Private Tales Stolen Freedom

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Bartender née Smuggler
The Empire
Character Biography
"He just has it on his mantlepiece like some kinda... some kinda trophy, Biscuit!"

The small green dragon looked up at her from his small but mighty stash of gold pieces he had collected over the years. A small little rag he used to polish them hung from his mouth. To anyone else, the dragon would be expressionless but Veena could see the arch of a non-existent brow.

"Well, no I don't know if he knows what it really is, but that's not the point is it! How would you like it if someone just perched the skull of your mother on their desk because they thought it looked 'cool'?"

The dragon's tiny spines raised.

"Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot. I got it her head back for you though didn't I? That's all I'm askin' Bis!" Veena countered and the tiny dragon sighed and set down its rag. He knew his Djinn and when she wanted something, there was nothing he could say to stop Veena from getting it. Even if that journey ended in chaos.

* * *
It took a week before Veena felt confident enough to break into the library owned by Az'Marith. It was not that the djinn particularly feared the scribe. From all the intelligence she had on the man he was not a fighter she should be particularly worried about with magic on her side, though he did contain more than a few nasties in that library of his. No, what made her nervous was that the eye of the Empire now hovered over him and Veena liked to stay out of the gaze. Nym probably wouldn't take too kindly to the smuggler she occasionally used for darker deeds being put behind bars. The threat wasn't enough to keep her away though. The prize she had learned of within Az's vault was far more precious to her than her relationship with the Sultana. For Veena had it on very good authority that sat proudly in the middle of the Royal Scribe's mantlepiece was a lamp belonging to the legendary Zagan.

At first she had not been sure, when she had first heard a cleaner - a young woman who worked in the Library - describe the prized possession. She had complained of how difficult the jewels were to clean but how her employer insisted that they were polished every few days to glimmer how he liked. Any lamp could possess jewels. So she had pressed and piled the girl with free drinks to find out more over the course of a month until she was certain that it was Zagan's resting place. That it stood unused meant that either the scribe had not figured out the incantation to release the djinn from his imprisonment and he slumbered on, or that Zagan was free in this world. And if he were free, he might help her become free too.

She had waited until the thieving hour to strike. Her spies had said the scribe would be at the palace until late like he always was when the council met. She chose a window that was not too far from the library but that was in greater shadow and less gaudy than the others, meaning it would open into a room likely unoccupied by people. With great care she took her lock picking tools and worked with quiet efficiency until the lock popped open and the window swung inwards.

"Well, here we go," she murmured to her dragon companion as they slipped inside.
  • Yay
Reactions: Az'Marith
The Imperial Scribe's home was no small estate, and indeed in nearly rivaled those of some of the lesser Houses in Ragash. And though it was a vast home, there was far more to this place than a simple dwelling. The would-be intruder Veena had become aware of this, but those who worked within were also well aware: this was home to a great many things. Though much of Az'Marith's home was littered with tomes, scrolls and books, it was also home to a great many magnificent items from statues, suits of armour, grand pieces of furniture and of course, things like a particularly ornate and quite obviously prized lamp placed at the center of the Scribe's grand library. While much of where Az'Marith carried out his day to day living was a place of use and clutter at times, his library was no such place. It was succinct, well kept and resembled the arrangement of any public library. It was even tended to, albeit sporadically.

The library was not the only chamber treated with such care, as there was a great deal of the structure that seemed to serve other more presentable purposes.

The room in which Veena soon found herself was not quite such a place. There were several work benches about, some were topped with vials with varying amounts of different coloured liquids, others had strange arrangements of odd items strewn atop. And above, lighting the room somewhat dimly was a great crystal that hung as a chandelier. Within was the image of a fire, which seemed to burn perpetually with no contact with the outside world.

Just outside the door on the other end of the room would be the library, and as it was right now there could be voices heard from there. To quietly listen would reveal them to be some of Az'Marith's many cleaners who was simply doing the rounds, talking to themselves as they did. Unfortunately, the library was vast, and unless Veena was content to wait for a few hours, she'd have to stealthily avoid the cleaner... or otherwise deal with them.

  • Smug
Reactions: Veena
Veena cursed underneath her breath and quietly shut the door she had cracked open to get a better look at who she was dealing with. She couldn't stay out here in case someone happened along the corridor but bursting into the library would give away her position. Why hadn't she thought a little more that when her informant had said she had Tuesdays off, that she might in fact have a replacement to cover her shift. Really, it was just a testament to the owners need for cleanliness he couldn't let the bloody room go uncleaned for just one night.

Squashing her irritation she looked down at Biscuit who had also been peering into the room. When he realised the Djinn was looking at him and - worse - smiling! The tiny dragon began to back away with a low trill.

"Oh no you don't," she reached into her backpack. "It'll be just like we practised!"

And so it was that the poor dragon was shoved into the room with a sheet over his head and two crudely cut holes for eyes that were entirely too small. After a few steps he hit something hard and gave a loud yelp.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Az'Marith
Niri was someone who worked only so often for Az'Marith in recent years. Ever since she'd become a mother she needed to greatly reduce the amount of time she spent working to maintain his estate, but there was once a time when she was primarily the one who did so. So, despite the fact that her son was usually in tow while she covered her replacement's time off, she was so well accustomed that she preformed it perhaps even better than her full time counterpart. Though, much of her efficiency came from her knowledge of Az'Marith's grandeur. He simply needed to know his estates were tended to each and every day. Whether she lifted a finger or not was almost inconsequential, at least when it came to her rounds. A light dusting here and there, but for the most part her being there was simply for the sake of it.

She made her way around in a leisurely way while her son scurried over to a nearby cushion and made himself comfortable with his toy. And then, somewhere on the other end of the library, she heard the most peculiar sound.

"What in Abtatu's..." whispered Niri, turning her head firstly to her son, whose attention had turned from his toy to the the adjacent end of the large room.

She thought at first she'd heard some kind of animal, but dismissing it as perhaps some coincidence with his son's play and figured instead a book or tome must have fallen from its place. She started on her way toward the sound.

  • Devil
Reactions: Veena
Veena gave the dragon two thumbs up from her position by the crack in the door. Biscuit gave a long suffering sigh in retort. Sometimes, the little dragon wondered who exactly was in charge in this duo. Wasn't it meant to be him? He had rubbed the lamp after all and set her free, yet here they were! In his train of irritated thoughts the little beast loped across the marbled floor and leapt up onto the top of the ornate harp that took up one corner of the room. His tail delicately strummed the strings once before he leapt again, just before the cleaner came into view, to hide behind a pile of stacked books.

From this vantage it gave him a chance to study her and cast a terrifying shadow onto the walls behind him by spreading his ghost-made wings...
  • Gasp
Reactions: Az'Marith
A scurrying here, a scuffling there, and then the sound of the harp's strings strung. She stopped in her place and contemplated for a moment, thinking that it had been months since she'd actually spoken to Az'Marith himself. Had he gone out and found himself a new... addition to his interesting collection - the kind of addition that moved - then she would be unaware. But then, if he had gone about getting such an item, he was sure she would have been told.

Nevertheless, when the shadows of what she could only assume was some kind of invisible monster appeared, she had her child gathered up and she had departed in short order. She'd spared herself the embarrassment of screaming in fear, and was instead dignified enough to simply take her son by the arm and haul him out without protest - it was clear he knew better than to question her. She had not seen any evidence of anything with her own eyes other than a shadow, but that was enough for her to take her child out of what could have been harms way. As for the library... well, it was clean now, for the moment.

As for whatever it was she saw, that would be for Az'Marith to deal with, it was well beyond her pay rate.

And so, before all too long, it seemed that the library was devoid of anything other than books, trinkets and items, and of course one small little lizard.

  • Gasp
Reactions: Veena
When the door at the other end of the hallway opened, Veena quickly opened the door she was pressed to and slipped inside the same moment mother and child were leaving.

"Well done!" she beamed to the cloaked dragon who proceeded to knock a whole stack of books over when the eyeholes moved just out of place rendering him sightless. She quickly strode over and lifted the disguise off him and threw it to the floor. Before Biscuit could give her a speech of some kind about how he was never doing that again, she produced a small gold coin that made the dragons eyes light up. He definitely shot her a glaring pout before taking her offering, but he did take it and that meant all was forgiven.

"Now," Veena spun on her heel and turned to the mantlepiece and the lamp which stood atop it. "Let's begin."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Az'Marith
The day had been quite long enough already, in this his mind was made up. Perhaps it had been the sleepless nights as of late, but he simply could not stomach remaining at the palace any longer. There was more to see and do there of course, as the place was always a bustle of activity, but for now he had quite certainly had enough. And so, at a leisurely pace, he made his way through Ragash's main streets and observed those going about their business as he went.

There wasn't much going on worthy of note, just another day for the populace of Ragash.

It did give him an idea for another article though for the Daily Divan...

With some newfound inspiration he quickened his pace, now eager to return to his estate. He'd not be long getting there now...

  • Smug
Reactions: Veena
"Yes, yes I'm hurrying, Biscuit! Does it look like I'm simply sitting here having a Osa?!" Veena huffed. She had wanted to leave the empty shell behind so that there was no hint she or anyone else had touched the lamp, but it appeared there were several enchantments around it she hadn't banked on finding. The magic was old, almost as old as her, and something she hadn't seen since her first Master all those moons ago. The green dragon let out an exasperated sigh.

"Just one more - fuck!" she swore and dropped the lamp as it suddenly turned a blistering temperature that reminded her of the desert sand at midday. "Well I don't know what you did to go and get all these chains put on you pal, but if you can hear me you owe me one," she muttered and peeled off the scarf around her neck, doubling the fabric over to act as a barrier between her skin and the metal.

"Let's go, I'm going to need to study this more," and just hope the scholar didn't notice one pretty thing gone amongst the many.

Biscuit wasted no time in scurrying back the way they had come and nudging the door open with his snout. With the coast clear he zoomed across the hallway with Veena on his heels.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Az'Marith
After what seemed like a greater breadth of time than usual, Az'Marith finally laid eyes upon his grandiose estate. Of all his homes, the one in Annuakat was likely the most peaceful, but his here in Ragash was by far his most favoured. Here was housed his greatest finds, works, and possessions, and it was the grandest of his homes. It was almost more akin to an Imperial building with staff tending to it and the like, but it was indeed simply his personal dwelling. He stood for a moment, examining the architecture for a time as he relaxed with the settling in that he'd finally made it to his refuge from the day's trials.

It was an old structure, having stood for many generations of Ragash, and was once the home of a noble family. They had found themselves at a loss on their fortune when Az'Marith had arrived, with more than enough to comfortably claim the storied manor. As for the nobles, they left the city in shame and mended their wounds with the gold he'd given them.

After thinking on those things for a time, he started forward and made his way toward the entrance. That was when Niri burst forth, the doors parting for her and her pursuing son with great haste, and she approached him with frazzled words...

  • Smug
Reactions: Veena
Getting out was a whole lot easier than getting in. Veena gently eased the window as shut as she could from the outside which meant leaving an annoying, finger width, gap but unless someone was really looking for the route of an escape artist they would barely notice it until months had passed. By then any other traces of her would have faded with the harsh desert storms.

"Well, I think that went rather well," the djinn congratulated herself as she tugged up the hood of her cloak and began to make for the town, sticking to the shadows. Biscuit sat upon her shoulder and his head popped up beside her ear, chittering away in anger.

"The sheet was completely necessary! When have you heard of green scaled ghosts?!" she hissed. The dragon huffed and she could sense his annoyance. "Look, I'll cook you your favourite when we get back, ok?"
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Az'Marith
Try as he might, Az'Marith did poorly at quelling Niri's anxiety. She was fraught with worry and had difficulty explaining exactly what it was that had perturbed her so much. Az'Marith, having done and garnered as much as he could, sent Niri on her way to calm down and he entered in to the estate. He stepped cautiously in through the doors. He turned his head down one hallway, and then down the other. It was quiet, and from what he could tell, no where else in the manor had suffered from whatever frightening thing Niri had described. The few other servants that were present somewhere in the estate were all still diligently working away at their tasks undisturbed.

He pursed his lips, and quietly made his way down the corridor leading on into the library. It was there that Niri had encountered the "monster" she described, but Az'Marith was hardly so worried. He expected something... far different than what Niri described. However, when Az'Marith entered into the library he found nothing. He heard no one, saw no one, nor did he even suspect someone else was present. At least not any longer. But it wasn't long after he'd reached this conclusion, however, that he realized that Niri had indeed been telling the truth. In the midst of the center of the library there was now a particular item, one which Az'Marith prized greatly for its mystery and its grandiosity - the lamp he'd been gifted many moons ago in the north-western deserts.

He stood there in stillness before abruptly throwing his arms up in frustration and then turning to depart the library. Just moments after there were shouts within the estate, and Az'Marith rallied several of his servants to investigate...

It took a little while, but before too much time had passed the would-be thief's route was made known. As for who would give chase, Az'Marith had something... special in mind.

  • Smug
Reactions: Veena
"... And then Biscuit here spread his wings and she pure shat herself!"

The room of the Stampeding Camel was full to the point of bursting with the inn keep having to now turn away customers from the door lest it get to the point his serving girls couldn't even make it through to serve the patrons he already had. He gave Veena a look where she sat perched up on the bar with half the tavern turned to listen to her stories and then shook his head. She was always good for custom but the shit she came up with... well it was unbelievable. Who would really be so frightened of Biscuit?

Said green dragon was reenacting his adventures beside her, having apparently forgotten how much he had hated it at the time, though that might have had something to do with the bits of meat people tossed in his direction when he spread his wings and gave an almighty (for his size) snarl. He was fierce! They certainly weren't laughing at him.

As for Veena, she wasn't so stupid as to tell the tale true from what happened the other night. Those in attendance thought they were hearing about a tale in Salitra which had happened to some posh ships captain, not their very own Az'Marith.

Veena gave a small bow once the story was done and hopped down from the bar to collect her well deserved drinks whilst Biscuit collected the few coins they had got for their troubles. She took a seat amongst the patrons and held her pouch open for the dragon to deposit their earnings into. He gave her a serious look.

"We'll leave tomorrow!" she assured him. "Just a few more drinks tonight, eh?"
  • Devil
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
A situation like this was hardly one that he would typically find himself involved in. He was not some delivery boy. And Az'Marith was hardly one he owed any favours to. It had been, however, that Az'Marith had sent word of a potentially dangerous happening taking place, and while Laru'Dahl found this admittance to be all the more reason to keep someone like the Scribe in much closer check, this was not his to say or declare. His only appointment was to carry out the bidding of the Red Sun, and as it so happened, this was now his bidding.

To give chase to a would-be thief.

Beneath the shrouding mask that hid the whole of his face beneath the encroaching hood of his garb, his eyes strained not to roll at the thought as he traversed through the Ragashi streets in search of this thief. Were it not that the item in their possession was one of particular value, he'd have never found himself here. And though it was surmised that someone perhaps quite dangerous would be the one to seek such an item, he thought different. He surmised this would be a complete waste of his time and skill, and his success was all but assured.

Perhaps that's why he was sent.

Though chasing down low-level criminals was not his exactly prestigious, finding people was exactly one of the things he excelled in. Terminating them was the other, though that was not exactly the job this time. It wasn't exactly not the job either, which is something he would keep in mind. But in this case it seemed he needed to exert himself little in the first regard, as it was all too easy to be led to the Stampeding Camel. He heard of someone boasting of the recent exploits, but when he entered and casually made his way toward the bar, his elven ears heard stories of a place far from here.

Nevertheless, he found them interesting all the same. Though the events this apparent traveler described were quickly determined to be based in Salitra, some of the events described also mirrored accounts he'd heard from the local estate. Finding a seat at the bar, he wondered that if one were so bold to operate in one Imperial city, then why not another?

So, with elven ears as keen as any, he listened carefully to the oh so boastful ones.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Veena
"Tell us another! C'mon Veena!"

Veena was a good three tankards down by this point and when she stood there was a slight sway to her walk. With the help of two strong arms she was lifted onto the bar and passed another drink which she used to wet her lips once again.

"Alright, this one I swear is true..." there were jeers and cheers both as Veena launched into another story that this time took place on the high seas. As she would have it not only did she fight one of the legendary pirate captains on the edge of a whirlpool that swallowed them both, but she fought a kraken beneath those depths and lived to see another day. When that story was done, there were calls for another and another. Veena's stories spanned the centuries putting her at key moments of legend and history. Nobody seemed to care whether it was true or not - though plenty went home secret believers - Veena spun a good story with just the right amount of blood and sex to please most gathered.

It was closing time when Veena finally put down her last cup.

"I think that's me done for the night," she announced to the few left, said her good graces to the master of the house and made for the door.
  • Devil
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
"Those are quite the stories," a honeyed voice rose, lingering just over the sound of torchlight and footfall, "humour me, if you would," he said as he turned around in his seat, "perchance you have something to prove at least one of your various adventures?"

Though one of his hands remained plainly in view with a full glass of spirit grasped within still rested on the bar, but the other was somewhat hidden and rested on his side. One foot rested up on the rung of the chair he sat upon, but the other lay flat on the floor. He appeared casual, but to the trained eye...

  • Sip
Reactions: Veena
Veena wasn't so stupid that she would reach into her satchel and begin waving around the very thing she had stolen in this fair city, but she wasn't above showing off other trinkets she had stolen across the years. So she paused at the strangers words and eyed him up, weighing up whether or not it was worth showing off. He looked like he might have enough coin to buy her another drink. In the end she merely pointed at Biscuit.

"Well, Biscuit here is proof of at least one - hic - adventure," she fingered the necklace around her neck. "And this here is the - hic - piece I stole from the Princess of Namu. Why so interested?" she raised a brow, teetering slightly where she stood. "Do you happen to be in the trade?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
Behind the mask he wore the half smile that formed was well hidden. She was more than intoxicated enough to perhaps make this an easy enough venture. And, if he played his cards right, he might actually be able to pull it off in a delicate manner. Though bloodshed was his profession, he would turn away from it when he could.

"As a matter of fact," he started, "It just so happens I'm here on such business. You see there's something in this town I'm after, word has it this item will fetch a small fortune."

He stood, "allow me to escort you, I can fill you in and perhaps we could work together."

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Veena
Veena might have been drunk but Biscuit certainly wasn't, and the dragon was at the end of its tether. He wanted to go home, curl up in his pile of gold, and forget about the humiliating experiences of the day. So when Veena paused as though she were tempted by the idea he looked at her like a pocketful of rage.

"I - ow!" she turned to glare at the dragon perched on her shoulder who had just nipped her ear. From a dragon that was quiet the nasty nip and certainly enough to sober her up a little. She glanced back to Laru with clearer vision. "I... am afraid I have had too much to drink tonight to help, friend. Perhaps we can meet tomorrow instead?"

She offered as she slid towards the door.
  • Smug
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
Laru studied her carefully for the few moments he was given before the so eagerly motioned to depart. He caught the little dragon's obvious protests, and he suspected that the little creature had more to it than what met the eye.

"Perhaps tomorrow then," he replied, and waited there with patience as he watched her leave. But waiting until tomorrow was far from what he had planned. In only a few short minutes after Veena would take her leave, he'd be found missing from his place at the bar. In fact, without so much as the creaking swing of the door, he was gone into the night, and like any nocturnal hunter, tracked his prey with guile.

  • Nervous
Reactions: Veena
"I know, I know!" Veena muttered as Biscuit launched into a long speech on the perils of hubris. To most people listening the language was a series of clicks, squeaks, and tiny little growls. A few patrons who also happened to be walking this time of night gave them odd looks as they passed but wisely gave them a wider berth. Let them think her mad! No doubt Biscuit looked like some exotic iguana to their eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay? We're leaving right now, I'm sure I can rouse the crew and then we'll be miles away. Back in your little gold cocoon..." The dragons eyes grew dreamy before shaking himself out of it and launching into another tirade.

Veena stifled a sigh as they strode towards the docks.
  • Smug
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
Ragash was a city as vibrant in his memory as the back of his hand. Traversing through it was far from a challenge for Laru'Dahl, and doing so unnoticed was just as much so. His place upon the rooftops made moving across the city short work, and he was able to keep a keen eye on his prey. It became obvious to him very soon that she had no intention on remaining here and taking his bait, or at least her path toward the docks told him as much. He of course expected as much, and would have likely been disappointed otherwise, and preferred this to a prolonged operation anyway.

So he would track her until she drew closer to her apparent escape, curious to see if there was anything else for her to reveal before he made his move to reclaim that which she had stolen.

  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Veena
The docks were quiet at this time of night though the lights were still on in the nearest taverns. Inside would no doubt be gambling, drinks and whores. Those taverns never had a cut off point for sailors never slept if they could help it. Veena wasn't a sailor. At least, not in the traditional sense, and so she always found herself more drawn to the smuggler inns than the types her men found themselves in. Still, if they were missing from the ship they would no doubt be in there.

Stepping up the gangplank warm light lit the deck and she nodded to the quartermaster who had his own quiet game of cards going with three ship hands.

"I want to be gone in the hour," she announced and the group put down their cards.

"A few men do be in the tavern Miss, they might not be fit to sail," the quartermaster scratched his head.

"Go pour a few buckets over their heads, we're anchors up in an hour," she repeated and the men nodded, scurrying off the deck to go find their friends. Once alone Veena took a seat at the abandoned table and Biscuit jumped onto the table, his head tilting up at her expectantly as she drew the lamp out from her satchel. "I'm going to get you out of there my friend. I promise."