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“Is that all?..” the blonde murmured sarcastically and glared moodily in response to the handsome smile. She could see why it might have been distracting to the sort of idiot girls who swooned over such things, but Katja was as cold as the land she was born to and so her expression remained ever bored in the face of his amusement.
She followed his direction toward the gangplank and hesitated for a moment before stepping onto it, ensuring he was following. She wasn’t used to so many people, nor did she intend on getting lost in this place.
“What the fuck has he sold me into..” she growled quietly to herself as she made it onto the docks and already at risk of being swept up in the riptide of sailors, pirates and merchants and so she reached to grab hold of Silas’ arm with a firm grip.
She followed his direction toward the gangplank and hesitated for a moment before stepping onto it, ensuring he was following. She wasn’t used to so many people, nor did she intend on getting lost in this place.
“What the fuck has he sold me into..” she growled quietly to herself as she made it onto the docks and already at risk of being swept up in the riptide of sailors, pirates and merchants and so she reached to grab hold of Silas’ arm with a firm grip.