Private Tales Sickly Sweet

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Trix practically skipped along the road. There was something about getting Krixus into these situations that was just simply... delightful. Perhaps it was because he had been dating that Pirian girl with her deep religious sense of morals. She had rubbed off quite the bit on Alistair who until then had been... well not as cool as the inner circle like Liliana but certainly more fun.

She pinched an apple from said bellowing market holder as they passed, flipping him a coin and biting into it.

"Come on Ali, let's hear your speech. How you were told she's the best at...?" her eyebrow hitched.
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Reactions: Kitra Sen
If it was possible for Alistair to roll his eyes anymore than he already was then Alistair would have done so. He made him through the streets with his own group, both women casting for more...loud auras that Alistair's own subdued tone.

"I won't need a speech. I will let her feel like what she wants to be, the hunter."

Beneath Alistair's jacket, he removed a pouch of gold that he now hung noticeably on the outside of his belt. A few minor spells and his black clothing were already changing to lighter hues of blue and brown. Finally, he tousled his hair to make it look a little more unkempt.

Then, his shoulders noticeably slouched and his normally taught jawline slackened. Without knowledge of this man's status as a Dreadlord, he would have looked entirely unintimidating.

"I'll simply tell her that Gerald told me that she is the best, and I have plenty of money to pay. That will be enough."

Trix Kitra Sen
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Reactions: Kitra Sen
Kitra wasn't part of their graduating class at the Academy, but it was not hard to pick up the banter.

"It seems our friend Al here knows the way to the heart of a lady." She smirked, peering at Alistair first before shifting her gaze to Trix. Turning back to face the front, and shrugged. "Can't hurt to ask for discretion also. Helps sell the image that you are putting forth. Nice work on the change of appearance." The change had helped.

The closer they got to the Merchant's District, the easier it was for Kitra to spot the directions she was given.

"The yellow door to the left of the leatherworker's workshop." The voice that left her lips were not her own, but of the courtesan that told her the information to find their current suspect and lead.

"That look yellow to you? It looks more orange to me..."