Fable - Ask Scouting

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


For The Guard!
Character Biography
Outer Aniria - Near the Castere River, On the Border With Cortos

"There's good land up here." Arn noted as they walked through what seemed like the fourth field of wheat that day. Some of the others would probably think that it was the same one, but he knew better. The small delineations between who owned what land was surprisingly similar up here to what it was back home.

A small post had marked out the line which separated the two fields, though it was insignificant enough that anyone not looking for it likely would have missed it. To anyone not aware though, the endless fields of wheat seemed to stretch out all around them, swaying gently in the breeze and reaching nearly up to the young Guardsman's chest.

It felt nice to be back on a field after spending the last six months on the training grounds.

The drab surroundings of the city his barracks had proven to weigh on him more heavily than he would have thought. He was glad that his deployment with the 44th Western had taken him somewhere...well, not scenic, but at least he was outside. "Not a bad day to scout around, eh?"

Arn said to the Guardsmen who walked besides him, reveling in the days bright sun.

Though the 44th was a long standing Regiment within the Western army, it had recently been depleted by the border conflicts with Cortos. Several of the free cities had united and were making a push against both Vel Anir and those cities who had chosen not to join the alliance. This meant that most recruits were now being sent out here.

A good mix of veterans still remained in the regiment itself, but on today's mission the Lieutenant had decided it was best the new recruits take on the duty of scouting by themselves. By his own words, the task was one which even 'they couldn't fuck up'. A statement which some of his fellows had found insulting, but had just made Arn laugh. Which in turn had made the Lieutenant angry.

Though he still wasn't sure why.

Nevertheless, their assignment really was a simple one. Head up to the banks of the Castere river, make camp, and then spend the next day or two watching for any movements of the Cortosi. After which they were to report back to the Forward Guard Encampment. Easy! Just like the Lieutenant had side.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Owain
"Yeah...really good."

Felix responded in between breaths. It wasn't that he was not in good shape, but the landscape was playing games with his head. It felt like they had been walking forever, but they had not moved an inch. It was the same field no matter how much they walked.

Taking a moment to stop and draw himself to his full height, Felix took in a deep breath and a soft smile spread on his face.

"Cortos must be all fields if this keeps going."

A hand reached down to readjust the sword as his belt, the thing had constantly slapped against his leg while they walked. Not a problem at the beginning, but the repetition was beginning to wear on him.

"This mission would be better if there was...a bit more going on. I hope the river looks better."

It had been months since basic training and joining the 44th, and Felix had yet to see any real combat. They had arrived in time to scare off some bandits, but he had not drawn his sword on his enemy...And Felix preferred it that way. While boring, wandering the fields was better than having to kill poor souls.

In fact, most of Felix's work for the Company had been taking care of minor injuries occurring during training or making sure everyone wasn't getting sick.
  • Bless
Reactions: Arn
Dull. Dumb Boring. Leave it to Arn to think a bunch of friggin’ fields were interesting.

Owain put on the most sarcastic voice he could muster before replying to the farmer, ”it’s probably the single greatest day for scouting ever.”

‘Scouting’ had seemed like the biggest waste of time when the higher ups had assigned them to it and now that they were actually out here? Yeah, biggest waste of time.

”I don’t get it,” he chirped in annoyance, ”if the Guard wanted to punish us they could’ve just ordered us to dig latrines.”
Not like that’d be much better than marching all day but at least he’d get to eat some half decent cooking. Instead they’d probably have to suffer Codie’s ‘baked jerky rolls’ or Arn’s ‘secret gumbo’ (the secret were whatever rations the officers doled out).

He perked up at Felix’s suggestion of Cortos being all fields. ”Nah mate, I read in a book once that Cortos has huge rocks in the center.” He’d never actually read a book, that was just a rumor someone back home told him. ”See, some of the Cortosi actually live in those rocks. No wonder Vel Anir wants to set them folks right.”

Owain’s face held a beaming smile, satisfied with the lesson he’d just imparted on his fellow Guardsmen and forgetting how bored he’d been just a second ago.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Arn
"Do you ever not shut your trap? Even just for five days?" Rhory grumbled, moving her way through to keep up. Five days would be an outright blessing.

She lifted her head, scowling readily to anyone that looked her way.

Conversation with this group seemed to lack something, and it was only ten minutes into their trek that she realised she missed her fast friend Everett to talk to. Arn was alright, and so was Felix, but to be trapped with Owain's incessant... musings?

"Are we finally going to make a stop?"
  • Smug
  • Gasp
Reactions: Owain and Arn
"Wow!" Arn said with a whistle closely following the word. "They live in rocks?"

The farmboy shook his head as if he couldn't believe it, amazed at what other people got up to in the world. He knew that the Elves lived in trees, and that Dwarves dwelled under the mountains, but the fact that Cortosi lived inside rocks?

That was crazy. "I've seen a few fortresses that look like rocks."

Arn commented.

"House Virak has a few around Viret." They had sold their goods often enough in the city for Arn to see most of the great Keeps that Virak had built around their ancestral home. Great and stark fortifications that looked as though they had been hewn from stone. "Maybe the Cortosi use the rocks that way."

The Farmboy suggested, truly beginning to show his tactical acumen. Learning to read had been Arn's favorite thing about joining the Guard, and most of his fellow squadmates would know he had a voracious appetite for books for all sorts. "I think we should get closer to the river before making camp, Rho."

He commented, then frowned as he listened to their surroundings for the first time in a while. The sounds of rushing water echoing in the near-distance.

"Oh...but I think we're close!" Which was probably why she'd asked in the first place.
  • Derp
Reactions: Rhory Grimmere
Felix looked to Owain with doubt etched across his face. Not annoyance, but more pity, like maybe the guy was just really uneducated.

"Maybe that's a metaphor like they live on mountains or in stone buildings." After all, why would anyone live in rocks?

Rory seemed to be hinting at the fact more aggressively, but five whole days? That was a long time for anyone to not say anything at all. Felix would start talking to himself at this point.

"If I'm not mistaken the large rivers are what serve as the borders of Cortos, so we should be careful as we get closer."

Felix adjusted the sword at his belt but then felt a little stupid doing so. If an assailant did come upon him, he was not so sure how much his sword would do him against someone truly competent. He might get lucky and it would just be another kid, but...could he just kill a kid?

"When we stop, we can take a moment to sketch out some of the surrounding areas."

The Lieutenant had sent him with some parchment and charcoal, so they could attempt to draw something. Felix was by no means an artist, but they should be able to get something legible down.

Arn Owain Rhory Grimmere
Rhory's words were pretty harsh. He'd never actually heard someone talk to Arn like that. Sure, the farmer could run his mouth a bit too much but the guy meant well.

"Yeah, maybe it's a rock fortress. That'd be wild." He kept pace with the others and to his surprise Arn actually pointed out the river and seemed agreeable to setting up camp there. Would be nice to have a water source, maybe they'd be able to catch a fish or two for supper.

He scrunched his nose up at Felix's suggestion of the Cortosi. 'What the hell is a metaphor?,' he thought to himself, but instead of commenting on it he just smiled at the new piece of information around the Cortos borders.

Owain nodded at the sketching comment too. Though he wouldn't actually be the one to scribe the maps they'd asked him to carry the charcoal and parchment in his pack. Their Lieutenant had told him that, "at least you won't screw up being a pack mule." No argument there, responsibilities were for people like Arn or Felix or maybe even Rhory.

"Yeah, if nothing else some doodling will help pass the time," with a gloved finger he pointed over towards the clearing where both sides of the river were visible, "question is do we camp on the Anirian side or the Cortosi side?"

It was hard to gauge which side would provide a better sleeping spot, to say nothing of the defensive position.
Rhory decided to remain quiet, in hopes that no one would turn to her and had the bright idea of making her sketch.

She wasn't a great artist, but were any of them? So far, their landscape seemed to resemble a sea not usually recorded on any maps. Wheat fields. They were itchy and never ending, and she had to keep up in order to not get left behind taking up the rear of the assembled scouting group.

Instead, she found it easier now to stare out above the growing grains, the sky above it. Her attentions went elsewhere, disassociating for a moment.

This was very well close to her walking with her brothers back home. Even if it was walking from the outer towns back to Cirak, they would bicker, and fight, before settling back into simple discussion.

Rhory set her jaw tight, trying to stop herself from frowning at being so far from home.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Owain and Arn
"Uhh..." What did the books always say?

Arn hadn't received any promotion, such a thing was rare for those who did not sign up to join the Guard long term. As of yet he had not yet chosen to do so, and surprisingly they had not tired to push him to do so either. It wasn't what he'd expected, but there was a part of him that was still tempted.

He wanted to succeed, and he enjoyed reading about the old Generals. Those who had lead Vel Anir to victory, those who had lead humanity to a level of greatness. It was something that sent a thrill through him. Something that he could aspire to be. "The Cortorsi side."

The young guardsmen said, taking on both authority and leadership.

"The Anirian side's already been mapped." Arn pointed out to everyone else as they finally stepped out of the long field, coming across to what was clearly a rare lowpoint within the river castere. A forde they could perhaps make across if they wanted to. "So we should scout that side. Right?"

He asked the others, already stepping forward as he spun his ax.
Felix just shrugged at the decision made by Arn, followed by the question of looking for someone to back him.

"Makes sense to me. I doubt they sent us out here for backup maps."

He moved to shift his sack over his head. While the leather was supposed to be waterproof, he did not trust the bag when all of his supplies were in there.

Seeing the low point Felix moved to go across first. He would rather he get hurt, so the other ones could be prepared as they cross. He just had to not die from some arrow on the other side of the river...Why would he even think that?

Now, as the water started to reach just below his knees, his eyes were stuck to the other embankment fearing the imaginary archers that he had imagined for himself.

"Um...do we know about any nearby enemy groups?" Felix asked to his squad mates, hoping to receive a resounding no.

Arn Owain Rhory Grimmere
Oh. Right. The Cortosi side. The side of the river where potential enemies could live. Couldn't they just scout from, y'know, the safe side of the river?

"Well I think," he started until Arn and then Felix clarified that the Cortosi side was the proper course of action. Oh well, this was the lot he was dealt and they'd all just have to be on alert as they slept.

Owain stepped foot into the lukewarm river water just after Felix. It felt good to be near water again, memories of Vel Odren quickly flooded his memory. The time he reeled in a kivren fin, the time he convinced some noble tourists that stewed seaweed was actually an expensive delicacy, or just the hundreds of times he'd sat with his ankles in the crashing waves.

Then Felix interrupted the fond thoughts of home and he snapped out of his day dream. "Pretty sure the Cortosi are hiding further inland."

No doubt scared of the Guard and cowering in their silly rock fortresses.

"When we get to the other side I'll get us a fire going," it was nearly time for dinner and he wasn't going to give one of the others a chance to cook whatever slop they liked to eat back in some two-horse town.
She had no objections to anything that was said, simply shrugging her shoulders if someone were to look her way.

That was, until she realised they were to cross the river.

"Wait..." Her lips pursed and skewed with apprehension, looking between everyone. "I... can't swim." She never risked going to the springs not too far from Vel Cirak when the bells tolled every now and then for a werewolf sighting. Her father and brothers told her to not become a liability, and that stuck with her her entire childhood.

"It's... not too deep is it? Maybe I can walk across it?" Or scale the banks on the Anirian side of things and see if there was a more easier path to cross. Rhory looked around them for something to act as a bridge, but it was a horizon filled with oat fields.
"I think the report said something about patrols..." Arn was not generally cut out to be a soldier. At least that was what a lot of his trainers and sergeants had said, but he did do one thing that had impressed them; read.

Not the fact that he could read, but the fact that he actually did.

Apparently it was rare that anyone actually read the detailed reports, mission briefings, and all that came with them in their entirety. Most soldiers tended to take in just the basics or what they needed and go from there. A serviceable enough tactic, but not for Arn.

He liked reading, he liked knowing things. It was why he listened to Owain! The other boy was so worldly it would have been foolish not to listen. "I can chop us some wood. Sergeant Evesham said using my ax for twigs is fine every now and again."

The Sergeant had actually said "only in real fucking emergencies, kid, and if you do, sharpen that blade after", but Arn didn't feel the need to impart all that on the others.

He stopped along with the others, pausing for a moment as Ro made her admission.

"Oh..." Arn said with a frown, never having met someone who couldn't swim. Viret was a coastal community, or something like it. Swimming was an oft' held past-time for entertainment. "I think its shallow enough to wade over there."

Arn said, pointing down river a bit where he could see the current better. "Knee high, I think."

Which for Ro meant just about her hip. "We can cross together, and you can hold on to me just in case."

He offered.
Felix paused at Rhory's admission as he stood in this part for the river, the water already above his waist. It was looking more and more likely he would have to swim across for just the briefest of moments. He had not even considered the idea that none of them could swim, but he was too far to turn back now.

Not to mention, he did not like the idea of turning his back to the other embankment. Better to get over there and make sure that side was safe.

"Um, ok. I'm going to get across and then I'll just meet you all down there."

He continued walking forward, and it finally came to the moment that he felt the need to swim across. The water made it to his shoulders. He still held his pack above his head, but his light armor would not make this the easiest swim. He should have thought about this more.

With a powerful kick, he thrashed across the water, going for power over technique. Of course, that made him look like a floundering dog rather than any sort of fish, but he eventually felt the soft ground beneath his feet once more.

He was soaked, as his floundering splashed water up onto his face. His curls now laid across his face, drenched. A powerful shake dispelled only a small amount of the water. Wait, was he a dog?

A question for later. He hurried to make it to dry land and rushed down to the end where Arn and Rhory would cross.

Arn Owain Rhory Grimmere
  • Haha
Reactions: Owain and Arn
Wait. Who in the seventeen hells didn't know how to swim? For a boy from Vel Odren that was akin to saying you didn't know how to walk.

Part of him considered teasing the girl. But then he thought better of it. "Rho, we're going to have to give you swim lessons when we get to a proper body of water." This might as well have been a tidal pond considering the depth, at least in his mind.

Owain allowed Felix to cross first, not because he was afraid of the water but because if there were Cortosi war veterans waiting in ambush he wanted to have a body shield in front of him. He paused for a second, worried about laughter as the Guard in front of him splashed about like a panicked greyhound.

Then, Owain pressed his hands against the water and dived forwards.

His movements were swift and graceful as if he'd done this a thousand times - and he had. Where Felix splashed, Owain kissed small droplets of water upwards, cutting through the river like a knife. Once he got to the other side he cocked his head backwards towards Rhory and Arn.

"Hurry up, longer we wait on the fire the longer until we eat!" He patted a hand upon Felix's shoulder and snickered.

Without a hint of sarcasm he said, "Felix, maybe we can work you into the swim lessons too."
With Felix and stupid Owain now crossing the river, she felt pressured to not hold up the group. She grimaced, looking to Arn and his much taller height. She didn't really want someone helping her, but her inability to even fathom floating crossed her mind.

"Thanks Arn." Her cheeks went pink. She lifted her pack a little higher on her back, preparing herself as they walked the little ways down to cross with the shallower depth. Her boots would slip on rocks, and she would tighten her hand holding Arn's arm like a deathly vice. "I never learned to swim back home. There was a swimming hole, but I only ever dipped my feet in."

Panic filled her as she wobbled, hand practically cutting off Arn's circulation to his arm if it weren't for those farmboy muscles of his. "I swear, I will build myself a bridge all night just so I do not have to do this again."
  • Bless
Reactions: Owain and Arn
As they began their crossing, Arn felt Rho's fingers tighten into his arm like a vice. "Don't worry about it."

He told her as for a brief moment he shifted his arm and slipped it around her form as the other grabbed her wrist. Never thinking about any sort of impropriety such an act might catch, only wanting to ensure that his friend felt safe as they crossed the river.

Half holding her up was the best way to do that, and an easy task for him.

"We're a squad." Arn assured her with all the innocence of a recently born Golden Retriever. "We're supposed to help each other, there's never shame in needing a little help."

The Farmboy looked down at her, his smile warm and guiltless. As he held her, crossing the river became easier. His boots larger and finding better footing, the current pressing only against his thighs instead of half his form. Within just a minute or two they crossed the river into Cortos proper. "Don't worry, no need for a bridge. I can just carry you across next time."

He offered as they stepped onto the shore and he let her go, his gaze flickering around the area for a moment before he looked over towards the other two.

"Guess this is a good a place to camp as any?" They were on the otherside of the River, and they could scout more into the land tomorrow.
Felix had watched Owain easily cross the river, and Felix could not help but be a little jealous. He had been taught to swim, but he wasn't a fish. His father had made sure he would not drown, he never said it would look pretty. Maybe he should practice some more, swimming had never seemed like the most important of guard skills.

"Was it that bad?" He asked with a hint of sadness.

He rushed down to meet Arn and Rhory as they crossed over, not taking a moment to really look at his sopping-wet form. Maybe he would get lucky and they could have a fire tonight.

"Yeah, might as well stay near the river cross. Um, are we going for a fire? If so, we might need to get some wood."

Felix was thinking that whoever went out for firewood could also just pay attention and maybe not any landmarks deeping into Cortosi territory.
Owain looked at the dripping wet Felix, tone of sorrow as he questioned just how inept he was at swimming, and he tried his best to put on a sympathetic gesture. "Look... buddy... yeah, it was... not great."

That'd do well enough. They were really bonding now. "But don't worry, you got across, we'll work on it the next time we need to cross a body of water." With that he followed Felix over towards the embankment and waiting for the last two to get across.

He didn't want to test his luck by mocking Rhory, though the temptation was certainly there, instead he just stood stone faced as Felix mentioned an excursion for firewood.

Looking for firewood in hostile territory sounded dangerous.

"I'll stay here and organize the rations for dinner, make sure the river is secure." It sounded like a good plan in his head.
"I would rather learn how to swim back than to be carried across the river." Rhory grimaced, turning her pained smiled towards Arn once they made it out from the water, her clothing weighing her down some. The fact he had been so helpful in getting her across the river was enough help, but to be scooped into the arms of anyone only made her feel and sound useless.

She lowered her pack now, grateful that Arn that kept such a hold on her and kept her upright and not have everything submerged, not getting her gear soaked and ruining her equipment. She had spares of their necessities, even parchment and ink.

It was best they got a fire going soon, to help them dry before the cold settled with sunset. Sitting around in damp clothing would only be invitation for sickness.

"I think I will do a quick scout of the land. See if there is anything worth noting before we get too comfortable here. Would hate to realise were are several feet away from a defensive camp or the like." After she was sure they weren't going to be sitting ducks out here, she would help set up the camp.
  • Blank
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Owain and Arn
A few hours later, just after dusk, the quadrille of Guardsmen found themselves sitting around a small campfire.

After Rhory’s scouting, the group has decided to move just a little way up river. Placing their camp up against a small rock outcropping which would give them both a level of security, as well as shelter from the rain. To the left remained their river, and to the right and in front of them lay thickets of those strange Cortosi trees.

Owain had complained about moving once they'd decided to move, but after Felix has pointed out the storm clouds on the horizon his objections had quickly faded.

Sure enough, by the time they had settled down a soft patter of rain echoed out just beyond their rocky ceiling. ”Wow, Owain. That smells really good.”

Arn complemented.

”Where did you learn to cook like this?” He asked out of genuine curiosity. They hadn't all trained together, but they'd been together in the 44th just long enough for those little secrets of personality to truly come out.

Though, of course, as they spoke with one another it was unlikely that any of the Guardsmen would notice the glow of two soft yellow eyes within the dark. Eyes that stared directly at them.

Their light obscured among the dance of rain and distance.
A content sigh finally escaped Felix's lips as he took a comfortable position against his pack. He had just finished laying out the utensils for their dinner, which was supposedly his last assignment before they could finally get some food into their stomachs.

"Whoever taught you, remind me to buy them a drink."

Anytime Owain had cooked so far was enough to be considered a treat for him, and what he assumed was the others. His mouth was already salivating from the thought.

Felix was an ok cook if a person was ok with food that felt like mud...and tasted like mud...and looked like mud. If they just liked eating mud.

The sound of the rain outside was growing heavier and Felix relaxed even more so, thankful that his clothes were finally drying off a bit.

"Looks like Rhory found this spot just in time."
It was such a pain to have to move upstream after they’d marched all day and Owain let Arn know exactly what he thought of that plan. But, when you considered the storm clouds and sleeping in the rain he decided that maybe the others knew what they were talking about.

Once they settled in he got to work on their dinner.

A few spices he kept on hand went a long way. Plus cooking the military rations down so that they were tender, without becoming rubbery, definitely helped too.

”Oh, uh,” he hesitated as the question was asked about where he’d learned to cook. ”I think my teacher would love a drink.” He cut in quickly when Felix commented.

The truth of it was that learning to cook well had served him in Vel Odren. Tourists - noble tourists - loved to vacation down in Odren and giving them precisely what they wanted had been a vital skill if you were someone like Owain.

A scammer. A con artist.

But, he’d left that life behind. So, instead of being honest he invented a nice little white lie. ”Great chefs down in Vel Odren,” he said while taking his first bite of the gumbo he’d whipped up, ”y’know, on account of all the nobles and their desire for a decent meal while vacationing. I had a few teachers along the way but the best one was probably Big Joe.”

That sounded like a decent enough name. He was pretty sure he could get someone back on the island to pretend to be ‘Big Joe’ if push came to shove.
A meal and shelter did not allow Rhory to rest, who sat as far under their cover she could go without getting rained on. Her brown eyes were constantly looking about their surroundings, not trusting being in these parts now that the day had darkened.

Absentmindedly, she ate the surprisingly delicious meal Owain had dished her, appreciating the warmth of it while the rain offered a chill. "Did you work at an inn?" She asked, deciding to join the conversation despite her back to the three boys.

She refused to take her eyes away from weak points, almost tempted to get up and start a patrol.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Arn
"Yeah, didn't need to get more soaked after that river." Arn said to Felix, scooting just a bit closer to the fire to warm himself. Cortos tended to be quite a bit hotter than Viret, he noticed, but that didn't help much during the nights. It got chilly quick, he'd learned, and most of the other Guardsmen were against cuddling for warmth.

He shifted by the flames, listening to Owain talk about his home with utter fascination.

Arn hadn't traveled much in his short career, and certainly not to a place like Vel Odren. Viret was the second home of House Virak, but no one would really describe it as a place of 'luxury'. There were a few manors of course, but the city was more of a Fortress than anything else. Closer to Rho's home. "Wow, you must have spent a lot of time with Big Joe."

The Farmboy said continuing the conversation.

"My ma always cooked for us back ho-" Before Arn could finish speaking, a blood curdling scream suddenly echoed out from the darkness. It's sound like a fox's wail, but somehow even more chilling.

Goosebumps ran down Arn's spine, and his hand almost immediately snapped to the ax. "What the hell was that?"

He asked, unable to keep the hint of panic from his voice.

Not seeing that one pair of eyes, had now turned into two.
  • Scared
Reactions: Rhory Grimmere