honour, not being afforded to every aspiring mage and Wizard.

Istarë walked forwards, looking deeply at Myles, almost through him. He curiously tilted his head to the side, giving Myles a glance up and down. He let out an exasperated sigh.

"We've heard these words before. Few come here with such little training, we see it on your sleeves. We see through you Myles, Scholar of Alliria. What have you to offer us?"

His words boomed around the room, filling every crevice with his supreme wisdom and measured Mortality.

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Remembering what he just said, he thought that this was a good start to say the least. The nervous tension that Myles felt moments before had suddenly went away, he felt good and was sure to express it in his posture and his vocabulary.

The Elders still trained their eyes on the aspiring wizard, careful to remember the words he said and to memorize his body movements.

A booming voice penetrated through the walls and through Myles himself. Elder Istarë motioned closer to the scholar and asked him a very important question, one that Myles would have to answer carefully.

What do I have to offer them?

He thought for a moment then gave the Elder a confident answer.

“I know the Elders have seen and heard everything through the lands. My words may not be different but my appearance and my actions will differ than those that you have had audience with before. See through me as many times as you wish Elders, I have only knowledge and labor to offer to you. I do not know everything but I knew enough to remain an asset at the Archives.”

Myles didn’t know what to offer to the Elders but he would earn his keep.

“I’ll earn my keep and I know well enough of the danger posed in dark practices. I only wish to protect the good in this world. People like Maho have shown me kindness and discipline that I wish to carry on in my studies.”

He didn’t know what the outcome would be just yet, but he hoped that he wouldn’t anger or agitate the Elders in the slightest.
Maho Spahawk
Istarë stroked his chin in deep thought. He squinted, looking deep into Myles' face, as if he was measuring every feature and nuance. He turned around, his hand still on his chin, and returned to his seat. He began speaking a very odd language; it wasn't anything that Sparhawk recognised, nor did it sound similar to something he'd heard before. It was a very guttural language, sounding as if it had been created for the sole purpose of being difficult to learn by anyone but the elves, with odd k sounds and low u's littering the speech.

All four looked at each other, taking their turns to speak. Curu and Vanya seemed strongly opposed to the idea of Myles studying with the Elves, although it was sheerly based on their tone of voice. They sounded concerned about something, and for the oddest reason, they turned to the Orb that lay in the middle, looking upon it for a minute. However, they quickly turned away from it, almost seeming as if they were afraid of what it could perform.

Finally, Istarë nodded his head to the other three elders, sounding as if they were in Agreement, although the two still arguing seemed disapproving. No matter.

"You will speak our way, live our way, and listen to everything we have to say. If you do this, we will teach you our ways. Myles, scholar of Alliria" He smiled slightly, seeming as if he was pleased with their decision.

Sparhawk was smiling ear to ear, and let out a sigh of relief. He was half expecting them to refuse him outright for his age. But no. there was hope yet. Sparhawk patted Myles on the shoulder.

"Congratulations. Myles, Scholar of the Falwood-" He laughed a little as he said this, keeping his happy tone as he did.

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As the Elder turned around and started speaking a foreign language, a stroke of concern hit him.
The language being spoken had to have been ancient and it was something he had not heard before. Intrigue filled the room as Myles listened on to the conversation.

Hearing a debate between the Elders and seeing them gaze into the Orb that lay in the middle of the room made him feel uneasy. Arguments were had and ancient words were exchanged between them.

Once the decision had been made, Myles bowed his head and took to speaking in their native tongue.

“Saresh mhi Elder Istarë. Nemin vou saranth thranduil”
(Thank you, Elder Istarë, I do not wish to be a problem)

Myles gave a respectful smile back to the Elder to assure him that he would comply wholly with their requests. Looking back at his mentor he saw another smile ear to ear coming from Sparhawk.

“Thank you Maho Sparhawk. Truly. I do wish I could accompany you further but when you return, I promise I will be a changed man.”

Widogast clasped his hands together ready for further instruction.
Maho Sparhawk