Thunder of Thanasis Death in Disguise

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Imogen Celreos

Thunder of Thanasis
Character Biography
The Eve of Ascendance

The grand hall of the Thirteenth House was a vision of decadence. Jewel-toned tapestries draped the walls, depicting the city’s rich history and the dragons that had once soared above its skyline. The chandeliers above sparkled like diamonds, casting a warm glimmer over the guests below. The air was thick with the scent of exotic perfumes, the sounds of laughter, and the delicate clink of fine glassware.

Tonight, the Thanasian elite had gathered for the annual Eve of Ascendance, a ball held each year in anticipation of the Rising, and a celebration like no other—the city’s most opulent event where the wealthy, powerful, and influential mingled under the guise of masks and elegant attire. It was a night to dance, to speak in riddles, to indulge in the pleasures that only the upper echelons of society could afford, and to place their bets on this year's hopefuls.

A sea of masked faces wandered the ballroom—some adorned in elegant feathers, gilded masks, and intricate designs, others in darker, more mysterious styles, their hidden identities adding an extra layer of suspense to the evening. Most were quite uncertain with whom they were truly speaking to, and that was what made it all the more exciting.

At the heart of the room, the floor sparkled with the fluid movements of dancers who wove their way around the grand pillars. A quartet played an enchanting tune, setting the rhythm for a night that promised to be full of secrets and carefully executed moves.

Imogen Celreos stood at the edge of the crowd, her emerald green and gold attire shimmering beneath the chandeliers’ soft glow. Her dress, a slender, backless creation, draped over her form with fluid grace, hugging her curves before cascading to the floor in a swirl of dark fabric. The emerald silk caught the light, sparkling ever-so-slightly and her mask, a work of art, was sculpted to resemble a dragon’s scales, delicate yet fierce. Appropriate.

Her eyes swept over the room, scanning the guests—each of them with their own secrets behind their masks. But her attention was momentarily pulled by a familiar voice.

Across the room, standing by the edge of the dance floor, was her brother, Ivan. His short, platinum blonde hair glinted under the lights as he leaned in toward a small group of giggling women, each fluttering their fans and eyeing him with unmistakable interest. He wore an impeccably tailored suit, his demeanor the perfect balance of charm and arrogance. He flashed them a brilliant smile, one that made the women blush and giggle all the more, hanging on his every word.

Imogen rolled her eyes, and picked up an ornate goblet of fine wine. She moved through the ballroom, chains of gold dripped down her back and arms, her dress flowing in a fluid, serpentine motion as she walked. Her posture was straight, confident, and poised—a predator among prey in a sea of masked faces. But beneath that mask, there was no hesitation. Tonight, the ball would be a game, and Imogen had come to play.
  • Yay
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Strange times ahead, Greydon had not expected to be here and present ay the behest of his cousin. Eira refused to grace the same halls as her brother, the new Lord Malennis, but how could he not take her up in spying on the Lord and watching him become a drunken idiot amongst his friends of similar circles?

Grey chuckled into his goblet of wine, turning away from the Lord spilling his cup over his fiancée. Surely their time here would be short, and he could begin to enjoy him.

Dressed in all black, he was sure to not stand out, but amongst nobility, not many seemed to fill out their attire quite like him. Even his mask did little to hide his features. It was smaller than he imagined it to be, but still fit comfortably.

"I could not help but see you are alone... and thought if you could possibly dance with me?"

Grey turned around and his smile dropped. Gorgeous. The type of beauty he would appreciate from afar, but now she peered up at him with the most doe eyed gaze, Greydon's interest waned.

"Not here to dance. In fact, I am taking my leave soon."
  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
"Magnificent work..." Baeron Sahar remarked, staring up at the grand chandelier hung high above them all.

Faye smiled, plucking a crystal flute from a passing server. "My father had done two thirds of it because he grew too ill. I finished it before he could pass, and it may just be the most precious thing to me. Of course, it is priceless, but offer I got for it was enough to set me up a workshop in the Palace District."

"In which you are well deserved to be given your, remarkable talents with glass and scales, Miss Valimir." Sahar smiled, turning to his companion and speaking some more on the design and colour choices.

Faye Valimir gave a low curtsy before taking her leave, looking around the now filled halls. Not only were those in attendance of great opulence, the decor, the drapes, the candles. Every detail used here was artisan made, a wealth like no other.

Although not of noble blood, the Valimirs were an old bloodline of artisans that mastered every trade they picked up. Faye's clientele was the nobles and wealthy, putting her in high demand some days, but she could not complain. Not when her coffers were being filled that she could finally live a life comfortably.
  • Yay
Reactions: Imogen Celreos

"What?" Talorgan asked back sharply.

"Do not undo your collar."

"But it's so tight and..."

"It is impolite."

His mother looked away from him and out of the window of the carriage.


"We do not ask much of you. Lyrrander does most of the family appearances. You can attempt to look civil for at least one night."

After making her point, she spoke with the air of someone tired of trying to make water flow up stream.

"Why couldn't Lyrrander officially come tonight?" Talorgan asked.

His father was looking out of the window, ignoring the conversation. Talorgan straightened his mask.

"You know he has important duties dear."

Talorgan's father finally turned his attention to the conversation.

"Just don't do anything to embarrass us boy. No stories of the wilds tonight."

Talorgan remained silent, but as soon as they were announced at the grand Hall he slipped into the crowd.
The sound of loud nose breathing often alerted people followed quickly by the large shadow that stood over them as they quickly moved out of the way of the large man known as Abel Stonesworn. There were already those who spotted their looks lingering a step longer than polite, but it was rare to see the old warrior at these events. Although a High Ascended, he was not known for his willingness to play political games. The only reason he had come here tonight was because of the request of a friend, and he was already hating it.

His clothes were strikingly simple compared to many around him, but the quality of the material of such clothing would have made many in the minor houses gasp in awe. The mask was a rather simple steel grey slab that covered the top half of his face, but what did it really matter?

He hated the Thanasian proclivity for masquerade balls. One might ask why, but it was bloody obvious. Abel was a 6'5 man who was nearly as wide as he was tall and enjoyed where copious amounts of jewelry. His small mask was not fooling anyone as to his identity. So he had to guess all night who people were, while they had a clear advantage over him.

"Ah, excuse me miss." He apologized as he nearly bumped into a dancing couple, but his quick dodge only resulted in him bumping into more people with his frame.
Eyes of jade green scanned the room, a practiced calm settling over Imogen as she moved through the crowd with practiced ease. It wasn’t difficult to read people when you’d spent a lifetime doing just that.

A soft smile played at Imogen's lips as she weaved her way through the gathering, brushing past conversations, offering a polite smile to those who caught her attention, their faces half concealed, though most were recognisable to her. Her gift of observation was sharper than any blade, and she used it with the ease of someone who had learned to survive through the art of reading the unspoken. It was essential in her line of work—though, of course, few knew what that work truly was. Her family's strange breed of dragon were quite the wonder.

As she passed a cluster of laughing nobles, she was suddenly bumped, the force enough to jar her slightly off course. The giant of a man—Abel Stonesworn—had not noticed her, too focused on navigating the crowd himself. Imogen stumbled only a little, her foot catching on the hem of her dress, but she quickly regained her balance, reaching out for the arm of Mikel Sahar, Lord of the Sahar House, who was passing nearby. She managed a graceful dip of her chin to him with a soft-spoken apology.

"Goodness, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice a perfect blend of charm and humility. The man's dark gaze narrowed, and he brushed off the arm of his pristine, white jacket, and moved on without a word. She glanced up at Abel with a quiet laugh and a faint blush, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "No harm done."

The sound of the dance announcement filtered through the room, a ripple of excitement spreading like a wave. As the call for hands began, Imogen’s attention sharpened once more. It was time to decide her next move. The evening had just begun, and in the world of masked intrigue, anything could happen.
The gorgeous young woman frowned up at him. "So soon?"

Grey's jaw set tight for a moment before loosening. "Unfortunately this is not the kind of function I stick around for. Idle chit chat, dancing, drinking..."

"That is most societal events..."

"Is that so?" Greydon smiled, but none of it was endearing. "Then it is a good thing I slip out in time."
"Your mask!" Delighted a guest, stopping to marvel at Faye. "And that dress! Artisan made..." And then her eyes widened, recognising that the glass beads on her dress, and the perfectly made mask out of glass meant that the woman would be Faye Valimir. "You have a talent! A great talent!"

Faye's mask did not hide her identity as other masks did, but there was nothing to hide behind when she was known for her beauty. Grey eyes seemed to brighten with the slightly frosted mask, "Oh you are too kind. Please, enjoy your evening, I was on my way to find myself a drink..."

With a smile and a practiced evasive maneuver, Faye lost herself in the crowd once more.
Talorgan was annoyed. That his father finally spoke, only to express concern that he would bring the family name into disrepute.

He was the third son. It was supposed to offer him freedoms. His father probably thought those freedoms extended to his personal time, but that his tendency to spend months in the wylds was different. He should have been helping the family businesses more directly.

He moved through the crowd looking for some friendly faces. Most of his friends were within the military these days.

Talorgan caught a glint of light. Seeing the glass mask on a familiar face, he cut a path around the crowd as they started to circle the dance floor.

"That," Talorgan told Faye Valimir "Is not a very effective mask."
  • Bless
Reactions: Faye Valimir
Turning her head to meet the unmistakable visage of Talorgan, she brightened at her new friend's presence. He looked much different to the man she had met first in the Wylds, and that now he had been scrubbed clean and forced into formal attire. "Good gods, I have never seen someone look quite the part of noble son and absolutely detest it."

Faye was grinning, taking up his arm just in time to avoid an admirer hoping for a dance. "I am an artist. A party such as this is opportunity to advertise my work, no?" And it had worked. From her mask to the delicate embellishments to her dress, to the works she had worked on being on display in this very room, and the fact many of those in attendance sang her praises.

"How long are you here for? Long enough to keep the other men from asking me to dance?" She smiled, suggesting he do such a thing for her. After all, what were friends for?