Write a summary paragraph about your character here
<Briefly describe what your character looks like>
Skills and Abilities
Katja is an accomplished hunter and survivalist, particularly skilled in hunting with a bow. She copes well in harsh conditions, and does not easily feel the cold. She is competent at reading and writing.
Katja's magic is controlled empathically - the stronger her emotions are, the more powerful her magic can be. This can be problematic as untethered and overwhelming emotions can cause destruction and so control is important.
She is able to control the emotions of another by means of touch - and in reverse to this can sense another's emotions. This extends to removing the mental aspect of pain. Again, touch makes this easier, but she can manage without if she concentrates hard enough.
Katja is a spell casting apprentice for a dark mage named Evander, whom she is magically bound to. Over time she has learned to cast empathically, rather than in written or spoken word, which takes less time but more mental energy. Her spells range in effort, from simple cantrips like lighting a small fire, to illusionary rune spells. Larger spells take more out of her, and her physical and mental energy is compromised, leading to muscle weakness, headaches, nosebleeds and blackouts.
Katja's magic is controlled empathically - the stronger her emotions are, the more powerful her magic can be. This can be problematic as untethered and overwhelming emotions can cause destruction and so control is important.
She is able to control the emotions of another by means of touch - and in reverse to this can sense another's emotions. This extends to removing the mental aspect of pain. Again, touch makes this easier, but she can manage without if she concentrates hard enough.
Katja is a spell casting apprentice for a dark mage named Evander, whom she is magically bound to. Over time she has learned to cast empathically, rather than in written or spoken word, which takes less time but more mental energy. Her spells range in effort, from simple cantrips like lighting a small fire, to illusionary rune spells. Larger spells take more out of her, and her physical and mental energy is compromised, leading to muscle weakness, headaches, nosebleeds and blackouts.
<What is your character's personality like?>
Biography & Lore
Katja was born into a lowborn family the glacial city of Neus. Conditions were harsh and Katja learned key survival skills at a young age. Her mother was taken by an apparent fever when Katja was still an infant, and her father Fabius raised her and her younger sister alone.
Weeks before her twentieth year, Katja was overcome with a similar fever to that which her mother had succumbed, and her father in fear of losing his eldest daughter, sought out every healer in the city to resolve it. None could, but in his desperation he was told of a mage who could heal any ailment. And so he took her there, arriving when she was surely moments from death.
"Please.. I'll do anything.." her father had begged of the mage. "Name your price and you shall have it."
"Her." the mage told the desperate man darkly. "Her life, for her life."
Fabius didn't have much time to think, and the mage was not willing to negotiate. Her father's heart broke as he agreed to the deal, and as a parting gift and gesture of 'good will' - the mage erased all memory of Katja from her family's minds to cement his claim on her. The mage had known that the fever was no mundane sickness, but one caused by the untapped magic that ran in Katja's veins. The healing ritual marked her with swirling, vine-like, silvery scars that tendril over her pale skin.
Katja was to be the mage's apprentice, his assistant, his lover if she agreed to it. But Evander wasn't an easy man to live with, and Katja grew cold, a prisoner unable to forgive for everything that had been taken from her. She did as he asked her, and learned what he taught her, in the hopes that one day she would be strong enough to sever her bonds to him, and free her family's minds so that she might return home.
Weeks before her twentieth year, Katja was overcome with a similar fever to that which her mother had succumbed, and her father in fear of losing his eldest daughter, sought out every healer in the city to resolve it. None could, but in his desperation he was told of a mage who could heal any ailment. And so he took her there, arriving when she was surely moments from death.
"Please.. I'll do anything.." her father had begged of the mage. "Name your price and you shall have it."
"Her." the mage told the desperate man darkly. "Her life, for her life."
Fabius didn't have much time to think, and the mage was not willing to negotiate. Her father's heart broke as he agreed to the deal, and as a parting gift and gesture of 'good will' - the mage erased all memory of Katja from her family's minds to cement his claim on her. The mage had known that the fever was no mundane sickness, but one caused by the untapped magic that ran in Katja's veins. The healing ritual marked her with swirling, vine-like, silvery scars that tendril over her pale skin.
Katja was to be the mage's apprentice, his assistant, his lover if she agreed to it. But Evander wasn't an easy man to live with, and Katja grew cold, a prisoner unable to forgive for everything that had been taken from her. She did as he asked her, and learned what he taught her, in the hopes that one day she would be strong enough to sever her bonds to him, and free her family's minds so that she might return home.