A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Zael just called it "the Planning Room" in his head. Maybe the Department had a more official name for it; who knew, Zael didn't, he just got pointed in the right direction after registering for the expedition. His own moniker suited it just fine.

The Planning Room was large, chairs aplenty, all accommodating Department personnel, College Students, graduated College Mages, freelancers, and Captain Grinko presumably somewhere among the bunch. A good number of the Department folk, and some of the freelancers as well, were smoking, and a light haze from all of the pipes drifted about the room. Dimness pervaded, so much so that it was difficult to make out faces; the one prominent source of light was a mage operating an orb, and said orb was splashing a bright image upon the far wall: a map currently depicting Elbion on its right-most edge, and the Seret mountains stretched across the top and left-most edges. No less than three presenters stood at the front of the room, talking quietly amongst one another, their shadows dark upon that illuminated and projected map.

Zael wasn't the last person to enter the room. There was a spot of time left before the Session would begin.

He found a seat close to the central aisle, midway back in the rows, empty on both sides. There he sat. There he waited.
Yuna wouldn't say she was feeling much better, but she was feeling better enough.

She pulled herself up and out of bed about thirty minutes before the Session was supposed to begin. Her roommate Heidi opened their dorm room door right as she was reaching for it and they both startled each other. Heidi laughed. Yuna laughed half-heartedly. Heidi asked her what was wrong, that something seemed to be the matter. Yuna didn't answer, not directly; she merely said that she'd tell her later, after she came back.

Would she have to tell Heidi a few little white lies? So that she didn't worry? Maybe. But all that really depended on Zael Castomir. And...well, it just wasn't going to get solved tonight, was it? Nothing was going to be proven tonight. Or tomorrow. Or the next day. Only when the expedition was underway. Only when...

Yuna shuddered thinking about it, thinking about just how differently things could go, depending on whether Zael kept his word or not. When his true intentions came to light.

Soon enough, Yuna had traversed through the College and reached the Department of Acquisitions. She entered what Zael had called the Planning Room. And she made it her business to find Zael in that dark and smoky room, standing at the back of the rows of chairs and scanning as best she could over everyone. But that bunch of blond hair gave him away quickly enough.

Yuna marched right over to his row. Plopped herself down on his right side; his blind side, and intentionally so on that account. She wanted to sit next to him, but right now, she didn't really want to look at him.

So Yuna sat, her arms crossed, her legs crossed, and her expression one of simmering irritability and displeasure.
Erren Serris hadn't been called to any of the Department of Acquisition's planning sessions in nearly three years. His assignments tended to be handed down directly by The Foard, independent of the rest of the department. The Ex-Maester was a hidden blade; deployed to those hostile and unforgiving places that would not allow for a typical expedition. The College called him a specialist, touted his success as a product of their leadership and training.

The truth was far more bleak. Erren was a marked man by the College, one whom they'd sent on so many suicide missions in attempts to rid themselves of that even they had lost count. Once upon a time, he'd been a renowned professor, a Maester of The Second Order, and a pioneer in altering luck and fate with magic. Something had changed behind the curtain, and he was stripped of his position and honor before being placed in Acquisitions in his current specialist role.

One could imagine Serris' surprise when summoned for this meeting. To be so desperate as to call their dirty little secret out of hiding? Immediately it sent his mind racing-- what could they have found that was so vital that they were willing to place him before the eyes of others once more? All that he'd heard was a single word, spoken in whispers.


Erren entered the session room with one hand on the checkered cobalt tie around his neck and the other holding a small suitcase at his side. Not wishing to be subject to the odd glances he would be sure to earn from his would-be peers with his presence, he'd aimed to be first in the room. In that, it seemed, he'd failed. Two others already sat in the central section of the room, one a mildly tomboyish young lady that he was certain he'd seen bouncing across the halls of the school at one point or another.

The other... Serris didn't recognize the other, but the aura surrounding him felt far too familiar. There was strength within him, both magical and physical. It was darker though, than one would typically exude.

Now, now... Erren clicked his tongue and chastised himself. It wasn't his place to guess about such things. Offering a mustachioed smile and a polite bow, Erren took his own seat, hoisting his case onto the table and clicking open the latches to pull it open. The tie around his neck moved on its own, unfurling and revealing itself to be a serpent that quickly slithered its way into the case before Erren clicked it shut once more.

"Good evening, Ser, Madame."
"Didn't think you'd be able to stand me today," Zael said quietly to Yuna.

Truth be told, he had a few doubts that she would even show, that she might just get the details from Gier or Herrim. He certainly didn't expect her to sit down right next to him.
"Well someone needs to keep an eye on you," Yuna whispered back. "And that someone is me. I elected myself. So there. Mmmmuagh."

She had stuck her tongue out at the end, which proved a bit ill-timed, because another entrant into the Planning Session room took his seat next to them at that particular moment. Wait! She remembered that snake-tie trick! She wanted to learn that trick with one of her own ties, she thought it was neat!

She had, in fact, never actually seen that trick before (even if she thought it was "neat" now). But she did recognize the man.

"Professor Serris! What a surprise!" She laughed a bit nervously, and then added quickly, perhaps unnecessarily, "I wasn't sticking my tongue out at you."

Yuna, however, had outdated information on former Maester Serris's station in the College now.

Erren Serris
Wainwright Karr was sitting at his desk at the moment the letter arrived, just thinking. A witness had spread word of his undeniably infantile outburst through certain groups in the department, and he could almost hear the mocking murmurs of other employees, old and young. He heard them well and tracked every jab and jibe, but was overall unfazed. In fact, he understood why they thought it was so funny. It was because any insults they could throw at him were completely and utterly deserved, at least in his opinion.

In that moment, Wayne had handled that situation like a lumberjack who thought cutting a tree from behind the trunk would cause the tree to fall forwards as opposed to back. That is to say, incredibly dumb. Just then, he saw something on the floor, a letter addressed to him. The WR signaling his name was pretty nice to look at, but the contents of the letter were less so. It appeared they shared the same views as him on the matter:

Wainwright Karr, you have disgraced the entire department with your conduct. That was true, and he nodded along to the sentence. There would be quite a good bit of work to do to get back into the higher up’s graces. Any further instances of frivolous anger will lead to expulsion from the college’s employ entirely. That’s only fair, Wayne would think, nearly chuckling at the fact that they warned him long after he decided that he would never be so terrible again.

The letter continued: However, we have an issue. A mission has been put out to search for and acquire the Pinnacle. You, we admit, as one of the more proficient healers in the department, have been tasked to help search for it. This is your chance to prove yourself and wipe away the stain your disrespect created. Fail and Die, so be it. Live and fail, and you will be, in an ironic twist of fate, just as disgraced as one of your partners. Just as disgraced as-? He grimaced as he realized who they meant. Irony, disgrace? That could only mean one person. Ex-Maester of the Foard and the subject of Wayne’s most recent petulant tirade, Erren Serris.

Even more: Your teammates are him, an Anirian, and a student by the name of Yuna Fairweather. Wainwright had his own thoughts about each of the other group members, each unique.

An Anirian, huh? If they’ve been allowed on this mission, they are most likely qualified. The only real education in that place that teaches fighting I’ve heard of is probably the path of a Dreadlord. Sadly, one can never be too cautious. I’ll keep a close eye to make sure they don’t turn into something like a security risk. Yuna is a student, I believe, and that means I’m not just some teammate anymore. I’m not sure she’s done stuff much like this, which means I should most likely focus on chaperoning as well. A student dying on our watch is very bad PR for the entire school, not just Serris and I.

Finally, the last part: Report to the Planning Room today at one o’clock sharp, your job depends on it. Looking up to the sky, he’d sigh and check a mechanism, realizing with a jump just how close that deadline was. He grabbed all of his stuff and began running, booted feet clacking all the way down the hall. He got there shortly after two others, watching a pair of people round the corner and listening to Erren greet them. He heard the low whistling of a snake and wondered what the hell exactly was happening, but didn’t worry about it too much. Instead, he simply focused on entering the room as professionally as possible.

“Hello, all. My name is Wainwright Karr. I specialize in healing and fire magic. I’ve been told by the ones above me to take the role of healer in this insanely dangerous venture.” With introductions out of the way, he found a seat next to Erren and became serious, a curious look arriving quickly on his face. “So, I didn’t exactly get a wealth of information from my superiors. What is the plan, if I may be so bold as to ask?” He’d say this in a way that wasn’t mocking or rhetorical, instead just truly wanting to know if they had anything at all to go off of. His gaze flicked to Serris, Yuna and even the Anir boy, in that order.

If there was one thing he knew he could stick to, it was his knowledge that he would never under any circumstances allow his own personal biases to affect the chances of a successful mission.

Erren Serris Zael Castomir
Erren had moved on from the pair of others in the room before the short-haired young lady addressed him in return, her voice chipper and happy as she used his former title to catch his attention. Erren's face raised with a smile, his eyes relaxed and lidded as he regarded the tomboy once more. So, she likely had been a student of his at one point then.

Let's see... No, not Allara, she was much more subdued. There was Yennifer, but... her hair was long and shining.

In what seemed like an hour but was in truth only a couple of seconds, the older gentleman ran through his mental portfolio and seemed to sort through his old pupils until he could narrow down who the cute-faced woman beaming over at him was.

The process of elimination left only one name in his mind, and he prayed he was correct. "Miss Fairweather! I didn't recognize you, my sincere apologies!" When last he'd seen the girl, she'd only aspired to work in acquisitions. There was some semblance of pride that she'd accomplished such a goal. "But please, just call me Erren. I'm not your professor anymore, and I do believe our presence in this room means we'll be working somewhat as equals in this matter, wouldn't you say?"

Again, Erren's eyes slid over to the blonde-haired man, that pang of familiarity washing over him one more time. The fellow had seen battle, if the covering over his eye spoke to anything. No amount of washing could cleanse the smell of ash and iron off of a warrior, either. To one who'd seen too much of such violence, it was obvious that this was no ordinary college mage.

"And your friend. He's from out of town, yes? It's a pleasure, ser."

Serris did not speak as though he expected an answer or any additional information on the lad; His intention with his words was simple, to tell the man he had an idea as to his origins, and to make it known such information wouldn't be coming from his lips. An olive branch.

The door opened once more, and a fourth person entered the room. With that same warm face of greeting, Serris turned his head to welcome none other than...

Oh lords, this one again.

To say that Wainright Karr had made a poor first impression upon Erren last time they'd crossed paths would be a massive understatement. The Fire-wielder had let his ego and self-importance flare up in defense of what he'd perceived as a jab at his expense, and in turn he'd wasted no time in speaking down to Serris. The former Maester didn't care for Wayne's immensely inflated overconfidence or that silly nickname he flaunted about.


As the younger man took a seat beside him, Erren paid him a nod. Serris had been doing this for far too long to hold grudges with people he barely knew. Wayne had acted foolishly, but there was a time when everyone in this room had made such missteps, he was certain. There was none of that smugness in his voice today, and his face was one of a man who wished to do business. That being the case, Erren was happy to pretend their first exchange didn't happen.

After all... he'd be a hypocrite not to give others a second chance when he'd suffered so badly from a lack of one.

"Ser Karr." He greeted. "Your support will be useful, I've no doubt. I've heard of your accolades in the field of medical magic, though hopefully, it won't be necessary to put into practice on this assignment." His attention turned back to the others, a leg crossing over his knee as he pursed his lips under the mustache that rested atop them. "So far, all I've been told is just that; It's dangerous. I suspect we'll be briefed further when the others arrive. The calm before the storm, my friend. Don't take it for granted."

Zael Castomir Yuna Fairweather Wayne
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Yuna Fairweather
Wayne shrugged in return to the suggestion and laid back, a sign that contrary to the disrespect the actions might impart in a normal person, he meant as he was fine with waiting. “I won’t, not to worry. Any break is a break worth being thankful for with a mission as important as this one looming ahead, Ser Serris.” He’d say, further sinking into the couch.

He looked pensive for a second before deciding on something. “Er, though it is not an event I would like to bring to the forefront of mine or your mind once again, I wanted to apologize for my misconduct that day at the Bazaar in person.” He’d think for a second and continue, his look a bit nervous. This next sentence would definitely affect whether his apology was accepted or not.

“I have that philosophy and personally think it has lead me down the right path, but it was very childish and arrogant to voice it like the entire world revolved around me and my ideas, which I am sorry for.” Now all there was to do was wait. No changing the topic, no deflecting. It wasn’t like he could magically suck his words back in.

Erren Serris
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Yuna Fairweather
"Oh, yes, uh, yeah! I would say!" Yuna agreed. It was a bit odd though, being seen as an equal with Professor Serris. Ah, see, even in her own thoughts she just went straight to calling him Professor Serris! She'd have to work on that.

But, in better news, Professor Serris's—Erren's—presence was something of a tacit guarantee. Yuna had in all her worrying back in her room practically convinced herself that it would just be her, her alone, who could do anything about Zael if things turned for the worst. But that wasn't true! Of course it wasn't true! Ah ha! The Planning Room (and thus the expedition) was going to be full of people, Professor Serris included, who in their numbers would not only act as encouragement for Zael to act right, but (and this was an awful thought!) who could also help her if Zael followed those stupid orders and left her high and dry...again!

Others were proceeding into the Planning Room and taking their seats. Gier and Herrim arrived, both of them sitting down in the row behind Zael and Yuna. Another Department figure, introducing himself as Wainwright, took a seat right after Erren and Zael had a quick word with each other.

Oooo, turned out there was a little drama between Wainwright and Erren. Yuna pretended not to listen...but she kept shifting her eyes over. She couldn't help it. She loved it. She loved all the juicy little gossip-able tidbits she could ever pick up on.

Erren Serris Wayne
Yuna had just glanced Zael's way when Erren asked about him, letting him answer. And he did.

"Zael," he introduced himself. Heh, being called ser was new. "Good to meet you."

Even if his accent, which he made no attempt to conceal, didn't pinpoint him as being from "out of town", then there'd definitely be some number of folks in here who might recognize him from the trip he and Delaney Lennox had taken up here—one of those fuzzy cultural missions the Republic had taken a shine to. He and Delaney won a nice distinction at a Ball hosted by the College on the night of the Festival of Fiery Skies...and then later that same night he, Delaney, Yuna, and a few others all went streaking through the streets of Elbion. Heh, if he got recognized for that then he hadn't run fast enough.

Soon after came the exchange of words between Erren and Wayne—this as the Planning Room was filling up with occupants.

Erren Serris Wayne
Again Serris waved off Wainwright's apology with an equable smile. He did appreciate the younger man's remorse over his brazen attitude during their last meeting, but Erren wasn't the type to let such negative experiences linger about in his mind and wound his composure. There were far more important matters at hand than whatever hurt feelings he'd had, after all. "Your apology is accepted, Wainwright. Think no further of it, we've work to be doing."

The ex-Maester was certain to offer a nod to the foreigner, seeming decidedly unaffected by his accent or name. If he did recognize him, he certainly didn't display it outright. Instead, he offered a complimentary greeting of his own. "Look like you've seen quite a bit of turmoil, young man. I'll feel better having your muscle out there, for certain!" Erren was no slouch with a spell, but he wasn't much of a practical fighter. If this 'Pinnacle' business was as dangerous as they were making it seem, Ser Zael would be an excellent addition to the team.

And what a team it was; the bulk of them were now arriving to the session, at least two dozen entered in a row, both Acquisitions members and those plucked from other pertinent areas of expertise. The Foard had spared no expense on this... well, it could only be called a task force at this point.

Erren, for his part, got quite a few odd looks from those few he'd once known and worked alongside. Oh, they knew he wasn't dead, but they'd never thought he'd see this room again in his lifetime. Somehow, his presence only seemed to worry them further.

Zael Castomir Yuna Fairweather Wayne
Zael gave a nod to Erren. "I'm always lookin for a good fight."

Man, what a difference between the College and the Academy, though. Yuna knew Erren as one of her former Professors, and his demeanor was waaaay different to that of your average Proctor. What better proof than Yuna actually being happy to see him? Well, Professor or Proctor, if you were old, you knew a thing or two. And Erren easily had more than twice the amount of life experience as Zael himself. Muscle was good, but it didn't count for everything.

Heh, don't let the Academy hear that though.

Erren Serris
"If everyone could please take their seats," said Maester Mornstar, the director of the meeting, "then we will begin."

Mornstar looked over the Planning Room, over the rows of seats now filled to capacity—and this was excluding all of Captain Grinko's men, who were not on the College grounds. Mornstar's favorite idiom was this: "Measure twice, cut once." He hoped that all of this planning the Department had done, beginning long before tonight as it were, proved to be something like this, that it accounted for the lion's share of the time invested in this venture, and that the actual expedition would be so smooth as to be hardly of note in comparison. Maybe, with any good fortune, all the men and women gathered in this room would be superfluous.

Yet, most notable among all of the room's occupants, sat ex-Maester Erren Serris. It had sent something of a chill down Mornstar's spine to see him enter the room, for his presence carried with it...well, an ominous portent, to say the least.

With the Planning Room filled and the door closed, Mornstar commenced, "Gentlemen...ladies...some of you know more than others. Some none at all. This meeting is meant to apprise everyone on the purpose of this expedition, and to impress upon you the true import of the matter facing Elbion. Everyone will leave this room tonight with a better understanding of the mission they have signed up to undertake." Mornstar gestured to one of the other two presenters and said, "Braddock, take it away."

Professor Braddock, the most elderly of the three presenters and who specialized in Histories of Arethil and the Arcane, pointed to the map which was aglow upon the wall. His voice was a bit nasally. "If I may direct your attention...here."

He tapped an area northwest of both Elbion and Lazular.

"The Seret Mountains. Home to many a fascinating peoples and subjects, but let us not digress. Many expeditions has the College—er, namely, the Department—led into the Mountains, but the one which concerns us today..." Again he tapped the map, this time in a more precise location in the mountainous area, "...is what we have come to call, 'the Cathedral'. A terribly generic name, I know, and the monikers, I'm afraid, will remain so. Case in point, the ancient people who built the Cathedral we simply call 'the Seretians'. Unfortunately, work on decoding the fragments of their language which are available to us is still ongoing, but, most pertinent to us tonight, is..."

Professor Braddock swallowed, and, in a tell of nervousness, adjusted his spectacles.

"...a Date. One that repeats in many of the extant sources we have recovered from the Cathedral and the few other surviving sites of the Seretians. Now, when first this Date was discovered, not much was made of it—no context, no context you see. But, ever since the College could properly resume work after that...erhm...awful dragon incident, and further work into deciphering and translating could be done, there has been...credibility...to the notion that..."

Maester Mornstar picked up where the fainthearted Professor left off: "To the notion that this date may well signal the coming of a catastrophic event. Something, perhaps, like another Drakormir in scale."

Uneasy murmurs spread throughout the room.

Mornstar lifted his hands and said over them, "Which is why we are acting now. The Seretian Date isn't for another three months' time, which allows us ample opportunity to intervene. Now, the method of this intervention, we have determined, is very simple: in the main chamber of the Cathedral, there sits upon the central pedestal an artifact. Some of you already know its name: 'Pinnacle'. We believe the power vested in the Pinnacle is key to the machinations of the Seretian Date proceeding as its ancient architects intended, so we merely need to secure the Pinnacle and take it from the Cathedral." Mornstar smiled ruefully, unable to help the brief glance toward ex-Maester Serris. "But some of you well know that removing an ancient relic from its resting place is never easy. And we do expect, with a high degree of certainty, for there to be complications. First, let us start with what we know for an absolute fact. Professor."

Mornstar gestured to the third presenter then, Professor Vaulish, a half-orc with a head full of magnificently styled hair and an academic specialty in Natural Philosophy and Arcane Phenomena. Professor Vaulish stepped forward and addressed the room, "Due to its rarity, I do not expect many of you here in this room to be familiar with Magic Fog. For those who do not know, Magic Fog is a supernatural weather event, where fog mixes in with otherwise low-level disturbances in the flow of magic: the result being a Fog which slowly drains the magic of all who enter it down to nothing. The Cathedral and its surrounding mountainsides, from the time when we first discovered it, has always been observed to be shrouded in Magic Fog. This is no ordinary Magic Fog—ha, as if it were ordinary to begin with. It is the conclusion of myself and my colleagues that the Magic Fog enveloping the Cathedral is, in fact, a work of the Seretians themselves, that they have through secrets unknown managed to harness it and generate it to protect the Cathedral. If this Fog affected the Pinnacle, or anything else in the Cathedral, they wouldn't be using it. You can expect, therefore, an unfair playing field: your magic will be drained and gone, and all the magic left behind by the Seretians will be active and ready to thwart would-be interlopers."

Maester Mornstar took over again, this time with a nod to Captain Grinko sitting in the front row. "Hence why you and your men will be essential. Our best theorizing, based on all the physical evidence available to us in our earlier forays into the Cathedral, is that guardians of some sort may emerge once the Pinnacle is disturbed. We don't know how many, or how dangerous they might be, but we need not stand and fight them. All we need to do is secure the Pinnacle and leave—that's it. Now, to that end, from the main chamber there are two ways out: the front, and the back. If the front is a viable exit after the Pinnacle is secured, fantastic, simply evacuate the structure from there, fighting retreat though it may be. But if the front is not an option, do not fear. Though the back way from the Cathedral leads further up into the mountains, we have a means of extracting you all from those otherwise inescapable heights. Vaulish."

Professor Vaulish, on cue, went to one corner of the Planning Room and took something large from the table and came back into the projected light. He held up a big rolled bundle for all to see.

Maester Mornstar smiled. "Flying carpets. We have skilled pilots of them on task for this expedition, and Professor Vaulish has tested them in the conditions of the Magic Fog; if we keep all of the carpets on standby, down at our base camp, and thus out of the Fog, they will be able with their speed to make a few roundtrips up to the Cathedral's summit to extract you. If it comes to it, and you must use the back way to flee from the Cathedral, simply light a mundane signal fire, hold position—and your position up there will be defensible—and help will arrive. No one will be left behind."

Then came Mornstar's conclusion of the session. "Gentlemen, ladies...we will not, on our watch, allow another Drakormir-like event to befall our beloved city of Elbion. I pray that we have wildly mistranslated the meaning of the Seretian Date, for that would only be a boon. But if that is not so, if the Seretian Date does point to some impending doom, then you must, must, secure the Pinnacle, and stop it from happening." He took in a breath. "In one week's time, after our final preparations are complete, the expedition will depart for the Mountains. Use this interim time wisely. I bid you all a good night."

Erren Serris Wayne
Though the briefing had ended, and the Planning Room's door was reopened, nobody made to leave straightaway. Instead, colleagues conversed with colleagues, each about some facet or another brought up during the session. Mornstar, Braddock, and Vaulish were all still up at the front of the room, gathered among themselves and prepared to answer any lingering inquiries.

Yuna, for her part, sat stunned for a moment. Overwhelmed by the enormity of what had been discussed.

She turned her head with a frigid slowness and asked of Erren, "Is this...normally the sort of thing the Department deals with?"

Erren Serris Wayne
Long after the briefing had concluded, Erren remained focused. One of his legs remained draped over his knee, and in the crook rested his notepad, paragraphs of notes taking during the presentation scribbled in delicate handwriting, diagrams of the Seret Mountains hastily drawn from memory, and equations lining the spine of the parchment. Oh, but Elbion did have its eyes on quite a prize this time, didn't they? A Seretian artifact, one so important to be housed within a holy building and protected by all manner of enchantments...

It was little wonder they'd swallowed their pride and called him, but that question being answered did not set his mind at ease. No, the first thing that pooled in his gut was the ugly bitterness of distrust. Drakormir had been a terrible tragedy, one that rightly should be prevented from happening twice, but that Braddock was so vague about why they believed this artifact to be tied to the Seretian Date, and why that date was thought to be a mark of cataclysm was something Serris would not overlook.

That was only one of his problems with the operation, but for now, he held his tongue. Instead, he looked over at Miss Fairwether, closing his notebook and offering a shake of his head. "They have themselves worked up. The Drakormir incident has left permanent scars on everybody, but this... I have my doubts." Perhaps it was unprofessional to speak such doubts to the young woman meant to help in this endeavor, but he didn't make a habit of lying to his students. Or ex-students, for that matter.

Unfortunately, his position lent him little sway in such things. Attempts to push for more details would go unsuccessful. After all, he was here by necessity, and nothing more. The looks that his contemporaries continued to shoot in his direction were crafted to remind him of such.

"They're sending people blind into a Seretian ruin, because they think something bad might happen, and this artifact might help. It's half-baked. People are going to get hurt."

Erren stopped himself from continuing further, leaning back in his seat and taking a long, deep breath.

"Suppose I'll have to run damage control, then."

Zael Castomir Yuna Fairweather Wayne
Wayne looked at the notes in his hands, the two pages worth of points he had been particularly interested by.
Firstly, information about the Seretian Date. Sadly, most of his notes about what had been said were leading to rather vague leaps in logic. "I don't like this. For a mission with such high stakes, even the main points gave little information." Wayne tightened his grip on the book but relaxed as Erren breathed out, likely in exasperation. "Syr Serris, I assume given your resume you feel the same?" Given what the "Trump Card" usually dealt with, it was likely to be the case.

(Sorry it's short, my muse for em aint too strong rn)

Zael Castomir Erren Serris
Yuna audibly gulped at Erren's assessment.

That whole catastrophe with Drakormir was awful! Awful! It was like the end of the world! Fortunately, it wasn't that, and fortunately still the Fairweather family came through without significant loss—but even that happened to be more blind chance and luck than anything else. If Maester Mornstar and the Department thought that this Pinnacle hiding away in that lame Cathedral in the Seret Mountains might lead to another such incident, yeah, they would be worked up, huh? But who was right? Was Mornstar and the Department right to worry, or was Erren right to doubt? They just didn't know! Why couldn't this just be some easy, piece-of-cake mission??

Yuna fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat when Erren mentioned "damage control". Ohhhh, gosh. Darn, drat, gods, swords and sails and all the other expressions! Should she tell him? Would that be a smart move? Could he help her? Just in case Zael...did the thing she didn't want him to do? GAH! She didn't want Zael to get kicked off of the mission and banned forever from anything involving the College, but she also didn't want another Rostok to happen! What to do? What to do?? Think, genius, think!

Fortunately, Wayne stepped in, engaging Erren in some conversation, buying Yuna some time to mull things over. And she was. Visibly. Her expression kept changing as she considered this point or that, the vague substance of her worried thoughts plain to see on her face, if not their exact form.

Erren Serris Wayne
Zael turned about in his seat, placing on arm on his seatback and looking behind him to Gier and Herrim.

"What do you boys, think?"

Herrim sucked in air through clenched teeth. "Well...I don't like the idea of being without my magic, that's for sure."

Gier nodded in affirmation of that. How Yuna knew about that tidbit in advance wasn't important now; that it had been soundly confirmed by Professor Vaulish was key. "I will take heart in the fact that I am fast learner." And, completing his point, Gier said, "We'll be taking advantage of that bargain of ours, Zael. Tomorrow morning, then? After first light and breakfast?"

"Works for me," Zael said. "I'll see all three of you frontline ready before the week's end."

Erren Serris Wayne
Erren hadn't voiced his concerns with the aim of fearmongering, but as he saw Yuna begin to fret about in her seat he realized perhaps he should have been a bit less dire in his appraisal. Even mentioning Darkormir was a sore spot for most people in Elbion, and he couldn't fault the girl for looking nervous upon hearing that dreaded name.

"Mm?" Erren turned to glance over at Wayne, offering a small smile. "Oh, of course I have my reservations. It's a dangerous task, for what could amount to nothing." In a vacuum, that sounded quite bad. Serris seemed rather relaxed for one worried about a potentially deadly endeavor in his near future, brushing aside some of his hair and shrugging his shoulders. "But then that can be said for just about every assignment I'm given. Another day in the office, I suppose."

He had perhaps downplayed his worry to Wayne, after Yuna had overheard a hint of his true concern. This was not the time or place to make an uproar over things that he could not control. There was still time before this mission was to begin that he could use to alleviate some of his fears, if not confront them outright. Standing from his seat, Erren pulls his case from the table, and offers a bow to his constituents.

"I must prepare. Mornstar, if you would, I would be very grateful for a transcript of this briefing sent to my office..." Erren tugged at the knot of his tie lightly, which almost seemed to move independently. "...Which is where I will be, should any of you need me. Stay healthy, chaps. I've a feeling we'll need our health for what is to come next."

With a particular wave to young Yuna, Erren exits and heads towards his office underneath the College, in the Repository.
Yuna's decision-making process kept stumbling over itself. Tell him! Don't tell him! Slap Zael again for even putting her in this position! Erren had spoken with Wayne, stood up and talked briefly with Maester Mornstar (who acknowledged his request and nodded to the Department scribe, sitting there in the front row, to fulfill it), and still she hadn't made any clear choice on what to do! This wasn't like her at all! Okay, shut up, so it was a little like her, but this was serious! This wasn't some humdrum thing like, do I cheat off of Heinrich's paper or do I cheat off of Borran's paper? This could mean everything! For Zael, for her, for Elbion itself even!

By the time Erren left the Planning Room, Yuna thought to herself: screw it!

She stood up abruptly, slid past Zael (he'd probably think she was being moody again, so that was fine!), and exited the Planning Room as well. Erren was already out and away, but Yuna knew where he was going, so that was good enough. And it wouldn't look like she was following after him should, you know, Zael be curious and follow after her in his own turn. Yuna didn't particularly like the College's underground section—she always thought basements were a little creepy—but this was were Erren preferred to hang his hat.

Down, down, down the staircases she went.

Into the Repository.

And weaving her way toward the door she was looking for: the office of Erren Serris. She stood by it for a moment, hand clenching and unclenching, each flex of her muscles the visible hint of her thoughts: knock, don't knock, knock, don't knock.

But she did knock. Quietly, timidly, as if not entirely committed to her decision, as if she still were not sure if this was the right thing to do.

"...Professor Serris? It's Yuna Fairweather. Can I speak with you?"

Erren Serris
No big surprise that Yuna left even before Gier and Herrim could rise from their seats. Hopefully that anger of hers, understandable though it may be, subsided to at least embers before the week's end and the expedition's launch. But there wasn't anything he could do about it now; probably best that they had some time away from each other for a little while.

The Planning Room still had a good many of its original occupants, discussing in their smaller and more familiar groups the mission and their roles in it. There was that man, Wayne, who had spoken with Erren prior to the brief—they knew each other to some extent. Following along the chain of association, Yuna knew Erren, and Zael knew Yuna, and so it stood to reason that the four of them might end up forming their own small and familiar group within the expedition's whole (six if you included Gier and Herrim). Might as well make a proper introduction.

Zael stood from his seat and went along the row to Wayne.

"Zael," he said, by way of introduction. "Looks like we might have to have each other's back out there. If things go sour."

And, all told, they just might.

To call it an office would have been a bit of a stretch-- Erren's assigned place of work was little more than a repurposed storage room cleared of dust and junk, with the desk that had once been front and center in his classroom now haphazardly placed near the back of the dark, dank repository closet. It was obvious to anybody with working eyes that he'd been downgraded.

Hell, you could probably tell without the eyes, even.

It wasn't organized like he would have preferred it in his earlier years of work, either. Papers, books and folders covered the surface of the table, most of it unceremoniously dumped on him by the Department of Acquisitions when they came across something they found themselves unwilling to risk dealing with themselves. Serris had built up quite a backlog, but he knew well that the Foard didn't truly care about his productivity; This position was about keeping him in line, restricting him until he either walked out or perished.

He'd collapsed into his chair with an exhausted sigh, his case coming to the floor beside him as he allowed the light to drain from his face. Keeping up appearances was difficult, and he wished he felt half as calm and confident as he'd projected to the others in that briefing. Truthfully, he worried. Not only about this unspecified cataclysm that may supposedly loom over ahead, but about himself. About dying. Each time he returned from danger, the College sent another perilous task his way.

They truly wished him gone, to leave his son without his father, without anybody.

Leaning forward with his elbows on his desk, he buried his hands in his face and composed himself. He was so exhausted, so tired of this constant struggle with powers far above his own. Perhaps, he thought hopefully, a success here would earn him some reprieve. This was not a task he would be alone for; others would see his efforts. For him to go unrewarded would not go unnoticed by his peers.

Optimism, though perhaps empty.

It was a knock upon his door that drew his face up, the color returning to his skin as he recognized the young voice behind it.

"Yes, Miss Fairweather. Come in, please."
Yuna Fairweather
  • Stressed
Reactions: Yuna Fairweather
Okay, okay, just stay calm, make it seem important but not too important, and whatever you do, don't use the word "betray". You got this, Yuna, you got this!

Yuna opened the door and entered. Her hand was still on the door, in fact, when she said, "Professor Serris..."

Then she met his eyes, and in so doing abruptly slammed into a wall of doubt. Oh no, oh no, oh no, this was a mistake, this was a big mistake, this was only going to make everything worse, she didn't have this, oh no no no, she didn't.

Yuna stiffened sharply, her face suddenly taking on all the pallor of fright born from that doubt, and she stammered, "I-I-I'm sorry, Professor Serris, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't bother you, it's nothing, I think I should just—"

She turned to leave, her movements slow and frigid and incredibly awkward.

Erren Serris

Gone was the professional, confident, and ever-so-calm voice he'd always used around his students. The false smile he'd placed upon his lips faded back into the serious expression he'd been wearing before she'd knocked upon his door as he leaned forward on his desk, eyes fixed on the young woman's back as she turned to leave.

"What's going to happen is very important. If we're not careful, people are going to get hurt. People are going to die."

She knew that. It was a difficult thing for a person so young to come to terms with, though, the danger of such a massive undertaking. Fairweather wouldn't have come all the way down to the Repository for no reason; something was eating at her, nagging at the back of her psyche.

"If there is anything you can tell me that could help me preserve those lies... I think it would behoove you to turn around and tell me now." Erren was already in a position where nobody gave him an inch. There was so little he was told, such little belief placed in him. He was an afterthought-- an auxiliary worker and nothing more. Whatever Yuna held inside of her, he needed it. The smallest speck of faith, the tiniest crumb of trust...

It could be all that he got.

"I will do everything in my power to help everybody get home safe, but I can't do it without help."

Yuna Fairweather
  • Stressed
Reactions: Yuna Fairweather
Just the simple utterance of her name might as well have been a spell to root her in place. The two warring divisions within her wanted him to stop her, wanted him to just let her leave. Gaaaaaaaaaah! She felt helpless, caught as she was between two choices, the decision near impossible to make because of the sheer weight of it all: it could change her life, it could change Zael's life, it could change everyone's life.

Erren's voice, at least, just the sound of it, was soothing. He took her seriously, didn't just dismiss her anxious visitation as skittish little Yuna belly-aching about going into the field again—in fairness she did belly-ache a lot before she departed with Gier and Herrim for Rostok. He made good, clear points, Erren did, and what struck Yuna the most, piercing right into the heart of her concerns, was this:

I will do everything in my power to help everybody get home safe...

This made Yuna shut the door. This made Yuna turn around. This made Yuna approach his desk and pull up a chair and sit down. She looked tiny in her seat, hunching over nervously as if preparing to curl into a defensive ball, her head tilted forward and gaze on the edge of his desk rather than on him, hands entwined and fingers fidgeting in her lap.

"Prof...Erren," she started at last. "There's something I know...that I think you should know...because you might be the only one who will understand...the only one who can help me."

She nibbled a little on her lip.

"But I'm scared to tell you. I'm scared because...because it might hurt someone I like. But if I don't tell you, he—" unknowingly had she let the clue of he slip, "—might get hurt even worse than if I didn't. I just...want everything on this expedition to work out okay."

Yuna looked up from the edge of the desk with big, pitiful eyes.

"Can I trust you?"

Erren Serris