Thunder of Thanasis Lamenting of The Lost

Threads open to all members of the Thunder of Thanasis group
Character Biography

"So often we take for granted the haven we've made for ourselves on this island. Too easy we can forget the sacrifices made beyond the city, brave souls who devote their lives to defending our way of being. I know this myself, having sat idly by within our hallowed home as my eldest son was slain at the hands of the Jarlax. His body belongs to Malakath now, and his soul has departed into another plane."

Amarin Saella leaned on his cane as he stood upon the quickly built wooden podium, placed solitarily in the center of a massive grassy field in a pure, untouched plot of land belonging to his family. Looking down upon his crowd of attendees as they held their heads level in respect as the Saella patriarch spoke, he knew it was not in reverence to him that they held their silence, but to the land around them, calm and still with nary a breeze rustling the brush. Moments prior, holy men had surrounded them, casting the ashes of the fallen into the earth, calling the names of every lost warrior as they did so.

"But these souls..." Amarin gestured to the silent vastness around them. "...They have not. At rest though our fallen friends, family members, and comrades are, they remain confined to the physical bindings of ash and dust. Today we gather, at the Lamenting of The Lost, to remember the lives and names of those who have given all they have for us. And, to grant them life anew. For it is not only us who weep for them..."

Amarin trailed off, raising an arm to the sky and slowly closing his eyes.

Quite suddenly, the wind begins to quicken. Distant howls sound from behind the clouds, and a rhythmic beating sends vibrations through every man, woman, and child in attendance. It was as though the Gods themselves played a steady drumbeat, as a band of Angels descended to retrieve the fallen gathered in that lonely, empty field.

In a way, that is exactly what happened.

No fewer than a dozen dragons emerged from the clouds, varying widely in shape and color, but all unmistakably the product of the Saella: The Ransa Dragons. The beating of their wings as they descended onto the ash-laden plains at last caused the blades to rustle, wind sweeping across the field and making waves across the green as they landed on the far side in a line.

Amarin was cursed with an impairment that precluded him from battle; the damage to his leg, inflicted in his youth, made him a liability in any meaningful offensive. He'd never been offered the chance to sacrifice himself for Thanasis, for his people. Instead, he'd sent his own flesh in blood in his stead. This, however... This display of sorrow and grief was Amarin Saella's duty.

A pale shadow of his own, tears falling over the corpse of his son.

"Our companions, too. The winged divines we are so closely connected to, mourn for us. They look upon our pain and suffering, and lament the new fractures upon our eternal bond."

And the dragons wept, glimmering tears forming in their enchanting eyes, running down their smooth scales in crystalline rivulets, dripping down into the grass below, soaking the ashes and mixing them into the soil. The large droplets of woe followed the Ransa as they slowly walked across the field toward Amarin and the others, and in their wake, beauty sprouted forth. The magic of the Ransa tears took those ashes, and from them sprouted flowers in bloom, tree saplings eager for sunlight.

The fallen, alive again.

"Those who wish to share their loss with the Ransa, please step onto the platform as they near. Speak of your mourning, and allow yourself a gift of tears to aid your broken heart."

Once the Ransa had completed their lamenting, the field would be open to travel, and all gathered could explore the beautiful new life created from death. It was, Amarin thought, the most solace one could ever ask for.​
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  • Thoughtful
  • Bless
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Takashi had little interest in dragons generally, unusual for a Thanasian but that did not mean he shunned the traditions of his people.

The beautiful fields made from the tears of dragons might one day grow wild and vibrant but for now the splendor was contained.
Cultivation of these species would take time and patience but was not impractical in goal.

He watched as those who took the wooden podium spoke and made what they could of shared grief. As might be expected his thoughts turned to Ayane and for a moment he considered taking the stand, saying a few things but that felt wrong. He was not a man who shared his feelings, never had been so he let it be.

With care not to damage the small circle of wildflowers he knelt next to them and began to identify the leaf shape, bud and flower colour.
It looked like a type of Thunder-lily but the markings on the leaf was patterned in little egg shapes of light green.

New life indeed.
The Princess of Thanasis stood to the side, surrounded by her Gilded Guard. Only four were present on the ground with her, two in the skies. She could not approach or attend the mournings, not when in recent times there have been threats against the Royal Family. Even her Ransa, Pixaelys, did not stray far from her and her ring of Gilded.

Every year she came to the Lamenting, and every year, she would meet with Amarin to learn more of the Ransas.

It seemed to be the only time they could dedicate such a time to speak of Ransas. This year was one she had been looking forward to. Why Pixaelys did not stray too far could be seen cradled in the arms of the Princess. Less than a month old, a hatchling Ransa draped and snoozed in Orissa's arms. Gifted as an egg to the Royal household, it gave the Princess purpose to attend the Lamenting.

Tears of a baby Ransa were the most sacred, and Orissa wished to share the new hatchling on such a momentous day.
Alice stood solomly next to her grandfather, his words softspoken but with a weight that could be felt in the crowds. His words always moved the masses, and even as her own eyes remained dry, she could see many tear-stained people as they lamented the loss of their loved ones. Her own dragon, Kefira, was more than likely teasing Kallea and being an utter nuisance to the older dragon.

Still, even Alice couldn't remain unmoved as the dragons descended from the heavens to weep their tears upon the ground, it was a rare sight, to see a Ransa dragon cry. There was a beauty in the sadness, of life reborn anew. She stayed on the heels of her grandfather as the ceromony progessed, suddenly shy of the people that surrounded them. Even more intimidating, the Princess was here. She was so pretty, and strong, and noble! Alice bet that she never got told no to flying.

Amarin Saella
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The Ransa gradually made their way to the raised platform Amarin stood upon, as he spoke with each and every one of the grieving with a mournful story to tell. He shared in their sorrow, wept for their loss, and when he turned to repeat their tales to the Dragons in a most ancient and forgotten tongue, they too wept for the pain of those they shared a home with.

Several chose to bottle these precious tears, others allowed them to fall to the earth and bring more life. Saella, for all of his importance in this endeavor, could not monitor the collection of tears and the mourning crowd as much as he might like to. There were other responsibilities he'd been entrusted with this year. Two, to be precise.

There was the young woman standing quietly beside him, his lovely granddaughter, Alice. Amarin had tried to insist she abstain from attendance, not wishing such a somber event to dim the bright and glowing aura that made her so important to he and the remaining Saella family. Alas, Alice was reaching the age of bourgening independence.

Her father had once stood beside Amarin where she now planted her feet. This year, she was determined to do the same. Wary though he as, Saella could not rob her of that.

Then there was the Princess of Thanasis herself. It was, of course, a great honor to behold Lady Orissa at any time. This year simply brought a bit more... tension than usual. Attempts-- No, threatened attempts had been made on the Royal Family, and it was made perfectly clear by the City that if anything happened to the Princess during the Lamenting, the Saella Family would be held accountable.

The mourning now busied themselves admiring the blooms sprouting from the tearstained ground, or being consoled by the Ransa weeping for them. It was, perhaps, a good idea to consolidate his responsibilities.

And perhaps, get a smile from young Alice as well.

"Alice..." Amarin placed his hand gently upon the young woman's shoulder, smiling with that coy wit of an elder who knew the answer before it was spoken. "We should leave the people to mourn. Our tears have already been many, and today is our day to show strength, and little else. Tell me..." His head turned slightly toward Orissa.

"Would you like to meet the Princess?"

Alice Saella Orissa
  • Bless
Reactions: Orissa
Takashi was as an ant among horses it seemed.
Too low in status to be taken notice of by those of great power and without Yuriko and Airen to bring their dragons it seemed all things that drew attention to him had left him in a curious limbo of seeing but not being seen.

Some people talked, most watched the Ransa Dragons linger and marvelled at their beauty and grace. Takashi himself never had much time for them but he appreciated them as one of life's mysteries and that led his mind wander (as often it did when he had a moment to himself) to the strange connection between the girls and their dragons.
He wish he knew more of it sometimes.
He wished someone could help him understand dragons as others seemed to.
Not that he disliked them, merely he did not hold much awe and fascination for them. He did not revere them despite their many impressive displays but that was all they were to him.

As he watched those of greater faith than he his heart was touched with envy. He wished then that he could love them as others did. Trust his fate to their guidance and the belief that their presence was proof of something beyond this world.
He tried for a long time after Ayane had passed.
He tried again when the dragons were found.
He tried again then and there but nothing stirred in him but a profound lack of belief. Like a hole in his soul.

Perhaps he was not meant to understand such things.
Tilting his hat against the sun he moved past a crowd that followed one of the larger Ransa's who chanted prayers of solemn gratitude in its wake until he came to the podium and listened to the mourners.

There was much loss this year it seemed.
  • Cry
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"Princess, we should retire from the ceremony soo---"

"Hush," she chastised her Captain of the Gilded, but there was humour in her warm eyes. "The hatchling is protected amongst her kind."

At least, Orissa guessed that this was a female Ransa. She had the characteristics, but Orissa was still learning about the breed. Of course, she would thank the Saella's for gifting the egg to the Royal household almost a generation ago, as an egg hatching was seen to be a blessing for the Houses.

"I merely wish to remind you that royalty are not expected to attend events for grieving..." For it was a private matter they were expected to keep away from the public's eye.

Orissa sighed, knowing this. "The Lamenting is also a time to celebrate the growth from grief."

But her answer only made her Captain smile wryly. "Alright. We will remain here."