Private Tales Read between the lines

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Not even exhaustion could dampen a mothers instincts. As the object flew through the window Talus and Zana were passing her magic leapt to catch it. Shards of glass and fractured bits of... whatever it had once been froze in mid air. She pursed her lips to examine if there was anything that could be saved, and very carefully reached into that deeper, vast well of magic that had given her her Archon status.

Very slowly time around the window frame rewound by five ominous seconds. It was all she had dared to do recently upon feeling her gifts return. It was no great feat like what she had attempted with Sloan but it had at least saved her window.

She gave an exhausted sigh once she released the magic.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Talus
"Oh. They're home." The words echoed out just as Talus pulled open the door, his head turned back over his shoulder to give Zana a slight look of disapproval. One that lasted only long enough for her not to catch.

After what had happened with Sloan he was still more than a little weary of Zana delving back into magics which allowed her to do such a thing. There was a chance that it if were to happen again she would not survive, and such a fate was something he would not allow.

He'd not said a word of course, and even through the bond his disapproval had been silent.

Talus knew the last thing Zana needed was him not being supportive, but he could not help the worry which swelled inside of him. His beloved's magic was powerful, strong enough to have been answered once by the universe itself.

There was no need for a second answer. "Have you not been listening to Aunt Birgitte?"

He demanded as Lyra and Alec let out screeches of joy. Both of his children flinging up their arms and charging their father. The latter moving far faster than any human being had a right to. Alec darting across the room within the span of half-a-second, slamming into Talus' legs and sending the former Dreadlord flying back down onto the porch with a crashing thud.

"Ow." Talus echoed as Alec came crashing down on top of him.
  • Peek
Reactions: Zana
Lyra was far more gentle with her mother, mindful of the growing little brother of sister she carried.

"Uppies!" she demanded and wriggled her fingers in her mothers direction. Despite her exhaustion Zana couldn't help but smile and bent to scoop her daughter into her arms. The girl laughed as she peppered her with kisses. Was it her imagining or had she and Alec grown in the week they had been away? Her blonde locks certainly seemed longer and tickled her nose as the girl tucked her head beneath Zana's chin.

Carefully she stepped over her prone husband and their son to greet Brigette who...

Well, she looked as though two hellions had drawn all over her.

"Oh Brigette... your fa--"

The smith laughed and raised a hand to her face, having seemingly forgotten the drawings the children had inflicted on her.

"Oh I don't mind. It kept them quiet for two whole hours," she grinned and Zana smiled back, some of the guilt lessening a little.

"Do you want to stay the night?"
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Talus
"You little monsters really did a number on your aunt Birgitte, huh?" Talus said as he stepped inside behind Zana, clutching Alec upside down and at arms length. The rabid dog of a child actually biting at his father, though only comically so.

His head shook the smith let out a laugh.

"No." She answered with a shake of her head. "I'd like to get back to Owen, he takes all the trips in the world, but it's weird to be away from home."

The Dreadlord said with a shake of her head, shifting and wiping at some of the markings that had been drawn upon her face. She then quickly went over towards the window that had earlier been smashed, scooping up a small object as she walked over towards Zana. "It's a bit dented now."

Birgitte shot a look of mock anger at Alec.

"But it'll still work fine." The Smith told Zana with a smile. "I made this for you, it's a reverb stone."

She said it as though they should already know what it was. Though Talus' expression at least told Birgitte of his own ignorance, and she quickly smiled at the former Dreadlord before offering an answer. "It's a way to grow ones magical strength. They're difficult to create, but it's sort of like...lifting weights, just for your magic."

Birgitte explained.

"I thought it might..." She trailed off for a moment. "Accelerate things a little more."