LFG Seeking orcs orcs orcs orcs


Mother, Clanswoman, Chieftain of the Stormcallers
Character Biography
Mabess, chieftainess of the Ashlanders is here, bringing two plot strains to light.

One is the ever-changing situation of the Ashlander orcs.
Both clansorcs and outsiders are welcome enough to participate in a divide between the traditional, nomadic yet exposed to danger lifestyle and the new, the fresh life that promises safety behind the walls of a yet-to-be-finished orcish stronghold!

The other is a mysterious, orcish-worldwide event that brings a historic figure to the forefront. -I may need somebody to help plan it though beyond the original premise.
Traditional vs New works for me. Tarnahk kinda straddles the line, maintaining the old laws and nomad ways while embracing new concepts and ideas unknown to Naghoon tribes. Like taxes, for example lol
Orc time is always great, however, I'll have more time to organise a RP sometime later after I root myself in helping out with the current site event. This will hopefully be soon~

In the mean time i'd like to know if the vote stands for the city event or the mysterious all tribal event?
  • Yay
Reactions: Tarnakh
Time to ping everyone with a smidgeon of interest here, bear with me lol.
Dal Gurash Gloomrunner Tarnakh Grigog Rogegror Raigryn Vayd

Here be the thread. Considering there was no clear favouritism, I went with the latter, with a smidgeon of the orcish city in mind.
As a small reference.
If anyone in the thread has any questions or perhaps proposals, It's best to be notified here~
I wonder if we should perhaps ask to have a small RP channel open up for discourse there?
Dal Gorgosh Tarnakh

(anyway, this thread is still open for late arrivals~)