"You owe me, Evander." The words were strong, no patience, not a single width of wiggle room.
Any man who heard those words would have found them impossible to argue with. They were spoken with such conviction, such power, that it might have come from the heavens. It was said in such a way because it was true. The assurance was based in stone that had been written a long time ago, a bargain reached years before.
"I'm calling in my chit." The voice continued sternly, heard evenly through the door. "Either give me the girl, or come with me yourself. I don't give a fuck which."
The Righteous Call was hardly anything to write home about.
A merchant ship, least the Captain claimed that it was, with the same drudgery as a thousand others in the world. It was little bigger than your typical frigate, a grew of nine and then room for some passengers. Not exactly impressive, but a fitting enough vessel to cut through the north seas and get them to their first port of call.
"I didn't." Silas said plainly to the Captain, his head turning away from the man.
He was a shit excuse for a Captain. Resentful of his men and barely able to navigate the seas, but he'd taken coin and Silas had taken the measure of him. Enough gold in his hand and he'd do pretty much anything, and the one thing Silas had left was gold. That, at the very least, was simple enough to bandy about. "And I paid you enough not to ask."
The old Pirate said, the other man flickering a smile.
Lips thinned. "Don't be."
He said, turning away from the Captain and slowly heading towards the prow of the ship. There the girl stood, likely still wondering what the hell any of this was about.
Any man who heard those words would have found them impossible to argue with. They were spoken with such conviction, such power, that it might have come from the heavens. It was said in such a way because it was true. The assurance was based in stone that had been written a long time ago, a bargain reached years before.
"I'm calling in my chit." The voice continued sternly, heard evenly through the door. "Either give me the girl, or come with me yourself. I don't give a fuck which."

A merchant ship, least the Captain claimed that it was, with the same drudgery as a thousand others in the world. It was little bigger than your typical frigate, a grew of nine and then room for some passengers. Not exactly impressive, but a fitting enough vessel to cut through the north seas and get them to their first port of call.
"What'd you say your name was?"
"I didn't." Silas said plainly to the Captain, his head turning away from the man.
He was a shit excuse for a Captain. Resentful of his men and barely able to navigate the seas, but he'd taken coin and Silas had taken the measure of him. Enough gold in his hand and he'd do pretty much anything, and the one thing Silas had left was gold. That, at the very least, was simple enough to bandy about. "And I paid you enough not to ask."
The old Pirate said, the other man flickering a smile.
"Just...just curious."
Lips thinned. "Don't be."
He said, turning away from the Captain and slowly heading towards the prow of the ship. There the girl stood, likely still wondering what the hell any of this was about.