He frowned as he searched his mind for an answer, listening to her words as he stroked at her jaw with a thumb, and he fought off the urge to laugh at the image that came forth of her as a housewife.. "Woah..lass. I ent here to make you a fuckin' housewife.."
now he laughed. He couldn't not.
"Your job comes first, I can accept that, I wouldn' expect anythin' else. It's what you do, an' this is what I do." he frowned and huffed quietly.. "Just let me stay." That was his answer, it was all he needed, for her not to give up on him and leave him or make him leave.
"I.." he paused with a groan, obviously trying to find the right words without sounding like an idiot, which is how he felt. "It's like I've just been spirallin' around in a storm an' I just need to, anchor myself, until it stops. My head is fucked an' you have this way of settlin' it. I ent sure if it's magic or if it's jus' you. You're the only way I can sleep."
Cassian looked up at her, curling a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I ent here to change a single thing about you, lass."