Gallagher Grande
A child who got a chance, reluctant to screw it up. He plans to take advantage of the luxuries of being a Dreadlord (whenever he earns the position) to lift his foster mother and younger stepbrother, Frye Grande, from poverty. He is of the opinion that he owes his family a great debt for taking care of a boy who was originally just another mouth to feed. Also, his last name is Grand-uh not Grand-ey.
Gallagher wears whatever happens to be in the closet on any given day. Having spent the first seven years of his life a street rat with nary but rags for protection from the elements, he has no worry about things such as style and therefore no fashion sense. One of his most prized possessions is a heavy jacket with fur his mother had managed to scrape together enough to buy him, which he sometimes falls asleep in. It's. Just. So. Warm. Because of his tendency to value necessity over vanity, he has some really old shit still around. As for richer materials, you can point him at a piece of felt or silk and he'd have literally no idea what it is. Despite this, he tries to keep clean when possible, his bluish black hair strangely shiny and loaned sword capable of reflecting the sun. Favors done for him in terms of clothes are especially appreciated so the articles are sometimes said to come back in better condition than they were given in.
Skills and Abilities
Intellect: IIIII-----
Strength: IIII------
Technique: I---------
Personal Skills: III-------
Motivation: IIIIIIII--
Understanding of His Magic: III-------
Magic: Thieving Mirror
Gallagher cannot steal magic in the sense that the original user loses their capabilities, just that they themselves now have access to the power of whoever they're targeting. The reason it is "Thieving" is because the target does not have to willingly let him copy their magic, they just need to be nearby for long enough that his magic can turn into theirs. Sadly, it is more of a curse than a blessing for the boy, given he cannot control what it latches on to at this point in time, and that applied in the past as well. A story he wishes he could forget but still vividly remembers of his younger years is watching a street show and seeing the ringleader clap his hands to add size to a sphere of fire they had summoned. This was cool, so Gallagher enthusiastically applauded as well. Little did he know, his magic had taken the ringleader's so the ball became much too large to control. It fell to the ground while the unaware ringleader was playing to the crowd and Gal watched from his place near the back as the entire troupe was incinerated as well as those closest to the stage.
He cannot copy more than one magic at a time and will get a migraine on steroids and immediately lose the power when he does. The magic only targets one person at a time, but it duplicates all their powers so if they have more than one the glitch will occur. This rejection actually has one benefit, which is that magic that stems from someone with two or more is instantly rejected and has a much harder time affecting Gal. IMPORTANT NOTE: IF MORE THAN ONE SINGULAR MAGIC HITS HIM, IT CAN AFFECT HIM
Strength: IIII------
Technique: I---------
Personal Skills: III-------
Motivation: IIIIIIII--
Understanding of His Magic: III-------
Magic: Thieving Mirror
Gallagher cannot steal magic in the sense that the original user loses their capabilities, just that they themselves now have access to the power of whoever they're targeting. The reason it is "Thieving" is because the target does not have to willingly let him copy their magic, they just need to be nearby for long enough that his magic can turn into theirs. Sadly, it is more of a curse than a blessing for the boy, given he cannot control what it latches on to at this point in time, and that applied in the past as well. A story he wishes he could forget but still vividly remembers of his younger years is watching a street show and seeing the ringleader clap his hands to add size to a sphere of fire they had summoned. This was cool, so Gallagher enthusiastically applauded as well. Little did he know, his magic had taken the ringleader's so the ball became much too large to control. It fell to the ground while the unaware ringleader was playing to the crowd and Gal watched from his place near the back as the entire troupe was incinerated as well as those closest to the stage.
He cannot copy more than one magic at a time and will get a migraine on steroids and immediately lose the power when he does. The magic only targets one person at a time, but it duplicates all their powers so if they have more than one the glitch will occur. This rejection actually has one benefit, which is that magic that stems from someone with two or more is instantly rejected and has a much harder time affecting Gal. IMPORTANT NOTE: IF MORE THAN ONE SINGULAR MAGIC HITS HIM, IT CAN AFFECT HIM
Gallagher pays back his debts, and the same for his grudges. He holds himself to this very high standard in order to become a person his younger brother can look up to. He does not search for fights but will not run, either. When someone gives him crap, he chooses to handle it responsibly and decide whether or not it's worthy to engage, mostly ignoring conflict except for when someone insults the name of any family member he cares for. He still doesn't start the fight, but any chance of that person and him being anything but enemies has flown out the window and fallen five stories. Above all, he serves his goals before anyone else, all to stay in the program and survive long enough to see everyone he cares for away and out of the storm. As for the smaller things, he enjoys music a lot and tries to practice when he can on a dinky acoustic guitar he brought as another memory of home. Still, given his education in that respect was undeniably auto-didactic, he isn't too good.
Newly Shared Pain - Gallagher coincidentally meets a seer initiate named Cormund Augur and his magic copies theirs, resulting in a dark vision of the future. (TBC)
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