Private Tales Duals with Demons

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Nathaira felt something new now. There was a heaviness in her chest, and a great pressure behind her eyes. Her throat felt like it was going to close up, and she took a few deep breaths through her mouth.

The girl had been trying to help them. Attacking Norris to protect herself was understandable, but Rumer had lashed out to protect all of them. No one had ever tried to “save” Nathaira before. She didn’t know how to respond, and she didn’t know what to think. She could not decide if she was proud of Rumer, angry with her, or deeply saddened. It was like she felt all of them at once.

You dear, sweet child. They will never stop hurting us.

She kept her hands raised as Rumer embraced her. What was happening? She recalled the night by the fire, they had slept close to one another for warmth. Of course then they had also been surrounded by several orc corpses. It was a rapid change in the child, from cold distance to warm closeness.

Slowly, she lowered her arms around Rumer, and allowed herself to relax. It felt… nice, and she held the girl close to her chest.

"I'll be strong... I... I don't want to kill you."

She hadn’t expected to hear that. She had many questions, but she decided that now was not the time to ask them. Her tongue flickered gently over Rumer’s head. She smelled like sweat, blood, and tears, but there was sweetness in there.

”I know you will be. You will be sstronger than any of uss.”

She pulled back just so that she could see Rumer’s face when she next spoke. They would be difficult things for her to hear, but they needed to be said. ”It iss likely that I will need to hurt you again. Our livess are painful. It will be expected, and you musst become used to it. You must harden. The massters will know if you don’t.” Why did her chest feel tighter? Why were her eyes burning her? She blinked and swallowed. Hesitation. No, she had made her choice, and she would see this path through. ”But… I will not enjoy it. I will not care for you any lesss… doess… does this make ssense?” The rune tingled dangerously. She had not crossed any lines this time, but she was tiptoeing on the edge.

She needed something more, something to prove her intentions. She had seen the blank eyes staring at her this morning, and she did not ever want to know that emptiness again. ”I will make you a promise, Rumer.” She clasped the girl’s hand in both of hers. “Unless I am ordered to do so, I will never use my venom on you again. That was… unnecessary.” She stopped just short of apologizing, for to do so would bring into question far more of her worldview than she wished to deal with right now.
  • Cry
  • Sip
Reactions: Kasimir and Rumer
Nathaira's comfort and words seemed to unlock another dam of tears and they flowed freely onto Rumer's cheeks and dripped from her chin. It was her tears that kept her soul alive in a furnace of pain. They couldn't extinguish what had been, only carry her forward until a time came when that searing pain was distant enough for her to forget more than remember, and maybe one day erase the memories from her mind. So perhaps it was an oddity to be proud to cry, but if that was what saved her from becoming a monster, a person indifferent to suffering and sorrow, then crying was the best thing she could do..

The thought of killing Nathaira terrified her, and she couldn't get Norris' voice out of her head, it'd been like he'd had it implanted there along with her rune. Now, she wouldn't be able to refuse...She had no choice but to do what she was told. She listened to the woman's words and sniffled, but she nodded slowly at her in understanding and felt comforted by the assurance that it didn't mean she didn't care about her. She understood that now more than ever.

"Y-yes.." she answered with another quiet sob, and quieted to hear the woman's promise whilst squeezing at her hands. Ru nodded quickly "Y-yes, thank y-ou.." she looked down, her body shuddering with the memory of how badly the venom hurt, she could deal with beatings and hooks and burns, but not that..

The child lifted her glistening gaze back to the woman and forced a smile through the last few tears..She was about to apologise when she heard Aila's words in her mind and she stopped herself, but she turned to settle against the woman for comfort. She wouldn't forget the punishment, she wasn't supposed to, but she believed that Nathaira hadn't enjoyed it or wanted to do it, and she knew she could forgive her for it.
Kasimir busied himself with his sketches whilst the two had their talk. He wasn't good at having emotional conversations himself, preferred to say as little as possible in fact, but he understood that the two of them had a deeper bond and that it was being strained with the lack of conversation. He tried to give them as much privacy as was possible and even slinked away a little further back to where he had his hidden trunk of treasures so that he wouldn't overhear anything. He hoped that the two of them would patch it up. He had begun to really enjoy both of their company and that would be... different if they were not talking to one another. If he wanted to hang out with someone who was sullen and silent he would go find Aila.

After a while he set his completed sketch to the side and put it back in the trunk with care and then stood up with a stretch. It seemed the pair of them were coming to a natural close with their discussions and the atmosphere seemed a little lighter now. He couldn't taste the tension. So he picked up his long wooden staff and twirled it in his hand before making his way over to the two of them.

"Now, we can train," he threw a sword to Rumer. "This is your sword," he had picked it out himself for her. It was light, thin, easy to move with her slighter frame but still deadly.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Rumer and Nathaira
She could still feel the tension in her body, the adrenaline that made her nauseous and clouded her thoughts. It was better than it had been, though. Rumer seemed to accept her explanation, and Nathaira felt a great warmth at the girl’s closeness. It was more than the usual heat, and it came with a sort of lightness.

She felt happy. Not the forced happiness of a well-executed kill or a wild distraction, that felt more like putting a drape over the horrors of her life. This was more like opening a doorway to a new room entirely. It was a very small room, and she would not be able to stay for long, but it was nice to have discovered it.

She wiped Rumer’s tears with her thumb. ”Alright, enough of that,” she said not unkindly, ”Let me see your drawing.” She admired the girl’s work (it was much better than her own) until Kasimir returned.

She stood as he tossed Rumer her sword, and her eyes flashed with glee. Finally they were getting back to familiar territory. She leaned against the nearby tree and got ready to watch the battle, but her eyes lingered on Kasimir’s bare skin a bit too long for subtlety.
  • Bless
  • Sip
Reactions: Rumer and Kasimir
Rumer managed a smile as the tears were wiped from her cheeks and she looked up at Kasimir as he threw the sword down to her. She beamed as she picked it up. For a child who dreaded hurting anyone she'd looked forward to being taught something new, she'd watched people practise with swords and she thought perhaps she could be that good one day.

She stood and turned it in her hand, it wasn't too heavy for her and she pointed it down at the ground and swished carefully.

Rumer followed Kasimir to the training ground, looking back several times to make sure Nathaira was following. She'd managed to cry out most of her fear and bury the rest away, she was more relaxed despite still feeling weak, and she wanted to try..

She stood in the middle of the little arena with the sword at her side and looked to Kasimir expectantly. She didn't have to use any magic here, she just had to listen, and learn. She only hoped it wouldn't hurt like her usual training did..
  • Sip
Reactions: Kasimir
Kasimir didn't take them back to the arena they had first met them in but with a sweep of his hands created a shadowy arena instead. It would be less pressure for Rumer at least to train in the comforts of the forest and away from prying eyes. Forsaken were known to kill their own when they saw a threat. Or someone who might get them killed on the field. Either of which Rumer could very well be. He led her into the shallow river. It barely came up to his ankles and was cool over his feet but there was a gentle tug that would make a person have to think more carefully about where exactly they placed their feet.

For a moment he watched her as she followed after him. As she held the sword. There were a million things wrong of course but she would learn with time.

"First we start with how you hold your sword," he moved the staff with a sudden quick flurry into it rested in his hands like it were a sword. He waited for her to copy and then nodded when he was content before then arranging her feet into a sturdier stance.

"We will start with the basics, I want you to watch and then copy," his tail flicked as he again waited for her nod then he moved through the set of eight basic sword movements slowly then a little faster. He had her run through them to then when he was content he nodded. "Now, you use them on me Little Mouse. Attack me."
  • Wonder
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Nathaira and Rumer
The shadowy arena was eerie... or it would have been to most people. Forsaken spent most of their lives in the shadows (though none more intimately than Kasimir) and so it was actually a small comfort to be able to weave in and out of darkness again. She took in as much as she could of the details, each one a clue to their creator's mind. What had he chosen to build? Which layout suited his purposes, what little details had he added?

She watched Rumer train, and she felt a touch of apprehension. It was a lesson, but it would also be a test of the lessons she had already given the girl. She hadn't taught her how to use a weapon yet, but she had taught her how to hurt people, how to deal with danger, and how to press forwards despite any petty doubts. At least... she hoped she had.

She had never liked swords, they felt too bulky for her work, but Kasimir made his staff move like the rippling river, and she couldn't help but appreciate the artistry of it all. Rumer's technique was... well, she was trying.

She could watch these two all day.
  • Wonder
  • Haha
Reactions: Kasimir and Rumer
Rumer trudged into the water after him, shuddering at the feeling of the cool water as it rushed over her boots at the ankle and flooded around her feet. She copied Kasimir as best she could and allowed him to rearrange her stance, though she still felt a little rigid.

She nodded at him and swiped at the air a few times, and tried to mimic the movements that he made, though she bit her lip with a nervousness as he told her to attack him. Surely, she couldn't hurt him, she had no idea what she was doing and he was a superior warrior. Still, it frightened her, and she looked to Nathaira for a short moment as though seeking reassurance before looking back at the tiefling and pulling in a breath of bravery.

She stepped forward quickly, a little clumsy on her feet clambered over the stones and splashed through the water, and she lunged a stab of her sword forward at his stomach.
Kasimir gave a small smile as she lunged. Admirable, to the point quite literally. Her form wasn't too bad either considering her exhaustion and he had only shown her a few moments ago. He waited until it would seem she might actually land the blow before he brought the staff up quickly. It hit the side of her sword sending it to the side and away from her intended target. Sharply it came up in a quick circle then smashed down on the blade from above sending it and her stumbling forward. Then he moved. It wasn't even with much effort from the look on his face but it was fast. He was soon behind her and then issued a series of taps across her back - neck, lower back, hamstrings and knees.

"These are all the places I could have just killed you if I aimed well enough," his voice was calm and soft. The staff came to rest once more upon the ground and he leaned on it like a walking stick.

"The stomach is the most obvious place but it is one of the worst - a stomach wound is easy to recover from and it is a long and slow death. You want to kill your target quick," painlessly, in Kasimir's case, if he could help it at least. He waited for her to righten herself then stepped closer, took her wrist in his hand and made her raised her blade so it pointed to his neck then his heart and several other major arteries.

"Try again," he let go of her hand and stepped back.
  • Wonder
  • Sip
Reactions: Nathaira and Rumer
"Again!" the memory flashed in her mind. She was 14, a stick of a girl, and struggling to hold up a heavy longsword. A man stood over her, his face obscured by time and fear. He, too, held a sword, and he was as tall as a tree.

She stood up on shaking knees, breathing heavily through gritted teeth. Everything hurt. Her knees were bleeding. Her wrists were bleeding. Her left eye was swollen shut. She hefted the sword up in front of her again and slashed. Her blow was parried, and she felt the sickening vibrations run up her arms as the pommel of a sword smashed into her face.

She fell back dazed, her sword clattering to her side as she gripped at her nose and tried to stop the gushing blood. A heavy foot stamped the wind out of her stomach and a blade was thrusted at her neck. "Pitiful. Get up. Again!"

She blinked herself back to reality. Kasimir was a very effective teacher, and he did not resort to cruelty... not right away. Rumer was actually doing quite well. This was nothing like how she had been trained... but she had started to see that maybe that was a good thing.
Rumer stumbled forward into the water on her knees and dropped her blade as his staff slammed down into it. She twisted to look up at him as he tapped away at the fatal spots he’d have cut and killed her with. She swallowed and pulled herself back to her feet. She didn’t particularly want to use a blade to kill people just as much as she didn’t want to use magic to do it. But she thought of the Orcs on the road, how she’d spent her energy and rendered herself useless and vulnerable. If she’d had been able to use a weapon as well, she’d be less so, and so she wanted to learn.

She held the sword again, correctly this time and allowed him to guide her wrist toward the appropriate targets. She gave a brief nod at his words and watched him step back, a brief glance shot toward Nathaira to make sure she was still there. She’d be determined, she’d try hard, she wanted them both to be proud. And so she ignored how weak she still felt, and the few grazes on her knees from where she’d stumbled, and continued on.

Rumer tried to move quickly, like he did. She stepped and tried the same move again, only faster and less clumsy, and aimed a jab upward at his throat.
Another smile twisted at his lips and he bent backwards and twisted at the hips so that her blade sailed smoothly past him. His staff came up again and tapped her on the elbow then under her armpit where another artery was. A hit there could be deadly.

"Better," his voice resonated with the praise. She was doing much better than he had initially thought. "And again."

Despite how Kasimir had been with the others on the training field when they had first arrived, with Rumer he was a lot slower and installed quite firmly in her the basics - or at least attempted to. He very much believed that it was important to go over these manoeuvres over and over again until they were second nature. No matter what battle he went into and how many fancy skills he picked up he found himself always relying on these eight moves at one point or other. So he would ensure she had them down to perfection.

As a result Kasimir drove her hard for the next hour until sweat coated his own chest and even he was panting a little. When it looked like she might drop did he finally call a halt to the training session with a small nod and then he reached out and ruffled her hair with a grin.

"We will give you claws yet, Little Mouse. You did well."
  • Cheer
  • Wonder
Reactions: Nathaira and Rumer
Nathaira watched the pair intently, and the hour went quick. Rumer was clumsy at first, of course, but she picked it up much easier than expected. What was more, she seemed to be enjoying it. Nathaira found herself idly spinning a dagger between her fingers, enjoying the feeling of steel in her hand as it danced about.

She gave Rumer a nod here and there when the girl looked over, but was careful to keep her face calm. Too much praise felt wrong, but light encouragement would do. She really was doing quite well, though, for having never held a sword before. Nathaira had, in the end, learned to use that sort of weapon well enough, but she always preferred the shorter blades. They were light and fast and did not get bogged down in tight quarters. Perhaps she would show Rumer their merits another time.

When it seemed that they were done she stepped into the river herself. The water was icy against her skin but she hid the discomfort. "Worn you out already, hass she?" she hissed at Kasimir with a flick of her tongue. In half a second her predatory eyes scanned him from head to toe and back. She looked to Rumer, and after a short pause simply said, "Well done." She gave a half smile.
  • Cheer
  • Devil
Reactions: Kasimir and Rumer
When she was done she was soaked and dirty from falling over in the water. She felt as exhausted as she looked, but she had had fun. Kasimir's praise and ruffle of her hair prompted a wide grin as she looked up at him. "Can we do it again tomorrow?" she asked eagerly as she wrung out the excess water from her shirt.

Nathaira's praise caused her cheeks to flush a little, proud that both of them had flattered her with praise and that she'd done well enough to have earned it. She chuckled at her question to Kasimir and gave the tiefling a mischievous look..
  • Cheer
Reactions: Kasimir
Kasimir gave a low chuckle at the excitement on the girls face; he remembered feeling the same after his first training session. It was the first time he had felt like he would be able to take back some control in a life that had been spiralling very much out of his hands. He hoped they would give her some reprieve too from the horrors of the rest of her life amongst the Forsaken.

"I do not see why not, as long as Nat agrees," his orange eyes slid then to the Naga as she began to walk towards them through the river herself. Her jest at his sweaty physique only made him raise a brow and give her an indignant look. He of course had the excuse he had already run an intense training session earlier but he was not tired in the least.

"I believe I could still put you on your back, Natharia," there was a dark promise in his words and the accompanying smile.
  • Scared
  • Devil
Reactions: Nathaira and Rumer
Nathaira closed her eyes, her weak smile not quite falling, but diminishing just a bit. "Perhapss," she said in answer to Rumer's question. "Let uss see how much you ache tomorrow." Another day of this should be permissible, but she was cautious to allow too much "free training" at once. The masters were always watching, and if they believed the girl to be enjoying herself too much they may decide to put a stop to it. Then again, as long as her swordplay improved they could hardly complain.

Kasimir's reply to her jest took her by surprise, and for a split second her face showed it. Her eyes opened wider as his words brought forth a flood of images into her mind, and the pale green of her face turned just a bit darker. Where had this forwardness come from, and what had this rogue done with quiet, introverted Kasimir?

She quickly recovered, eyes narrowing in devilish delight. "Oh, you tthhink sso?" her tongue slithered out from behind her teeth, and the smirk spread up her cheeks to touch her ears, giving just the barest glimpse of the innumerable teeth within.

She pulled both daggers from her waist, spinning them about her fingers. "Watch clossely, Rumer," she called to the girl, her voice more reptilian than ever.

"This won't lasst long."
  • Devil
Reactions: Kasimir and Rumer
Rumer looked between the two as they agreed to her further training should she feel up to it tomorrow. She did feel exhausted, and she was already beginning to ache. She hoped she'd be allowed to sleep tonight, she needed it.

Rumer grinned as Kasimir's challenge was accepted and she nodded quickly at Nathaira before flopping herself down against the tree and curling her knees in toward her to settle down and do as she was told, and watch..
  • Sip
Reactions: Nathaira
Kasimir's smile was molten sin as he got a rise out of her. Out here, he felt more comfortable with being himself a little more. There were no eyes of other Forsaken here only people he trusted. He had no idea how the runes worked exactly and whether the Masters could just 'tune in' as and when they wished but he chose to ignore that a little more in the forest. Nobody had come and got his little trunk of trinkets so he deemed himself somewhat safe here.

As Nat drew her blades he casually swung the staff to and from each hand, twirling it in circles that grew faster and faster until it was a blur so fast that the noise of it disturbing the air was audible. When he stopped the water he had drawn up into the small wind tunnel splashed across Nat's face. He set the staff down with a small smirk.

"If you wish for this to be over soon then I shall not hold back."
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  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Nathaira
It was a side of the half-tiefling that she had not seen before. He was bolder, confident, and... was that a smile? His tattoos rippled as he spun the staff and kicked up a haze of spray. The cold water hit her face, and she slowly wiped her eyes with the back of her wrist.

"If you wish for this to be over soon then I shall not hold back."

Oh. She liked this Kasimir. She dragged her feet through the shallow water, ripples playing at her ankles and blades held out low at her sides. "It's not about what I wish, dear." With each step her body moved more and more like the water around them. "I've jusst never met a man I couldn't finish quickly."

There was another splash of water, but this one flew out towards Rumer. Nathaira had bolted forth with such speed that she seemed to skip over the water. Three lightning slashes at Kasimir: low, middle, high. If they connected they would not cause more than a flesh wound, she wasn't trying to kill this new toy, after all, and she wasn't cruel enough to have applied any venom to her weapons.
  • Devil
Reactions: Kasimir
Kasimir's tail slashed across the water as he watched her stride towards him, his eyes flicking casually down her form. Assessing but also appreciating. Nat was still a few years younger than he was but her strikes were quicker than some of the Forsaken nearer to him in age. As he parried each one he showed quite clearly why he had been only one of three to survive his year group. His muscles bunched and rippled with each movement but his smile turned lazy as if he were battering away a fly and not a lethal assassin.

Once all three had been blocked Kasimir retaliated without a breath between his last parry and his first strike. His staff came down sharply to sweep at her behind the legs whilst at the same time he stepped towards her and pushed the top end of the staff down hard towards the crook of her neck and the tangle of nerves there.
  • Yay
Reactions: Nathaira

She felt vibrations shoot up her arms as each strike was parried. The metal bit the wood, but it was strong and would not splinter. Kasimir had speed of his own, and his staff came rushing back down at her legs.

She felt it hit, and it stung her thighs terribly, but she kicked off hard and folded her body backwards, letting the strength of his blow guide her through a backflip. His second swung grazed just over her face as she twisted, and the wind from it pulled a few cords of her hair along with it. She landed it a crouch and slashed both blades outwards at Kasimir's ankles.
  • Devil
Reactions: Kasimir
For a moment he appreciated the elegant move. He was bulkier and whilst he could move it was nowhere near with that much grace. Rumer probably noticed the way his face softened for a moment before she tried to take him out at the legs. Kasimir jumped as the blade came for his ankles, and landed when they had completed their curvature through the air. When he landed he kicked up the water again and this time pivoted sharply on his foot and shot a kick out towards the side of her head quickly followed by his staff which went for a sharp crack towards her ribs.

Of course, if he did hit it would not be enough to break anything, merely bruise. A part of him wanted her to have something to remember him by this evening.
  • Devil
Reactions: Nathaira
The knives met air, swishing through a full arc and bringing tiny streams of water in their wake. His reactions were incredible. Her arms outstretched, she readied herself to bring them slicing back in when he landed.

But Kasimir had a different plan and spun quickly. Nathaira managed to duck his kick by nearly dunking her head into the stream, but she was unable to avoid the staff. It hit her hard in the side and she spun over herself one full rotation before she pushed herself up and away from him standing ready once more.

She grimaced at her already bruising ribs, but her grin only grew more savage. A few notes of a hissing, rasping laugh escaped her. "Well done! You aren't all ssmoke and mirrorss, are you?" Her sibilance only grew as her jaw gaped wider and wider, her face becoming less human by the moment.

She moved for him again, zig zagging her approach as she did. When she was a few yards away she thew one of the blades at him, zeroed in on his head. Lethal if it hit, but she was certain he'd avoid it. He'd have to react to it though, and that was when she dove in to slice lower at his left side. Hopefully she'd be able to cut and run before he could strike back with that staff.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Kasimir
Kasimir actually laughed when she spoke. No, he was not all smoke and mirrors though that was what he preferred. He was a talented fighter like all Forsaken. Honed to be able to adapted to any environment and any advisory. That meant knowing how to fight without the use of his magic. The sunlight was dappled as it reached them through the canopy of the forest and it cast a mix of light and shadow over his red skin. He twirled the staff so it rested across his shoulder, one hand gripped either end and he made a motion to show he was waiting for her next move.

Boy was it a good move. The knife disturbed his confident position as he was forced to move out of its path - he wasn't using magic after all. It thudded into the tree uncomfortably close to Rumer and he half threw her an apologetic look which was what ultimately cost him the next move.

He only caught the light against her steel at the last moment giving him time to move out of the full force of his blow but it did slash across his side and draw blood. He skipped back a few paces and gave her a thin lipped frown.

"These better not be poisoned," he hummed.
  • Bless
Reactions: Nathaira
Nathaira spun away and skidded to a stop in the water, leaving shallow tracks in the smooth stone beneath the ripples. Her tongue flicked in and out, her shoulders rising and falling with her breathing.

The rush of combat, the streak of deep maroon against Kasimir’s light red skin, the taste of blood in the air. It was all so... exhilarating. She hadn’t fought like this in ages, and the pain in her side was like a familiar friend. Their recent targets had all gone down so quickly, there was no more sport in it.

”If they were poisoned, you’d know.” She said with a cheeky expression. Truth be told she was running a bit low on venom after last night. While the actual volume she had used on Rumer had been tiny, it took a great deal to produce the antiserum.

Her tactic had worked, but she was down a blade. No matter, she’d had worse odds, and she raised it up, waiting for retaliation.
  • Devil
Reactions: Kasimir