Shinera is a medium-sized young woman. Her hair is blond and her skin is fair and unblemished. Although she wears travel clothes, upon closer inspection, one notices that the material is of good quality and very clean. Also, her skin and appearance do not show that she has lived her life traveling, rather as if she were just passing through.
Skills and Abilities
Shinera can read and write and she do understand some languages. She has knowledge in magic, healing, natural science, biology and botany. And she is also able to use magic.
->Healing: Her healing skills are mostly non-magic and are based more on curing disease, rhater than on injuries.
->Physiomancy: It enables her to actively intervene in her own body system and to boost physical abilities like strength, endurance or vigilance, it also can improve senses or reaction speed.
->Dendromancy: She is able to influence plants. She can command them to move in a certain degree for example. She can also extract parts of it with her whole hand through magic. She can also detect compositions of plants, at least as long as it is a well known ingredient for her. Also she is able to infuse ingredients with magic for higher effectiveness but not for new effects.
->Healing: Her healing skills are mostly non-magic and are based more on curing disease, rhater than on injuries.
->Physiomancy: It enables her to actively intervene in her own body system and to boost physical abilities like strength, endurance or vigilance, it also can improve senses or reaction speed.
->Dendromancy: She is able to influence plants. She can command them to move in a certain degree for example. She can also extract parts of it with her whole hand through magic. She can also detect compositions of plants, at least as long as it is a well known ingredient for her. Also she is able to infuse ingredients with magic for higher effectiveness but not for new effects.
Shinera has gained the physiomantic ability of her people through her bloodline. It enables her to actively intervene in her own body system and to boost physical abilities like strength, endurance or vigilance, it also can improve senses or reaction speed. The different focuses are called 'channel' by her people. The channel of perception divides into subchannels called ‘flows’. They can be activated by will or have passive impact on the body.
She is not trained in every area, but capable of activating them. The channels can't be activated permanently, because they can quickly lead to exhaustion. On a basic level, the physiomancy doesn't require any use of magic, for it is a biological skill, that allows you to consciously influence your body system. But using it causes a backlash. Boosting your strength will lead to the same amount of weakness for the same duration afterwards. Physiomancers also need a good nutrition plan to cover the resources needed for their physical abilities if they do not want to suffer from nutrient deficiencies.
Wizards and sorcerers can also infuse the channels with magic, what similarly enhances the abilities but goes beyond what would be possible on a purely biological level.
She is not trained in every area, but capable of activating them. The channels can't be activated permanently, because they can quickly lead to exhaustion. On a basic level, the physiomancy doesn't require any use of magic, for it is a biological skill, that allows you to consciously influence your body system. But using it causes a backlash. Boosting your strength will lead to the same amount of weakness for the same duration afterwards. Physiomancers also need a good nutrition plan to cover the resources needed for their physical abilities if they do not want to suffer from nutrient deficiencies.
Wizards and sorcerers can also infuse the channels with magic, what similarly enhances the abilities but goes beyond what would be possible on a purely biological level.
Channel of Regeneration (flawed):
* Passive: This channel is flawed and don't work correctly. It does have a passive, negative impact on her. Normally it enables higher immunity to pathogens and toxins, as well as faster recovery from diseases, wounds, states of exhaustion and deficiency. It does the opposite for her.
* Active: She is still able to activate this channel. Actively used, immunity and regeneration can be extremely accelerated, so that deadly toxins can be neutralized or wounds can heal in fast motion. However, because her channel of regeneration is flawed, it does cost a lot more proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, than it would. The backlash also leads to higher susceptibility to disease and toxins, as well as sluggish or even stagnant regeneration. She could do more worse than good activating this channel, therefore she would only use it to neutralize lethal toxins or to stop fatal wounds from bleeding.
* Magic: Shinera can infuse this channel. She trained it to heal her defect, but she wasn't able to do so. At least she mastered to dampen the negative effects this way. Also she is able to heal wounds or neutralize toxins real quick. The use of magic of course requires mana additionally and the regeneration will still deplete nutrients.
Channel of Strength:
* Passive: Not enabled.
* Active: Actively used, this channel increases physical strength beyond what the body would normally be capable of. The backlash leads to muscle weakness and increased vulnerability for the same intense and time. Shinera rarely needed this channel in her past life and she is not trained in it, but since her journey it comes into use more often.
Channel of Endurance:
* Passive: Shinera has a good metabolism and efficient use of energy. She is persistent, active, receptive and alert. She can pursue an activity for a very long time without getting tired or exhausted.
* Active: Used actively, this channel increases its passive effect and also allows the owner to stay awake beyond the natural waking phase without tiring. She has rarely used this channel for physical endurance. However, she has used it to be able to stay longer awake and receptive during her study time. It is also useful when traveling to cover longer distance at once. During the setback, the body takes back the missed rest. It is possible to fall asleep standing up or to go into a comatose state. She has to watch where it happens to her because she is completely defenseless in this phase.
Channel of Perception:
- Flow of Vision
- Flow of Haptic
- Flow of Scent & Taste
- Flow of Sound
(further explanations will follow)
* Passive: This channel is flawed and don't work correctly. It does have a passive, negative impact on her. Normally it enables higher immunity to pathogens and toxins, as well as faster recovery from diseases, wounds, states of exhaustion and deficiency. It does the opposite for her.
* Active: She is still able to activate this channel. Actively used, immunity and regeneration can be extremely accelerated, so that deadly toxins can be neutralized or wounds can heal in fast motion. However, because her channel of regeneration is flawed, it does cost a lot more proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, than it would. The backlash also leads to higher susceptibility to disease and toxins, as well as sluggish or even stagnant regeneration. She could do more worse than good activating this channel, therefore she would only use it to neutralize lethal toxins or to stop fatal wounds from bleeding.
* Magic: Shinera can infuse this channel. She trained it to heal her defect, but she wasn't able to do so. At least she mastered to dampen the negative effects this way. Also she is able to heal wounds or neutralize toxins real quick. The use of magic of course requires mana additionally and the regeneration will still deplete nutrients.
Channel of Strength:
* Passive: Not enabled.
* Active: Actively used, this channel increases physical strength beyond what the body would normally be capable of. The backlash leads to muscle weakness and increased vulnerability for the same intense and time. Shinera rarely needed this channel in her past life and she is not trained in it, but since her journey it comes into use more often.
Channel of Endurance:
* Passive: Shinera has a good metabolism and efficient use of energy. She is persistent, active, receptive and alert. She can pursue an activity for a very long time without getting tired or exhausted.
* Active: Used actively, this channel increases its passive effect and also allows the owner to stay awake beyond the natural waking phase without tiring. She has rarely used this channel for physical endurance. However, she has used it to be able to stay longer awake and receptive during her study time. It is also useful when traveling to cover longer distance at once. During the setback, the body takes back the missed rest. It is possible to fall asleep standing up or to go into a comatose state. She has to watch where it happens to her because she is completely defenseless in this phase.
Channel of Perception:
- Flow of Vision
- Flow of Haptic
- Flow of Scent & Taste
- Flow of Sound
(further explanations will follow)
Shinera is a rather quiet person who speaks little, especially in larger groups, preferring to observe or withdraw. However, in smaller groups or towards people of interest, she can become quiet communicative.
Despite not necessarily showing off her origin nowadays, it seeps through her manner – the way she moves, the way her back is always straight, the way she speaks and chooses her words, the demand for certain comforts, for hygiene and cleanliness, her soft, unharmed skin. Inconspicuous little signs indicating that she may not always have been the herb witch or traveling druid, for what most people thought she were.
She is an inquisitive young woman with interests in magic, natural science, biology and especially botany. Due to her knowledge in those areas and due to her origin, she often thinks to be smarter than the people around her and she seldom feel the need to listen to their words. She is not like this to everyone, she is not genius or a great sorceress at all, but most of the people she meets while traveling just don’t match her former status or education.
At heart, she is actually a kind and caring person and protective of those who are wronged. An attitude, her parents once wanted to eliminate, but that was something she was too stubborn and questioning for, like she is still nowadays.
Shinera became somewhat bitterly on how her life turned.
Despite not necessarily showing off her origin nowadays, it seeps through her manner – the way she moves, the way her back is always straight, the way she speaks and chooses her words, the demand for certain comforts, for hygiene and cleanliness, her soft, unharmed skin. Inconspicuous little signs indicating that she may not always have been the herb witch or traveling druid, for what most people thought she were.
She is an inquisitive young woman with interests in magic, natural science, biology and especially botany. Due to her knowledge in those areas and due to her origin, she often thinks to be smarter than the people around her and she seldom feel the need to listen to their words. She is not like this to everyone, she is not genius or a great sorceress at all, but most of the people she meets while traveling just don’t match her former status or education.
At heart, she is actually a kind and caring person and protective of those who are wronged. An attitude, her parents once wanted to eliminate, but that was something she was too stubborn and questioning for, like she is still nowadays.
Shinera became somewhat bitterly on how her life turned.
Biography & Lore

Shinera is a product of breeding, not uncommon for the nobles of her city, who are trying to strengthen their physiomantic ability this way. It’s unique to these people and only passed by bloodline. Combining two people with the same kind of physiomantic capability leads to higher result in the talents of the child. This was the aim of Shinera’s procreation.

Since the nobles of her city are limited in their choice of marriage partners with matching physiomancy, and do not flinch from incest in an effort to improve their skills to have the superior sorceress and fighter, such dysfunctions are not uncommon among them. But they are well kept secret from the public, for they are decreasing the image of ones house.
From the day of Shineras birth, her future path in life was already set. She had to learn her peoples physiomancy and everything related to it, that could influence or improve the output, like aura magic and herbology. For the diseases that could arise from the (ab)use of those skills, she also was taught in medicine and healing. All this had the goal that she herself would become a professor within the ranks of the noble and teach other students, especially since her weak heart wasn’t made for becoming a fighter in any way.
Over the years, she became privy to secrets with which she could not reconcile her conscience. She learned, how the ordinary citizens of her people, who were naturally also able to use the physiomancy on a basic level, were secretly suppressed, so they wouldn’t become too strong and a danger to the nobles.
At her young age and still in the process of her studies, she wanted to tell them the truth. Maybe she was stubborn as usual, maybe naive or even brave, but she threatened the noble houses, that she would tell the truth and make the knowledge accessible to all people, she even wanted to judicially convict them. But of course, the court was on their side and Shinera failed on all levels. At the end she was banned from the high society and they made sure that even ordinary citizens no longer took her seriously and believed her words.
Shinera had to recover physically and mentally from this setback. But after she did, neither welcome by the nobles nor the citizens, she took her belongings and left her home.
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