Greydon Tomyris

Greydon Tomyris

Biographical information
Thanasis 25 Sarre
Physical description
Human Male 6'1 Built Black Dark Brown Dark Olive Complexion
Political information
Out-of-character information
doonaday June 2024

"Blood is thicker, and it courses through you no matter what. Don't you forget, boy."


A son of bitterness and neglect, Greydon was independent from a young age, and treated differently by his father's family for bonding with their sacred Moon Dragons, known for being picky of their human bondmates. At age fourteen, he was subjected to ridicule and violence from his cousins, but was thankfully alone in his cadetship that he could have reprieve from the cutthroat family he was born into.

At age seventeen, he disowned the Malennis' in favour to carry the line of his mother, a minor noble house of Tomyris.

Despite his revulsion to the Malennis', Greydon still remains close to other family that are bonded to Moon Dragons, especially the Gilded Guard, Sirene, and his Chosen Heir cousin, Eira, who's late Lord Father was the only father figure he really knew. Only true and accepted Malennis' are bonded with a Moon Dragon, and this bonded connection to the namesake pains him.

Carrying the genes for dark features, a famous appearance of the Great House, Greydon inherited his mother's temperament and smile.



Bonded during a lunar eclipse had almost resulted in Greydon's first touch of death. Cousins and other relatives of the House were competitive to win the acceptance of a Moon Dragon, and often blood and ferality would appeal to such creatures.

Greydon won over the rest when he learned to hide in the shadows, unknowingly in the nest of Drazhan's mate in the shadow of moonlight. But he did not move, did not disturb the resting drake, and soon was discovered by Draz. Grey showed he was unarmed, knelt to the god, and asked for shelter to survive the night.

Years have passed and the two have a close bond, but once again was close to death during the double eclipse that lasted three days. Drazhan recovered, but Grey still dreams of that night.

Biography & Lore

- Has a scar over his left eye, as a result for defending the Chosen Heir.
- Takes comfort in the darkness of night, but cannot sleep well after recent events.
- Learned about some constellations in the sky after a girl he was wooing told him about them.
- The minor house of Tomyris is one of the oldest bloodlines that have had various species of dragon bonded to ancestors over time.


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