It is a little known fact that anything with intelligence can cast a wish.
In fact, it is such an obscure fact that even the Djinn residing within such a lamp which was one day discovered by a small dragon did not know. Being a creature attracted to shiny things the young dragon attempted to polish the glistening shell of the treasure it had just found and soon found itself face to face with a being humans, elves and gods alike scoured the earth in search of. But despite all odds it is exactly in this manner, dear readers, that this duo's story started.
After the young dragon frivolled away its wishes on food, gold and for the Djinn to be its friend in the space of a few hours, Veena soon found herself in the odd position of being able to exist outside of her lamp but with none of the freedoms a manacle-free djinn possessed.
Basically human, Veena begun to search for ways to provide for her and her small companion.
For better or worse, Veena found herself in Salitra and there met a few rouges who cut her in on a deal if she helped with a smuggling mission. The rest, as they say, is history. Veena found her second calling in the smuggling ring and soon rose to commanding the small group who had once taken her in. However as the years dragged on, Veena found she wanted a more settled life and used her money to buy a prime spot of real estate in the form of one local tavern. For a little while she and Biscuit were content in their peaceful lives but when it began to wear thin and she realised barkeeping didn't make the money she had grown used to, she dipped back into the smuggling trade and used her new residence as a front.
The Bootlegger became well known in whispered tones to be the place to find items hard to come by on the market. In times of war that might be as innocent as flour or sugar, but in times of plenty exotic items such as strong alcohol or inexpensive silks and furs.
Such a job attracts a certain crowd and Veena likes to occasionally dip her toes into the art of information bartering too. As such she's become a known figure for knowing everything and anything about a persons business.
Skills and Abilities
Djinn gifts; with her manacles on, Veena is not at even a third of her true power potential which is described in several ancient texts as being on a par with the wrath of a god. Instead, Veena can only cast low level magics that might help her around every day work.
With age comes...: a lot of knowledge. Veena is incredibly smart, speaks several languages - some of which are dead - and has a mean bread recipe that has punters travelling miles.
With age comes...: a lot of knowledge. Veena is incredibly smart, speaks several languages - some of which are dead - and has a mean bread recipe that has punters travelling miles.

Still, as dragons they do possess magic. Biscuit is able to conjure a flame which can be dangerous at a short range. He is also able to fly.
Biscuit also suffers from the fatal flaw of most dragons in that he is particularly fond of shiny objects. He is a surprisingly agile and silent little thief and many a missing item soon turns up in his pile of treasures.
Biscuit is also incredibly fond of sweet treats and is a passionate baker himself. Most of the treats and goods made at The Bootlegger are made at his own fair claws. The most famous of which is his Crème brûlée.