The golden wolf eyes stared like cold dagger, their pupils lowering and lowering as they tracked the tickle of glistening...silverine red.
Trailing slowly up gazing at the madman's eyes. The twist of emotion, the chill of internal turmoil. What a mirror to the psyche that began to outwardly deteriorate from the internal corrosion.
And the laughter.
San no longer stared still but shook their head instead, holding zero intention to stop him.
»Corpses...Are useless.«
»Die like you lived, or live to be better.«
Trailing slowly up gazing at the madman's eyes. The twist of emotion, the chill of internal turmoil. What a mirror to the psyche that began to outwardly deteriorate from the internal corrosion.
And the laughter.
San no longer stared still but shook their head instead, holding zero intention to stop him.
»Corpses...Are useless.«
»Die like you lived, or live to be better.«