

Biographical information
Thanasis 17 Thanasis, Lower City
Physical description
Human Female 5ft 2 Light Dark Brown Brown Light brown
Political information
Florist, part time Dragon Rider Cadet
Out-of-character information

Dear Diary

Today, I met my first dragon. She was beautiful - her scales were the same colour as Mahmi's pearls that Pahpi won't let me play with. She spent nearly a whole hour sleeping at the Temple; I think she enjoyed the cherry blossom tree the most. She looked very sad and very very tired. I tried to offer her food and gifts like the Daishi says to do but she was not interested.

I did my chores which today was sweeping the pews. It's a much nicer job than cleaning the waterroom!

When I went to check on the dragon she was gone which was very sad. I was really hoping she would let me pet here. Pahpi says if you stroke a dragons scales you get to make a wish. I would wish for Mahmi to come back, so that Pahpi could be happy again.

I was very sad to see she had left, but then Airen said she could see something in the tree tops. We climbed to investigate and there we found two baby dragons! I wonder if the big dragon was their Mahmi. Airen and I will look after them until she comes back, then maybe she will help us get our Mahmi back. As a thank you for looking after her babies.

- Exert from Yuriko's diary, aged 10


Bubblegum is a small, curious and plenty mischievous juvenile Spirit Dragon. Originally, her name was a nickname Yuriko and her twin sister used to call the hatchling, thinking their mother would return for them shortly. By the time the girls realised the older dragon was not returning the nickname had stuck.

A Spirit Dragon matures a lot slower than the other popular breeds in Thanasis. Now at five years of age she is the size of shire horse and finally strong enough to begin her training in order to take a rider.

There is relatively little known about Spirit dragons, being elusive and solitary breed, but a few gifts have already begun to surface in the youngling including the ability to astral project, and see recently deceased spirits. The few records on Spirit dragons suggest that at full maturity they might be able to some how control the ghosts they can communicate with and dark tales of their ability to raise the dead.

Culturally, they are seen as guardians of the dead and ferriers of lost souls.

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