Amorea Delarosa
(Feel free to elaborate on your character’s appearance here.)Skills and Abilities
(Everyone in is good at something. What are your character's major skills? Are they capable of manipulating Magic? What Traits does your character have? Are they held back in any way due to their origin? This may include racial traits and flaws.)Personality
Quiet, on the whole, Amorea is a soft-spoken woman who carries many more weapons than just those visible on her figure. Her love for life and adventure is matched only by her unwitting faith to her God and the Church. While one of the first to assist those in need with a gentle touch and a kind heart, she will also be one of the first to loyal answer the call of her superiors to burn heretics alive. The moral compass Amorea employs is entirely questionable insofar as an outsider of an opposing view or faith might question it.Biography & Lore
There is little known about the origins of Amorea, and less known about her life preceding her debut into Cortosi proper as a Priestess of the Solar Choir. To those privileged few holding such secluded knowledge, it is known she was secretively and silently procured from a Cortosi family at an age young enough to belay any thought of who she might have grown into. Her presence in the public proper being minimal but impactful, she earned the nickname Lady Delarosa (Lady of the Rose) after her vibrant red hair, undeniable beauty, and subtle deadly nature.Amorea knows nothing more than the Church and the people within it who raised her, educated her, trained her, and swayed her mind to their whims. There she grew up in a life of strict rule, hard lessons, strong faith, and ironclad loyalty. She was taught to read and write, to pray, to believe, to fight, to kill, to heal, and to wield the power and might of the Sun God in her own hands. She directly serves her superior and mentor, the High Priest known only to the public as Luson, who in turn serves only the church. Not even the King's words hold sway over the Choir.
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