Completed Sometimes all it takes is a leap of faith

One hand drew back over her lips as a laugh escaped her. It might seem strange, but treating this place with as little difference to the little world as possible was one of its many comforts. It truly was like being somewhere else entirely - not just some, simply put, thought up place.

"Not a word shall ever be breathed," she assured.

As for her question... vague impressions of what Erën had seen, and felt, reached to Caliane. They were what Ánië could discern from him like this - very distant sensations compared to what she would know to have been reality.

"If our minds were to join more intimately, than I would feel and remember more clearly perhaps... but where Erën remembers the true experience, I catch only glimmers. Life is still ours, and only ours, to live."

Erën nodded, sharing what would be more vivid memories of their flight - a stark difference between the two perceptions, but still remarkably similar. It was the same memory, but like a few hundred years had taken place since Ánië had been there, where for Erën of course - it had only just occurred.

"Perhaps," Erën said, breaking trail of thought, "is there something you would like to try and share, Caliane? A memory?"

It might seem a strange thing, but it would prove much easier to do than she likely believed. Some of her thoughts had even managed to ebb their way out, but out of an acute reverence for her as their guest, the thoughts were avoided and respected. Only those she willingly imparted would be touched upon.

Caliane smiled at the woman's laugh and watched the memories curiously. Of course she knew what flying was like for her but to see it from another's perspective, especially without the sensations of wings and feathers was an odd one. She glanced sideways at Erën curiously but turned her attention then back to the woman in front of her and what she was saying. It made sense and very slowly Cali nodded, understanding probably radiated from her even if it was a little hesitant, like she was convinced she had the answer but needed the teachers approval she had.

When Erën asked about the memories she almost hated herself for the way her mind flashed straight away to the darkest ones, but the lid closed on those quite quickly and firmly. They did not belong there. She pondered which memory she wanted to share, what she thought they might like to see. Finally her mind drifted to one she thought they might enjoy.

"Ok... I'll try..."

Cali let the memory fill her and then tried to imagine gently pushing them out to those nearest. It was the only way she could visualise doing it and she prayed it would work, though she had a feeling she was over complicating the matter entirely.

The memory was simply of flying around Thyasari, but she thought as the city had not been seen by the outside word for so long it might be of interest to them. It was also a happy memory of home. Caliane had been on her way back from a Hunt. The sun was warm against her feathers and the wind gentle as she soared up the side of some unknown mountain and up into the clouds. There before her stretched Thyasari. It looked like it was floating but really it was because of the cloud cover that gave it that appearance. Streams of water ran off the sharp edges and plunged down into the world below. As Cali had already described to Erën, most of the buildings were actually built into the rock with archways and landing zones where Avariel landed and then left again - some where clearly homes and others more than that.

On Caliane soared over the botanic gardens and pleasure spots where couples lounged or rarely a child laughed and played under watchful eyes. She swept through the wide streets built for winged beings to pass each other comfortably in flight - window boxes were decorated with flowers or washing was being hung out over balconies. Below where some people chose to walk the shops bustled with people. Cali's vision perspective shifted to the looming large building in front of her whose spires seemed to touch the very heavens.


It was a warm and intense feeling as she angled her way around one of the towers, through archways and further up to where she lived on one of the higher floors. Her feet touched the sleek marble and she turned briefly, the memory offering them a view of where she had just come from. The Spines stretched for miles below the city like a faint smudge. It felt like the world were so close and yet so far.

"That is... my home," Cali smiled and clasped her hands in front of her as if shy about sharing such things.
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Both Erën and Ánië displayed no small amount of wonder, and this they shared openly. The feelings of flight from one who was themselves capable was unbelievably enthralling. To see her home Thyasari appear before and below them was an experience they themselves would admit they could not truly appreciate - even so intimately as this.

Though this place brought the Aeraesarians great comfort, the state of their true home as it was now had for long been a blanket of quiet discontent throughout even here - though invisible, and hidden as it was.

But to look upon the majesty of the Avariel's great home, to see it prosperous and beautiful and safe. To see as she did, soaring overhead. To feel the wind through her hair, against her skin, the beat of her wings. Neighbours and friends, tending here, flying there. The pure feeling of joy that came from Caliane was refreshing. There was a truth in it that had been almost long forgotten by the Aeraesarians.

It was wonderful to see such a place, and know that it yet persisted and even thrived - despite the looming need for change.

"That is... my home," Cali smiled and clasped her hands in front of her as if shy about sharing such things.

Ánië's breath was nearly stolen by the moment. She drew close to Caliane and wrapped her in a warm hug, as real as any other, "You are your people are beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us."

It may not have sank in quite yet, but as Ánië spoke the melody that had continued on in their midst had changed. It was a familiar song... changed now... once a sweet sorrow for the loss of kindred souls, rewritten to joy of newfound friendship, and a plea for forgiveness - but a pleasant one, and expectant one.

Ánië withdrew, a bittersweet smile finding her "there is likely much else you'd like to see. I know I wish we could share more with each other... but... time is short."

Too long spent in this place for one not joined ran the risk of losing part of oneself. For those who take the bond of the Shorai, this is something that is but a part of the process. But for a visitor...

Erën nodded. Likely too, while he may garner rest from this experience, Caliane's mind would likely not. It was a careful thing to enter in with a guest. But it would be a cold, cold day before he let such a place become one of dread.

"Still time enough," he said confidently, "there is one last thing I'd like you to see, and if there is anything you...?"

There indeed was a bit more time. Honestly, he could share in this moment for much, much longer if it was permitted. He was loathe to cut it so short. But too, he could hardly ask for her to share more of herself so.

It was quite a personal thing, after all.

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Caliane was startled by the hug but she laughed and returned the gesture gladly. Perhaps not all of these elves were like Erën and more reserved with their affections. A tangled mess of warmth, happiness and joy that they had enjoyed her memory ebbed from her which was probably encouraged by the change of music she hadn't quite cottoned on to in the background as of yet. She was about to ask what was meant by time being short but then the answer seemed to settle on her like it had before. It made her skin tingle but she nodded. It would take some getting used to this way of communicating, of thoughts and emotions replacing words at times. Oh if only the Avariel could communicate in this way it would open up so many possibilities.

"I hope one day you can come and see me and my city in person, Ánië," Cali meant it with all her heart. This had settled in her mind there were at least some people worthy of opening the doors to. Perhaps the Elders could be convinced that starting with kin would be the first good step towards opening themselves to the world proper.

"Oh yes, I want to see as much as you can show me," she turned to Erën and bounced onto her toes. She understood the limitations but she was eager to make the most of her time here. To learn.
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Ánië's smile seemed to glow, "One day, we will make that a reality!"

Then, the image of the woman began to drift away and grow vague. But, as she pulled her mind away from theirs she imparted fond, wordless farewells. And then Erën took Caliane's hand again, and began to walk further into the Temple.

It was long, tall, and wide. Where they traveled was like a great catwalk several meters wide and along their sides rising up from some unknown depth, enormous statues of the Celestial gods lined the path. Each one burned with apparent energy, and their shining eyes watched over them as they passed by. At the far end they came to a final statue placed at center, with large rounded stairwells wrapping up either side of its great pedestal. This final statue was one of an elf, garbed in much similar attire to what Erën usually wore - though the statue's appeared less weathered - perfect. As they rounded the statue up the stairs, the understanding of who this individual was became apparent.

Finwë: The Aeraesarian Patriarch. He, with his followers -my ancestors, discovered the Shorai, founded Sharyrdaes and established we Aerai as a people, and our Order.

They came to the top of the stairs to a large round platform. Against the wall behind the statue was another grand archway. Within was a long corridor, and deep within a pulsing light could be seen. Erën led her in through, and brought her into another large chamber. At its center, stretching up several tens of meters was the Forge Stone. A large crystalline stone, that hummed and emitted its blue light from the swirling well deep within.

He led her close to it, stopping just within arms reach. To touch it would expose her openly to the whole of the collective - and through him the experience could remain controlled.

"I can help you to navigate the... intensity. But you will feel their presence as I have - the whole of it. But only for a moment - it is vast..."
his hold on her hand tightened some, "I wish for you to know this."

There was a weight. An uncertainty. Like almost... vulnerability. A mental sigh.

"Without this comfort, I know not what I'd do."

Even here, he pulled everything close and the Forge became quiet to them. A private moment, well guarded by his fortifications.

His voice grew quieter also, heard only in her mind alone.

From even here, I have withheld the depth of my grief, Caliane... please, do not share it.

Then, quickly diverting them from those hints of sorrow he motioned toward the great stone. He had but to touch it and allow it to be directed through him to her, and it would be almost as though she too were fully joined - for a moment. He warned that it may be a... curious experience. He offered the chance to leave now.

…then the surround would gently begin to darken, and soon they would find themselves once more standing in the center of the initial chamber. There the archways once more appeared, and the glow of the gemstones illuminated their surround.

...and everything went bright. All of the imagery that was around them was gone. Now, neither he or she could perceive their physical forms. It was a strange form of awareness, listless but also purposeful. There was no need for movement or words here. There was no sight, or sound. But there was warmth, and comfort, and energy. It was the deepest depth of the collective, where all around thoughts and feelings and desires floated to and fro, coming and going like the tessellation of honey bees.

It came all at once, but also one at a time.

He led over the thoughts. At first, to her it was likely akin to soaring over a vast and wide roaring river falling harshly across rough rock - and then in a sensation of drawing closer, delving deeper, things became clearer, less erratic. More personal, calmer. Greetings, farewells, excitement, fatigue, love and sorrow, all washing past quickly at first and then slowing.

Then, he drew away, and it became distant...

...further now...

… returning to the round chamber of archways and gemstone slab.

He stood across from her, his hand still in hers - grounding her. He smiled, and as the image of them there began to fade and the light of the fire in the night around them once more appeared - and slowly he took his hand away from her. But in that last second, he shared a final thought.

The image of his daughter, twirling and singing through the misty meadows...

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Caliane smiled to the other woman at her excitement at such a prospect and deep in her heart she made a promise she would make it a reality for them both. When Erën took her hand she returned the warm goodbyes in a shower of flowery imagery before hurrying after the taller elf's footsteps. It felt quieter the more they travelled into the Temple though she wasn't entirely sure if that was because less people occupied this space or because of Erën's shields. Either way it allowed her time to marvel at his Gods. It was a curious thing. The Avariel had their own but they were not worshipped much anymore. Religion was kept more as a sentimental thing rather than anyone believing in it. Cali shared these feelings with him in the way she was becoming accustomed - not having to speak or give images merely emotional response. It didn't make the place any less beautiful though and a sense of calm befell her.

Cali had definitely been one of those children who had touched things when she shouldn't have. The urge to reach out and feel the smooth stone even before Erën told her what it was was an overriding desire - a feeling of childish delight. But she was more mature now and she had learned to wait. So she did as he spoke and told her about what it was, nodding quietly in consent. The fact he had not shared his grief struck her though and she looked at him with some concern over the matter; why would he not draw comfort from this wealth of loved ones here? But she promised and pushed what he had shared deep into her mind where it was locked in fire.

There was no hesitation as she nudged him into touching the stone in excitement.

It felt almost like sleep. That was the closest to anything else Caliane had ever felt. That moment where you knew you were about to wake up but nothing was pushing you to do so so for a moment you could bask in the moment of being aware you were resting. But even then it felt like the wrong analogy. For it wasn't quiet like like it was busy and there were a million things to look at and listen to and she struggled to catch more than snippets even though she wanted to. She felt both tired and invigorated by the whole ordeal.

Caliane blinked when she realised they were back properly in the here and now. The young face danced along her vision still despite her not belonging by the fire with them in this moment. She let out a long breath. Their hands were still touching one another's necks and their faces were so close.

"Thank you... for sharing that with me Erën," the winged elf whispered but she didn't let go.
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"Thank you... for sharing that with me Erën," the winged elf whispered but she didn't let go.

"Nothing has brought me more joy."

His hand drifted slowly away, but instead of departing, the backs of two fingers slid softly down her cheek. He breathed deeply through his nose, and his eyes searched deeply into hers, trembling with the slight inclination of his chin. The light between them faded, but still he remained there close to her.

"Caliane..." he whispered, leaning closer to her, his hand sliding gently back behind her neck. He stopped, taken totally aback by the behaviour he was exhibiting. It was so unlike how his people behaved. How he behaved. He felt uncertain, even guilty, but in the span of a breath he realized he did not care.

He leaned forward, tightening his hand on her just so and pressed his lips to hers.

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The moment seemed to stretch before them like an eternity as they both dealt with the emotions the experience had stirred. As he watched her she returned the favour. It was in a way like seeing him anew entirely. The touch against her cheek had her eyes half closing as her own hand released the more deliberate pose and instead flowed gently to the side of his neck to cup the edge of his jaw. Her name was like a soft caress in itself and she was leaning forward when she felt him stop suddenly. She looked up at him through the thicket of her eyelashes, questioning, leaned back ever so slightly to give him room to make the decision. He had shared with her such pain she would understand if he was not healed enough for this. But he didn't seem to take long to decide as he closed the gap and pressed his lips to hers.

It was a sweet kiss. Shy, hesitant, two people not yet done dealing with the tangle of emotions the past few hours had surfaced. But then her hands were in his hair and she deepened it for a few beats of their hearts just to let him know this wasn't something she did not also want before pulling back. Her hands slid down his neck to his shoulders. Her forehead rested against his as she sought to sooth her wild pulse.

"That... doesn't go back to the Soul Forge does it?" her cheeks turned pink as the prospect.
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All the feelings of uncertainty had gone as quickly as they came. She returned the affection he'd uncovered, and in their embrace a deep warmth washed over him. Had his heart pounded much harder, it would have fallen from his chest upon her lap. In the breath where she withdrew, his compulsion followed - but with little more than an leaning after her he stayed himself and allowed the moment to pass. He welcomed her leaning against him, and he found that he'd wrapped his arm around her waist.

"That... doesn't go back to the Soul Forge does it?" her cheeks turned pink as the prospect.

His eyes smiled, and with his head against hers he gave just the gentlest of shakes, whispering to her, "no... no that only I will keep."

"Caliane, I don't believe.. I've ever.."

..felt this way before...

How could he ever dream of sharing such a thing with anyone else?

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It was a relief she would admit that this type of thing didn't get fed back to his people and her body betrayed what a weight that was by relaxing under his hands. Silently her wings came about them, her feathers causing even the muted sounds of the night around them to hush. Caliane hadn't felt this at peace for a long time even in the days before she had left her home. She dipped her head slightly as if to kiss him once again when he spoke and she raised her eyelashes to meet his gaze.

"Ever what?" her question was a soft murmured against his lips but she refrained from pressing them together again. One hand came up and brushed soft strands of hair from his brow and out of his eyes, tucking the stubborn tendrils behind his ear. "Erën you do not have to hold things back from me," not here. Not in this moment after the hours they had spent discovering one another on an entirely different level. Her gaze had been following the movements of her fingers but now it returned to his.
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The enveloping of her wings. Her breath against his lips. Her hand, softly brushed across his skin. Her voice, like silk to his soul.

No. He had never felt like this.

Even given all he had shared with Caliane, the level of connection he could experience so easily with any of his kind... and yet he could not share those burdens he carried. He had always believed himself destined to bear his discontent. But now, after so long...

"...I've never loved anyone."

Never before had it... slipped from him. He'd always held his compsure strong, the walls of his fortress quite mighty indeed. But, Caliane had come... and seemingly of their own accord the gates had swung themselves open, beneath his very nose.

It startled him. But by the way he looked when her eyes met with his, he surely knew it was not something he would run in fear of.

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Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
His words gaze her pause and she searched his gaze to find the truth of the matter - was this a confession in relation to her or a confession that was whispered into the night and never spoken of again? Love was not something to be taken lightly and this was so new and fragile. But when he had spoken the words she hadn't missed the skip of her own heart and she couldn't deny the roots which were taking place there either. But she was young and she had not felt pain like he had in his past. She was hesitant to cause him more by rushing this but at the same time she couldn't leave his words hanging there between them on their own.

Her hands framed his face tenderly and she gave him a smile as soft as velvet as her forehead once again coming to rest against his.

"Perhaps we can learn together."
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Is that what this was? Even when he said the word, he knew he really could not be sure.

He could say that, yes, he had loved his daughter. He had even loved her mother. But, this was so different than any of that. When he had looked into their eyes, there was a knowledge. An understanding. That "love," had been an orchestrated one, bound by the collective that he was always a part of.

But looking into Caliane, he had realized here, sitting with her, that those feelings had been nothing in the wake of what there was now. He could not anticipate her reaction, he did not know truly what was in her mind, where her thoughts would go. She was unknown.

"Perhaps we can learn together."

The yearning within him welled, and he found that he fought to restrain himself, something again he found... foreign. Exciting.

One hand rested over one of hers, and other too cupped her cheek. There was a sorrow in his stare - he was not ignorant to the stark contrasts between them. She was Avariel. He was Aeraesarian. She was young. He was... well. He was in many ways, damaged. Could he offer himself to someone, so injured?

But... here with her he knew more than ever before... no, now he simply knew. He wanted to heal.

He wanted to live again.​

"With you..." he said, pressing his lips against hers once more, "...I would seek anything."

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Caliane wouldn't ignore the look he had given her forever but for this moment, for now, she would. The world was a harsh one and who knew when something sour would spoil this moment for them. The crease of a smile followed her into the kiss as she leaned into his hand and slid her own hands down to his shoulders. She was still on her knees and they were beginning to complain from how she had been sitting for their duration of the visit into the soul forge and now this after the trials of the day before. Very gently she pushed him back as if to lay on the grass but instead of the grass it was the white and red soft downy feathers that acted as their blanket and pillow all in one. He would probably never quite understand the intimacy of such an act, to touch an Avariel's wings, but it was far from her thoughts in this moment. Following him down she lay against his side and stretched her legs to ease the muscle ache but she didn't break the kiss. Once she had guided him to the ground her hand returned to his face.

Caliane wasn't a complete stranger to intimacy but this wasn't the wild passion of two young people alone for the first time. It felt deeper and stronger than anything she had felt before and she intended to take it slow for both their sake's. After a while she broke apart again to breathe, her cheeks once again tinged pink as her fingers ran down to play with the collar of his tunic. She didn't want to spoil the moment so she said nothing and shuffled impossibly closer, propping her head up slightly on her arm and simply took the time to memorise and savour every sight and smell whilst regaining her breath.
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He lost himself. He too had felt the discomfort of their prolonged positioning, but at some point, it was quieted under what had begun between them. It was like going numb and not, feeling nothing but everything. Quite frankly the Soul Forge was nothing next to this.

He surrendered to her guiding push, wrapping his arm tightly around her as they descended. The softness he fell into was unexpected, intoxicating - like everything had turned into a dream that centered around the two of them. For the first time, nothing mattered. He did not consider the Order, his appointment - his duty, he did not consider what he knew was a true possibility - expulsion. Perhaps. It had happened before. But that was the furthest thing from his mind. This was not the same, or at least that's what he felt.

His eyes came open as she drew away from him, and his hand once more brushed her cheek. He could almost feel his ribcage shaking from the drum in his chest. A nervous smile came to him, and he closed his eyes and let his head fall back.

In the quiet serenity that followed, a thousand thoughts came to him. But he ignored them all and focused on only one.

"No matter what comes," there was no dread, no prophecy of impending doom, only a surety - truth, "I will hold dear what you have shared with me tonight, what we have shared."

His other hand had found the feather laced in his hair, and he ran his finger along it. He betrayed it not, but there was a fear in him. She was so much... better than he. He looked at her, lacing his fingers through those fiery red locks and tucking them behind her ear, which he framed with his hand affectionately. He smiled. His eyes embraced hers, and a soft sigh left him.

...If only...

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The tiredness began to set in as the silence stretched on and she let her arm slide so that she fully lay amongst her own feathers with her cheek resting on her arm to continue the watching of his face in the starlight. Her wing pillowed their heads as he let his own drop and the feathers fluffed themselves up a little at the contact with something, an automatic gesture much like goosebumps might be. It didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. What was tugging at her was the haunted look in his gaze. There was something she didn't know, something that was bothering him but that he didn't want to speak out loud. Once more she let it slide in the silence.

His words echoed her own thoughts and as his hand came up to brush the hair behind her ear she gently placed a kiss to the inside of his wrist. And there was the look again. She bit down on her lower lip, debating then she shook her head slightly and put her fingers under his chin to turn his gaze towards her as she asked.

"Something is bothering you. Speak it," it was a gentle urging and the worry turned her green eyes darker. It felt wrong for a secret to brew between them after the events of the evening.
"I have lived a long time," he said, his voice growing softer with every word, "perhaps with enough time I could show it all to you. But for all the greatness you saw in that place, none of it was mine."

He'd always been so apart. He'd always pushed himself so far, trying to get away. He didn't understand the things he was feeling now, he didn't truly know how to be close to someone like this. As individuals, alone. Just the two.

"But, I've never been able to share the things I've seen and felt, and done. Even with them. But, you, Caliane... I fear what those things mean."

The life he had lived was hardly something he wanted for her. She deserved only joy, happiness, things he had only now been offered a taste of. Things, she had in her heart abundantly - and yet she was no stranger to the hardships of this world. They did not break her, like they had him...

"I fear what... you might think. What I might think. I couldn't bear to bring you any grief."

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"I have lived a long time,"

Caline began to frown with a slight shake of her head. Was it truly about age that worried him? For a race that lived for such a long time it seemed a tiny insignificant thing to use as a barricade to stop exploring what this was.

"Erën I-" she had been about to protest such a flimsy excuse. If he were not interested in her then he didn't need to make up excuses like that. The Avariel were known for the way they tended to pick a mate for life but times had changed since her people had shut the doors and if that was what he worried about then she wanted to dispel such a myth. She would find no offence if it were just an evening under the stars he wanted. It would be one she declined but there would be no wounded pride. But instead he continued and her confusion grew then gave way to a small hint of understanding.

"How would what you have done cause me any grief?" Caliane dipped her head again, stole a breath from him with her kiss then gave him a slight shake of the head. "I do not need to know your past if you do not wish to share it. It made you who you are right now and I can accept and leave it at that."
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A gentle nudging, forbiding her from stealing by instead giving freely.

"I do not need to know your past if you do not wish to share it. It made you who you are right now and I can accept and leave it at that."

She... doesn't need to know?

Another foreign concept. He was so used to the intrusiveness - benevolent as it was - of the collective. He had fought hard to hide things. It had been what made him what he was, what made his constructs. They were unlike any other of the Forge. It was known. He was different.

But she asked not to pry into those things. She saw only him now, as he was beginning to learn. To realize. To wonder.

It never occured that such things were not neccesary, or desires of all those who become close. He thought to know someone was to know all of them, from start to finish. But, to do that, to focus on what came from the past, did you ignore the person as they were in the present? Did he know who he was? Right now, yes, he believed he did.

The contentment that found him then... The fears, the uncertainty. Her words washed them away like grains of sand that had been frozen deep beneath the winter's ice, to be so easily swept aside by the coming spring.

"I could never have imagined... how little it all seems to matter - now.

I could never have imagined you."

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For someone who had been quite stoic whilst they fought a monster his face right now was like an open book. She pressed no more and let her words sink in as she amused herself by playing with the feather tied into his hair and lay her head back down against his shoulder instead. It was funny to see something which had taken her miles across the planet dangling from his hair like a piece of jewellery. Her mind wondered to the children who she had given feathers to in the desert and how they were using them now. They were probably mangled things used to play in the dirt with and that pleased her just as much as seeing it in Erën's hair.

Suddenly she felt him relax and Cali let the feather drop as she listened quietly to his words. Her stomach fluttered like there were a thousand butterflies living in there and she was glad her face was turned into his shoulder to hide the growing colour in her cheeks.

"I promise you I am very much real and not a myth like most people seem to think the Avariel are," her laugh despite being muffled was still as sweet as bells on a summers day. "And Erën I didn't mean that your past doesn't matter," she didn't want him to lock it all away. "It's just that I respect we all have things we want to stay there. You only have to share what you want to share."
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He laughed with her, quietly. He much prefered the sound of her joy than his. But how sick that would be, if this truly was all just some dream. A distant, fleeting thought. Amusing even.

"And Erën I didn't mean that your past doesn't matter...
...You only have to share what you want to share."

He smiled, his suspicions proved true, "I think... though it will take getting used to... I understand.

... you don't know what that means to me."

He ran his hand through her hair, a sensitivity in his touch so present, "I've lived in the past my whole life. I'd rather be here now, with you."

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"I'll learn," Caliane was quietly confident of that fact. He had given her a wonderful insight already into the inner workings of his mind and who he was as a person but she didn't have that tool. She would learn through the more ... scenic route. Yes, for it wasn't harder or old fashioned to learn about someone in this way it was just a different path to the same destination. Learning was part of the fun, she thought quietly to herself as he played with her hair. With the warmth of him beside her and the crackling of the fire Caliane couldn't resist the pull of sleep any longer and quite soon her breathing had mellowed and she was fast asleep.
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