Hello all :)


Hello! My name's Uschi.

Where to start...

I've been roleplaying for about a decade now.

I generally I like playing rare or unique creatures, generally something with both a human and animal form. I like the fantasy setting but will post in Sci-fi if I can think of a character that engages me and fits into the setting. I like adventure and slice-of-life stuff, mostly. I've been thinking this board could do with a selkie character, so I might write one like that and introduce it to some mermaids or something (my characters tend to be round and cuddly so a girl who can transform into a seal is right up my alley). I've previously played druid characters, big cats, werewolves and beastmasters. I like being the odd one out, but I also love making characters who love making friends. I like making friends too, so I look forward to meeting you sometime in the future :) .
Thanks Haze. I really appreciate the encouragement! Sometimes I think my ideas are too weird even for online RP forums, lol.
Welcome Uschi :)

I think you'll find a good place here to write :D
And I love your profile pic! :3
hello id love a private tales sortta rp if you would have me. ive been private writing fantasy stories on pen and paper and comics since i was 12 but have only been online roleplaying since 2019. i created a species and their sub species called lionmen but their are two other sub speicies that all claim supremacy so there's a political aspect in the cultures. a good rp for me would be exploring a lost culture that not many have seen. the purebloods are a great setting for this as they have a lost culture that ive not been able to flesh out properly and would love to rp with an experienced writer please message me for rp details and i have other characters such as a lonely shape shifter who just wants a simple life and friends. and a telepathic cat that likes milk and mice and will speak to you in a fancy voice in your head to get mice or milk or just to talk to you since hes a cat but also kinda a guy. his name is blain the cat
Thanks :D. I decided I should use the Torie image for my subaccount belonging to my character, Torie.

King dac'are - sounds interesting. I'll be in touch!