Private Tales Read between the lines

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Talus lingered for only a moment more, staring out at the vast tracks of lands which they had claimed for their own.

A part of him briefly imagined what she had spoken of. A city of Dragons and Dwarves, a haven for his family and the beasts they had fought with. Amusement played over his features, picturing the towers nestled into the mountainside.

He took a breath, and then glanced up at Zana.

"Yeah." Talus said, standing up and quickly following behind her to their bedroom.

Dawn came quickly the next day, perhaps a little too quickly. The two former Dreadlords decided to spend a week together, within their home, neither of them eager to depart yet again. A week was enough to rest, to recover, and to spend the time they needed with their children.

After that? Zana would venture to Vel Anir, and Talus to the great cities of science.