Fable - Ask The Blooding

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Felice perked up when Harlowe jolted to consciousness. Nazara had insisted she was okay but the manner that the vampire thrashed about in her sleep gave Felice ample cause for concern.

”You feeling,” her words were cut short as Harlowe bolted at the treeline.

Vampires were way too fast. The harionago rose to her feet and started after her, only to stop dead in her tracks at the sound of vomit. ”Maybe she just needs some time alone.” Felice’s own stomach churned and she averted her gaze. Few things could induce queasiness quicker than the sight of someone else losing their lunch.

Her hesitation only lasted a second though as she swallowed her tongue and marched towards Harlowe. She was certain the silver haired woman would do the same for her. A small hand rubbed the vampire’s back but she didn’t dare open her mouth to speak, lest she join the sickening sessions.
  • Cry
  • Sip
Reactions: Matias and Harlowe
When everything in her guts had been emptied the Vampire began to cry. She hadn't thought she could but maybe it just took something more traumatic than being turned to spring them forth. Once they started they didn't stop and Harlowe sunk to her knees in the grass.

"I killed them," she rasped between sobs. She wasn't sure if she was talking to Felice directly or the world at large. Maybe even just herself. Yet voicing it made it worse, so much worse. "I killed children," another sob ripped through her.

The worst bit was that it hadn't even taken long. A week of being newly made? A week of trying to be good only to turn into the monster she most feared.
  • Stressed
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Reactions: Matias and Felice
Felice stood and kept her eyes trained on the kneeling creature. She took a half step closer and remained silent for a few seconds, unsure what to say. In her life she hadn’t had many friends so comforting people wasn’t something she had any real experience with.

”Was my fault,” she finally protested, ”should’ve been more precise and you wouldn’t have, um, seen it.” She didn’t want to mention the word. Wasn’t sure if it’d trigger something.

The redhead assumed Harlowe had been a decent person in life, had a pretty nice life, loving family and a community. Maybe that was why she didn’t know humans were just as monstrous as anything in the Regiment. ”Don’t beat yourself up over it.” What had happened was just instinct and she was pretty sure vampires didn’t always go on bloodlusted rampages like that. She could learn to keep it together going forward. Probably.
  • Cry
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Reactions: Matias and Harlowe
How could she not?

Harlowe wrapped her arms around her middle as though she were afraid she were going to vomit again and let the tears flow down her cheeks to splash upon her knees. What she had done... it had gone against everything she had ever stood for. To protect the innocent. To ensure no harm came to them. The vizier and the guards she could dismiss as work but the mother and her two children... the way she had begged even as her blood ran into her mouth...

Harlowe bent over and wretched again and again until nothing else would come up. She rested her forehead against the tree and took great shuddering breaths as her body shook. Eventually she managed to speak.

"It's not your fault," her voice was cracked and hoarse. "You're new to fighting."
She averted her gaze once more as Harlowe gestured to one side and violently expunged more of the muddy red bile. When she finished and spoke the young monster sat beside the kneeling vampire, her hair assembling itself in a messy bun just in case there was more vomit to come.

”Well, I’m learning and I’ll get better at it,” she dared a look towards the lithe woman with hair the color of knives. No more sickness, that was good. ”Just like you.”

A smile broke across Felice’s pale face and she explained, ”you’re learning how to deal with those cravings. Next time you’ll control it better.” She wanted to place a comforting hand on the other creature’s shoulder but, well, she wasn’t very good at this sort of thing.

”You’re a lot stronger than me,” Felice broke eye contact and allowed herself to stare at the stars, ”but if you ever need some to talk to, let me know.”
  • Bless
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Nazara and Harlowe
With effort she eased herself down so that her back was pressed against the rough bark of the tree. She dragged her knees up to her chest and hugged them to her as though she could hold the broken pieces of her frozen heart together in that manner.

"That... is very kind of you," Harlowe said quietly, her eyes sliding to the girl at her side to consider her quietly. Kindness. She kept finding that amongst these monsters even if she kept proving why she didn't deserve it. But she supposed she was right, that it was either learn or... The young vampire swallowed and looked away, staring at the camp in front of them as the monsters there milled about, packing down the camp. The mission was done. Perhaps not as neatly as Nazara had wanted but it was time for the Regiment to move on.

"If you want... I can teach you. To fight, that is."
  • Popcorn
  • Cheer
Reactions: Nazara and Felice
The other monster’s demeanor appeared to relax, she seemed less tense. Felice followed suit and lowered her own guard a bit. She sat cross-legged and smiled at Harlowe.

”I’d like that. The training to fight, I mean.” In her human life she’d been weak, taking every day one at a time and stealing or scrounging to keep her stomach filled. Now she had power and real potential but none of the knowledge as to how to use it.

The only regret she had in this moment was the fact she couldn’t help Harlowe with her particular problem. Then again, maybe just having someone to listen to her was help enough.

Felice let out a sigh as the camp was broken down. ”I guess we should get moving, when you’re ready that is.” She wasn’t in any hurry to force it. If the vampire needed to sit here for an hour she’d make sure that, at a minimum, she wasn’t alone.
  • Bless
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Reactions: Harlowe and Nazara
A faint smile curved her lips at the enthusiasm in Felice's voice; at least that hadn't changed. She could remember her own excitement when she had first joined her kingdoms army. Fear too, but it was mostly the thrill at the idea she would be able to take care of herself. Do something. Make something of herself. She could hear that same thing in Felice's voice.

The smile died on her lips as she heard her... friends next words though and gave her own useless sigh.

"I'm ready."

Onwards. It did no good to dwell on the horrors of war whether they were at her own hands or others. With effort she pushed herself to her feet and her legs shook like a baby deer's.

"Remind me to throw a lance at Nazara," she muttered, her thigh still twinging with the pain of his shadow blade. As a young vampire it would take her longer to heal - though still far quicker than a human, especially when she had been full of blood when it had happened. It did nothing for the pain though.

A sigh.

"Let's go."
  • Popcorn
  • Sip
Reactions: Felice and Nazara