It had not been the reaction, nor question, Noelani had expected and it caused her to pause in the action of raising her cooked fish to her mouth for that first, tender bite. Despite who it was that was talking however, Lani took a moment to enjoy the sounds of her mother tongue. There were not many people outside of the cluster of isles that made up that stretch of sea who spoke it and Lani wondered, briefly, if the pirate captain actually hailed from lands far closer to home than she had realised.
"I do not bend the knee," she dragged her mind back from its wandering path to the subject at hand. A look of disgust crossed her pretty features as she looked at the spot in the sand her spit had landed, then took a bite of her fish to make her wait for the rest of the answer. "The Emperor and I have an arrangement that betters the trade of my people. Trade your people are disrupting," it did not take much guessing to work out what the Mchawi witch believed was her people.
She spared the woman a withering look then took another bite of her fish.
"I do not bend the knee," she dragged her mind back from its wandering path to the subject at hand. A look of disgust crossed her pretty features as she looked at the spot in the sand her spit had landed, then took a bite of her fish to make her wait for the rest of the answer. "The Emperor and I have an arrangement that betters the trade of my people. Trade your people are disrupting," it did not take much guessing to work out what the Mchawi witch believed was her people.
She spared the woman a withering look then took another bite of her fish.