The Empire The Cold Night | Outskirts

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Sister of the Cabal
The Empire
Character Biography
Were it not for the torchlight that was in an increased abundance throughout the city, there would quite literally be no light at all. It was as if some strange, unseen veil had been cast across the whole of the sky. It blotted out not only the sunlight, but the moon and starlight as well. It was as though there was nothing in the heavens above, but darkness. It was a curious and frightening time for most to say the least. And for her and her ilk, though it was a marvelous event, it was perturbing. The prospect of perpetual night might have seemed inviting, but that was only if it had been something of their own doing, and this no doubt harboured some darker truth in it, one that had set itself against the whole of the Empire.

This simply would not do.

Much of the divan had gathered in Ragash, of this she was well aware. But while those who worked with words did as they do within the high palace walls, there were others - like her - who were set out to do as they did. But no matter one's station it seemed, there was at least this: they all worked to one end. And that, was surviving this shadow, and uncovering it from over them. Hardly even needing Medja's word to begin their search for understanding, the Cabal was quick to delve into study, and dark ritual. Over the course of the week since the onset of this eclipse, these endeavours had led her to the outskirts of Ragash, where she discerned a possible connection.

The streets were eerily empty, and quiet.

She walked alone down the wide street, hooded and cloaked, and she moved with intent. Though she did not know exactly where she was headed, she felt led down a particular path. It took her far from the palace, too distant to have any knowledge of the happenings there. Eventually, it would bring her down an alleyway, where just a short way off the main street she came to an inset doorway. She stopped for only a moment to surveil her surroundings, before reaching her hand to the door and opening it, uncertain of what awaited her.
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  • Sip
Reactions: Veena
When those with money gathered, those who wanted money hustled.

It was why when Veena had heard in Salitra that Nym had been summoned to Ragash on important business, she had readied her own smaller vessel and set off down the river claiming to have fancied a change in scenery. The inn could take care of itself - quite literally thanks to some ingenious spells she had bargained off a wizard - and Ragash was a city the smuggler hadn't visited in a good many years. She wondered if the wanted posters of her were still up or if twenty years was enough to forget, or imagine someone to be dead. She took it as a good sign when the guards didn't bother her when she moored.

She took her time to amble up the winding streets stopping here and there to peruse what goods were most desirable on the market, and stopped in coffee shops to overhear conversations to hear what was not on the open market but desired all the same. Fashions often swept up from Ragash to Salitra and so if she got it right, she would be able to offer the new trends before her competitors.

It was how she had ended up at the Sand Storm III (the first and second inns by the same name having been destroyed, ironically, by two of the worst Sand Storms in the history of Ragash). It looked less like an inn and more like a hovel from the outside but the type of client it attracted did not care for looks. It cared about good ale and finer wine of which there was plenty, usually straight off some poor unsuspecting merchant ship.

Talsman, the man who owned the joint, had squeezed himself into the booth with Veena to discuss how some such merchandise might find its way from there and onto Veena's boat by happy happenstance. The large man was carefully feeding Biscuit peanuts as they spoke.

"I wouldn't do a crate of Lung Wyrms for less than 20,000 kraknas," he shook his head and Veena resisted the urge to slam her hands on the table. Delicate, delicate, she reminded herself and smiled.

"Come on Tal, imagine all the business I'm going to be putting your way when people ask where I got them from... I'm basically doing your marketing for you."

"I'd believe that Veena if I knew you wouldn't just go out and kill any competitors you had to 'corner the market'," he grimaced.

  • Cheer
Reactions: Safiya
The door opened with a long creak, and within there was a narrow corridor leading to a grander room beyond. The hallway was dimly lit, and it smelled as though that was on purpose. Interesting, she thought to herself, that she would be led to enter in through the side door. Nevertheless, she entered in and proceeded to make her way into tavern.

She stepped out onto the main floor with her pipe in hand, and smoke slowly leaving through her nostrils. A look around the hovel revealed very little to her aside from a couple sitting in a booth just inside the room, a few drunks at the bar, and half a dozen spoiled tables yet to be addressed. And yet, as she looked around to see nothing terribly obvious, there was something that seemed out of place. She lingered only for a moment before she started toward the bar. She was not interested in whatever drink this sad little establishment might offer, only what they might tell her. It was in this moment when she passed by the couple in the booth, and she overheard...

"I'd believe that Veena if I knew you wouldn't just go out and kill any competitors you had to 'corner the market',"

In a place like this, she could only imagine what type of "markets" made their way through. This meant little to her other than it would make her job easier, as she was in the market for information. Still, she was not one to interrupt, and though her pace had slowed when she passed by their table, she would carry on to the bar. Only, once she was there, she turned to face them, and stared, all the while puffing casually on her pipe.

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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Veena
There is an old saying 'loose lips, sink ships', Arash didn't know the origin of the phrase, it's probably some Allirian one, but it was correct loose lips indeed did sink ships, both literal and figurative and lips were at their loosest when they've had a few drinks past them.

That's why Arash was here as an imperial hand it was his job to find information pertinent to the mighty empress but that didn't mean he didn't get to enjoy himself whilst he found it. he sat in a bed of pillow sat in the centre of the room, a table in front with a hookah and clay cup filled with spiced wine. he was content right with flipping a coin with his thumb as he listed to the multitude of conversations happening in the room.

then a newer comer entered the room, he hadn't seen her before and the way she carried herself made him think she wasn't used to being in such a place of ill repute. he would stand picking up his cup of spiced wine as he did and made his way to the bar settling next to an unknown woman. "what brings a beautiful lady like you to a dingy place like this?" he couldn't help but flirt a little at seeing a pretty face.

Safiya Veena
  • Popcorn
  • Cheer
Reactions: Veena and Safiya
She was not ignorant of the man as he approached her, but her eyes showed not sign of leaving the table where the two business partners were engaged in their dealings. She wanted to speak to one of them, she was just not exactly sure which one yet. But her elven ears served her well, and she'd make her determination soon enough despite the distraction. But she did reason this distraction could also prove to be useful. Information came from all kinds of sources, and when done right, at little expense.

what brings a beautiful lady like you to a dingy place like this?

She took another puff from her pipe, then exhaled the smoke which had an almost purple hue in this dimly lit place. Without turning her attention to him, she did reply saying, "I am here to find something."

Though her body language seemed perhaps dismissive, her tone hinted otherwise.

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Veena
Arash didn't notice her she was an elf until he grew closer, not that was a problem, he had thought with and had many an elven lover, but it seemed the sand elf was playing coy about why she was here, it seemed he would have to coax it out of her.

"There are very few things to find here, cheap drinks, drunks," The coin that he had been flipping was now rolling a coin across his knuckles effortlessly without paying attention to it before he would put it into his palm and brought his other hand to the elf's ear and pulled the same coin from her ear. with a smile "and opportunity."

as a thief sleight of hand tricks were just practice for the real thing, drawing attention to where you want whilst you do what you need, they were also a fun trick to show off, not magic but to kids, it might as well as be.
  • Haha
  • Sip
Reactions: Veena and Safiya
With a dipped chin and a lifted eyebrow she turned her eyes upon him, feigning amusement with his little trick. In truth she was hardly impressed - she'd simply seen too much by now for such innocence - but his last words did align with what she was after here. Opportunity. She'd come here in hopes of finding answers to the many riddles that were rife in Ragash as of late, and maybe it was to come in forms most unexpected.

"It has been some time since we saw the Sun," she mentioned, "or the stars or moons. Don't you worry?

Aren't you afraid?"

She turned her eyes away again and tracked them across the dimly lit room, saying plainly, "there must be some reason? Someone who knows?"

If she hoped to find any kind of lead, she felt she needed to look everywhere she possibly could and be as blatant as seemed fitting. She had little time for games.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Veena
Biscuit belched.

For any other punter it wouldn't have been looked at twice, but for the small green dragon it was enough to send a plume of flame towards the roof and make the tavern keeper jump up with a curse, patting at his smouldering eyebrows. The Anolli, realising its mistake, rushed back to hide behind Veena's tankard, putting his two small paws up on the rim and cautiously peeping over the top to see if the man was about to try and splat him with a large book (something Veena had done more than once when he had done it to her!).

"Ye be lucky you be cute," he muttered and then spat. "Fine, 15,000, but yer also owe me a favour," Veena winced. She hated that word, knew it meant 'wish' and could see the greedy man already licking his lips at the thought.

"A small favour," she stuck out a hand. Tal considered and then with a grunt, shook her head.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Safiya
Arash smiled at the lady's questions, "and why should I be afraid or worried? i have no control over these things and if I were to worry about things I can't control then i would be an anxious mess and wouldn't leave the house, life demands we accept things we can't control. but I trust that our dear leaders will figure something out in time." Arash wasn't one to panic about things, he just saw things as new challenges to overcome or live with, if he was one thing it was a survivor.

"I can't tell you to know anyone knows about the sun here, if I were responsible I wouldn't be talking about it in a tavern but I'm not an idiot." being a thief turned bandit turned spy, he knew when and where to discuss plans, here wasn't the place in his mind.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Safiya
"I'd heard..." a hushed voice started up from behind the bar where the two were talking, thick with the local accent, "...I heard something about a month ago..."

Safiya's brow slowly began to raise.

She turned in place and cast Arash a playful smile as she did so, making her shift in attention seem as casual as she could. One never knew whose eyes were on you. No that this was a particularly crowded place, or that she had suspected anything of the sort, she was still cautious while out on her own without the safety of the Cabal about her. There was always strength in numbers after all.

A few gold coins slid across the bar.

"Start talking and there might be more," she said with a softened voice.

The bartender wasn't particularly tall, but not terribly scrawny either, and he was clothed in the traditional Ragashian dress. He slid the coins into his pocket, and carried on saying, "The boss said something after a deal, something about some strange folks from the south," he leaned in a little closer, "said he heard them say something about when the sky goes dark..." he leaned back out, saying before turning to grab a bottle from off the shelf behind him, "but that's all I know. You'll have to talk to Tal if you want to know more... I can't remember it all."

Safiya put another few coins on the bar, and then another for the drink, and then turned with the newly acquired beverage in hand and took a sip as she again inspected the couple sitting in the booth not far from them.

"You never know what you could find in a place like this," she said with a side eyed glance to Arash, seemingly having made her point.