Completed Sometimes all it takes is a leap of faith

The girl was struggling still to clear fully the memories from her mind even as she spoke. It would be a darkness she would have to live with for the rest of her life, but she believed in the words she told Erën, She smiled at his mouthed words, a slight tug of the lips up at one corner. Of course, he would be thinking of how he would have felt in that situation as a father. For a brief moment it amused her to think how grateful her own father would be to know she had found a man who understood that pain on her travels, someone who might make her check in more often than she would if left to her own devices.

The embrace startled her. Caliane was very much a person who healed through touch, but she didn't think that was the same as Erën, She imagined he was a man who preferred to deal with emotions silently and would leave another to deal with them in much the same way. Her arms came up, hesitated a moment, before encircling around his waist and burying her face in the crook of his neck. Breathing in him, anchoring herself back to the here and now.

"Thank you," the smile was in her words even if he couldn't see it. After a few moment she slowly released him and gave him another tentative smile. "I guess that's the worst of the emotional baggage over with."
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
"I guess that's the worst of the emotional baggage over with."

With a teary eyed smile he nodded, resting one hand softly on her shoulder before he withdrew and returned her some space, "from us both," he replied.

He moved over to the flower he had spotted earlier, and he knelt by it. A gentle finger caressed its pedal, admiring the beauty of its yellow hues, streaked with vibrant blue. It was an odd thing. It was nearly identical to the flowers in Sharyrdaes, the ones his daughter had so adored. No, it was one. He thought perhaps there was a chance that over his travels through this very site, perhaps a seed had been carried all the while, to drop here, for him to find now.

It was a joyous thought, as though someone who watched down from above had left him a small gift. One he could pass on to another.

"My daughter," he started, still examining the lovely colours of it, still somewhat astonished at is presence, "she was named after flowers quite prevalent throughout the Aeraesarian valleys - and usually that is the only place you find them. They only bloom every tenth year, and they are truly a delight to behold," he plucked the flower, and stood again, "I adored the sight of them, and when Ellias was born, I named her after them... the blue of her eyes was like on these pedals..."

He turned, and started toward her again, and handed her the little flower with a smile, "my daughter would pluck one for me, every time I left home. I would carry them, and think of her. I would give you this flower in her sweet memory. To remember that no matter how dark the world may be, that somewhere, there is always some, small beauty."

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  • Love
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Caliane watched and listened to the story of his daughters name - at the same time she stole another piece of chocolate from his half of the bar whilst his back was turned. She popped it in her mouth before he could see. It was a sweet story and not one she would have thought would come from him, she had to admit. Erën was surprising her more and more this evening. Her green eyes moved from his face to the bright blue of the and yellow of the flower. Very carefully she held out a hand to take the bloom and brought it to her nose to smell. Her eyelashes swept down casting long shadows across her high cheekbones was she did so. It smelt as beautiful as it looked.

"Thank you, Erën. I will treasure it," Cali raised her eyes to his as she put the flower in her hair behind her ear. She fashioned it in place by making a small braid that would hold it. Against the red of her hair it looked even more vibrant, especially in the shadow of the fire. "There is not much I can give you that would match the gift but," slowly she stretched her right wing and wriggled one of the feathers free she could feel was close to dropping out. It was one of the longer ones. At its base it was a snowy white then it slowly faded through pastel pinks to a vivid bright magenta and finally scarlet red. She twirled it in between her fingers, watching the fire give it the look of a flame.

"If you ever encounter another Avariel, you show them this and they will offer you aid without hesitation. All our wings are unique so they'll know who gave it to you," a light smile touched her lips before she raised her gaze to his and passed him the feather. "Hopefully one day we will be a more common sight."
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
"There is not much I can give you that would match the gift but,"

He gave a gentle shake of his head, he had expected nothing in return. It was only a simple flower after all, pretty as it was. It would remain for a time, more robust than many others. But it would wither in time, and its beauty would be gone. So when he watched her pluck a feather from her very own wing, he was deeply humbled. Graciously he accepted it, and in his show of reverent respect he held it to his heart and bowed his head to her.

"I am honoured, Caliane. I will guard this with my life."

In all the time since their meeting, not once had he spoken a single phrase of their shared, ancestral tongue. In truth he did not even intend to - so rare did he let the sound if elfsong leave his lips. It fell from his lips like a gentle waterfall, soothing and sweet. He stood and beheld her gift with the wonder of a child, awed that he would be bestowed such a thing.

Like her, he bonded the feather with his hair, lacing it within an already present braid to flutter over his breast.

"Long has night shrouded the dreams of my people, but with the return of dear kin I feel a light may once more shine. Your face will be known through all of Aeraesar, and you shall be called friend.

And when wings of the Avariel once more spread to darken the sky, our beacon will shine to you, and our arms spread open wide..."

He smiled to her, and then looked into the sky, "it is an amazing gift you have."

As his eyes stared up, a finger lightly brushed the feather in his hair. They seem more like angels than elves... A stark contrast from the demons he was far too accustomed to dealing with.

With his eyes still upon the stars he said, "thank you, Caliane. You've... reminded me that there is still time to smile."

In truth, he found his face had even started to ache. He hadn't smiled quite so much in a very long time.

  • Bless
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Caliane's eyes half closed when he began speaking in their shared language. It was like a soothing balm to her soul and it caused her cheeks to dimple into a smile. Though the Avariel were taught the Common Tongue, it was barely spoken inside their home. There was simply no need. She hadn't quite realised how much she missed it until he began talking in it. Her eyes followed his gaze as she puzzled over what he meant by gift for the briefest of moments before laughing.

She too switched from the Common Tongue to elvish. If he had thought her voice beautiful before it would seem ugly in comparison to when she spoke the language of their people.

"It will be an honour to have some allies amongst our kin from the start, I am a little worried about making the same connection with others from our people," a confession that marred her brow a little. She thought about the Falwood and the Capital therein - from all reports it still seemed the main hub of Elvish culture and she knew one day her wings would take her in that direction. "You do not need to thank me for just listening to you," her expression turned to puzzlement and she listed her head to the side even though the smile was still there. Lightly she touched his cheek, her fingers as soft as a butterflies kiss before she let her hand drop again.

"Let us speak no more of sad things, would you like to fly?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
"Let us speak no more of sad things, would you like to fly?"

He did.

The silence that came after her question as he feigned contemplation may have indicated otherwise, but with no lack of certainty he absolutely wanted to fly. But, he did in fact contemplate it. He felt it a most generous offer. But when she bad pulled him out from the cursed home and they had flown the short distance they did it had been done of necessity - in fact dumbfounded necessity on his part, if he remembered correctly.

But, here she was now offering the experience freely.

No amount of pride was going to keep him from this. He looked her dead in the eye, that same child-like wonder still very much present,

"You... would do this...?"

  • Love
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Caliane absolutely loved behind able to share her joy of the sky with people. It was one of the biggest things she missed about being back home - dancing in the clouds with her loved ones. There was a ... a joy that was hard to express to anyone else about feeling free in this manner. If someone was happy enough to swallow a little pride to be carried then she was more than eager to share it with them.

"Of course," the mirth was obvious from the light in her eyes, to her smile, to the whole energy she bubbled with. Her wings stretched in anticipation. "After a very unfortunate accident I must ask that if you feel like you're going to be sick to please let me know in advance," he wasn't too much taller than her, perhaps a few inches so it would be relatively easy still. "May I?" she motioned to picking him up. Once she had his consent she stepped behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her chin rested comfortably on his shoulder and she positioned her feet so that they were directly behind his. Her wings swept out and trembled, waiitng.

"Ok... Just bend your knees, that's right... When we're in the air just balance your feet on mine... Ready?" with one strong push of both her wings and her legs they were airborne, the fire below them wavered and nearly went out from the force of the wind. It was a rush as they went up at speed, the noise of the wind whistling in their ears. Her wings beat in five quick successive beats to propel them higher and higher and then there was a change as they caught a current and she switched their position so instead of going up vertically they levelled out and lay horizontally so he had the full view of the earth below.

"Welcome to my world," a bell like laugh in his ear.
  • Love
Reactions: Erën
Erën nodded at the mention of sickness, but there was little need to worry. He may not have flown before in the traditional sense, but he had found himself hurled through the air on more than one occasion - unceremoniously at that. He was confident he'd be okay.

She wrapped her arms around him and he couldn't help but tense a bit. This was quite unlike anything he'd ever done before.

"Ok... Just bend your knees, that's right... When we're in the air just balance your feet on mine... Ready?"

Ready. He couldn't quite get it out for all his excitement.

At first, he imagined that those first few pulls may have been the instigation for whomever her unfortunate incident had involved. Those mighty wingbeats bore down, and as they began their ascent their pushes urged his stomach to fall. Rather than making him sick, it invigorated him. He did well to keep himself at her disposal, motioning with her as well as he could - but this was quite foreign. Five great beats, each one more exhilarating than the last.

As they leveled out and began to glide, another feeling welled up in him. This he imagined might make people sick... It was so... crazy! That was all he could think.

"Welcome to my world," a bell like laugh in his ear.

He could stifle it no longer. He stretched his arms out and howled into the air with glee, unable to believe what was happening. His laugh joined with hers and though so many words came to mind he could utter none.

The sight of the land, painted under the light of the moons he could see it well. The river, the ruins, the treetops. The landmark stone, it looked so... small. He took it all in, looking down to watch the trees seemingly slide along behind under them, out to see the distant lights of a settlement - not visible for quite some time on land.

"In all my years," he finally managed to whisper, almost to himself, "I've never dreamed of such..."

The brief time he'd spent in the air after her rescuing him nowhere near compared to this. This, was simply breathtaking.

  • Love
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Caliane couldn't stop laughing at his unbridled joy in the moment and thought back to the very first time she had flown. It had felt something like what he felt now - along with, of course, absolute fear her wings would fail her. But that was over 200 years ago now and her wings had grown strong despite their recent decay in the cages of animals. Such thoughts were far from her mind however up here in the skies, sharing the enjoyment she felt every time she flew with someone new. Her lips quirked at his words and though he couldn't see them a dangerous glint filled her eyes.

"Hold on," there was definitely a sly edge to her words as her wings tilted, caught another current that pushed them up and then her wings took them further still with slow but hard beats until they were up beyond the clouds amongst the quiet peace of this world. It was much colder here but there was a warmth coming from her skin as the fire roused and ensured the climate didn't bother her. It was a pleasant sensation much like the sun on ones face. Of course most Avariel's could withstand the colder temperatures but why would you if you didn't have to? A white glow coming from the tips of wings followed them like the tail of a shooting star. For a while they soared here, occasionally dipping into the clouds then above before she flew a bit higher and then tucked her wings in.

"This is usually the part people throw up," Cali's warning was a delighted laugh as they began to fall. She twisted them with a practised manoeuvre so their heads were pointing down and they could both see the ground approaching with an alarming speed. Like an arrow they shot gaining more and more speed. They cleared the cloud line, cleared the height of the distant mountain range. Still they fell. Cali gave an excited whoop at the exhilaration.

The ground was gaining on them faster and faster until suddenly she spun them again once more and her wings shot out with a loud snap like the unfurling of a sail in a mighty wind and their course was diverted from definite death to the river. They flew so low if he had wanted to he probably could have reached out and skimmed the water. Cali herself tilted her wings one way then the other to dip her primary feathers into the cool liquid, causing ripples. Then they were sweeping back towards their fire where she landed with a whispered hush.

With their feet on solid ground she released him and promptly sat down still giggling despite her breathing being rugged.

"I am out of shape."
  • Love
Reactions: Erën
As their feet came once more upon solid ground, there was a strange sensation throughout his body. Aside from the feeling of solid ground and the gentle shock it provided, there was another comforting feeling. Indeed, she had been truthful in her warning. He had quite honestly almost wanted to be sick - luckily it was quickly stifled by the exhilaration of it all.

She released him, and he more or less fell forward and rolled onto his back with a laugh, "amazing!"

His breath too was laboured, having unintentionally held it from time to time, and having it stolen from him during their final descent.

"I'll remember that until the day I die..." he laughed.

Looking up into the sky, remembering the sights he'd just seen. He wished he too could share with her such wonders. And then, something crossed his mind. She was an Avariel - but she was descended from the same lineage as he, however distant it was. Perhaps, there was something that he could show her - though its magnificence, in his mind, paled in comparison.

"Have you ever heard the voice of another, without a word leaving their lips? Have you ever seen the things they have seen, remembered what they remember?

Felt what they have felt?"

  • Bless
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Caliane gave him a smile that could rival the sun when he commented on remembering their flight till the day he died. Relieved too he seemed to not feel too sick or sore from the flight either she flopped onto her own back to try and control her breathing a bit better. She also reached for her skin of water and took a long draw on it. Her wings shuddered a little from the power they had had to exert to carry another in such a way too. Most people thought flight was an effortless thing like magic, but her wings were limbs like legs. It was the same as someone sprinting with another person on their back. When he began talking she rolled onto her side so she rested on one wing like one might rest on a soft blanket, and the other flopped over her covering her form in the soft silken feathers.

"I have heard of this magic but I have not experienced it for myself, no," Cali tilted her head slightly to one side. "Is this the magic of your people?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Erën
"It is so much more than what I can tell you," his tone spoke to his admiration.

He sat up, and looked down at his hand, passively flexing it open and closed. It had been some time since he had tried this - there was often little need. Very few did he ever care to share so much as he had with, let alone to share in this thing also - the collective: The Soulforge. He had shared his own mind in the past, but after what he had been shown he could think of nothing else he could offer that was above this.

None that were not of the Order had ever heard their song.

He looked, and reached his hand to her, beckoning her closer, "it would be far better to show you."

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Curiosity would be her undoing. Though they had shared a lot this man was still a stranger to her and an older elf, he probably had magic she could only dream of after the passing of her second century. Caliane only hesitated for a brief moment before she nodded and then got to her knees and then crawled her way over to him. Once she was in front of him she sat back on her heels and put her palms flat against her thighs. The excitement was a barely contained thing as she watched him, eager to see what it was he had to show her.

"Is it going to hurt?" the barest flicker of doubt crossed her green eyes that were currently reflecting the flames of their fire. She would be more than willing to suffer slight discomfort but she had heard of some wielders of this magic tearing apart minds. It was not something she wanted to experience for herself.
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
He closed his eyes, and gave his head a gentle shake, "no, no it will not hurt at all."

He gave his hands a quiet clap, and as they parted a blue light took shape in between. It beamed there briefly before dimming and sinking into the palm of his hand where it left a faint iridescence. It spread across and illuminated the small lines and creases in his hand, and it traveled up under his sleeve, and shortly after slowly crept up his neck, across his face, and across his other hand. When his eyes once more opened the same light - not too brightly - was present, swirling almost hypnotically there, like a flying serpent chasing its own tail.

"Do not be afraid," he said, reaching out with his hand to grasp gently around to the back of her neck. He placed several fingers atop the ridges of verterbrae there, and his thumb rested just behind her jawbone beneath her ear. With a breath, the light began to stretch from him onto her, but it would only travel so far. He was not delving into her mind, but inviting hers towards his.

Do as I have.

His voice could be heard, but his mouth did not move. An... understanding, shared. Place your hand like mine, and an exact awareness of how to do so. And when she did, the same illumination of those minuscule features would spread across her arm, and join with that which came from him - and then a sudden sensation: like two swords clashing in battle, or the abrupt and mighty slam of a judges gavel.

The outside world dimmed, but pleasantly so - the forest and the night faded, and in their place a round room of stone took shape. It was intricately formed, as real and detailed as anything before seen. Archways took shape all around, each one inviting and warm. But each one remained closed, a slab of swirling gemstone barring each way, emitting a gentle, pulsing glow.

They appeared to stand now, side by side. And he said nothing at first, seeming to take in the surround with an approving nod, as well as allow Caliane to orient herself.

She would percieve it with little difference than she had their environment just prior. But there would be a subtle... detachment, almost as though she were observing herself from afar. And, despite seeing and hearing now within this construct that had appeared, the crackling of the fire and sound of the night were still within her awareness, both very distantly and yet very presently.

He turned to her, and seemed to speak once more from his own mouth, "how do you feel?"

This was a technique used to mitigate the potential shock of such instances, well taught throughout the Order, one of many Erën was quite adequately versed in. He was in the utmost control of this environment, the structure of his mind very well cemented over his six centuries. There would be nothing so unexpected here.

At least from him.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Caliane took him at his word, gave him a shy smile and then nodded in preparation for whatever he was about to do with her wings fanned out around her on the soft grass. Her whole expression changed to one of wonderment as she saw the light bounce and dance across his hands and up his arms. She almost jumped when he opened his eyes and she leaned a little closer to examine the effect of his magic on his eyes curiously. She felt like she would watch it alone for hours and when he spoke she merely nodded but in truth she felt no fear. It felt... calming. Her excitement only grew when he cupped her face and the light began to move towards her. What was it going to feel like to be touched by that same magic and not just merely look at it?

Her eyes widened with surprise when she heard his voice. It didn't feel... like she thought it was going to feel. Though in truth she had not really made much assumptions about how it would feel. The only thing she had to compare it to was the way her Soulfire spoke to her at times. A slight nod and she copied his movement. The sudden sensation was like a bolt of energy through her that for a moment made it hard to breathe. The world fell away and she got an uneasy feeling in her stomach like she had left it behind somewhere but it wasn't unbearable and seemed to fade the more the structure grew around them. Instead a calmness settled inside of her and then the curiosity was back, burning brightly.

"This is beautiful..." Cali murmured and twirled in a full circle to take it all in. When she stopped she took a deep breath and just soaked it all in. Then her gaze slid to his and she put a hand on her stomach. "A little disjointed, like I have just flown a bit too fast but otherwise I am fine. Is this your mind?"
  • Cheer
Reactions: Erën
"Well, you've weathered it quite well. I've seen some take several moments before comprehending the cross-over..." he nodded to her question, "part of it, yes."

It was quiet here, but from the stones there seemed to be a low, persistent hum. The longer they remained and examined what had taken shape, more understanding seemed to find its way to her.

What she saw now was a construction of diligent and painstaking effort. It had been brought into bring after Erën had joined with the Soul Forge: a ritual known simply as the joining. Following any individuals joining with the collective, a significant loss of self is experienced. To in part undo this, and in part rebuild the individual altogether, a rite of passage known as the introspection occurs, where mental constructs are learned and designed to seperate an individual from the collective. To be both one, and many.

This process produces varying results based on the individual. Erën, being both of the Sword... and yes, Highborn as well, is quite renowned for his capacity in this regard. His connection with the collective had always been quite strong, but his will was also. He mastered the art of construct, and of maintaining the whole of his own self - a feat many others of his kind struggled to fully achieve.

"You understand," he said, breaking the thoughts that could quite possibly overwhelm someone who was so unaccustomed, "you need only think it with certainty, and this can be ended in a breath."

If it had not already found her, his more direct iteration would solidify this notion. He was undoubtedly telling the truth.

It was like being hooked up to a hive mind. Even as she was forming the question the answer was pouring into her in a stream of pure consciousness. The nausea feeling was rising as more waves of understanding hit her and she put a hand out to gently steady herself against her friend. It was such an interesting and complicated process yet it seemed so effortless. She understood as she stood in the room that there was no way he could have explained this to her. Caliane would have never been able to understand this.

She took a deep breath when the information stopped and put her hands on her thighs to recenter herself for a moment.

"No... no I'm ok. Just taking a bit of getting used to," Cali would not squander this cherished moment. Pushing up she walked forward to one of the archways and then very carefully touched it. "So... your people when they speak to you do they sort of appear in here or do you go to a conference room?" Even as she formed the question she braced herself this time for the answer hitting her.
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
Erën helped brace her, and did well to slow the streaming transferal of thoughts to allow her the needed reprieve. He forced the room to quiet once more, allowing the words to carry in the likeness of a pleasant echo as they spoke.

"It is, more difficult than that unfortunately. This is where my mind comes whilst I sleep,"

Those joined did not sleep as most others, instead they entered into the mental constructs of their creation to commune with the collective - while the body rests, the mind remains conscious and yet aware of the outside world. But, the communing is as replenishing to the mind for them as true sleep is for others.

"Physical touch is required for someone else to enter another's individual mind, to be as you and I are now. Some of the Highborn however are capable of surpassing this. But this place is where one is brought firstly. It is a guarded construct, the first we are taught to build, so that our mentors may join with us, and teach us the finer points of construct. This quieted and controlled place is the safest for newly joined - but for one such as I, the entirety of the construct is as formidable."

The illumination from the stone in the archway grew more brilliant around her touch, offering a warmth, and a slight increase in the hum from it.

"Each of these doorways lead to... different parts of me." He nodded to the archway she currently stood before, "that one is home to the memories of my time before the joining. Each individual chooses how to arrange themselves, some have fewer doorways than others. Some have doors beyond doors."

His eyes drifted away, "however, this is far... more..."

He began towards one adjacent to her, and touched the stone - it reacted to him the same as it had with Caliane. He could open it with a thought, "through here leads to the greater collective. What you can percieve now are only my thoughts as I allow them to come, but through here is much more. But you are my guest, and you will be percieved as such. You will not be overwhelmed, and I can shield you if need be.

You will feel them, and if you listen... carefully... you will hear."

He gestured to her, "would you like to see it?"

Caliane listened and when she felt a little lost there was a helpful feeling that touched her and guided her to the right understanding. By the time Erën had finished speaking she thought she understood. There was a warm feeling against her mind that made her think she did anyway. She touched another part of the arch and it lit up again with the same soft hum and glow which made her grin from ear to ear. This was such an amazing experience and he thought flying was? That was nothing compared to ... to this. She twirled again as she went to make her way back over to him then noticed he was walking to another arch.

"They won't mind?" Cali felt shy about it. This was such a personal thing and she didn't want to make anyone else uncomfortable. It would be like taking him back to her city right now. Her people were not a nasty breed but they were fiercely protective of their home. Nobody had set foot in it from the outside for Ages. But on the flip side she so wanted to see it, wanted to be a part of something larger. She missed her home and her family and through that door was her kin. Hesitantly she walked over to where he was and touched the archway curiously, smiled at the warm hum again and then slowly took his hand in hers and nodded.

"Yes please... I would... I would very much like to see this."
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
He smiled, taking a comforting hold of her hand and nodded to her. As he did, a split appeared upon the gemstone slab, and it parted. Beyond was naught but a blinding light which did no harm, and he turned and with her, he stepped through.

One step.

Then, in the stride of that second step it was as though a thousand leagues passed by underfoot. Before them, and around them, the forests sprung up in a display of brilliant colour and wonderfully grown wood. And as their second step was made they emerged onto the edge of a great and wonderful meadow by the base of a tall mountain range. And there at the base of the greatest, behind tall white walls and a wide sparkling river stood the city.

The collective conciousness as a whole resembled the image of the holy city, and its lands. A comfort to all those who remain: a reminder of how things once were. While it had the image of something real, it also exuded light. Not enough to obscure detail, but a perpetual iridescence, that brought with it an encompassing warmth.

Erën led her out into the mists. All around was like a paradise, with wildlife and flora in great abundance and colour - admittedly a somewhat embellished recreation. And, dotted here and there throughout the meadow, were lights. Upon closer inspection, the vague image of a person could be discerned from within the lights, seemingly tending some ethereal thing or another. Some seemed to regard them, and from them vague, wordless impressions of kind greetings floated toward them, and around them.

Across a great bridge, and in through the large gates of stone. The whole of the city seemed brighter, warmer. And here, more lights of conciousness' were about in greater number. Stronger now, the almost prying presences' drew near to impart their greetings, then listlessly they drifted away to relieve any tension.

Erën seemed to commune with them with the gentle warding of his hand.

"We appear much the same to them as they do us... and each other like wise," he paused, chuckling, "your wings are quite an attraction."

Then, the image of how they were percieved came to her. And while Erën very closely resembled the others, Caliane's essense - though similar - appeared greater in a way, with wings of white flame stretched far out behind her, regardless of how she held them.

  • Love
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
The feeling of nausea rose again as they took their second step through the doorway and her hand fluttered briefly to her stomach as if she could hold it in. The unpleasant feeling was forgotten however when the sight before her emerged from the mists and her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped. It was beautiful. No, beautiful was what she had thought his construct was. This... no this was beyond words. There was just so much to look at she wasn't sure where exactly to start and knew not when she would be able to stop staring. As she walked forward she turned quickly once and then a second time more slowly trying to take it all in. A delighted laugh escaped her. For a moment she felt like a small child and she wanted to go flying off to explore. The instinctive spread of her wings indicated as much.

However the approaching lights stopped her. Cali assumed it was Erën who was keeping their thoughts from fully swamping her as they were faint, like being heard through a wall. She was grateful for it because there were a lot of them. Whispers and snatches of questions but mainly feelings of curiosity brushed at her like a feather along her senses. It was... ticklish. She had been about to ask what exactly they were when she noticed the outline of a person in one and sure enough as she looked at the others she could make out different forms.

"Oh," her face fell a little when he mentioned her wings and she subconsciously folded them against her back. The small frown turned to a grimace when he showed her the image they were seeing. It was like a beacon. Her discomfort must have been projected because a sense of... comfort, compassion and reassurance washed over her. Hesitantly she smiled again.

"They're very sweet," Cali hummed, attempted to share her gratitude with those nearby. "I don't mind you lifting the shield so I can hear them if you just ask them to speak one at a time," this was what she had left her city to do after all, form these bonds.
  • Love
Reactions: Erën
"You are most welcome here, Caliane," he said, almost needlessly amidst the kindness of his people. Even in this vague sense, the excitement was likely quite noticeable, "it has been quite some time since one has even been newly joined with the collective, let alone there be a quest."

"I don't mind you lifting the shield so I can hear them if you just ask them to speak one at a time,"

He nodded, and gestured for him to continue to follow him. It was not so easy to commune quite so freely out here. It seemed strange, that in a place like this such a thing was an obstacle - but such was the nature of the construct. The individual's self is just as important as the whole, and such measures are necessary to ensure this sacred bond become not a shackle. So, to the very heart of the city they must go - to the Temple.

Strolling throughout the city, Erën shared memories - more vivid than the consciousness' that seemed to float by them - of things he had seen transpire along his way. People tending flowers, or children running through the streets. There was laugher in the air, the song of a mother over her young, and sweet aromas filled the air. The chill from the nearby waterfall descending the mountain, which sprung through the city through decorative aqueducts and wonderful displays.

Further up through the city they went there was too the sound of a distant choir joined in song. It carried through the air, and in this place it could be seen whirling through the air in displays that could only be described as magic and colour. It rose into the air, danced through the streets, and the serenity of its sound was quite clearly comforting to Erën. With some notes, even the whole of the world around them seemed the sigh peacefully.

And there, at the city's highest point stood the temple. Its tower stretched high into the sky, as though if one stood atop it they could reach out and touch the clouds. Back down, at its base large gates, swung open for all to enter, and from within came the sound. Erën led her inside, and for a moment when they stepped through he took in the sight. It was an enormous structure, and the grand hall they walked into was immense. Along both sides were a coalescing of lights, hundreds, if not thousands of consciousness' joined in a single melody.

And as he led her into the temple, another figure appeared at the far end. They appeared more normal than the others, and they turned and approached.

Erën regarded her pleasantly, and she revealed herself moreso, but the light still shone from her yet. But now, Caliane would feel a much more intimate connection with this other person - more so akin to how she had first experienced this joining with Erën - but still more reserved. It was obvious this other person was also quite comfortable in this environment, expressing a very delicate control of what she shared.

"Welcome, friend Caliane, I am Ánië Táralóm."

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  • Love
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Caliane dutifully followed her friend through his wondrous city of the mind. Occasionally she would fall behind as a particular flower or animal or piece of architecture caught her attention before she would skip to catch up with the man. Erën was patient with her though and seemed to let her give in to her childish glee at exploring such a place. The memories overlaying their walk were wonderful accompaniments to the journey and she found herself learning more and more about the man who had been her brother in arms only a day ago. Cali had never felt so close to someone. At least, not since she had left Thyasari.

The most she lingered was when the song passed overhead. It was a melody she felt she knew though she could not recall from which memory this was, or whether it even was her memory she was remembering but rather the peace that was coming off of Erën. She was almost sad when he tugged them on wards and upwards still.

As the voices got louder she hesitated a moment to just take in the sheer scale of the Temple. It felt like she was approaching a busy market not a place of... serenity which was what she associated with these types of places. Her hands trailed over the doorway as she followed Erën inside, marvelling again at the sensation it caused. Like touch but not. She felt like she was truly somewhere physical but she could sense she wasn't.

Cali was too busy gawping at the ceilings to have seen the other figure approaching and the sound of a different voice startled her slightly. Bashfully she smiled and then hesitated, from how Erën had shown how she looked she was not entirely sure how obvious movements and gestures would translate.

"Thank you Ánië, sorry I just..." her gaze drifted upwards and then around. "This is just beyond words."
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
Ánië smiled to her, and nodded her head. She remembered how it had been for her, when she had first been joined. It was much the same - all were introduced to the collective through the means Erën had with Caliane. She was much younger, just over 50 at the time.

She could feel Caliane's discomfort, and so she reached out her hand to her, "please, I understand."

She shared that she too percieved her with more clarity. There was a difference between Ánië and all the others they had yet encountered. She had delved fully into their "sleep state." Erën too had done this in bringing them here as he had. The others were yet waking, and only small portions of their conciousness' were present and aware of them.

Soon, many of the others would too - but their visage she beheld of them would for the most part remain. As she had said - and all now knew:

"I don't mind you lifting the shield so I can hear them if you just ask them to speak one at a time,"

Perhaps with more time and comfort, there would be room for more to make themselves more known. Until then, it would be as she asked.

"It brings us great joy meet with you, Caliane. To know of the perseverance of the Avariel... like this - is wonderous," Ánië's voice was soft, and sweet. It sang of her kind heart, and loving soul. She was truly amazed at the revelation of their survival, and the honour of her meeting with them here, was hardly able to be contained.

Her eyes moved between the two, and a smile crept across her face, and then she too examined the surround.

"It truly is a great comfort to us, no doubt why our First saw fit to bring you -" she paused, "flying!"

Her eyes lit up, and it was clear she too wished she could experience such a thing for herself.

  • Bless
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
A warmth filled her heart when Ánië took her hands and she squeezed them back gently as if they were old friends. Caliane was an open person with her affections and always would be. Perhaps it was a weakness but she could not help search for the good in people. It felt in that moment as she got a sense for the woman that she had actually met a kindred spirit which made Caliane warm all the more to her. It was nice to feel the genuine... the truth that came off of this woman as she spoke about how glad she was that the Avariel yet lived. In honestly it had never occurred to her that people had not thought the Avariel had survived. She had been about to respond when the other woman exclaimed about flying. Cali's eyes flicked between Ánië and Erën - had he shared the memory with her?

Her head listed to one side then she laughed and crossed her arms about her waist. It was instinct to shuffle her wings though she was sure they wouldn't move here, but it was the same for her as breathing.

Cali's cheeks were tinged a little pink.

"Let's keep that between ourselves - my father would not approve of giving lifts to people," a soft giggle. "Can you... can you all see this memory of Erën's?" she wanted to understand how this worked, this collective. It amazed her. He must never feel alone.