So concerning, in fact, that he felt it prudent to toss
Amore into a snowbank outside. She cooled down quickly after that and left a rather melted snowbank behind.
Shenanigans aside, time passed with a presence as fleeting as the old man's had seemed to be for them. To Amore it felt as though they had only just arrived to his hallow grounds, and now their time here was over. Grateful as she was for every minute spent there, she could not help but feel that they were meant to push onward. They'd stayed just long enough.
After Toji's spirit lifted, released, into the skies with the smoke and flames of his pyre, they gathered their remaining supplies and closed up the temple grounds. Before long, they were making their way down into the village where they arranged to speak with the village elder and tell him the news.
Before she knew it they were once more on the road. Amore lost track of the time and the number of small
villages and
towns they'd passed through. Eventually they caught a ride on a trader's wagon into the city of Kozai.
They'd made some money along the way picking up odd jobs and entertaining in town squares. Amore had learned to play the samisen with Toji and taken the instrument with her. While she knew very few songs of this land, she could sing songs of her own, in her own Cortosi language. The mixture was enough to draw curiosity and a bit of coin. Though not everyone appreciated her foreign tongue. Sometimes she remained silent when she played.
"Do you believe there to be some of your family in Kozai?" she asked as the wagon passed through crowds of walking people over a bridge that crossed a river into the city,
"Do you think they will recognize you?"