Gurash Gloomrunner
Drunkard. Fighter. All around scoundrel. Gurash isn't about to run off and join the blight orcs or anything. But he really isn't as concerned about honor or justice as some other orcs are. So long as he has wine, women, and song in steady supply, he'll happily lend his gigantic fucking axe to whoever's buying.
After opening your door to see who was rapping so loudly upon it, you find that seven and a half feet of hulking green muscle stands before you, with creepy white eyes and a stoic expression on his flatly featured face. Two long, fanglike tusks jut upward at each side of his mouth and those large ones each have two smaller tusks to their right and left. A doublepronged goatee obscures his chin. And long Dark hair falls tucked behind his ears, each one pierced by sharpened bone jewelry.
Several scars are visible upon his exposed chest, stomach, sides and arm. Something in his glare seems to suggest that he could tell you about each one in detail if you asked him about them. And you have no doubt that you would see more upon his back.
This massive male orc with skin the color of the forest in summertime smells of liquor and sweat, save for one side of his body and the upper arm on that side, is clad in heavy plate armor adorned with spikes as well as skull motifs that might actually be made from real bone. Upon his person are enough weapons to outfit a small militia, and those with visible blades look very sharp.
His powerful jaw moves and you hear a deep, low pitched, guttural voice carrying a surprisingly civilized accent. He uses the common tongue and asks you if you have a few moments to talk about your own personal protection options. Do you invite him inside?
Several scars are visible upon his exposed chest, stomach, sides and arm. Something in his glare seems to suggest that he could tell you about each one in detail if you asked him about them. And you have no doubt that you would see more upon his back.
This massive male orc with skin the color of the forest in summertime smells of liquor and sweat, save for one side of his body and the upper arm on that side, is clad in heavy plate armor adorned with spikes as well as skull motifs that might actually be made from real bone. Upon his person are enough weapons to outfit a small militia, and those with visible blades look very sharp.
His powerful jaw moves and you hear a deep, low pitched, guttural voice carrying a surprisingly civilized accent. He uses the common tongue and asks you if you have a few moments to talk about your own personal protection options. Do you invite him inside?
Skills and Abilities
Wilderness Suvival: Growing up in the Uzogrish Forest, Gurash learned how to stay alive in wild places. He can track game, and hunt and prepare it. He can identify hazards, and easily notice those terribly ominous momemts when all of the animals in the forest just get "a little too quiet".
Herbalism: Many herbs help to heal. Some help to kill. Your tribal shaman asks you to gather ingredients often enough, you start to pick up a thing or two.
Drumming: Everyone in the Gloomrunner tribe is afforded a task during the big ceremonies. Gurash never failed to handle the drum skillfully. Give Gurash a tavern and a drum and you've got yourself a party.
Fighting: Specializing in gigantic axes and polearms, but often carrying a veritable Arsenal of backup weapons, Gurash is competent with all forms of weaponry as well as hand to hand combat. Also he is one mean arm wrestler.
Drinking: Orcish mead was a staple of his tribes way of life. He drank it regularly throughout his childhood. And now that Gurash is out in the world he's taking his alcohol consumption to a whole other level.
Herbalism: Many herbs help to heal. Some help to kill. Your tribal shaman asks you to gather ingredients often enough, you start to pick up a thing or two.
Drumming: Everyone in the Gloomrunner tribe is afforded a task during the big ceremonies. Gurash never failed to handle the drum skillfully. Give Gurash a tavern and a drum and you've got yourself a party.
Fighting: Specializing in gigantic axes and polearms, but often carrying a veritable Arsenal of backup weapons, Gurash is competent with all forms of weaponry as well as hand to hand combat. Also he is one mean arm wrestler.
Drinking: Orcish mead was a staple of his tribes way of life. He drank it regularly throughout his childhood. And now that Gurash is out in the world he's taking his alcohol consumption to a whole other level.
Gurash is spirited and brazen. And very immature. A curious mix of traditional orcish and more "civilized" sentiments, he is ultimately out to have as much fun as he can before he gets his last job.
Biography & Lore
Gurash Gloomrunner grew up in a place some ways south of Bhathairk. A place that was called the Uzogrish Forest. Rainy forested hills, east of the plains of the Allir Reach, where the Gold Road meets the forked tongue which emerges from Lake Shalgra where the Bystra meets the Sayve. An old haunted forest, known to the Uzogrish Orcs as Nargoth's Crucible, but once known to others as The Vale lies to the west, between the Uzogrish Forest and the spine. Nargoth's Crucible was largely avoided by the tribes in the Uzogrish, except as a place of testing, where shaman apprentices went to face their final testing amid the screams and whispers of the dead.
The Gloomrunners were one of many tribes inhabiting the Uzogrish Forest. All of whom tended to exist in relative peace with each other. Although the tensions between the small tribal strongholds did exist, thes conflicts were minor scompared with the day to day fights to survive. Gurash was a warrior, however. Trained by his tribal elders to be a vicious weapon of war. As the Gloomrunners found more peaceful ways of dealing with the Bleakeyes, and the Starhunters, Gurash found himself bored of it all.
He started hunting beasts as a warrior instead of a hunter in his teens. He slaughtered bears and wolf packs, sometimes alone, but more often with fellow Gloomrunner Orcs. Once, he and a cousin took on a massive Three Horned Tugra Beast. The meat from that animal lastes long for the whole tribe. Still he grew discontent. A warrior's fire burned in his heart, and the newfound stability of the Uzogrish Forest Tribes left him feeling anxious to go out into the world and find men to fight and women to bed. He was a healthy orcish teenager, after all.
And so, against all common sense, he snuck away one night. And went armed and armored into Nargoth's Crucible. But what he found there, he has not spoken of. It is likely that he remained in the Crucible for some time though, as he wasn't seen wandering the lands until over a year later. And he never returned to his tribe. And now he has come to Alliria seeking mercenary work.
The Gloomrunners were one of many tribes inhabiting the Uzogrish Forest. All of whom tended to exist in relative peace with each other. Although the tensions between the small tribal strongholds did exist, thes conflicts were minor scompared with the day to day fights to survive. Gurash was a warrior, however. Trained by his tribal elders to be a vicious weapon of war. As the Gloomrunners found more peaceful ways of dealing with the Bleakeyes, and the Starhunters, Gurash found himself bored of it all.
He started hunting beasts as a warrior instead of a hunter in his teens. He slaughtered bears and wolf packs, sometimes alone, but more often with fellow Gloomrunner Orcs. Once, he and a cousin took on a massive Three Horned Tugra Beast. The meat from that animal lastes long for the whole tribe. Still he grew discontent. A warrior's fire burned in his heart, and the newfound stability of the Uzogrish Forest Tribes left him feeling anxious to go out into the world and find men to fight and women to bed. He was a healthy orcish teenager, after all.
And so, against all common sense, he snuck away one night. And went armed and armored into Nargoth's Crucible. But what he found there, he has not spoken of. It is likely that he remained in the Crucible for some time though, as he wasn't seen wandering the lands until over a year later. And he never returned to his tribe. And now he has come to Alliria seeking mercenary work.
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