Private Tales Sickness is Such a Blessing

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography

Vittoria waited for Norah after class, thankfully it was Proctor Krixus' to finish their study load of the day before lunch would be served and the afternoon remaining was left to training classes. She lingered at her desk, waiting to pipe up and get the attention of the small Initiate.

"A word, Norah? If you would please stay a minute to talk?"

The dark haired girl smiled, something rare on her expression but did it do wonders in softening her face. The smile alone should catch Norah's curiosity, but thankfully Larrainth did not waste time in waiting to speak.

"I would like to ask you to join me and the Proctor here on a mission to the Kaliti Empire. The task would favour from someone with your particular skillset, and quite frankly, it would not be a success without your help." Vittoria and Norah had worked well in the two-legged race, recalling that they both delighted in sabotaging their classmates to ensure they pulled ahead and were crowned victorious.

This was a chance to work with the girl again, only this time, a journey that would enrich them all by learning the theories of the fae and their magic.

Vittoria looked to the Proctor, "I believe Norah would make a great addition to this mission. She is quite resourceful in ways that even I struggle with." To admit as much was honest of Larrainth.
Alistair was packing up the last of his materials to return to his classroom when he caught Vittoria out of the corner of his eye staying, which meant she likely had something to talk with him about. Such thoughts were confirmed when he overheard the conversation with Norah.

Ah, of course, the troublemaker.

Every year had one, a Dreadlord that would fit in better sneaking through the alleyways of somewhere like Vel Luin rather than the frontlines of a war...Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing this particular troublemaker just happened to also be a problem in his class.

The comment about the mission being a failure without her made him smirk as his pride told him that was not the case, but he had told Vittoria he would trust her judgment and so he should.

"Ah, yes...Well that is quite the recommendation from Initiate Larrainth, so Norah what is your opinion on the matter? Oh, but first, let me also lay out some ground rules. I understand that someone of your talents must be given a certain amount of freedom and adaptability, but where we are going is dangerous. So when I give you and order such as stop or hold on then I expect it to be followed to the letter."

He expected the same from Vittoria, but she also did not seem as likely to dismiss such a command, while this one...well let's just say Alistair was experienced in rebellion and madness of all types.

Norah Vittoria Larrainth
The smile on Vittoria Larrainth's face was enough to make the smaller initiate pause. More in the way of something being stretched and distorted would. As if a skeleton could smile well past death. Norah grimaced but held her ground as she always had with Vitt.

One predator to another.

A flick of her dark eyes to the Proctor as he spoke. Many of these proctors were forces among themselves. And she remembered some of the older years. Where they'd been as cruel of any of her bosses. But there was always something lacking about them. That wild desperation and savagery from growing up on the streets of Vel Anir brought.

While she would show them the respect of their station that was due...for reasons that had nothing to do with being a 'good student,' she was not as intimidated by them as some of the other superiors currently in her life.

"This must mean a lot for you to say please," Norah began, looking back to Vitt. "What's in it for me?" And this time her gaze slide between the two of them.
"Truthfully? You can very well say no and I will have to ask another, but you have a talent for being careful and unseen. If anyone else... well, the mission would end up being a lot more difficult than it should need to be unless you were on board." She flicked her gaze to the Proctor, giving him a curt nod. "As Proctor Krixus has said, it will be dangerous. We are to be dealing with magic that has existed longer than we have ever come across."

From her book bag, she pulled out an aged tome. The leather binding was precarious at this point, but the way that Vitt held it delicately and in the right places so that it did not fall without sufficient support, the book remained in tact. "There are things left behind by the fae that may be advantageous to Vel Anir. Some scholars have tracked down a token that can summon warriors, and now is being studied for it's magical signature in case the Dreadlords can replicate."

Vittoria held open a page that showed the next token of war that her sight was set on. It neared the river, close to a city.

Alistair Krixus Norah
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Norah
"So what's in it for you would be experience, a chance to stretch your legs, and see the world, and if you perform admirably then I'll see that you get some good marks for this course."

That was the best Al could really offer her. He could offer to help her with her own training like he did Vittoria, but Norah had not been inclined to his teachings in the classroom so he assumed she would not be inclined outside the classroom.

"The artifact we hope to collect could assist Vel Anir militarily and at the minimum academically depending on its capabilities."

Alistair's hand reached out and traced along the Baal-Ashar river as their target before indicating Ragash and then southward.

"We believe the artifact to be somewhere in this area and will soon have confirmation on that. When that time comes we will be moving swiftly. So, we need to know your answer now."

Norah Vittoria Larrainth
It was a good thing the Robber hadn’t called recently. She knew the timing wouldnt always work out but for now, it had. Jaw clenched at the mention of fae. These were not things to be taken lightly.

But there was something Professor Krixus didn’t say. She could be ordered to help. In a way, things hadn’t changed all that much since the revolution.

Brushing her knuckles against the coins in her pocket, her small shoulders began to relax.

“Okay,” dark eyes briefly studied the map. Getting the details of when they would leave and where to meet back up, Norah left to go pack and sharpen her knives. A few days later she’d meet them at the stables with a bag packed and a few stollen rolls in her pack along with the other rations.
Vittoria gave Proctor Krixus a gentle smile, nodding to him to acknowledge their task to getting Norah on board was done, and it was time they all made preparations.

"Well, sir, I believe that means I shall see you the morning we are to depart. I have some spellwork to go over until then."

It had taken her nearly the entire time before they were to leave to work on applying her concealment magic onto her travel pack. In the end, she was able to achieve concealing the books most helpful for their mission, tucked away into pockets much like her own daggers and knives beneath her skin.

It bore no extra weight, and Vittoria was happy with the result.

She approached the stables, seeing Norah already prepped and primed to get going. They were to go by carriage up until the Falwood Stone, and from there to Elbion. Given the quicker route to Ragash this way, it made Vittoria feel better about her return back into the Empire so soon. She had met the Empress on her last trip, but she doubted her face would be welcomed back to her courts.

"Ever visited the Empire of Amol-Kalit, Norah?"
Vittoria asked, loading her gear into the compartment that kept them secure during travel. "Perhaps some Kaliti understanding?" She then asked the question again in Kaliti.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Norah
Alistair left his two pupils and returned to his office to deal with his own affairs. His preparations for the journey had long been completed, but he was busy the rest of the night with ensuring all of his endeavors would run smoothly while he was away, a near-constant task given Alistair's frequent traveling.

When Alistair arrived at the stables, he carried with him two hefty bags that were filled with several pieces of equipment or material that he had specifically designed for the trip. While the horses may not be thankful for the luggage, his companions surely would be in the future.

"Hello, you two. Let's get moving then", he said as he motioned to one of the carriages kept by the Academy. A stable hand had already done all of the work of preparing the vessel for travel.

"Any last-minute issues before we leave?"
The younger initiate who was being blackmailed glanced at her classmate as she arrived. That girl was always prepared for anything and everything. A small thing they had in common. Though, others would expect that for Vitt. They would not expect that of Norah.

And Norah thrived on being underestimated.

"No," she responded to Vitt. Head tilted to the side as she carried on. A small smirk and a casual shrug. Then Proctor Krixus joined them. Picking up the pack, she stowed it away with the rest of the gear. She climbed inside the carriage first. A question directed to both of her companions.

"Do you think we'll get intercepted by the Cortosi on our way?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria raised a brow.

"I do not think the Cortosi would wish to leave their borders. At least, they would be fools to do so." She smiled, a haunting image it gave off. "We are using the Portal Stones, are we not, Proctor Krixus?"

Vittoria was gracious enough to not point out to Norah that their travel route had been detailed in the missive delivered to them the day prior. From the Academy to the Falwood Stone, to arrive in Elbion, and straight to Ragash. It would cut their journey by two thirds, a faster solution to the original route she had taken with Marcia and King to retrieve Kian Heller from the Kaliti.

"No issues from me, sir. Eager to get going."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Norah
Alistair quickly lifted himself into the carriage and took his seat while stowing away his bag. There were two reasons why he would not be driving. One, he was blind and that would make things complicated. Two, and most importantly, he really did not want to when he had others to do it for him.

"We will be fine in the initial journey as we will enter the Empire from Elbion, but if we are forced to exit through Cortos then we will move between the free-cities territories at their edges so as to limit contact. That will have to be enough."

If this worked the way Alistair hoped, they would be back at the Academy before the Empire realized a super powerful fae artifact was taken out right from under them.

"If you do not speak Kaliti then let me or Vittoria speak if we have to talk. It will be obvious some of us are foreigners but I would rather not make it obvious our nationality."
Norah's posture straightened at the mention of Elbion. There was something she needed to do there. She just hoped she'd have time to do it. Away from her proctor and classmate.

"Understood," she said to acknowledge Alistair's instructions.

She had her doubts on whether either of them would be able to hide their own dialect even when speaking another language. But right now? That wasn't her problem.

Taking out one of her daggers, she began filing away at her nails, making no move to move from the inside of where she'd staked her claim.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth