

Biographical information
The mountain peaks of The Spine mid 40's ( in human years mid 20s ) Routé
Physical description
Animaux female 6'3ft green covered in fur
Political information
Informant Buaic
Out-of-character information
alphabunny 2023


Whilst an Animaux, Imogens ancestors were snow leopards hence her appearance as such.

Skills and Abilities

Can hold her breath for an abnormally long duration, post probably has something to do with being a Stromcaller.
Wields a double edged sword.
Skilled with throwing stars.


Much of Imogens personality traits go hand in hand with the magic in her veins.
She is disciplined and resolute. Alongside can come across mysterious, stern. Imogen can also be very charismatic and and surprisingly chatty, she does have a rather feline temperment she tries hard to keep in check.
With Animaux being pack animals, Imogen is fiercely loyal and will fight tooth and nail for those she loves.

Biography & Lore

Imogens back story is something she does not often discuss and her reason for being on her own unclear but those who have come to know her are certain it is not by choice... they also know not to ask.
Leaving a cloudy past where it belongs Imogen traveled for weeks through the high mountains of the spine and along the coast until finding a kingdom she fell inlove with rather quickly. It was in Routé where she settled down and eventually became a member of the Ferox Feminarum.


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