"So he likes torture," Trix nodded and tapped her bottom lip as though this discovery explained many a mystery about her old friend. Unfortunately for Alistair the discovery made him far more interesting to Trix than she had been before.
"Come on," standing, she left a few coins on the table to pay for their tea and exited the shop. It took a few weeds to loosen the lock to the whores house and soon they had joined Alistair in the bedroom. "Well isn't this cozy, cherie," she cooed and plopped herself on the sunken mattress. "I hope you didn't get to the good part without us?"
"Come on," standing, she left a few coins on the table to pay for their tea and exited the shop. It took a few weeds to loosen the lock to the whores house and soon they had joined Alistair in the bedroom. "Well isn't this cozy, cherie," she cooed and plopped herself on the sunken mattress. "I hope you didn't get to the good part without us?"