
Chronicles has been a staple in my life for five years. That journey is coming to an end. It's time I admit the truth, for the benefit of those who would like to know. I will be brief.

Back in August, I sustained what time has borne out to be a mortal wound. I was reported and received a content violation for my writing. This cannot be ameliorated. The black mark to my reputation will endure. That this was done by someone I thought I could trust, who said not a word of it to me, is what hurts the most—that a more amiable solution could not have been discussed between us.

For all these interim months I felt as though a sword of Damocles hung over my head. Seeing my fellow-writers viewing my content was once met with boundless excitement; I view it now with apprehension. Worse, seeing my fellow-writers along with members of staff at the same time viewing a particular piece of my content is a source of dread. I fear that I know what they're up to.

I am myself not without blame. I have made plenty of mistakes during my time at Chronicles. I have wronged my fellow-writers. I have stuck my foot in my mouth with careless remarks on the Discord. So, in late February, when I was called out publicly for a misstep of mine, and elsewhere when my presence in a group thread was viewed with suspicion, it makes sense. I simply did not merit better treatment than this. But the straw which broke the camel's back was placed all the same. Speaking soberly, I recognize it would be better to not be me, to be a fresh-faced new writer with that green leaf symbol by my name on the Discord, the slate entirely wiped clean.

This all might sound like I'm in incredible pain or sunk in a mire of despondence. I am not. Outside of Chronicles, I am doing quite well. My days are bright and my smiles wide. It's important to keep things in perspective.

My fire to write hasn't gone out—I've actually been enjoying writing longhand in my notebook. All that's changed is that this fire needs to be tended elsewhere for me.

I wish no one ill, and hope all who write on Chronicles continue to enjoy the craft and the community.

I wish no one ill, and hope all who write on Chronicles continue to enjoy the craft and the community.

I'm sorry it ends this way, man. You've been a great friend to me, if that's worth much.

Gonna miss ya Vig.

Oh, this is Gerblin by the way! I finally decided to make a serious D-lord char.

You've clearly let this fester if months later you really felt the need to post such an outro.

Lots of people have had little warnings for crossing lines over the years. My inbox is always open if people want to talk about things.

For anyone else that ever has a message from staff, it is quite simple: remove the content we ask you to remove and move on and continue with your writing.

All the best with the long form writing
Hey Vig.

We haven't spoken too much, but we did cross paths in threads sometimes. I know this post is pretty old, but I just wanted to say to you—if you'll ever see this—that in my eyes, you've been wonderful here to me. I love your characters—orc girl was my favorite—and the way you write. I love how even the narration you use is molded within the personality of the character. It's a special touch to it that keeps it original, so I was ALWAYS excited to read your writing. Never have I looked upon it any type of negative way. I don't know what this incident is or the content that got flagged, but in any event, I just wanted to say that you been great here bro. Good luck with any forum you dip into next.