Yuna Fairweather

Yuna Fairweather

Biographical information
18 Elbion
Physical description
Human Female 5'3" 107 lbs. Black Gray Fair
Political information
Mage, College Student
Out-of-character information
VigiloConfido AI render

Appearance and Equipment

* Short black hair, gray eyes, fair skin, 5'3", slim and slight, small bust size.
-- Maimed: Missing the pinky finger of her left hand.

* Usually wears a white dress shirt, blue trousers and vest, tie/bowtie/ascot, and black gloves.

* Armed with a staff that helps focus and channel her spells.

Skills and Abilities

College Magic: Encompassing a wide and versatile range of disciplines and spells, some instant, some requiring reagents, some needing preparation and focus, Yuna's spellbook (and the skill with which it is employed) is what one might expect from a learner who has a lot more to learn. Yuna herself isn't overly talented or savant-like with her magical ability; though, if she manages to apply herself, she can do fairly well. Presently, a jack-of-all-trades, master of none, with standard elemental magic being that of which she is most practiced and capable.

Not a Fighter: No martial experience whatsoever.

Personality and Characteristics


* Mischievous, playful, has a knack for thriving in chaos (only occasionally being swept away in the tide of it, oops). Talkative.

* Generally of a carefree/happy-go-lucky spirit. Tends not to take things seriously at first, or at all. Despite these qualities, still quite prone to (sometimes erratic) swings of emotion, especially where things which have garnered her care or seriousness are concerned.

* Fickle, given to flights of fancy, easily distracted. Benefits highly from strong direction and/or uncompromising structure, as this helps quell said fickleness and helps her focus.

* Good sense of humor, but can often be biting and indiscriminate with it, making fun of friends and foes alike.

* Lazy when it comes to "work", so often either finds the most efficient/easy way of doing something, or cajoles someone else into doing said thing for her. Sometimes leads her to spending more time trying to avoid doing something than just simply doing it.


+ Likes seafood and Elbionese pastas.

+ Full of schemes. Has definitely cheated on tests, scammed her fellow students, and played dirty tricks and pranks on people. Thinks she is a genius.

+ Likes to fart in the tub or when otherwise underwater and listen to the bubbles bloop as they surface, giggling all the while.

+ Irreverent of most things.

+ Skittish and cowardly. Scares easily.

+ Likes going streaking.

+ Often snorts when she laughs.

Biography and Lore

The Fairweather family hailed originally from Teth, the pirate stronghold. But a schism in the family occurred when a windfall of great booty came to them, some unable to break from the life of excitement and danger as a pirate, some wanting to take their wealth and run. Those who left Teth came to settle in the great city of Elbion, buying their way into citizenship with their illicit gains (naturally fabricating some story to cover their past).

Yuna Fairweather was born into the Elbion branch of the Fairweathers. Descended from pirates, and even though her paternal grandfather was one of said pirates and joyful recalls the days of Teth in private, that chapter of the Elbionese Fairweathers remains in the past...allegedly.

For Yuna, she was discovered to have magical talent, the first of the Elbionese Fairweathers to display such, and her family was all-too-eager to get her enrolled in the College. And she was happy to go! Even if...the work was hard, she thought some of her Professors were dumb, and she didn't (and still doesn't) quite know what she would do precisely when she graduates.

But that's what the bloom of youth is for! Exploration! And Yuna figures she has plenty of time left in the College to get things figured out.

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